Chapter 3

Chapter 3


“Ky?” My second didn’t need an invitation. The Alpha that I trusted with my life cast me a sheepish smile that was telling. “I have been buried in more Omega in the past four weeks then I have ever seen in my entire life.” Ky proudly crowed.

“The queen used you as breeders.” I mused.

“No one complained.” Ky’s smile grew. I returned it shaking my head. Truthfully what Alpha would? They were a rare commodity.

“How was it. An Omega’s body?” My second chuckled a devilish little laugh that all men understood. “That good,” I said.

“There are not enough words in the entire world that would do justice.” He said looking more like the Cheshire Cat than my second.

“So, the sea queen used you for breeding her heated Omega’s. Slow way to build an army.” My mind pondered what that could mean in the long run.

“That may be a motive. But not the main objective.” My second’s features changed instantly.

“What is the main motive?”

“Manipulation,” Ky said as he grew irritable. “She gifted us each a pair-bond.” I inwardly recoiled with the implication. The pair-bond my parents had was incredibly powerful. I had seen firsthand it’s strength. “The queen plans on forcing us into defecting.” Ky did not hesitate to voice his concerns. “Explains the selection,” I said. The Sea Queen’s commander had picked my men with purpose. Confirming she had intel. “Pair-bonds?” I rubbed my chin.

“Yes, brother. We were isolated with our mates for days.” He said.

“Were you able to extract useful information?” I asked him.

“A little at times. But the rut was already consuming. Claiming a mate threw rational thought out the window.” He sounded slightly upset with the realization that he’d missed the opportunity to act as a soldier should.

“You spent a month fucking?”

“No, sir.” He tried to salvage the situation. “Commander Alexa was not lying when she said they have few men. There are no Alphas in their kingdom. And very few Beta men. Even they aren’t truly men.” “How’s that?”

“The queen orders them to be cut.”

“Castrated?” I cringed at the thought. “This is not the middle ages. Castration does not affect libido.” I mused out loud. “Control and power?” I asked. Ky shook his head.

“Total control,” Ky replied. I watched my commander closely. Noting that he almost seemed unsure. Taking a moment to collect himself before clearing his throat. “I spent many hours with Lady Neisa sir.” I didn’t understand why this information made my blood spike with as much jealousy as curiosity. I held on to my emotions.


“She’s a skilled and talented warrior.”

“Is that so.” I watched Ky closely. “Her second spent the past four weeks telling me a very different story.” Ky stiffened defensively.

“What did she tell you?” Ky asked as he waited for me to respond.

“That she is a below-average soldier with an insatiable need for men.” Ky bristled, visibly offended by my words.

“And you believe her?” He asked in disbelief.

“That she is below average soldier?” I asked as I leaned against my desk. “No, she fought me for the better part of an hour commander. And she did it well.” I smiled, remembering how incredibly sexy she’d looked doing it.

“And the rest?”

“How does that beautiful of a flower go unpicked?” I asked the man who’d spent a month with my intended.

“Because the queen keeps them isolated and poisoned. Neisa included.” Ky surprised me with his gallant effort to defend her.

“Neisa?” I asked. “Forgive me, sir. Lady Neisa.”

“You have a fondness for her?” Again, the jealousy blindsided me.

“Her sisters, no matter their station or rank, regard her highly.” He reasoned.

“Why?” I asked

“She cares about them. She loves them all.”

“And?” I prodded

“The queen is using her.”

“For what?”

“It’s more than obvious to me. But without debriefing the other bonded Alphas, I would hesitate to say for sure.” Ky voiced boldly voiced his assumption. Unfortunately, I agreed with him.

“Whatever it is not contained to just to the sea queen. Neisa’s second was very talkative.” Ky was visibly shocked by my news.

“She told you?” Ky asked. Complete shock stained his face.

“Estrous is an amazing phenomenon commander.” I mused out loud, smiling to my second.

“If you slept with her, how did she pass her physical examination?”

“I did not mate with that viper Ky.” I huffed in outrage. I held a great distaste for the Omega Sephra.

“I apologize. I don’t know how you resisted the instinct to mate with her.” Ky said as he defended himself.

“Her scent does not tempt me or affect me as Neisa does.” Nothing on this planet had ever enticed me like Neisa’s scent. By the look he gave me he understood.

“My Karina does the same thing to me,” Ky said. “If I’d mated with her first, I would’ve never touched another Omega.” This was worrisome news. The queen already held my men captive.

“As soon as the wedding banquet ends debrief all the bonded Alphas. If the sea queen means to take my soldiers, we need to be able to counter.”

“Yes, sir.” He said as he prepared to leave. “Ky.” I stopped him. “As my second, I have placed you at the table with Neisa and me.” Ky was the closest thing I had to a brother.

“Thank you for the honor.”

“The honor comes with a request. Meet me in the training square. I have spent 30 days waiting for this night. I need to get some control of myself," which I needed greatly. Ky laughed robustly. “We could spar for days. It’s not going to matter one damn bit the second you claim her.” He said, looking at me with sympathy.

“Anything else you suggest?” Ky cleared his throat, chuckling at me flustered state.

“Take matters into your own hands.”

“If I pull on my cock anymore Ky it may try to defect with you.” I’d been in a miserable state for 30 days. An aching, rock hard erection was the standard since the lovely Neisa had left her scent in my tent.

“Welcome to my hell," Ky said, trying to lighten the truth. The sea queen had gifted my men with misery. “Sir, Lady Neisa is pure and loyal to her sisters. Show her how an Omega is to truly be cared for. She has no idea what an amazing creature she is. Make her understand that this is a family she needs to be loyal to.”

I stood before strangers. My duty, my loyalty, and my genetics had backed me into a corner. Every Omega’s worst fear. My life had never been my own, not really. I’d been called to serve as a young girl. Having natural speed and athleticism, I’d excelled physically. Finding my calling as a warrior. I began training before I was 13. My queen had asked me to fight and protect. Which I had gladly done. But now I had been asked to pay a debt I questioned, and dreaded. Ordered to submit my body to an Alpha, and help usurp his throne. These were not my ambitions. Not the aspirations of a warrior. They were the demands of a tyrant queen. One who had planned to whore out her sister’s to manipulated pair bonds. Even going so far as to bait her poisoned hook with her very own blood. Thoughts that chilled me to think of.

“A sight I never thought I’d live to see again.” Emotions gripped the old Alpha cloaked in an ornate and vibrant colored robe. “A blessing for this old man.” He bowed his head, respectfully to the king. “And an honor.” The Alpha beside me swelled with pride at the old man’s words.

“One I hope to continue.” The Alpha king proclaimed. Casting hopeful eyes on me. If he only knew the truth. The old man looked at me with such joy. Inwardly I cringed, knowing I was a fraud, their doom. My heart was already conflicted.

“Neisa Racine, do you freely and willingly offer yourself to this Alpha. To bear his mark and bond?” the old man asked me. A room full of eyes watched as I effectively sealed my fate. I stood bravely in my place, ordering my freewill to die quietly in my chest. I was a warrior, and warriors die. With my head held high, I steadied to meet my end.

“Honor demands it. I freely and willingly offer myself to this Alpha.” My voice, thankfully, did not tremble with the fear I felt.

“Lathan Caldwell, King of the Silver Mountains, do you freely and willingly accept this Omega. Promising to protect and shield her by your mark and bond?” The ancient man asked.

“I freely, willingly, and honorably accept,” Lathan said. “Vowing to shield and protect my Omega with my bond and my mark.” The king annoyingly sounded proud of this farce.

“The King of the Silver Mountain’s has laid a verbal claim to this Omega. Let it be known she is to be his. Marked and bonded by oath and body.” The old man beamed, taking my hands in his, whispering a blessing on them before offering them to the Alpha at my side. My heart sank and soared with dread and excitement. One emotion I could explain, the other made no sense. Large, calloused hands engulfed mine, gently squeezing them as Lathan pulled them slowly to his lips. I watched captivated and horrified. Not completely understanding the fact that they were my hands. A surreal moment that rocked me, I tried to pull them away, but he only smiled at me — gripping them tighter as he kissed them. Amusement burned bright in the honey-brown eyes of the king.

“Sir, it is customary to kiss her on the lips.” The old Alpha whispered.

“I was working up the courage.” The smile grew, the crowd laughed as Lathan lowered his head to my lips. Using my hands as leverage to keep me from running. The loud cheering drowned out the thundering of my heart. I could not eat; the old man’s words continued to ring in my ears. My stomach was already filled with frantic butterflies.

“My lady?” A young Beta with long brown hair stood aside gesturing that I was to follow. Apparently, my time at the reception was over. Not a fan of crowds, I should have been glad. Unwanted eyes, with unwanted questions, had been weighing heavy on me for far too long. But leaving here meant being alone with Lathan. Again, unwanted and confusing feelings flooded my blood. I was led up several flights of stairs. Each step was bringing the frightening reality of my life one step closer. Beyond those doors, dynamics and duty would doom me, forever. The king was blindly placing himself in harm’s way via my hands. The result, no matter my feelings or wishes, would yield the same shitty end. Pain, unhappiness, betrayal, and very likely, my death. My queen had ordered each possibility. The cost of one Omega to achieve her plan was a cheap price for her to pay. She sat on a goldmine of human currency. She had more than a 1oo omegas to play with. A good portion of my fellow sister’s already pregnant with children sired by the king’s own men. If daughters were born to these women, they were almost guaranteed to be Omega’s themselves. Each Alpha had been passed to at least ten different Omegas before they were offered one to pair bond with. She’d effectively doubled her numbers. Heartless and cold. This was the woman who had ordered my death. Not by sword, by pair bond. The Beta named Sadie ushered me into a large suite. Nodding and bidding me a good night. The panic really hit when she left me to pace the rooms. Every inch smelled of the Alpha king. A mixture of prime, assertive male perfumed every possible square foot of this room. An overwhelming and frightening need clenched me. My body started to ache with wanting, wanting something I’d never had. Reminding me, I was in danger. Minutes of dread passed slowly as I took in my new prison cell. Minutes spend mentally calculating every possible exit. Heavy footsteps on the tile stairs warned me of my end.


Nervousness was a feeling I rarely felt, especially around women. However, today I was. I had stood nervously, waiting for the beautiful Omega. Undoubtedly Neisa was suffering from the same feelings. I held an iron grip on my emotions. Outwardly displaying the stoic look of control. An illusion. The sight of my beautiful Omega entering the small church had rocked me hard. My heart sent to thunder wildly in my chest. Clenching my jaw, I had fought to keep my façade intact. Neisa, I’d fallen hard and fast for the queen’s traitor. Neisa, a unique name for a unique Omega. I’d grown up with eyes on me. It was not an uncommon sensation. Today, however, it felt like a burden. I just wanted to claim my Omega. Stake a visible claim on her beautiful neck, and forge the bond that would genuinely, and justly make her mine. It was hard to keep my eyes off her. Placating my guest was a game I’d tired of years ago. But Neisa was the first Omega to be brought into our city for years. And she was mine. By the hand of fate. I’d rightly won her life. The Omega didn’t touch her plate. She spent more time looking at the windows and doors. Eyeing my guest was suspicion. What could be going through her mind? Was she planning an escape? Did she honestly think she’d get away from me? The thought troubled me greatly. If I wanted to control her, I needed to claim her. That was the only way I’d keep her. She would learn her place by my side. The well wishes and gifts had been given. We’d spent more than a respectable amount of time at the reception. I summoned the Beta Sadie to attend to Neisa. My Omega had the nerve to glare at me from across the table. My mind dreaming of a thousand ways I’d curb her defiance. I smiled at the Omega, watching as she walked straight spine from the hall.

“She could have peeled your skin off with that look.” Ky teased as he walked up behind me. I laughed. “A month in a kingdom of Omega’s and you never received a look like that?” I asked jokingly.

“No offense Lathan. The Omega’s there actually wanted us, alive.”

“She’s Omega. She will learn respect.” I told him. Ky laughed at me.

“Again, you may have met your match,” Ky smirked at me.

“You doubt your king?” I teased him.

“I have taken bets, brother.”

“What are the odds?”

“Three to one, in Lady Neisa’s favor, of course.” I smiled at my second, noting how much I truly missed him.

“You will regret that.” I slapped Ky on the back, eager to make my escape. I had read every piece of Omega literature. Which, after the Fallout, had been reduced to a few books. Some of which were as old as my mother. I knew what awaited me in my suite. An Omega who wanted to be bonded and claimed. Warm and receptive. Lying in a nest she’d arrange with the finest fabrics I could procure for her. I forced myself to walk calmly up the stairs. The nervous uncertainty again accosted me. I was an Alpha well-practiced in the art of sex. Yet, I found myself nervously worried. I hesitated at the door, remembering Ky’s words. Show her what it truly means to be Omega. I wiped my sweaty palms against my pants and entered. Instantly disappointed, and angry to find Neisa fully dressed, and the bed completely untouched.



“You did not prepare our nest?” The giant raised a questioning brow. Looking at the untouched room as if he was offended to find, I had not touched his things. Bitching at me before he’d even closed the door.

“I’m not a nest builder. I’m a warrior.” I reminded him sourly.

“You are Omega, my Omega.” He told me in that disbelieving tone I didn’t understand. Whatever method he had used earlier to calm his frustrated mood had failed. “Build it now.” He ordered as he removed his decorative tunic, leaving a thin white shirt covering his broad chest.

“I don’t know what you want me to build?” I told him honestly. Shocked to see him casual throw his clothing off.

“You are Omega.” He reminded me again. “Instinct will compel you to do it.” The clueless giant proclaimed. The only compelling instinct I was feeling was survival.

“I have been raised in a military facility. We never discussed nest building.” I snapped at his ignorance. An inpatient growl rumbled through his chest. Broadcasting his agitation, sending pheromones that reeked of aggression into the room. Lathan tracked me like a target. Visually locked in, he advanced, and I retreated. I’d spent 26 minutes in this room before he came in. I had planned in great detail how to counter his attack.

“You want military instruction?” He asked. “Take off your dress, and kneel on the bed.” He gave the order as he continued to move closer to me. “You have ten seconds.” I immediately took to my protective stance. Trying to reason with the animal in front of me.

“This is your mother’s dress, and it has a thousand tiny buttons on it.” My attempt at reasoning with a one-track-minded dog went to shit when he roared like an outraged maniac and lunged towards me. I hurled the vase I was standing in front of, hitting him in the chest. Stunned and shocked Lathan was momentarily stopped. A moment I seized, jumping across the bed and into the bathroom. I clicked the lock a second before the beast was beating on it. The Alpha Tasmanian devil was outside the door. Beating and pounding on it with heavy hands.

“Omega open the door and submit, now.” The king ordered.

“Hell No, not until you calm down and listen to me,” I yelled back.

“Neisa!” The sound of him speaking my name thrilled me despite the warning.

“You think I want to be savagely raped because you’re too stupid to help me understand,” I asked him. “What kind of an asshole are you?”

“You are my Queen, and my mate. It is my right to mark you as such.” He thundered.

“You’re the idiot that picked option two.” I reminded him again of his mistake. “If you had taken option one, you’d have someone who’d know what to do,” I told him truthfully. Heavy breathing fell against the door as stressful minutes passed.

“I have never raped a woman in my life.” The Alpha said. “I would never intentionally hurt you.” He promised, ragged breathing on the other side of the door worried me. “I can smell your fear. Please come out.” He was nowhere near calm.

“Walk away from the door,” I ordered. A few strained minutes of silence had me wondering if I could scale the villa walls in a wedding dress. I could fit through the bathroom window, that I was sure of. The question passed as I heard muffled cursing, and heavy footsteps walk away from the door. Cautiously, I clicked the lock and peeked out. Seeing that he was, in fact, sitting on a large chaise lounge. Looking slightly less apocalyptic.

“Come.” He beckoned me forward, with a wave of his hand, and hunger honey eyes. “Sit with me.” I hadn’t agreed to that, so I decided on the chair across from him. My choice earned me a disappointed chuffing. I sat rigid, insanely confused by my situation, and my body’s malfunctioning. I’d never felt a physical pull towards anyone. Not like I was to him.

“You cut your hair,” I remarked, trying to keep his intense stare. The sides and back had been cut to the scalp. Leaving the top long, the length had been beautifully braided. The simplicity of it had only heightened his attractive features and made him look more formidable. My fingers tingled with an odd, and new desire to touch it. A feeling I did not understand. Nor like.

“It’s customary for bonded Alphas to cut their hair. Done to show a would-be challenger that we are more dangerous.” He told me. An action that seemed silly. Who would challenge him for me? “It is also a sign of respect, and to please our mates.” Wolfish eyes watched me uncomfortably close.

“To please your mate?” I asked, confused. “You did that to please me?” I didn’t want him to try to please me. His confession, leaving me worried and strangely content.

“I will go to great lengths to please you Neisa.” The wolf informed me.

“Why?” I asked, honestly curious. He chuckled at my puzzled expression.

“I care for and protect a kingdom of 60,000 men, women, and children. Of that number, 95% of them are Alpha and Beta. The children born to these couples are more than likely to be Beta or Alpha themselves.” He paused, predatorial eyes wanting to see my reaction. ” I will know pleasure and happiness by your hand and body most will die, never knowing. I would do terrible things to keep you safe, and content.” The husky, dark tone, coupled with his words, dusted my cheeks hot pink. Quickened my heart rate and fluttered through my body. Embarrassment and foreign desire raced through me. I dropped my eyes away from his. “Why do you blush?” He asked, amused at my state.

“Why don’t you?” I snapped back the question.

“Blush?” Lathan asked. “Why would I? I’m not ashamed of my desire for you. Not in the least. I’m not ashamed to tell you that you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Or that you make me ache for your body.” My blush deepened instantly turning me from pink to red.

“Do you talk like this to all your women?” I asked, defensively. As if this awkwardly sexual conversation was a daily occurrence for me.

“Women I have had in the past are irrelevant,” Lathan warned me. “But if it pleases you to know, then I will be honest, No. There again, I have never known the pleasure of an Omega’s body.” He continued to burn me with his eyes and his words. “What of the men before me?” His tone changed. The king’s honey eyes were watching me closely.

“What men before you?” I asked, honestly confused by the question. My eyes rising to meet his of their own will.

“Your second assured me you would give yourself to the men in your kingdom to spite me.” He narrowed his eyes on mine. Aggression and possessiveness joining desire. “How many did you know?” Lathan demanded. “Not that a hundred Beta man could pleasure you as I will.” His tone sounded appalled and controlling.

“Sephra told you I would give my purity to a Beta foot soldier to piss you off?” I asked, completely shocked.

“Did you Neisa?” He demanded.

“No,” I confessed repulsed. Offended that my virtue had been discussed let alone questioned. Not that it was anyone’s damn business. His hostility eased up a fraction, relaxing with some prehistoric notion of pride.

“That pleases me greatly.” He said.

“Why? Are you that much of a caveman?” My defensiveness of his questioning caused me to speak without thinking. “Who gives a shit who I may have or may not have slept with? I know you’re not as pure as the driven snow.” I snapped.

“Caveman?” The king chuckled. “Interesting comparison, but accurate,” Lathan said, only slightly insulted by my comment. “And for the record, I give a shit. An Omega is a precious treasure as it is. To have one that is preserved is an honor. One that excites my inner caveman.” He said, smiling at my flustered state. He leaned forward. “Come, there’s too much space between us.” I fidgeted restlessly in the chair. “I can smell you Neisa. Your scent is changing, your curious, excited.” He sounded annoyingly pleased by the fact.

“What about my fear, can you smell that too?” I asked hotly. Was it possible to burn a deeper shade of red?

“I am being as patient as I care to be. I will not be able to restrain myself forever.” He warned me. “Remove your dress and come to me, now.” Again, with his demands.

“I can’t,” I told him again. His words exciting and pissing me off.

“You will regret making me chase you.” He warned as he slid to the edge of his seat.

“Chase me?” He couldn’t be serious. I shook my head at the caveman before me. “That wasn’t a challenge, Alpha. I can’t undo all the buttons.” I flung a look over my shoulder. “It took one of your women twenty minutes to do all the buttons up the back of this dress.” I could not deny the effect of the intoxicating smell of Lathan’s arousal. I’d heard the mated Omega’s talking about this. Myths that had turned out to be true. My eyes took in his tall, large frame. Lathan rose up slowly, gracefully as he came to tower over me. Shadowing my petite form, holding out a hand to me. I took it, not as reluctantly as I should have.

“The Beta who attended you is not my woman. You are, now and forever. Don’t forget my words, Neisa.” Honey eyes turned fiery in an instant. Quickening the already rapid beating of my heart. “Turn around.” He ordered, grateful to be shielded from his eyes I moved. Shaky legged, I turned as his large hands grazed the nape of my neck. I gasped. I was utterly shocked by the electricity his touch created. “I’m going to kill the dressmaker,” Lathan promised after a minute. Grumbling as he continued opening small buttons that seem to travel forever down my spine. I was grateful for them right now. I was using the time to think. With the last button opened, I stepped forward.

“Thank you,” I said shyly and very nervous, as I tried to pull the heavy sleeves down my arms.

“No,” Lathan ordered, pulling me back to his chest, arms twice as long as mine reached out in front of me. Grabbing the cuffs, he tugged gently on the sleeves, sliding the fabric off my shoulder and down my arms. Gravity pulled the material to my feet. Effectively trapping me in heaps of pearled white fabric. Lathan leaned down, pressing his nose into my neck. The overpowering feeling of the intimacy of it made me sway. And I involuntarily turned away. Giving him access to the excited flesh of my neck. He breathed me in a second before his chest began to rumble with a thundering purr. Mesmerized I turned — eyes blown by waking feelings. I looked at his chest — the source of his purr.

“What are you doing?” I asked, completely amazed.

“Showing you how you please me.” The giant said. His eyes watching me closely.

“That is crazy,” I whispered my amazement. Lathan chuckled.

“Crazy?” He smiled at my state. How was he doing that? And why did I like it?

“You’re like a huge cat.” I mused out loud.

“This huge cat is yours and greatly desires your touch.” He took a half step back, removing his shirt. The purr never stopped. Hands moving on their own reached out. The gratifying moan that left the Alpha lips traveled through me — instantly pleasing me on a sexual level. I stilled, shocked by the contact and feel of his skin. “Does my purr please you Neisa?” Lathan asked me.

“I… Don’t understand it.” I partially denied my feelings. Even though I didn’t understand it, it did please me.

“Your body tells me you are pleased,” Lathan called me out, smiling down at me.

“Then why ask?” I didn’t like being called out. I asked, unable to resist looking into his eyes.

“I want you to tell me. I want to hear my efforts be praised by those beautiful lips.” Lathan said, tracing his thumb across them. I gasped from the sensation, instantly rubbing my lips together to savor the feeling. Lathan cradled my head, not allowing me to look away. Warm brown eyes burned with desire and need, shocking me with the raw, hot fire of hunger, scaring me with the reality of this moment. He intended to a lay claim on me. He intended to bind us. And if this brief connection was only a precursor to the actual effect of the bond, I was fucked. Fear altered my scent, causing the Alpha to react. Instinct kicked in, but it was too late. “You can’t run for me.” He warned a second before he grabbed me. Skilled lips assaulted mine. And he lifted me into his arms, placing me on the bed without breaking contact. My body burned and ached. A growl reverberated through Lathan, clenching my sex, releasing a rush of hot liquid.

“What did you do?” My breathless question was answered by a dark smile that curled his lips. As I tried to clench my legs closed to halt the flood that ran freely from between my legs.

“Awakening your Omega. You are responding to your mate. You will always heed my call.” He stated proudly.

“That seems unfair.” I breathlessly complained. I gasped when Lathan tore my shift, exposing my bare chest. I squirmed under the eyes of this Alpha. No man had ever seen me naked.

“Why?” He asked as he took me in.

“You should have to respond to my call too.” If I was burdened with instinct, he should be as well. He growled again. The slick ran freely, Lathan’s hands lowered to touch it. “What are you doing?” I asked panicked, struggling against my body and his hands. But he just applied more force, parting them. “Responding to your call mate.” He chuckled, as he lowered himself between my legs.

“No, wait!” I squirmed. Lathan’s mouth was inches from my sex. Hot breath consumed by the need to rut. The feral growl seized my muscles. Instinct bowed my body into submission. Lathan’s tongue on my newly exposed flesh stole my breath. I clenched sitting up. I was shocked and excited to see him between my legs. The growl was a mix of submission and desire. No matter, the response was the same. I reached for his head for support. Unable to ride the storm a sensation he unleashed in me. He continued licking me, devastating my senses. My body warned me of an approaching storm of sensation, one I knew nothing of. Fear of the unknown, and the reality of what it would lead to made me panic. I shimmied away. Lathan’s heads head snapped up, warning me too late of my mistake.

“Did I give you permission to move?” The sex-crazed Alpha demanded.

“Did I give you permission to try to kill me?” Lathan grabbed me despite my resistance. He pulled me to his chest and turned us. Leaning his back against the headboard. He snaked one of his long arms between my crooked and bent arms. With my arms pinned behind my back — legs, two times the length of mine, wrapped around mine and stretch them apart. “Are you pleased?” The Alpha at my back asked me. Nipping my ear as he asked me a stupid question.

“You have me naked and restrained. No, I am not pleased.” I told him. Yet my words lacked force.

“You are restrained because you dare to deny us, me. The taste of your first release.” His words passed through clenched teeth. “I have waited a lifetime, plus 30 days to have you.” His free hand returned to my exposed nub. Finding me eager to pick up where he’d left off. He flicked it several times before slipping one long finger into me. I sunk onto his hand, he stilled, shuddered and roared. “Don’t move.” The feral warning in his voice stilled me. “Your viper lied to me.” He said. “You’re pleasantly intact and incredibly tight.” He praised me. “Your little body will have to be trained to take me.” He reluctantly removed his finger to torture my clit again. Skilled fingers had me sprinting for a finish line that I desperately wanted to cross. While his warm lips on my ears sang of his approval, promising me a future filled with a thousand ways he’d please me. “Come on me Neisa. Let me feel you tighten on my fingers.” He commanded, placing two fingers back inside of me while his thumb rubbed me senseless. My body ruled by sensations, fell to do his bidding. And I had no control. No longer able to watch him manipulate my sex, I sank back against his chest as my back arched. I panted, needing more air. Head thrown back to breath; I was overcome with the intensity of my first orgasm. I’d left myself defenseless, and exposed. The deep-set, and firm bite that Lathan’s teeth clamped into my neck threw me off the cliff into a tortured release. My body had not even fallen back to earth before the sensation of a single nerve that sat high above my right breast started to radiate heat. An isolated nerve ending that pinged with a confused sensation of heat and light. Like a stray ember from a fire had landed hot and heavy there. Turning to sound and light, as it burned through my flesh to smoldering into my bones. I was a woman who rarely cried. The silent tears of confused bitterness that slid down my face burned. The feeling of completion, and hopelessness caressed, and clawed at the newly stalked claim. Lathan said nothing. Letting me cry. He held me against the steady purr as he licked my fresh wound clean.

“One day very soon, you will regret claiming me,” I promised him. The anger I felt greatly overpowering the annoying contentment. He paused for only a second before he pulled me tighter to his chest.

“The only regret I have is that I cannot properly rut you.” He seemed unruffled by my threat. “Your purity is a painfully double-edged sword. A situation estrous will help rectify.” He said.

“If you think that iron pole that has been bruising my spine for the past 30 minutes is going to fit in me, you really are stupid.” I snapped, trying to move out of his embrace. But strong arms stopped me. The dog having had the nerve to smile.

“You meant that to be insulting, yet it wasn’t.” He sounded pleased.

“Like I said, you’re stupid.” His big hand threaded into my messed-up hair, effectively forcing me to meet his eyes. The smile grew, Showing me beautiful bright white teeth. The same he just used to claim me. The fresh memory caused me to clench. Releasing his hold, I moved away. My eyes widened in shock, and fear when he reached for the button of his pants. “What are you doing?” I demanded as I pushed further away from him. “Oh no, no way.” I almost managed to get off the bed before his naked body caught me.

“Don’t worry Neisa.” The dog king said as he used his massive size, and strength to restrain me. “When you’re heat blesses us you will take every inch of me, and beg me for more.” He promised. I thrashed violently. Verbally fighting a battle my body could not. Honey brown eyes blown with arousal, and his claim feasted greedily on my exposed skin.

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