Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter Twists and Turns

“A? A? Where are you!” screamed Aamir. Adilah could make out his dark physique in the shadows and ran over to him. Aamir screamed. “It’s me! Wh-Where are the others?” Adilah asked. Amair enveloped her in a quick hug and shrugged as if Adilah could see him. “Yakir! Ivy! Flame!! Jupiter!!” they yelled. The ground shook again, hard. The floor started to break away letting the steam and magma bubble slowly to the top. The air got hot and burned, then suddenly it switched, it became cold and icy and the magma turned to rock.

A bright light shone into Adilah and Aamir’s eyes. They covered their faces with their arms and squinted in the dark, rocky mountain.

“Ad-Adilah? Aamir is that you?“Jupiter said as she moved the flashlight to their feet, “Where are the others?” The two of them shrugged, “We last saw them in the hall, and then once we left it was light all the light was sucked away,” said Adilah. Then it hit her and she started to panic, “Where-Where is Dari!? DARI? DARI?” she screamed and started to cry. A faint bark echoed through the volcano, “Dari?” she called again and followed the sound. Dari barked again and whimpered. After a few tries, Adilah found the dog but Dari was stuck under a pile of rubble. Jupiter ran over, her breath visible from the cold. They started digging, Adilah shook with coughing from the dust but they finally made it to the dog.

Dari was missing patches of fur and her ear was torn at the top, a small cut was at the bottom of her foot but she was alive. Adilah hugged her close, not letting go for a few minutes. The ground shook again, violently. “What is going on?” asked Adilah, clutching the dog tighter trying to control the shaking. As if on cue the monster appeared again, “A-Aamir?” Adilah said in fear. She reached up and tugged his shirt. “It’s that thing from the village.” The monster emerged filling the room. The magma broke open and started, slowly to flow up its course. The monster spoke, but its mouth, wherever that is, wasn’t moving. The monster wasn’t moving at all, it was just simply standing there. “So these are the people trying to thwart my plan.” The monster spoke in an icy voice that sounded female.

Jupiter’s face went pale, almost as if she was hiding something. “You think that you are going to win!?” the monster said, cackling. “Oh...” the voice clicked their tongue, “then you are sadly mistaken, when fire erupts from the vine the key will be mine, all mine,” the voice cackled again as the monster slowly retreated downward back into the volcano. The sky became blue again. The lights came back but the shield was still broken. “We need to lock the gates, with the shield broken the Fire Orlii can get in. ESTELL!” Estell bustled through the doors with keys and a box. “I’m on it Krissy!” she said and moved door to door using the keys and a wand from the box to put coverings on the doorways.

“It’s Jup- never mind,” said Jupiter. Soon the only light came from the small skylights and the torches and lamps that lined the halls. “We need to find the others,” said Jupiter.

They nodded and went their separate ways, Adilah went to the dining hall, Aamir went upstairs and Jupiter checked the rubble from the earthquakes. After searching for an hour, coming up with nothing, worry-filled the air. What if they can’t find them? They continued searching but nothing.

Adilah sat down on a rock and closed her eyes letting her tears leave little streaks on her face, washing away the dust. She felt Aamir’s arms wrap around her and she leaned into him allowing his heartbeat to calm her just like it had when they took Papa away. Then all of the sudden, she heard the whistle from the garden, PHHWWHHT, she opened her eyes. Her vision lay blurry but she saw a cliff, the sky was dark. She saw Jupiter and Ceres, and other people, she saw Yakir and Ivy, and a girl dressed in black. They all battled and then one of the other people grabbed Jupiter and pulled her over the cliff. Ceres went to help. Then, It stopped. Adilah closed her eyes and opened them, seeing the volcano and staring into Aamir’s chest. She was sweating, hot from the place she had just seen. “What was that?” she whispered. “Hm,” said Aamir, pulling away.

“Oh, nothing,” lied Adilah. They heard Jupiter scream. “G-Guys I found them!!” she exclaimed, calling from the other room. Adilah and Aamir exchanged glances and got up, walking to where Jupiter stood. They stared down at the friends, Yakir, Ivy and Flame. Glass lay broken next to Yakir and Ivy. Jupiter bent down and touched their lips and pulled away, “sleep potion, it’ll wear off in a few hours as for Flame...” they all looked toward the centaur who was frozen, covered in a light frost, face distorted in fear. “Ceres,” Jupiter said and walked quickly outside the room. “CERES!” she called. No answer.

Ceres stood in his small kitchenette in his home that he lived in alone. He knew that Nisha had taken them in since his father had left when he was a baby and his mother had died 6 years ago - Ceres was throwing away the potion he had made, just a harmless sleep potion. Before Jupiter and them dated Fiare liked Ceres and had taught him how to make all sorts of potions. Ceres was glad that Flame would be frozen for a few hours which would help Nisha, but he knew that the elder couldn’t be trusted. Ceres barely remembered the ice world as he had just figured out his powers a few months ago, who knew what else Nisha had lied about? He walked around the small room, just as the small Fire Orlii jumped out of the bed, “hey girl you hungry?” said Ceres. The small griffin chirped, “Look, I know freezing the oaf and mesmering him was kinda extreme but he almost found out about Nisha! What was I supposed to do? Jupiter won’t help with the mission, she has grown too attached to that ridiculous group...” The griffin chirped again and tumbled over herself. Ceres bent down to pet her. The griffin was an odd little creature with a black body, cream-white head, golden metallic swirls around her ankles -- like Ashe, the fox Ceres had gotten from Jupiter for their six-month anniversary -- and sharp feathers at the end of her tail. Ceres had named the creature Ember on account when the griffin gets angry the gold swirls called tailas turn red and radiate heat. Ember had fallen into Ceres’ care when Ceres was on a walk, he had found the animal hurt and stuck on an edge of a cliff in a ravine soon after he had nursed the griffin to health he tried to bring him back outside but Ember just followed him back in.

“Look, the freezing wears off in a couple of hours just after the potion sets in, it’s harmless I swear,” he said, staring at the wall clock. Satisfied, the griffin nuzzled her feathers into the palm of his hand.

He walked to his room which had only a bed in one corner, some toys for Ember, and drawings hung from wall to wall along with photos of Jupiter. A desk sat by the window which overlooked the volcanic castle where Ceres knew Jupiter was looking for him. He sat down at the desk and opened the sketchbook, turning to the picture of the small mandra that was part of the odd group. Yakir, he thought, was his name. Just as he started to draw his shading and ears, he heard a knock at the door. Sighing Ceres got up and walked back to the kitchenette and dining hall, through the small loft with torn couches and splintering bookshelves. Ember trailed at his feet as they walked to the small door. Looking out the peephole Ceres met eyes with his girlfriend. Jupiter stared, stone-faced, giving Ceres no choice but to open the door and let her in. In a matter of moments Adilah, Aamir and Jupiter stood in the loft with Dari off playing with Ember.


“I-I was thinking about us! These...These people walked into our home, interrupted our date and you just accepted them with open arms, and then that balloon-head of a centaur invaded my privacy! It was just payback, I only meant to freeze Flame but Ivy and Yakir were there so I just made a minor sleep potion...” Ceres scratched at his arms uncomfortably and sighed looking down at the floor, ” I’m sorry. Okay?” he said sarcastically. “Don’t use that tone with me, mister,” she said. Jupiter’s arms fell to her sides and her shoulders relaxed, “I shouldn’t have called you Paloma, alright but what you did was bad.” she said. “Yeah I know,” replied Ceres.

“Just please talk to me next time, there was no need for revenge okay,” said Jupiter, grabbing hold of Ceres’ hands. Ceres nodded and continued with his concerns, “they’re in pain?” he asked. “Just minor soreness, should be fine with some aloe and a cool towel,” said Jupiter, reassuring the elf who seemed upset he may have hurt them. He looked down ashamed, “I shouldn’t have done it I know. But I just, I don’t want, I’m used to privacy okay? And then it was invaded and I freaked. I’m sorry. To all of you.” He said, seemingly interested in his tall boots. He looked up, Adilah gave him a small smile, and Aamir nodded next to her.

They all sat on the tattered couches as Ceres went to the kitchenette to make tea. “Almost ready!” he called, sounding happier than he had since the fivesome had arrived. Jupiter smiled at his response, liking the view of the real Ceres. Aamir sat on the floor, cross-legged, and playing with the small griffin and dog.

“Dari be nice!” yelled Aamir, using his arms to cover the Fire Orlii. “No biting!” he said, hitting her on the nose.

Jupiter sighed, as she watched the two animals play fight on the ground.

There was a knock on the door, and all three of them turned, “I got it,” said Aamir getting up from his previous position.

He opened the door to see Estell, with Ashe at her heels, “Go AWAY! Stupid demon fox!!” she yelled but the fox rubbed up on her foreleg and walked in between her legs, “Ugh,” said Estell turning back to the door with a basket in her hands.

“I brought cookies! Mind if I come in,” she asked. Aamir turned around for approval as Estell stood awkwardly outside the door.

“She’s welcome!” yelled Ceres from the small kitchen. Estell turned sideways past Aamir and sat, setting the cookies down on the glass coffee table.

“Ashe!” yelled Jupiter as the fox ran and jumped up onto her. The griffin chirped and fell over herself again just as Ceres came in with a tray with mugs and spoons.

“Estell do you want one?” he asked.

“No that’s quite alright dear I must get back to the castle, Fiare has a guest coming soon, I guess “the vine” was getting impatient for them,” she said as she gestured to Adilah and Aamir. “Actually,” she looked at the clock, “I should be on my way now, you all should come back soon too. The Fire Orlii get intense late in the day and I don’t want to keep Tar... “the vine” waiting. Enjoy the cookies, see ya later!” she said, waving from the door and disappearing around the corner.

“Seriously who is the vine!” said Aamir throwing his hands up in the air exasperated. Adilah laughed at Aamir and covered her mouth with her hand. Ceres set down the tray and handed out the mugs to everyone. “The vine is,″ started Ceres. He turned to Jupiter, “can I tell them?” he asked. Jupiter nodded. Ceres turned back to the duo, “the vine is Jupiter’s aunt...” he lowered her voice, “Tara. She has been wanting to talk to you guys ever since she found out about your location,” Ceres explained. “Whoa! Like Tara as in Nature Elder Tara!” exclaimed Aamir. “SHHHH,” Ceres and Jupiter said simultaneously. “Auntie Tara has been in hiding for the last decade, no one but my dad knows of her location and we would like to keep it that way,” said Jupiter in a whisper. They drank their tea silently with all but the chirps, barks, and scuffling of the animals rough-housing on the carpet. “Wait, if Tara is here...then won’t that monster know of her whereabouts?” said Aamir.

Adilah drew back her lips from her cup, resting it on her cross-legged lap, “that makes sense but the monster left a while ago.” she responded.

“Yeah, but remember the thing the voice said, so these are the people trying to..... Plan? You really think you’ll win! *cackle *cackle then you are sadly mistaken.....when fire erupts from “THE VINE” the key will be mine all mine,” Aamir said, quoting the monster’s words. Jupiter went wide-eyed and then made a confused face at Aamir, “What? Okay I get it I didn’t remember all of it if that is what you’re going to point out.” he said.

Jupiter laughed, “Did you seriously say ‘cackle cackle’.” she asked giggling with a straight face.

“Yeah why?” he said. Everyone broke into laughter.

“That is basically saying “insert cackle sound” when you’re talking,” she said and resumed laughing. Adilah nodded in agreement.

“Okay okay, that’s not the point! Do you think that “the vine” in the warning is referring to Tara?” Aamir said. Everyone stopped laughing abruptly. “If so she is not safe here...nobody is,” he continued and looked down at the floor. Even the animals stopped playing and sat in a line. The room stayed quiet and his last words echoed in their ears, she is not safe here...nobody is.

Back at the castle, Ivy, and Yakir felt like they had an enormous headache as their eyes fluttered open. Their bodies felt like they were stuck under ten boulders and Ivy hurt even more because her shapeshifting had worn off. She was on her side and couldn’t get up. Focusing, she was able to turn human and reached up to grab the island for support. Making her way over to the cabinet she found the potion she stored to lengthen her shapeshifting time from one hour to eleven. She drank and walked over to the sink using mostly her upper body as her legs felt like noodles. She splashed some cool water on her face and stared at the bottom of the sink. She remembered seeing Ceres and that was it; everything else was a blur and it hurt even to think, so she just stopped trying.

Meanwhile, Yakir lay on the floor, eyes open but he stared at the ceiling, not ready to move his body. His ears were bent so he reached up to fix them. Moving his head just a bit he looked over at Ivy by the sink and then he saw the potion. The potion he had dreams of now and then, a potion that could make him human. He loved being a Mandra but he was tired of waking up just because he could hear a pin drop next door. He was tired of being called small and made fun of. He wanted to be human even for just a few hours.

His head turned back to face the ceiling, staring there for a few moments he noticed the decrease in temperature in the room. Sitting up just a bit he found himself facing a half-frozen Flame that he knew purposely Ivy had ignored. In regards to his friend, he thought Flame had acted like a jerk so he stuck his tongue out at him and looked away. “I have a massive headache and my ears hurt and I am aching all over,” he complained.

“Same, except for my ears must be a Mandra thing,” Ivy said, her back turned to Yakir as she washed her hands. “All I remember is seeing Ceres. Why do you think he put us to sleep?” Yakir asked, his back aching from the floor.

“I don’t know. I think that the sketchbook had some stuff that he didn’t want us to see, so when he came to get Flame back for being a jerk we were with him so he put us to sleep so he had no witnesses.” Ivy explained splashing water on her face.

“I guess that makes sense,” responded Yakir, slowly sitting up. “The only thing that doesn’t make sense is sleep potions are supposed to be harmless, it feels like there was harm,” he said, rolling his right shoulder back and then his left, releasing some of the tension.

“Good point, I feel like I am aching all over,” said Ivy. She turned around to face the Mandra who was slowly but surely making his way over to the sink. The ground shook slightly. “Yakir, you look green, here,” Ivy said, handing the Mandra a glass of water from the sink. “Ahhhh....much better,” he said. “We better find the others, I remember Jupiter saying we needed to pack before all the light was sucked away. Maybe they are upstairs doing just that,” said Ivy, retracing her memories before she was given the potion. The two walked past Flame using each other for balance.

“AAMIR! ADILAH!!” they called.

“Quit it!” Fiare yelled from the top of the staircase, he exhaled, “they aren’t here, they went to Paloma’s house,” he said. The duo made confused faces. Fiare sighed. “Ceres’ house,” he explained. “OHHHHHH....” Yakir and Ivy said simultaneously. Fiare turned around, “ohhhh...” he said mockingly under his breath.

“If I may ask,” said Yakir, “Where is Ceres’ house?”

Fiare sighed and spun around to face them, “go out and turn left at the bridge, right at the lava flow and then go around the rock base, turn right, and voila you’re there,” he said, “anything else.”

Yakir shook his head, “Thank you mister Fiare.”

Fiare nodded and turned around going back up the staircase, “let them know “the vine” will be here soon,” he said before disappearing around the banister. “You betcha,” Yakir said joyfully. His smile faded as he let it sink in that Fiare was not fond of them, more importantly, him. “We should get going,” said Ivy, looking nervously at the skylight, “it is getting dark,“. Growling and roaring came from outside. Yakir gulped, “May-Maybe we should stay here, Flame hasn’t...” Ivy cut him off, “To heck with Flame, I don’t care if he is frozen for 4 more hours! He doesn’t care about any of us so don’t even Yakir. He’s used to being on his own so let’s just give him what he wants! I don’t feel sorry for him, he deserved what Ceres did. Now let’s go before it starts to get even worse outside.” Yakir went speechless and nodded, giving up on the argument. They disappeared out the door just as Flame emerged from the kitchen feeling colder than he did when he was frozen. Walking up the stairs he realized Ivy was right.

Ivy and Yakir walked across the first bridge, the light fading from the sky and turning it red, “Ivy? Which way?” Yakir asked, gripping her waist. “Uhhh.... This way I think,” she said pointing to the left trying not to let on that she didn’t remember and felt hopelessly lost. Yakir released his grip a bit, “look!” he said pointing at the lava flow up ahead, “wasn’t that in Fiare’s directions?” he asked. “Yeah, Yeah I think it was. He told us to go right,” she said, agreeing with the Mandra.

They continued walking through the path, “Ah!” They jumped.

“What’s wrong with you?” said Ceres, not acknowledging their frightened faces. “You scared us!” Ivy said. “Never mind that! We gotta get going so we can see Tara!” said Jupiter, practically bouncing on Ceres. “Calm down, Jupiter! We’re almost there,” Ceres reassured her. “Wait Tara?” said Yakir, “as in...” “Yes as in Nature Elder Tara! Let’s go,” said Aamir, cutting him off and rushing them. They rushed back to the castle, slowing down only for Ember, Ashe, and Dari to catch up. Rounding the last bend with laughter and excitement they are quickly frozen in place as they stare at the volcano in ruins.

The group picked through the rubble looking for Flame, though Ivy could care less. “Ho-How did this happen?” asked Ivy, “We were here just a minute ago.”

“Papa! Papa!” Jupiter yelled burning rock after rock away from the ground. Her tears leave little divots on the ground, “Papa! Where are you!” she screamed. Ceres came to hug her, using his powers to cool her down. Jupiter sobbed into his shoulder surrounded by rocks, cooled magma, and holes from her tears. Ceres winced softly as his girlfriend left dots on his arm. “Are you gonna help look for me or not?!” boomed a voice from the edge of the collapsed volcano. Jupiter looked up only to be faced by her father who was covered in ash, “Well?” he outstretched his arms and let his daughter run into a hug. “ow,” said Fiare. “What-what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” asked Jupiter as the group started to crowd around the father and daughter. “Just a few burns and bruises nothing too serious just gotta heal them up,” Jupiter hugged her dad again. “Sorry to break up the reunion but uh where is Tara?” said Ivy. Fiare when stone-faced and held his daughter out by the shoulders, “Yo-YOU TOLD THEM!” he placed his hands on his hips. “I thought...” Jupiter started her eyes welling up with tears. “I didn’t ask you what you thought! WHY DID YOU TELL THEM ABOUT TARA? THAT’S THE REASON THE VOLCANO IS GONE NOW NISHA IS GOING TO KILL HER! KILL HER DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU BASICALLY JUST MURDERED MY BEST FRIEND!” said Fiare little flame jumping from his fingers. He took a deep breath. Jupiter backed up, “I’m sorry,” tears now flowing like rivers down her face. “Sorry won’t fix it, Krissy! Tara is probably dead...” FIare shot back. Jupiter sobbed, spinning on her heels, and ran off.

Ice formed around Ceres’s feet. “What makes you think that you can talk to her like that!” He screamed at the fire elder. “Go home! You’re a bad influence, Paloma! I don’t want you near me or my daughter ever again!” Fiare said. Ceres’ fists curled, “You’re a downright jerk Fiare. Now I understand why Aenon didn’t like you, but unlike you, Jupiter is the best person there is and if you can’t see that for her being downright loving then I will gladly leave but don’t be surprised when Jupiter doesn’t ever come back into your smug arms,” Ceres said and then he too turned on his heels and chased after Jupiter who was now a small speck in the distance. Yakir, who was clueless about the fight, screamed from somewhere in the rubble, “G-Guys I found Flame! An-and Tara...” Fiare pushed through the people burning away all the rocks on Tara and lifted her out of the rocky ground. Adilah sat on a rock resisting the urge to scratch her leg as the heat and the cast had made it itchy. Aamir sat beside her, “How does it feel?” he said. “Fine, it’s been better, speaking of which, what about your cut?” Adilah asked. Aamir lifted his ash-stained shirt. “healing.” Dari limped over. “Oh you poor thing...” said Adilah examining her bruises and a torn ear. “Should we ask Fiare to heal her?” Adilah asked petting the dog gently. “I think he’s a bit busy,” Aamir responded, pointing to Fiare who was bent over Tara’s lifeless body.

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