Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My stomach knotted as the ship approached the docks. My escort included Beta guards, the ten returned and satisfied Alphas and Esme, the mystic. If Sephra passed her physical exam, I would be handed over to the Alpha king. Putting into motion a plan I never wanted to be a part of. I stood nervously on the bow of the ship. The motion of the water rocking me. A comforting and familiar sensation that I hoped would steady my nerves. I turned my attention to the new beautiful surroundings. Thayne was the region’s capital. A sight I had never seen. The city sat at the mouth of a vast mountain valley. High mountain walls full of trees opened to a huge lake. So different from my coastal sea home. I’d have to climb for hours to sit atop of the impressive mountain peaks that surrounded my new home. My new home? My hands turned sweaty and cold. I quickly clasped them behind my back. Trying to look unaffected as the king’s entourage watched our approach. A large number of Alphas lined the docks. Quickly securing the ship as we came to port. Noticeably among the ranks stood the king of the dogs. A month did little but reminded me that he wasn’t only arrogant, but incredibly handsome. He stood tall and proud. Looking as clueless as I was terrified. He had no idea what was coming his way. The dock hummed with noise. No doubt the scent of Omega that still clung to the returning Alphas would stir the men. If I was lucky, they’d lose their shit and maul me to death before I was forced to die in a pair-bond.

“Lady Neisa, what a joy to see you again.” The Alpha king said as he boarded the ship, smiling as he walked straight toward me. I stood rigid beneath his gaze. Warm brown eyes the color of honey settled upon me. “My memory has failed in every way to remember the depth of your beauty.” He said, smiling down at me.

“What about the memory of the queen’s requirements? Did you fail to keep my sister safe?” I asked, spine stiff as the king regarded me with humor. His voice even flowed like honey.

“No Neisa. She is as pristine as the day you left her with me.” Lathan promised.

“I did not leave her with you.” I reminded him coldly. “I never leave a fellow warrior behind.” It was hard to keep my eyes on his. The intense heat his gaze implied attraction that I was not familiar with. “And Esme will decide if your interpretation of pristine is the same as hers.” I retorted trying to fight the urge to run.

“Of course.” He smiled at me. “Ky.” The king turned to the first of my shipmates. “You have been greatly missed. I look forward to speaking with you.” The king embraced his commander. The king stopped, surprised by the scent that clung to Ky. Watching the smell turn the king’s regal features dark was an alarming sight.

“As do I,” Ky replied. “Please take Neisa’s women to Sephra. She waits in the clinic.” The king ordered. “Yes, sir.” Ky cleared the plank waiting for the elder Omega to join him on the docks. I stood rigid, avoiding the king’s eyes as the group left. Leaving me, forcing me to interact with the king. I turned away, settling onto a bench as far away from him as I could get. “May I sit with you, Neisa?” The king asked me. The large Alpha not taking the hint. Amused by my lack of manner, and my attempts to ignore him.

“Hospitality and ceremony are not in my background. You’d have been better off taking the queen’s suggestion of a high-born Omega.” I told him sternly. The deep rumble of his laughter was surprising, and unexpected. The sound was curious. I turned to meet his eyes. The hunger still burned bright.

“I am more than content with the arrangement as it stands,” Lathan said. “And as I had already planned on teaching you respect and discipline, hospitality and ceremony can be added to the list.” The king’s words doing nothing but angering me. Being hot-tempered was my greatest downfall by far, followed immediately by stubbornness.

“I am not worried, seeing as you have no respect for me. It will be a short lesson.” I wanted so badly to tell him to fuck off.

“Nothing I intend to do to you will be short, nothing. You will learn to embrace your dynamic.” He promised me.

“So, not only are you arrogant, you’re stupid.” I accused as I glared at him.

“Insulting your king and mate is not wise or acceptable.” The laughter faded, but the humor lingered.

“At this moment you’re not my king or my mate.” I reminded him sharply. “And just an observation, you don’t know shit about being an Omega’s or our dynamics. So, don’t presume to tell me how to be a woman and I won’t tell you how to be a man.” I was livid. Ten minutes in his presence and I wanted to strangle him.

“Then allow me to make an observation you clearly missed.” He said darkly. ” I am an Alpha; you are Omega. And in a few short hours, you will be my Omega.” All traces of humor were cowering somewhere in a corner. I would have been doing the same if I were smart. But I glared right back at the misogynistic beast. “Time will tell,” I said defiantly. “But hear me now. You will regret not killing me like you agreed to.”

“I never agreed on killing you, Omega, I agreed to take your life. And I will. You will learn to breathe for me.” The much larger Alpha promised as he towered over me. “To live for my touch, and you will learn to respect me.” Lathan was a heaving, boiling mass of pissed off Alpha. It would have been easy to cower in the face of my natural enemy. But I was a sacrifice either way. Why not go out my way.

“I agreed to death.” I reminded the seething beast. “Which you will give me, have no doubt,” I said as I stalked away from the emotional unstable Alpha — leaving him on the deck to spew his aggressive pheromones out of my presence. If he kept saying stupid shit like that, I was pretty sure I could hurt him. As long as he never looked at, stood to close to, or touched me, I’d be the perfect assassin. But finding myself flustered, breathing hard, and just as excited as I was pissed off, I instantly realized I might be fucked. I’d spent hours with Lathan’s men. Desensitizing myself to their smell, their…. presence, their dynamic. I’d lived my whole life, all twenty-one years with no Alpha presence. I pitied the bonded Omega’s that had sought refuge when the Fallout killed their Alpha’s. Those women were more zombie than human. Some never recovered. Some, going so far as to end their lives. So, devastated when their oppressor died, they simply could not function. I didn’t understand how they lost the will to live. I’d be damned if I went out like that. I gratefully rubbed the inserted heat suppressant that was embedded under my skin. Even as mad as the arrogant dog had made me. He’d also awakened the kryptonite of my nature. The trait that forever marked me Omega. The trait that his words, presence, and smell had ignited. Keeping out of his reach would be imperative. A knock on the door halted my nervous brooding. A young Beta woman entered at my invitation.

“My lady, the Queen, requests your presence.” The brown-haired woman said head bowed as she addressed me.

“The Queen?” I asked visibly surprised to hear this.

“Yes, my lady, the king’s mother.”

I was shocked to see the older Omega sitting next to the window. Natural light filled the space and reflected her smile, brightening a frail woman’s face. By the look of her, she was not a healthy woman. Guilt instantly rocking me, clenching my heart. More nervous than before. I tried to compose myself. “Now, I understand the state of my son’s moodiness.” The small woman’s smile, growing more prominent as she rose from her chair. “You are every bit the beauty he said you were. Welcome, Neisa.” Her words were as unnerving as her presence. I walked forward shyly. I was shocked when she embraced me.

“Thank you.” My voice gave away my surprise. The queen chuckled.

“Not what you expected?” She drew away from me. Joy and intrigue were shining brightly in her eyes. “No, ma’am,” I admitted. “Not that I had anything to prepare me for this.” I smiled back at her.

“An Omega’s life is a constant uncertainty until we are claimed.” She offered her opinion. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that my son has found a suitable mate.” The queen’s inappropriate wording made my stomach knot.

“I don’t think I am a suitable mate for a king,” I told the overjoyed woman. But she just laughed at me. “Any woman, let alone Omega, who can battle my son is more than suitable.” She said, gripping my hand affectionately. “How fascinating that you are trained to protect.” The woman had gifted her son with the same honey brown eyes. “Please, sit with me.” She gestured to the other chair by the window. “Thank you.” I followed her. “You have a beautiful view,” I noted, looking out at a courtyard below. Beautifully landscaped, the estate was full of trees and flowers — many of which I’d never seen before. “My son has been blessed with a bountiful kingdom.” She beamed. I just smiled, not knowing how to respond. Truth be told I was here to take his kingdom. Not by my desires but another’s. “Lathan will give you a tour,” she promised me. I settled stiffly down into a high-backed chair across from the older woman. “Tell me about yourself.” The aging queen asked.

“There’s not much to tell my lady. I am an Omega.” I said.

“Nonsense, you’re so much more than just an Omega. You are Neisa of the Isles. My son’s mate and future queen.” The giddy woman proclaimed with enthusiasm. A happiness that I did not share with her.

“That may be presumptuous my lady.” I tried again to slow her

“How so?” She asked me.

“For starters, I’m not of royal blood.” I pointed out the obvious. Which her glowing brown eyes told me wasn’t an issue for her. “I am a grain of sand among pearls. In no way breed, designed or deserving of the station.” My bitterness was getting the best of me. Nor interested in I thought.

“All pearl’s start as sand Neisa. They just need time.” She patted my lap sympathetically.

“I’m content just being sand. I have never wanted to be a pearl.” I tried to be assertive without being disrespectful.

“That is what will make you the rarest, most beautiful pearl of them all.” I hung my head in defeat. This was an argument I would not win.

"Your very kind,” I said. I was trying hard to be polite and hide my fear and resentment from her.

“And you are uncertain.” The queen was eyeing me with sympathy and understanding. “Your life will have a purpose, validation. A mate will give you completion beyond your understanding.” Her words were said to give me hope, but I bristled defensively.

“I already have purpose and validation.” I let the hostility that raced in my blood go. Regretting the hurt, they caused the woman. “I’m sorry.” I tried to apologize.

“No need, you are only speaking your heart.” She said as if she was trying to understand my point of view. “My son is a good man, Neisa. ” The old queen spoke on his behalf. “He will make you happy. He will be good to you.” She made it sound so simple. Man-woman, Alpha - Omega. Embrace my assigned genetic. And smile while I gave up my life and identity. “With all that being said, let us speak honestly. What are your feelings?” I hesitated, wanting badly to be brutally honest. But my feelings on the subject made no difference. My hesitation earned me a questioning look. “You don’t strike me as being fearful.” The queen challenged me. Fine, I would tell her how I felt.

“Honestly? I think this is total bullshit.” My honesty froze the old queen silent for a second as my words registered. Her head wobbled with boisterous laughter. Wiping a joyful tear from her eye. The queen laughing carefree must be a rare sight. The Beta guard trying to curb his laughter was funny. “Oh my. How I have missed the company of my own.” The queen said.

“An Omega?” I asked.

“Sand, my dear. We have more in common than you know.” She winked, composing herself as the door to the suite opened. Seeing my intended raised the hair on the back of my neck, as well as my heart rate.

“I should’ve known you’d steal my bride mother.” Lathan’s words and gentle tone challenged me. Wondering if I would control myself in the presence of his mother. The high-ranking Alpha chuckled as I glared at him. “Your gypsy has confirmed the pristine state of your friend,” Lathan informed me smugly. “Really?” I asked, beyond shocked by this news.

“Taj, bring in the gypsy,” Lathan ordered ignoring the look of disbelief I wore.

“Mystic.” I corrected him. “And her name is Esme,” I told him. He obviously wasn’t familiar with the prestige title of our sacred Omega. Esme entered, followed by our Beta escort.

“Sister, Sehpra is well and eager to see you.” The older woman informed me. This was news that I was not expecting. I’d been banking on the Alpha’s lack of restraint to save me from this farce. My rapid, fearful heartbeat and sweaty palms were mocking me for betting on the wrong horse. My debt was being called in.

“You are a daughter of Thalassa?” The queen was visibly stunned by the arrival of Esme. Our most respected and honored Omega. The Greek word for the moon, giving away the queen’s origins. I knew now where her son got his hard-edged features.

“All Omega’s are daughters of the Thalassa your grace.” Esme bowed her head in respect. I watched the queen’s body begin to hum with excitement. Her eyes lighting up. Her excited breathing. She was…alive with emotions.

“But few have been gifted with its wisdom.” The queen replied, noting the long white hair that crowned Esme’s wise face. “Will you humble this Omega with a blessing for my son and his intended?” The old queen asked. I held nothing but respect and admiration for Esme. She was the living, breathing authority on Omega history. A descanted of one of the oldest Omega mothers. She was our Dalia Lama. A blessing or a curse from her lips would tip the scales. I didn’t want her blessing. Not when she didn’t know the truth.

“I have never had the honor of blessing a union of this arrangement.” Esme was taken aback. “I would be humbled.” My heart quivered at Esme’s words. I couldn’t speak one word against this. I had to hold my internal dread. Praying that I could survive the fall out of her actions. ” I apologize King Lathan. My words will mean nothing to you. The language is uniquely Omega, as is the blessing.” Esme apologized to the uncertain Alpha.

“A blessing in any form is a good omen. I am honored to be in your presence.” The sly Alpha charming Esme with his wolfish smile. The wise woman smiled briefly before turning to her ancient ways.

“Your hand.” She said, extending hers to take Lathan’s. He hesitated for a second before placing his huge hand in hers. Weathered hands turned his as she looked, and felt his skin. Letting her senses read the Alpha king. Esme’s quiet examination of Lathan’s palm caused mine to sweat more. What was she sensing? Ancient words were spoken softly in an Omegan dialect. She talked in riddles, mostly to herself, or her senses. I really didn’t know how Esme’s mind worked. Closing her eyes, she held his hand, giving herself to higher perception. Slow seconds passed as the Alpha king looked between her bent head, his mother’s breathless anticipation, and my nervous state. Esme called an end to the waiting as she spoke our language. “This Alpha has spent too many moon cycles wandering alone. His heart has longed for contentment. But could not find it. You offer your son’s plight to the goddess old queen. The moon has felt his loneliness. She has felt his aching.” The wise woman told us. “Your son is to be touched by the moon’s light old queen. She will bless this union, not me.” My heart spasmed with the relief that flooded my veins. Esme would not bless this union. I almost cried with joy. I didn’t want her to. She had no idea what was in store for him, for me. I glanced at the queen, expecting her to be saddened by Esme’s prophecy. The tiny woman stood, hand clutched to her heart, crying. But not tears of sadness, ones of joy and….hope?

“Neisa?” the only word that left the queen’s lips.

“She is one of the purest beams of light old queen. But like all forms of light, they are not meant to be held.” Esme said. Turning to the king, she placed her hands on his chest. “Alpha, you will know the struggle. No man, Alpha or Beta, will ever control the power of celestial light. Learn to live and grow in its beauty, or break yourself against its power. The moon has shown me this. Choose the light.” Esme said, bending the much taller Alpha to her lips. She kissed the king on the head. Before bowing and moving away. The old queen walked proudly towards me. The tears still spilling down her face. She once again took me into her arms. Holding me as if she were my own mother.

“Thank you Neisa, thank you for being bold enough to take my son’s heart captive.” I stilled at her words. Raw emotions tore my heart. This woman truly believed me to be her son’s mate. She thought that I would, in time, embrace the pair-bond and accept it, and him, that we would live-in fairy-tale land without a care in the world.

“My queen?” I stammered wanting to caution her against painting me in that light. But It was too late. “Please.” She stopped me. “Call me Rosemarye.” She said proudly, pulling away to look at me. “And I’d be honored to call you daughter.” I felt like a monster. This poor woman so badly wanted to make me a part of her family, to embrace me as her own. Sincerity filled her eyes. I smiled sadly at the clueless woman with a trusting heart. This moment was awkward and unnerving all on its own. Having witlessness made it a 1oo times worse.

“Captain?” I heard the nasal voice of a person I disliked call to me. “Before this goes further, you have orders.” My queen’s Beta dog said as he stepped forward. He meant to push the issue. I had not planned on sharing the queen’s offer. I had not intended to put Kambry in harm’s way. The unwanted reminder that the queen still ruled this guard forced my hand. I had to roll with the tide.

“King Lathan I need to speak with you.” I steadied my breathing. The Beta would be in a world of shit if Lathan took Kambry. The king looked at me, curious and amused.

“The floor is yours Neisa,” Lathan said. I shook my head.

“Your mother is a sweet woman,” I said, casting her a gentle look before I turned back to her son. “And I am not trained in the art of diplomacy.” The warm chuckle of the king was worrisome.

“My mother is not easily offended.” What a clueless Alpha he was.

“Don’t you get tired of flexing your muscles?” I asked the brute.

“Never.” Lathan gave me a wicked smile that clenched muscles I had been ignoring all my adult life. I rolled my eyes.

“Bronson,” I called to the Beta. Taking the tablet, he held out for me, scrolling through it as Lathan watched. My stomach knotted in anger and dread as I tapped and enlarged a picture of the young Omega. I was not looking forward to being pair-bonded. But I would do it to keep Kambry out of the Alpha’s hands. I passed it to Lathan, avoiding touching him.

“What is this?” He demanded, taking the tablet as he looked at the photo.

“The queen’s attempt to stop you from making a mistake.” Beta Bronson spoke up. ” That is Lady Kambry. The queen’s niece and only living heir.” The Beta was all salesman today. I kept a leash on my anger. Lathan bristled defensively at the Beta.


“Sir, Lady Kambry is a high borne Omega.” The Beta explained.

“She is a child.” Lathan erupted the force of unleashed Alpha shook the lower ranking Beta. And rightfully so. He was a beast of a man compared to the Beta. Bronson swallowed nervously. Visible shrinking away from the Alpha he’d offended.

“Sir, she is sixteen, which is an appropriate age for marriage.” Lathan glared as he advanced on the Beta. The color drained from the insignificant man.

“She is frail, small and I am repulsed by pedophilia.” The king informed us hotly. I briefly thought about letting the king rip into him. But my queen may take this as a justification for retaliation.

“Beta Bronson, are you the queen’s emissary? Did I miss a communication?” I asked him.

"I..no... I was just.”

“Shut your mouth, take the tablet and leave,” I ordered him.

“But the queen.”

“The queen wants you to report to her. Funny she didn’t mention that fact to me.” I stopped his blubbering. “Esme would you bare silent witness to this conversation?”

“Of course.” The tactful Omega agreed. “Thank you. Bronson leave, now.” The king’s temper calmed some as the Beta left. Only when I was sure he was out of earshot did I continue. “My queen is offering you options,” I said. “Ones that will allow you to keep face in your people’s eyes as well as build a relationship between the kingdoms.” I tried to salvage this wreck.

“Options I don’t want.”

“They will be offered none the less,” I said coming to stand by Esme. “On a ship, 60 miles from your shores sits a high-born Omega. One who has been raised to fully embrace the singularity of being Omega. No doubt she will bend, bow and blush every time you demand it.” The look of outraged that burned in his eyes was gratifying to me. Utterly childish, but worth it. “Option one comes with advantages,” I said.

“And what will option two offer me?”

“A lifetime of animosity and defiance,” I told him truthfully. “I do not spend my days playing dress up or organizing seating arrangements for royal tea parties.”

“How do you spend your days Neisa?”

“Training, studying, and preparing.”

“Then, the structure of your day will remain as such.” He said as his heated eyes looked down at me. “You will be granted two hours each day to train, only with the bonded Alpha’s. The rest of your day will be spent studying and preparing to be queen, my queen. And before the sun rises tomorrow you will be scented, claimed and bonded.”

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