Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Predawn light filled the suite, bringing to present all the pain and damage that had taken place. Groggy, sore and devastated, I slid away from the sleeping dog. Creeping into the bathroom. Startled to see my bruised arms, wrists and claimed neck. The sick feeling of hopelessness and anger filled me. He made good on his word. He’d bonded, marked and scented me before morning. Along with many other acts. Deed’s that no matter the depravity I had finally succumbed to. Pissed off at him and myself, I jumped into the shower. Scrubbing frantically at my tainted smell and skin. Re-entering the room, the giant Alpha rolled over in the bed. Urging me to move faster. I dressed quickly, quietly, and fled the room with no plan or direction. I was a master of escape. Having a talent for silent and stealthy movements. I made it completely outside the villa undetected. The villa was a huge piece of beautifully cared for land. Head covered with a silk scarf gifted to me at my wedding. I carefully scouted out my new home. It was early. The sun had not even completely risen as I explored the streets leading from the villa to the docks. We’d left the smell of saltwater a hundred miles away. All the water that rested against the western shore was freshwater. Mountain’s bigger than I had ever seen before formed high earth and rock walls covered in trees and beautiful green vegetation. The land naturally flowed down to the open bay. As breathtaking as this land was, I was a child of the sea. The sound of the water was comforting and healing. I instinctively moved to the sound. The bay was still, undisturbed and calm. Unlike me. I looked at it with envy. I would never know that feeling. The feeling of tranquility. By Lathan’s claim or my queen’s war. Peace was not in my future. Demands placed on me by duty or dynamic. Someone was always trying to manipulate, position, or outmaneuvered another. Using whomever or whatever they could to control and wield the power they had no rights to. Facts that I was very aware of. The annoying thumping of a foreign rhythm resonated in my chest. Trying to sync its tempo to my heartbeat. I fought it, internally struggling to keep my rhythm separate. Fought the claim of an Alpha I never wanted. He may be able to flex a little control over my virgin senses. Having never known a man Beta or Alpha, I had been overwhelmed with the physical effects he’d awakened in me. I was a woman, after all. But I’d be damned if I let him use my dynamic into dooming me. If I could keep my body out of heat, he could not break me. I planned to be long gone before the safely embedded heat suppressant wore off. I rubbed it lightly, taking great comfort in it. I was willing to do a lot of things for my queen. A lifetime of slavery was not one of them. If she wanted the Alpha king’s throne, she could damn well pair bond with him herself. My heart quickened when I saw the queen’s ship had not left the bay. The overwhelming urge to get back on its deck and sail home was hell. Realistically I had no home. My queen’s orders made sure of that. Death was my only likely escape from her order and Lathan’s claim. A realization that knocked the air from my lungs when I caught sight of my sister.

“Sephra!” Pain and relief weakened my voice. But she’d heard me despite it. Finding me misty-eyed and shocked. She froze on the ship’s deck. I ran to the gangplank. Meeting and embracing my sister as she met me on the dock. Excited and incredibly sad to see my friend after a month, I pulled back to see her.

“Neisa?” She embraced me reluctantly Before withdrawing. An odd expression of surprise and…resentment filled her eyes. Shocking me greatly. “You’re his?” Her tone and demeanor confused me.

“I tried Sephra; he could not be swayed.” I hung my head. She had to know this was not my idea. “The queen offered him Kambry. He refused.” I still couldn’t believe it. More appalled by the fact that the queen had offered him her young niece. A royal Omega and he turned her down, for me. A warrior with no title, or position.

“Kambry?” Sephra asked, stunned and visibly shocked. She blinked in confusion. Her black eyes widened at my ranting.

“Yes,” I told her truthfully. ”She’s on The Grey Morning, anchored where the saltwater meets fresh.” I rambled flustered by seeing her. Frantic to have something as comforting as my own sister in my arms for support.

“Neisa you have to leave before...” The words of warning died on her lips as the peace of the early morning was blown apart with the bellowing outrage of the king. He descended on us with impressive speed, unleashing a roar that shook the docks. I instinctively prepared to fight.

“What madness has taken your mind?” The partially dressed Alpha king accompanied by his second demanded. He asked as he pulled me from Sephra’s arms. Not letting me respond, shoving me behind him. The seething beast needlessly postured over Sephra. She bowed her head, kneeling immediately at his feet.

“I meant no disrespect,” Sephra said not daring to look up at him. ” My sister came to me.” She stammered.

“What are you doing?” I asked appalled to see my sister bent before Lathan in submission. I stepped around him, reaching for my sister.

“She knows her place.” He snapped rounding on me. “Unlike you, mate.” He raged, grabbing me roughly by the arm. I flinched at the crushing force and burning look of disappointment. “Why are you not in our nest?” He demanded as I pulled against his iron grip. Already planning what way to remove myself from his hands.

“Because I’m not your whore.” I snapped at the beast.

“No, you are my mate, my Omega.” His fingers dug painfully into my arm, causing pain to feed the instinct to fight. Brown eyes outraged glared hotly into mine.

“Neisa… you!” Sephra’s words were again cut short by the aggressive Alpha.

“Still your forked tongue.” The king roared at her. I shook with equal amounts of fear and anger. He didn’t know her. He had no right to treat her this way.

“Don’t you dare speak to her that way dog,” I warned him. Twisting my arm from his biting fingers, going so far as to step in front of Sephra. The giant roared.

“Sir,” Ky dropped to his knees before the king. He was using himself as a temporary roadblock. “Your mate is confused. She lives in a world with no Alphas, none. You will punish her with devastating consequences.” Lathan’s second pleaded for mercy on my behalf. “She does not know her place in this world.” I bristled at the stupidity of his words. I knew my fucking place in this world. All Omega’s do. I simply would rather die for a noble cause.

“I didn’t know Sephra was here. I only wanted to tell her goodbye.” I yelled at Lathan. His hand reached for me. I kicked at it. Ky swept my feet out from underneath me, dropping me to the ground, forcing me into a submissive state. My muscles snapped. I meant to recover. But the commander hissed.

“He will tear you apart if you fight him.” The commander was trying to save me. ” Stay down.” He snarled at me. I fought against my pride to stay bent. It hurt to allow him to overpower me. It angered me even more.

“You have disappointed me Neisa.” The king informed me as he reached down for me, effortlessly picking me up off the ground, forcing me to look into his eyes. “I show you patience and leniency, and you try to escape.” I squirmed against the iron grip that he held on me. “Leave my kingdom now and do not return.” He ordered the submissive Omega at his feet a second before he tossed me over his shoulder. “See to this commander.”

“Yes, sir.” Commander Ky replied, still kneeling. I looked at my sister. The look on her face was not what I expected. Where I thought I find pity looked more like envy. Not that I would get to talk with her about it. Long muscular legs had us back in my luxury cell to fast. Even in the large room, he reeked of anger, which had me worried and pissed. I was the one who should pissed off. I was the one who should be demanding answers.

” Explain your behavior," Lathan demanded.

“Explain what? I went for a walk. My sister’s boat was still docked in your port.” I scrambled away from the looming beast.

“So, escaping seemed like a viable idea?” He continued to stalk me.

“I wasn’t trying to escape. All I wanted to do was say goodbye.” I batted at his reaching hand. “I entered my life sentence freely. I am willing to pay my penance. I’m not a coward.” I hissed at him.

“Your sentence?” He demanded, outraged by my words.

“Yes,” I yelled, pushing against the block wall of his chest. “You have taken my life. You will lock me in a room and slowly squeeze my life for me.” I thumped at his chest. “Turning me into a ghost. I don’t want to be a ghost. I want to be me.” I hit him again, with more force. “I don’t want to be weak and dependent on you. I don’t want to be like your mother.” I raged.

“My mother is content in her position.” Lathan’s said as he shook me.

“You’re blind.” I fought against his death grip. “Let me go. I am not fit to be here. Call the ship back. Take Sephra.” The words momentarily shocked me. Perhaps because I felt that there had truly been something between them, she had lived with him for weeks. He was a dominant Alpha.

“Take Sephra?” He recoiled as if my words could hurt him.

“I saw the way she looked at you. The way she responded to the smell of you on my skin.” Truths that I was shocked to admit stung.

“Are you implying that I touched her as I touched you?” He shook me again as he demanded an answer. “I’m not implying anything.” But the confused, jealous pain that jolted my heart called me a liar.

“That viper is not fit or worthy to be in my presence, let alone bear my scent. She is a spiteful bitch.” He informed me.

“She’s my sister.” It was duty to defend our kind.

“How little you truly know.” I didn’t get a chance to tell him to go to hell before he ripped every piece of clothing off my body. Even hours later panting, dazed and wading through a fog of confusion and heavenly sensation I still pleaded my case.

“I only wanted to say goodbye.” Lathan had left me mindless for damn near 72 hours. Seventy-two hours that I was never not in contact with his body, his scent, or his presence. Facts that made me happy and mad when I finally got more than ten feet of space between us. I sat out on the terrace balcony stewing, pissed off, and extremely emotional.

“Neisa,” Lathan called to me. Pulling me out of my dark, confused moody state. I glared at him from my seat on the terrace. A terrace I had scaled a hundred different ways in my mind. “Come here,” The large bare-chested dog ordered me. I hesitated. “If I have to tell you again, we will be staying in this room for another day. Naked, drenched in my scent and seed. Is that what you want?” He asked me smugly. “How poetic.” I snapped. “My choices are being used like a whore or a dog.”

“I am going to pretend I did not hear you. Tend to me.” He sat down in the chair.

“Tend to you?”

“My hair. It is your duty to braid it.” He informed me as he relaxed his big frame into the chair across from me.

“Are you kidding me you can’t braid your own hair? Are you lazy or helpless?” I asked him. Pissed off that this was my chore. I’d mastered braiding my own hair when I was seven.

“Neither. I am a reflection of yourself. Take pride in your work.” He said, calmly waiting for me to do as he ordered.

“This is horseshit,” I complained.

“Excuse me?” The king demanded.

“I’m not a hairdresser. I’m a warrior.” I reminded him bitterly. “Which brings up the point that during your generous negotiations of my sentence, you granted me two hours of training. Which I have yet to have.” I bitched. Taking the comb to his damp hair with the gentleness of a grizzly bear.

“Are all of the Omega’s in your kingdom as disrespectful as you?” He demanded. Still on edge from god knows what crazy, caveman hormones had twisted his balls up.

“No, but you refused to pick a suitable Omega,” I told him again. Wanting so badly to thump him in the head with the comb.

“I am not an unreasonable Alpha Neisa. I would gladly negotiate with you.” The tone and look he gave me left nothing to question.

"Of course, you would,” I commented sourly. “Just because I’ve never been with a man doesn’t make me naïve.” I glared at him.

“I am not a man. I’m an Alpha. Your Alpha. Your body already belongs to me.” Lathan informed me pressing on the bond to prove his point. I glared at him, wishing I could skin him alive with the anger and resentment I felt.

“Then, why wait?” I seethed. “Rut me like the Alpha you are and be done with your game.” I foolishly challenge Lathan. Not truly knowing how poorly this could turn out for me.

“Such a clever girl.” He smiled, wolfishly at me. “As tempting as your offer is you will not deny me.” fiery eyes burned into mine. “You may have shut me out here,” Lathan said purring as he pressed his head into my clothes covered sex, breathing in my scent. Growling to quicken my blood and slick. “But you can’t keep me out of here.” He arrogantly tapped the silver anchor of his bond that he’d set into my chest. “When your heat arrives, you will deny me nothing.” He said arrogantly. I leaned down to glare at him.

“When I even the playing field you will see all that I have denied you,” I warned the clueless king. If he thought the bond gave him a window into my heart, then he could not deny the rage that thundered there.

“Rutting you into submission will be glorious.” Big hands painfully dug into my scalp. Only adding to my need to rebel. Forcing me down to look into his excited eyes “Now, do you want to kneel or lie while you take me, seed?”


My days had been preoccupied with my very rebellious mate — days in which I’d spent reminding her of her place. Neisa had more willfulness than a wild mustang. I had intended on spending time with my mother, devoting my attention to her. My frustrated pacing was a sure sign I was failing.

“Neisa has you…upset.” My wise mother said, choosing her words carefully. I stopped pacing to take a chair across from my her.

“I have never met someone as…confused and headstrong.” I vented.

“How is Neisa confused?”

“She is Omega. A fact that she pays no mind to.”

“Why should she have too?”

“That is our world, that is her dynamic.” I was shocked by my mother’s words and my defensiveness. “It is our nature.”

“Your nature and Neisa’s are not the same Lathan. She has lived in another world. One where you have no authority.”

“Are you justifying her rebellion?”

“I am simply stating facts. There are many kingdoms beyond yours. The rules you use to govern your people are not the same in the other lands.” My mother offered her opinion.

“Nature and dynamic rule all kingdoms. Omegas are duty-bound to be claimed and bonded.”

“Did you tell Neisa this before or after you clubbed her in the head?” My mother’s outlandish question, and reference to me being a caveman, had me angry and confused. I sat there starring at the little old woman before me. “Don’t look at Neisa like a caveman; look at her as an Alpha.” She said to me. “Tell me Alpha, what do you see when you look at Neisa?” I took a moment to see a view that wasn’t mine. “Her beauty. She’s beautiful.” I said as I allowed myself to relax into the chair. “And opinionated and so damn stubborn.” My mother’s carefree laughter pulled me from my brooding. My mother was such a reserved, composed woman. I cannot deny the fact that a light had been turned on in my mother’s eyes since Neisa and her gypsy arrived. A vibrant energy had awoken my stoic mother. Neisa’s words about my mother’s contentment filled me with doubt. Perhaps my mother’s life had not been as happy as I believed it was.

“Her mind is unique.” She said. Laughter still dancing in her eyes.

“You approve, I assume,” I asked already knowing her true feelings.

“Oh, dear boy.” My mother swatted at the air. ”

Beyond her mind, what makes her unique?”

“I’m your mother, Lathan, clever words are wasted on me. Ask me what you want to know.” I paused briefly. My mother’s voice had a hint of feistiness I’d never heard before.

“The gypsy, what did she say?” The foreign conversation had been playing with my mind. I wondered whether my mother would tell me. She hesitated for a moment.

“That Neisa is a blessed woman. Favored by the moon.” She said.

“Favored?” I asked. My mother paused. Her loving eyes, settling on me, looking at me with hesitation. “All are all Omega’s are daughters of nature. It calls to us, to our being. Some Omega tribes are more attuned to it than others. The older tribes still embrace it as their religion. Nature in kind takes favor in them. Gifting them with a greater connection. A few may even be blessed with an affinity to a specific element, or in Neisa’s case, the moon.” She said.

“Why is this the first I am hearing of this?” I demanded. The narrowing of my mother’s eyes reminded me to control my tone.

“We don’t share sacred information with the enemy.”

“I’m not your enemy mother.”

“You are to Neisa and all her sisters.” I process my mother’s words. Seeing her for the first time for what she really was — Omega, not just a mother or a woman.

“Your tribe also claims ties to the moon. Do you possess these affinities, or its blessing?”

“No Lathan.” She said. I swore I heard the sadness in her voice. “In the years before I was bonded to your father, I had only known one Omega was such a gift.”

“What became of her?” I was curious. She just shook her head.

“I woke up one morning, and she was gone. Her name was not spoken again.” It seems that all Omegas are mysterious beings. I pondered her words.

“The moon is not an element. Neisa cannot wield its power.” I said. I questioned her meaning and what this might mean for me.

“True. But Neisa doesn’t need to wield it. She carries the moon’s light.”

“For what purpose?” I asked.

“Time will tell us what we are to know.” That was all my mother could say.

“Is that all the gypsy told you?” I pressed my mother for information, watching her with silent apprehension.

“No.” She said, leaning towards me. Taking my hand. “learn to love her light, because you will not break it.” I left my mother to rest, leaving her chamber slightly more irritated than when I had arrived. Neisa was already a mystery to me. Our every waking minute was a battle. She openly fought me and the bond. I could not understand the reason for the war. She was Omega. All Omegas are destined to be claimed and bonded. That is the law of nature. Neisa should be openly, and eagerly accepting me and the bond. Instead, she accused me of being her warden and enemy. I had only reinforced her misgivings by keeping her insolated in our chambers for days. Demanding, Neisa acknowledge me while I secretly hoped she would accept her situation. Instead, she all but ran from the room when I told her she could train this morning. I had not intended to interrupt her time in the training square. I merely wanted to see that she was where she was supposed to be. But the sight and sound of her relaxed and happy with my Commander triggered my inner caveman.



I attacked Ky with pent-up rage and self-loathing. My rebellious effort to keep my heart and identity from his encroaching bond had earned me another full day and night in “our” room. I was beyond ready to train.

“You know this is only training my queen.” Ky joked as he countered my attack. Smiling at me, blackening my mood even more.

“Don’t call me that.” I hissed. Taking my sword to thrust with purpose. “My name is Neisa,” I said, giving my emotions to my sword.

“Sorry, I’d like to keep my skin attached to my bones.” He jumped back gracefully dodging my attack.

“I hate it.” I spit out the words.

“Hate what?” Ky asked as our swords met.

“All of it. Hate the title, hate the game. I hate this place and the man who rules it.” I thrust wildly, not paying attention and swinging pointlessly. Knowing damn well, I was not acting as a warrior, but a child. “You are bonded; you have your mate.” Ky’s eye’s flashed. A brief moment of longing in them. “You’re lucky to have him by your side.” Ky scolded me.

“Take my place and send me home.” I felt a longing for freedom that hit me hard — almost missing the Alpha commander metamorphosis into Mr. Hyde. Anger like I’d never seen tensed Ky’s body. The massive Alpha turning animal instantly.

“You’re pouting is childish and disrespectful.” Ky roared as he lunged forward. Swinging his katana up and down with precision and deadly speed, advancing on me rapidly. “I’m hundreds of miles away from my mate. Even now I ache with missing her.” Ky ground out. I dove for the ground tucking and rolling to avoid the strike. The Alpha clearly offended by my words, reacting in a very shocking and violent manner. It never occurred to me that he had feelings one way or the other for the bonded mate he left in my homeland. Surprising to see his emotions so freely expressed. “You have Lathan. You can feel and touch your mate when you want.” The commander continued to attack me with force.

“He is not my mate.” I jumped to my feet, barely missing the tip of his sword on my shoulder. A big boot kicked me hard in the chest, knocking the air from my lungs. Making a quick recovery was hard. Desperate gulps of air made me lightheaded as I rolled away from Ky’s attempted to stomp on me. I clutched a handful of dirt and gravel, throwing it into his face. The tactic barely giving me time to get to my feet.

“You play dirty my queen.” Ky accused as he taunted me with the hated name as he wiped a hand over his eyes. He was not stopping his attack.

“If I were truly a queen, I’d outlaw everyone for calling me that,” I said. I changed hands, gripping the katana, taking up a defensive position once again. “Do you really miss her?” I asked. The hostile Alpha’s advancing form froze instantly. Ky’s body relaxed slightly.

“More than you know.” He confessed I could clearly see his feeling of loss and his pain. A strange pang of regret bolted through my heart at my words. I’d never thought of him or his brother’s feelings. Did he really care for her?

“You… have feelings for her?”

“Why is that unbelievable to you?” The Alpha commander expression looked like I’d mortally wounded him.

“I don’t know?” I told him honestly. I’d always been told Omegas were nothing but an Alpha’s possession — an object, nothing more, nothing of value. But seeing Ky’s emotions expose him was frightening and enlightening. The queen could effectively bend them to her power by simply controlling the Omegas.

“Don’t you think I have a heart? Or feelings for that matter?” Ky asked appalled at my narrow view of him as a human.

“Alpha’s are not prince charming, not in my world, Ky. You are the big bad wolf.” I struggled to defend myself. “All Omega’s are taught to stay away from wolves.”

So, you have been brainwashed, all of you?” Ky asked me. Wanting to know if Karina felt the same way I did.

“Brainwashed? You are an Alpha. The one and only natural enemy of my kind.”

“Alpha’s are not your enemy Omega. We are your rightful and natural counterpart.” The stunned Alpha said.

“According to you," I replied.

“According to life,” Ky said. It was hard to be unaffected by the Alpha’s obvious plight. Ky may be the best swordsman I’d ever trained with, but he was a shitty actor. Nothing but raw emotion exposed him to his feelings for my sister.

” I am not a student of philosophy, and I can’t speak for Karina.” I said, regretting causing him to worry, “But if I were to guess then I’d say no.” I hoped to help dig myself out with honesty.

“Why do you say that?” Ky’s eyes narrowed on me. I laughed; these Alpha’s underestimated me as a warrior.

“Six of you “wolves” boarded our ship with very personal items. Items that belonged to my sister’s.” I loved seeing the silent shock flash in his eyes. “Omega’s don’t gift without purpose. What Karina gave you treasure it.” I cautioned him.

“So, there is hope for us?” Ky asked. I could not give him what he asked — not knowing the truth.

“Hope is a dangerous emotion Ky," I told him truthfully. My heart tightened, reminding me I was a traitor. I had to be careful. I could not expose myself. “Karina is a wonderful woman, Ky,” I told him truthfully. “You’re very lucky,” I said instantly seeing the Alpha calm.

“If I were lucky, she’d be here with me, By my side. Instead, I have an ungrateful Omega.” He tried to sound like it was a joke. His longing was loud and clear.

“This ungrateful Omega happens to know many important details about your little Karina.” I cautioned him with a sly smile. ”So, remember that you hostile jackass,” I said sweetly right before I swept his legs out from underneath him. “Don’t drop your guard dog.” Ky hit the ground hard. The surprise attack kept him flat on his back for a moment. I came to gloat above him.

“I’ll have to admit that was,” He said as he looked up at me.

“Stupid?” I interrupted his prone state.

“Not a stupid as this.” He said a second before he rolled to his side, knocking my legs out from underneath me. I joined Ky on the ground. “My legs are twice as long as yours stubby Omega.” My black mood finally left me. I laid flat on my back in the dirt. I was looking up into the blue sky above me. My tired body and mind found this funny, really funny. I laughed. My dull sword landed with a thud beside me.

“I thought you were supposed to teach me how to use a katana?” I laughed.

“Lesson one. No matter the weapon gravity still wins.” That was Ky’s lesson for the day. I laughed louder at him.

“Funny guy,” I said as I let the light-hearted moment lift my dark mood.

“Commander.” The king’s voice interrupted us from out of nowhere. I tensed at the sound of it. Turning my head to see an irritated Alpha glaring down at us.

“Yes, sir.” Ky rose to his feet, quickly brushing the dirt from his clothes.

“If you’re not too tired from entertaining my mate, I’d like to spar.” The king’s disapproval was heavy in his voice

“Of course.” Ky bowed. Feeling Lathan’s anger singed the nerve in my chest. I pushed myself up from the ground. Avoiding his eyes as I beat the dirt from my pants.

“River, escort Lady Neisa back to our chambers.” The king ordered the Alpha who had arrived with him.

“Sir?” Ky froze. “River is not a proper escort. Your mate bears your scent. But the bond has not been completed. River is not bonded.” Ky stepped forward, worried. “Bonded Alphas are not a threat to your mate.” Ky warned.

“Are you positive of that statement, Commander?” Lathan narrowed his eyes upon Ky. Holding the verbal shock that rose in my chest was hard. Feeling quilt squeeze my heart. Lathan’s vision was clouded, lashing out at Ky for no reason.

“On my honor, sir.” Ky dropped to his knee; head bowed in supplication and respect. It bothered me to see my friend defending himself because of me. Ky was a good man and soldier. He had been nothing but the epitome of a gentleman. His loyalty was being questioned because of me. I would not let him take an unjust punishment. I walked to the weapons rack, placing my katana back in its place. Acutely aware of Lathan’s eyes on me.

“Ky,” I said, turning to face his bent form.

“My queen,” Ky responded head facing down he did not look at me.

“Green, it’s Karina’s favorite color.” His shoulders relaxed as he glanced at me through his thick eyelashes.

“Green, like an emerald?” The Alpha was eager to know more about his mate. I laughed.

“I am not sure.” I shrugged. “We have never seen an emerald,” I said. “She’s not worldly or greedy. Karina is a good person with a good heart.” I told him the truth.

“She is. Thank you, my queen.” Ky said the look of curiosity and appreciation glowing in his eyes. I left the training square with Lane, another of the bonded Alpha’s. We walked silently back to the villa. My mind, very aware that Lathan would not be happy when he returned to my cell. I needed to prepare myself for another round with the Alpha king. Lathan had been blatantly testing Ky. For what I couldn’t understand. No matter I would need to be careful. Hurting, or getting Ky in trouble was not wise or helpful. Let alone my intention. I showered and redressed. New clothing appeared in my armoire. Beautifully colored tunics that fit perfectly. Made from very high-quality fabric. Fabric, more suited for playing dress-up, not training. I would’ve happily passed them over to wear my own things. But they disappeared as fast as the new ones arrived. More than an hour passed slowly by as I sat on the terrace and let my long hair dry in the cool breeze. The view from here was beautiful, but it was not home. I missed the sea: the sounds and smell of it. Memories pulling at my heart were interrupted. Nervous flutters in my chest told me Lathan was returning. The distinct smell of sage filled me with unwanted worry and desire. That was Lathan’s essence. Sweat beaded on well-defined muscles pulled my eyes. I fought the urge to go to him, only breathing easier when he walked into the bathroom. Not at all surprised, he didn’t close the door. He was an Alpha of confidence. Not ashamed by his body or his nudity. Showered and dressed Lathan walked onto the terrace with me.

“Why did you talk to Ky like that?” I asked, not taking my eyes from the horizon, ignoring the weight of his unwanted eyes and the pull of an unwanted bond. Lathan just stood there. He was silently taking me in me.

“An Alpha with an unhappy mate hears and sees his Omega laughing freely with another. That causes concern. What would I give to be the one to make you that happy?” Lathan asked. A shiver rippled up my spine. What part of that made sense?

“Ky is a fellow warrior, not the Alpha I was forced to pair bond to.” I reminded him bitterly.

“He is my warrior Neisa and an Alpha.” He bit back. “And you agreed to this pair bond, freely.”

“I agreed to die for my warriors.” Stress and confused by my feelings, I snapped. “I didn’t intend my death to be a slow march through hell while I wait for old age to give me what you won’t.” I spit out my contempt.

“I would, and will give you everything required to be a content Omega.” Lathan’s temper began to rise. “Bullshit! You know nothing about how to make me content.” I lashed out. “You want to make me dependent on you. To turn me into a fucking zombie, a woman more dead than alive.” I cringed with the internal dread that soured my stomach. “I’d rather you’d killed me like you agree to do.”

“Did you think you’d go through life unbonded?” The king glared at me. “Do you really believe that no Alpha would find you, fall immediately under your spell and then just fucking walk away?” Lathan’s voice rose, growing louder.

“Yes, that’s exactly how I intended to live my life.”

” And yet you call me stupid. Thank the gods you’re not as naive as you are beautiful.” Lathan said. “Says the man who wants to knock me up, set me in a chair by the window, so I can spend my hours praying for death.” I lashed out, meeting his fiery, angry eyes.

“You tread dangerously close to lines you should not cross Neisa,” Lathan warned me.

“Really, Why? You assured me your mother was so content.” I reminded him. Not hiding the resentment, I felt. “So, let me tell you something, mate.” I leaned closer to him. “You try that shit with me you’ll regret not killing me.” I left my open-ended threat dripping with my resentment. Eyes of my enemy burned in a hundred different shades of brown. I waited for the violent explosion to tear me apart. Ready to take fire, but he just stared at me. Looking, waiting, plotting. I braced for the fallout. “Tell me, beautiful mate, how do I make you content?” His question threw me. “How do I make you happy enough that you will laugh, and smile at me as you did at my Commander?” Lathan asked. I felt him knock the wind out of my sail. I’d been more than prepared to fight him. I, however, was not prepared to be outflanked. I blinked, stunned, and derailed. I needed a minute. I was the first to retreat. I Slumped back into my chair. A move that allowed me to look somewhere other than his eyes. “Ky cares deeply for Karina. He has feelings for her.” I mumbled the first thing that came to my mind — avoiding my feelings and his question altogether.

“Is that so hard to believe?” Lathan asked me. His presence was overwhelming.

“I don’t know,” I confessed truthfully. But really it was unimaginable. This Alpha’s were not like I had been raised to believe they were.

“My mother learned to be happy here with her Alpha. You can to Neisa.” Lathan’s words were hopeful, causing me fear and pain.

“I don’t want to be a queen.” I closed my eyes. Trying desperately to wish away the awkward world I had been dropped into.

“I am not talking about being a queen. I am talking about you embracing being an Omega, and my mate.” Lathan didn’t need to clarify. I had been openly struggling with my dynamic since we’d met on the battlefield.

“Being an Omega was never a choice I had,” I said flatly. “And I never pictured myself as anyone’s mate, let alone a king’s,” I confessed, letting the fight leave me entirely. “I am lost.” And a traitor, I reminded myself. The large Alpha scooped me up, settling me into his arms. Cradling me like a child, not the grown woman he was holding. The lull of his purr calmed my rattled nerves. And in true traitor fashion, I let it. “Please don’t growl,” I whispered as I reluctantly eased into his embrace.

“Why not?” Lathan asked as he pushed my damp hair behind my ear.

“I’m afraid if I send anymore soaked laundry out of this room the staff is going to revolt.” Lathan laughed. “That and I may die from dehydration,” I added for good measure. I could feel Lathan’s smile. And I damned myself for enjoying that. My heart and mind tore between uncertainty and despair, placed in between the proverbial rock and a hard place. We sat here, taking comfort in each other. An act that I knew I would regret at some point. Seeing that I was already knee-deep in a lake of despair. I took a little reprieve in my enemies’ arms. Happy to spend time doing and thinking about nothing. The silence was broken when my stomach growled.

“You can growl but I can’t,” Lathan said, teasing me.

“I’m the queen. I can do whatever I want to,” I told him in my snobby voice. My body gently shook with his laughter.

“Really?” Lathan asked.

“Really,” I replied. “First on the lengthy list of my royal demands is outlawing the title of queen.”

“How will people know who you are?” I laughed.

“Besides the fact that I smell like you, have your mark on my neck, and where your shadow like a coat? Let me think?” I halfheartedly joked.

“That demand will be denied.”

“Oh, come on. I’m not asking for your crown.” I said completely disgruntled. “In fact, I’m trying to give it back to you.”

“My crown would not fit on your head little Omega.” Lathan smiled, kissing me quickly. “You really have a crown?”

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