Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter Love Like Fire

Adilah awoke from her nap to the intense heat on her face. Aamir still sat cross-legged but she knew his legs were starting to hurt since he kept shifting under her weight, she sat up. “You know you are a lot more peaceful in your sleep when you aren’t saying creepy things,” he said.

Adilah laughed, “well you’re a lot less creepy when you don’t sneak into my bedroom and watch me sleep!” Aamir became uncomfortable and it showed.

“What?” Adilah said as his face went solemn. “I didn’t sneak in. My Grammy was with your parents talking about the-the war. She was thinking of moving somewhere like America where we wouldn’t be under attack all the time. Your Mama told me to get you but I didn’t want to wake you up. The day you came to get me was the day I was supposed to leave,” Aamir finished and hung his head down looking disappointed and annoyed that he didn’t tell her.

“I’m sorry I should have told you,” he said.

Adilah turned to face him and lifted his head so their eyes met, “I understand,” she said and then turned to face front again.

Aamir smiled at the back of her head, Of course, you do, he thought.

The heat was starting to hurt but Adilah knew it was only because of the volcanoes in the distance.

Flame stopped in his tracks ahead, “here.” He handed everyone a mask that he welded, “It will allow you to see, breathe and cool down while we cross,” he explained.

“Don’t you need one?” Yakir asked.

“No, Flame and I are adapted to this sort of thing because we used to live in the forests outside of here before they burned down,” Ivy answered. Flame nodded and resumed walking. Adilah placed the mask on her face and Aamir placed his. Even Dari had one adapted to fit her. The heat got more intense but the masks seemed to work, they were all breathing fine. As they started to come to a bridge over a ravine full of lava, two female elves holding hands popped out behind a rock.

One of them, who was in a black shirt, a purple plaid skirt, with black hair that had blue and purple streaks in a bob and gold wire-rimmed glasses, spoke, “Who are you and what do you want?” she let go of the other elves hand and crossed her arms across her chest.

The other elf was wearing a white blouse with rainbow flowers at the top, hair that was orange and pink, ripped jeans with a chain and belt along with white doc martins, and an earring of the planet Jupiter. She also had a flower crown made of white roses, lilies, and daffodils, “Ceres don’t be like that, hi! I’m Krissy but I prefer you call me Jupiter. This is Paloma but you can call her, sorry, him, Ceres. What can we do for you?” Said the slightly shorter elf with the flower crown.

“Well we are trying to get to the Dark Lands,” responded Adilah.

The elves looked at each other at the same time Ceres said, “We can’t help you,” and Jupiter said, “we can TOTALLY help you!!” Ceres rolled his eyes, then looked over and smiled at Jupiter.

Ceres turned back to Adilah and the others, “Fine, we’ll help just know that you interrupted our date.”

Jupiter rolled her eyes, “Sorry. They can be kinda rude sometimes but I love her.”

Ceres glared at her, “sorry, him, dammit,” She corrected herself. “I’ll get it right at some point.”

“So do you guys know the way to the Dark Lands?” Adilah asked.

Ceres nodded as Jupiter nudged his shoulder.

“Loosen up!” Ceres’ arms dropped to his sides and Jupiter quickly grabbed his hand. “Let’s go!”

The two elves turned around and walked across the rickety bridge with the centaurs trailing behind them.

Adilah laid back into Aamir’s lap, “you know, I think this is better than us fighting.” she said as she stared up into his deep moss green eyes.

He smiled down at her. “I do too,” he leaned down and put a kiss on her lips upside-down.

The heat seemed to make their skin prickle and burn, making them very uncomfortable. The elves started to talk in a whisper and it seemed as if to be an argument. “Fine,” Ceres said, ending the conversation.

They turned around and Jupiter spoke, “Do you want us to bring the castle? I have to go see my Dad and stuff so I will go ahead but Ceres will escort you along a different path,” Ceres rolled his eyes.

Adilah looked at the others and shrugged. Everyone nodded, “Great!” Jupiter exclaimed. The two elves looked at each other and smiled.

“I will see you later,” said Jupiter hugging Ceres and finally, sharing a brief kiss.

“EUGH! GET A ROOM!” called an unknown voice from across the bridge.

“Dad!,” Jupiter said after pulling away from Ceres. Jupiter ran to Fiare and hugged him. The elder hugged her back. Adilah and Aamir shared a glance and dropped their mouths open.

Fiare walked over with one arm around Jupiter, “who are your new friends?” he said in a deep voice.

“This is,” Jupiter turned to the group, “I never actually got your names.”

Ivy spoke for all of them, “I’m Ivy that’s Flame, this is Adilah and Aamir,” she said as she turned around, “and that’s Yakir and Dari is the dog.”

Jupiter turned back to her dad, “these are my new friends.”

Ceres under his breath responded, “I wouldn’t call them friends,” he crossed his arms. Jupiter shot her a quick glare and returned to Fiare, “I was just about to bring them to the castle.”

Fiare looked at the fivesome and nodded, “Very well,” He walked past them after shooting a scowling look at Ceres, who started to scratch their arm uncomfortably.

“I’m going to head home. I’ll see you later, Jupiter,” they said as fog filled his glasses and his eyes became wet with tears. “Oh, okay bye I guess,” Jupiter responded.

Adilah cleared her throat, “So the castle.” Jupiter nodded, “follow me.” She turned on her heels and walked off. Aamir looked at Adilah and he seemed to know what she was saying, “Ivy can you stop? A wants to get off.” Ivy came to a stop and Aamir got off to help Adilah get situated on the crutches. He hopped back on, “ready,” Ivy started to trot slowly as if waiting to make sure Adilah could catch up. Adilah caught up and went past to where Jupiter was walking, “Hi,” she said.

Jupiter looked up, “Adilah right?”

Adilah nodded, “You okay? Ceres didn’t seem very keen to stay,”

“Oh yeah,” Jupiter responded looking down, “My dad doesn’t like him very much. See my Dad had a crush on Aenon the water elder when they were kids but Aenon turned him down. He is supportive of me and Ceres but just well, I guess he’s jealous because he is upset that Aenon didn’t like him back.”

Adilah kept walking next to Jupiter, “Sorry,”

“It isn’t your fault, plus on the bright side, I am sure that Ceres is dedicated to me because if he wasn’t then he wouldn’t be with me still after the way my Dad shuns him.”

Adilah nodded, “I think it’s kinda cool. I mean I have never met a gay couple that is exact opposites, I actually have never met a gay couple in general.”

Jupiter looked up and puffed out her chest looking taller and happier.

The group walked in silence with the occasional comments from Flame and Ivy. Soon the heat got severe they all looked up to see where it was coming from. In front of them stood a huge volcano with a small opening at the base. Jupiter kept walking so naturally, the group kept following. They all walked through the opening and looked up. What they thought to be lava at the top was a thin roof that filtered the sunlight as a reddish color. There were balconies on the walls and a grand floor at the bottom. An elevator to the balconies sat in the middle of the room blending in with the floor. The castle was surprisingly cool compared to the harsh temperatures outside. Everyone dismounted the centaurs and looked around with wonder and curiosity.

A fox slept in a small cave of coal and a bed of ash, “Ashe come here,” Jupiter cooed.

The fox stretched and stepped out of the den-like cave revealing a tail of fire and a black body with shiny gold swirls. Ashe trotted over and sat next to Jupiter tilting her head while she studied Dari.

“This is my fox, Ashe, Ceres got her for me as our six-month anniversary gift,”

Aamir bent down and crouched as he examined the creature, “That’s a neat gift! I am kinda, sorta maybe obsessed with the fire Orlii!”

Jupiter turned to face Adilah who nodded in agreement.

She turned back to Aamir, “You can pet her if you like, she is very friendly, just don’t touch her tail.”

“Noted,” said Aamir who moved closer and stroked the creature’s fur.

“I will go get your rooms ready,” exclaimed Jupiter.

“Oh no, no, no we need to leave,” said Adilah looking back at Flame who looked very anxious. Ivy rubbed his shoulder and whispered something. He nodded and relaxed a little bit.

“Well at least stay for dinner. Ceres is coming with us and I don’t want you to have to wait outside,” Jupiter argued.

“Well? Is that alright with you guys?” said Adilah looking at the others. Everyone nodded, “Yeah I guess it would be nice not to just have fish and berries again.”

“Great!” Jupiter said excitedly, clapping her hands together. “Ceres will join us sooner than later, hopefully.” “For now, Adilah can I see your leg?” Aamir hopped up and ran to her side, putting her slightly behind him, “Why?” he said protectively, “Well, my dad can heal wounds, so I figured if I let him know what is wrong he can start making the potion to fix it before we leave.” Aamir relaxed his shoulders and looked back at Adilah, “Is that okay with you?” Adilah laughed a bit at his protectiveness and nodded. Footsteps approached outside the opening or “door” everyone got tense until the elf walked in, “Why are y’all so tense??” said Ceres.

Jupiter sighed, “We thought you were one of the Fire Orlii, it’s pretty common for them to roam outside the palace at this time of day,” she explained.

“Really!!” exclaimed Aamir a little too excitedly. Ivy laughed as Ceres rolled his eyes. There was a roar outside the volcano, everyone froze, again. “Don’t worry, we’re safe, the volcano has a protective shield so the Fire Orlii can’t just walk in,” explained Ceres, “Wimps,” she exclaimed and crossed her arms.

Jupiter smiled and nudged his shoulder allowing him to relax.

“It is probably best that you stay here, after you leave the volcano the Fire Orlii won’t stay away and I can’t guarantee they’ll be nice,” said Jupiter.

Adilah looked anxious but she allowed herself to nod. Jupiter clapped her hands together, “Wonderful! I will have Estell set up your rooms, we have,” she does some math in the air, “5 rooms, 4 with king beds and 1 with 2 beds.”

Everyone looked around figuring out who’ll be their sleepover partner. In the end, Flame was with Yakir, Ivy was with Adilah and Aamir would have his own.

“And Ceres and I will share my room,” exclaimed Jupiter, scurrying to the elevator.

Everyone stood awkwardly for what felt like hours. The elevator came down with Jupiter and another elf that was dressed as a maid, “This is Estell she is our maid but more family than anything. She’ll set up the rooms for all of you.” Jupiter said.

“Krissy is correct, nice to meet you all,” said Estell with a warm smile. Jupiter stood in an awkward position no doubt because of the fact she was called by her dead name.

Fiare walked into the room briskly and stared at the group, “Why hello again,” rubbing his temple he said, “Adilah, Aamir, Ivy, Flame, and Yakir.” He opened his eyes again, “did I get it right?” Everyone nodded.

He turned to his daughter, “Kri...Jupiter, I assume you are setting up rooms for our guests.”

Jupiter nodded excitedly. Ceres laughed, looking a little less angry and a little calmer. Fiare sighed, “Is Ceres staying with you or someone else.”

“With me,” responded Jupiter looking a little too giddy. Ceres’s face turned red.

“Very well, Estell, please make the rooms ready for our new friends. I must go greet a newcomer.” Fiare walked back out as Estell walked in the other direction back towards the elevator with Ceres and Jupiter following.

Adilah turned toward the group looking at everyone’s faces and settling her weight on her crutches. She smiled, “I am quite excited about this. The elves seemed nice and were getting closer to accomplishing the mission.” Everyone stood straighter and mumbles went around agreeing with what she had stated, everyone except Flame. His eyes were distant and his face was tense.

“Flame?” Ivy said.

“Mhm. Yeah, Fire Orlii, Dark Lands got it,” he responded.

“Flame, we-we weren’t talking about that,” Ivy said, wearing a sad face.

“Oh,” he hung his head.

“Bro, we got this!” Aamir said, nudging his shoulder. “Plus, I don’t think the Centaurs are going to stand by their agreement if we are a little over the time limit but we still save Remaria,” Aamir continued.

Ivy nodded, “I won’t let my Dad, and if Spark is anything of a good friend she won’t let him either.”

Flame puffed out his chest and relaxed a bit, “I guess you’re right! Let’s do this thing!”

Everyone cheered.

They spent the next few hours in the dining room telling stories, jokes, and plans. Even Ceres was friendly, a bit too friendly with Jupiter. His legs wrapped around hers and Ceres moved his chair over to press against Jupiter’s thigh, Jupiter intertwined his hand. The other crossed over and moved up Ceres’s skirt. Ceres shivered and smiled. He used his free arm to move his glasses up on his nose.

They all planned to sleep in since the Dark Lands is a two-day trip. Fiare was going to lend them some of his horses so Ivy and Flame could take a break.

“Sounds like we’re all good,” said Ceres.

“Yep!” responded Jupiter in a cheery tone.

“Thanks again for helping us,” said Adilah. Aamir laughed, “that tickles!” Adilah made a confused face but then she knew why. Surely enough Ashe was rubbing around Aamir’s leg for his attention. Everyone broke out laughing.

When it was time to go to bed the group was very, very tired. Adilah and Ivy headed up first on the elevator with Aamir. Then Flame and Yakir came up with Dari on Flame’s back who insisted on coming up with them. Ivy and Adilah found the room adjacent to the elevator walking in; the first they saw was a giant bed with 2 nightstands, a pond on the right side with coy and lily pads, and a doorway to a bathroom. There was a window above the bed and a door to the room next to it which happened to be Aamir’s. Flame and Yakir were down the hall on the other side.

“Now this is a luxury room,” said Ivy, switching into a human and plopping onto the bed. “Ahhhhh,” she exclaimed, closing her eyes. Adilah chuckled and resumed examining the room. She was amazed by the delicate details and touches that seemed to brighten the room; the carvings on the wall, the hand-made lights, the woven patterns on the bedspread, and the carefully planted lily pads on the pond. There was a knock at the door, Ivy sat up on her elbows and Adilah spun around to face Aamir leaning in the doorway.

“Estell wanted me to ask if you want dessert?” he said.

“Yesssssssss!” responded Ivy who in a second was up and out of the bed.

“How ’bout you, A?” Aamir said, turning to face Adilah.

“Yeah, I’ll be down in a sec,” she said, clearly not focused on the question.

“Suit yourself,” said Ivy running out the door and onto the elevator platform. “I’ll be right down!!” she called from the railing, “Flame! You better not eat all the ice cream!!”

Adilah and Aamir laughed.

“You good?” asked Aamir, his arms dropping to his sides as he stood back up and walked back into the room. “Yeah-yeah I-I’m fine,” she responded. They walked over to the bed and Adilah sat next to Aamir. “Ar-are we gonna talk about what happened in the Elems?” she asked.

“Do you want to?” Aamir said looking down at her face. “Well,”

“Okay, what is there to talk about?” Aamir said.

“Oh I don’t know just the fact that we kissed,” she responded, gazing down at her feet to hide the bushels of red growing on her cheeks. “We’re best friends that’s it, right?” she said, moving her eyes to meet his.

“A, I-I have always liked you, more than a friend. I guess I just thought that I was stuck in the friend zone until the Elems,” he said uncomfortably.

“Oh,” her eyes fell to the floor, “I have always thought of you as a friend until this trip. I just didn’t say anything because I was confused.”

“What do you mean?” Aamir asked, confused. “I mean,” she looked up at him, “I like you too.”

Aamir smiled wider than ever and hugged Adilah who felt the best she had felt in weeks; she didn’t worry about Papa, the war, or even what was happening downstairs with the others. I love you, Aamir, if only you knew how much. She thought as they drew away from each other.

“Now, I don’t know about you but I want ice cream,” he claimed.

She laughed and nodded as he dragged her to the elevator, their hands locked together.

The two walked into the kitchen, smiling at the variety of toppings and ice cream layouts on the counter. The clinking of spoons and the joyous laughter filled the air.

“You didn’t eat all of it, guys did you?” Aamir said looking at Flame who had a shocked expression and a mouth full of ice cream.

“What?” He said muffled.

Ivy laughed as Flame swallowed and smiled looking pleased with himself. Ceres walked into the room as Jupiter quickly ran over to him.

“You all set up in my room?” she asked.

“Yep!” Ceres replied, “Now, gimme that ice cream I am starving.” He said as he took the carton that Flame picked up out of his hands.

“Hey!” Flame said.

Ceres gave him a look, “how many have you had?” He asked.

“Ten,” he mumbled unclearly.

“What?” said Ceres. “Ten,” Flame said louder and blushed as everyone broke into laughter.

The sun slowly set and the growling outside got louder and more intense, people said their goodnights and headed to all of their new luxurious rooms.

“So, you and Aamir good again,” asked Ivy, combing her hair.

“Yeah,” Adilah replied in a dreamlike state. Ivy shook her head, laughing, and continued brushing as Adilah stared up through the small skylight and watched the sun go down.

“I’m gonna save you, Papa,” she said as the two settled into bed and closed their eyes.


Running, screaming, her Papa panting for his last breath. Adilah tossed and turned, bolting straight up from the bed. She had a thin line of sweat beaded across her forehead. She gently touched it as if it burned. Just a nightmare she thought. She looked around the darkroom to the other side of the bed, Ivy lay there sound asleep. Adilah’s gaze drifted to the nightstand on Ivy’s side. Another potion? Must extend her shapeshifting, she pondered as she stared at the tipped-over bottle that had a single drop of yellow concoction sitting at the bottom. She slowly slipped off the covers, careful not to wake Ivy. She sat on the edge of the bed and walked to the door that connected to Aamir’s room. A dim light came from under the door, Adilah carefully turned the knob and walked in, “A-Aamir,” she said.

“A! Wh-What are you doing up,” He said as he went around to the other side of the bed to turn out the lamp. His torso was bare, she blushed staring at his abs a little too long.

“I could ask you the same,” she responded, her arms dropped to her side, “nightmare,” she said and sighed making her way to the bed, “Can-Can I stay with you? I can sleep on the floor or something,” she asked, scratching her arm nervously.

Aamir smiled and nodded, walking to the closet and pulling out a small mattress and blankets. Adilah relaxed, I knew you would understand, she thought as she helped him set up the mattress on the floor. Their eyes caught each other, “Thank you,” she said. Aamir nodded and continued setting up the mattress.

Thunder boomed outside, Adilah lay on the mattress wide awake as the light came through the skylight from the lightning. Debris and unturned trees, Mama covering her mouth in the shelter, Aamir stuck under a branch, and Papa, a ghost drifting endlessly through the fire, Adilah shook her head but she was terrified, these visions became more and more real every time she had them. Aamir rolled around to face her side of the floor, once their eyes met in the dark room all he did was pat the bed. Adilah smiled and got up with her blanket.

“Thanks” she whispered.

“Mhm,” Aamir responded before closing his eyes.

Adilah got on the other side of the bed and slipped silently under the covers. She yelped, burying her head in the pillow as the thunder shook the room.

Aamir’s arm came to rest on her and she relaxed her shoulders finally allowing herself to go to sleep and stay pressed against his chest.


Adilah’s eyelids fluttered open as the now blue sky let the sun filter through the skylight. She rolled around to find Aamir’s back turned to her, snoring softly. She smiled.

“Aamir?” she said, shaking him softly. “Aamir? Wake up,” she shook him a bit harder. Aamir jolted up, “No please, I still want the pie,” he yelled, eyes still closed.

“What?!” Adilah exclaimed and laughed.

Aamir’s eyes opened one at a time in a slow fashion, “Oh hi,” he rubbed her eyes.

Laughing, Adilah pulled the covers off and sat upright using the bedpost to stand, her legs still asleep. Aamir did the same on the other side, his shirt wrinkled. “I’m hungry,” he said.

“Okay, then let’s go get food,” Adilah responded. He nodded and relaxed., he turned all the way and pulled her forward, his hands featherlight on her cheek. She closed her eyes and let his lips brush hers softly. He let go, and their eyes fluttered open. She climbed out of the bed and started to shiver. Aamir threw on a shirt and handed her a sweatshirt to put on. She smiled.

The two walked to the door greeted by Ivy and Flame who looked very nervous, “Where were you!” Ivy said running over and hugging Adilah, she pulled away, “I was worried sick!”

“I-I,” Adilah stuttered. “Well?!” Ivy said roughly, placing her hands on her hips.

Aamir walked past the girls to the elevator, “I’ll meet you downstairs,” he said before heading down with Flame. Ivy turned back to Adilah, her hands still positioned on her torso, “Well!” she repeated. Adilah’s knee buckled and felt cold, turning around she found that Dari was rubbing her nose into her knee to get her attention.

“I had a nightmare, the storm reminded me of home so I walked over to Aamir’s bedroom and-and stayed with him,” she hung her head, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I just didn’t,” she exhaled, “I didn’t want to wake you.” She glanced back up to meet Ivy’s eyes. Ivy relaxed and looked sorry for her, “Sorry I-I didn’t know, I thought something happened to you.” Adilah scratched her arm and looked down, “Aw, I can’t stay mad at you. You slept together, like holy shit!” she said. Adilah blushed.

“C’mon,” said Ivy, taking Adilah’s wrist in her hand, “Let’s go eat,” She dragged Adilah to the elevator with Dari trailing her heels. As the elevator lowered music came from the dining hall, then screaming, filled the air and Estell was busy bustling from the kitchen to the table. “Flame give. It. BACK!” Ceres said as it echoed across the walls. Adilah walked in with Ivy in front, Ceres fists were tight at her sides and the air around her was cold, below freezing it seemed.

“Not until you tell me what the fuck this is!” Yelled Flame, who was trying to charge the elf but Aamir blocked the path.

“Guys stop!” Aamir said, looking at both of them with his arms extended.

Jupiter walked in, “Wha-what’s going on?” she said looking at the scene and then at Adilah and Ivy who both gave a mere shrug.

“Flame stole my sketchbook,” Ceres yelled, tensing. “More like a murder book!” said Flame. He looked at Jupiter, “Did you know your girlfriend,” Jupiter stopped him, “boyfriend,” Flame rolled his eyes and sighed, “Boyfriend has a list of all of us and our weaknesses!” Jupiter looked at Ceres then back at Flame, “I’m sure that wasn’t his intention,” Jupiter replied calmly.

Flame held the black book higher, “Yeah! Then what were they?” The air went icy and then hot all at the same time. “Ceres, calm down,” said Jupiter, her arms extended with fire dancing around her fingertips. Jupiter looked at Flame, “Set. The. Book. Down, Now.” she said, growling, her words full of anger. Flame looked shocked but obeyed and backed up.

Ceres dropped his hands and let the ice retract which had previously slowly grown around his feet. He ran over to the book and hugged it to his chest. Jupiter took a deep breath and let the room go back to the normal temperature.

“Let’s sit, shall we?” Jupiter said. Everyone looked at her, her head turned to face each one of them. Ceres looked nervous, Aamir looked confused, Ivy seemed calm, Flame angry, and Adilah clueless. “Hmm?” she asked again. They all nodded and sat down. Estell bustled through the doorway with a cart full of breakfast, Ashe trailing at her heels, yowling, “For the last time kitty! You aren’t getting any of this!” Estell said facing the fox, Ashe growled and rubbed up against Estell’s leg before leaping away. “Owwww! Stupid demon fox,” she screamed after her. Estell reached down and touched tenderly at the now red rash on her leg from the fox’s fiery tail. The group ate in silence with only the crackling fire and the clinking of utensils, Jupiter had eaten quickly and had led Ceres away from the table into the other room. Flame slammed down his fork, “we have to leave?”

Adilah swallowed her food, “Why?” she asked, “Yeah why?” said Aamir agreeing.

“Bec-Because it isn’t safe here, if we leave now we could be in the Dark Lands in four days. That is if we take the safe path, it is longer but there is more of a chance we won’t, you know, die.” Ivy shook her head no, “We aren’t leaving! I like the elves and I also like not eating salmon and berries 24/7!” she hung her head, “If you don’t trust the elves, can-can you trust me?” Flame looked shocked, after the orphanage and then the outcast, it never felt like anyone cared. He wanted to tell her that he did trust her. but he didn’t he got up and walked off, “I’m going to pack, so we can leave when you all come to your senses,” he said. He walked over to Ceres and whispered something into his ear, Ceres turned red, and Flame continued, as he stopped in the doorway and sighed, making his face angry again he continued to storm off.

Ivy looked hurt, all Adilah wanted to do was hug her new friend but they continued to eat as Ivy softly cried.

“Flame has trust issues? What’s new? He’ll come around Ivy in the meantime, forget about him, you’re great and if Flame doesn’t see that then he has problems,” said Aamir’s voice across the table. Ivy wiped her nose and sniffled.

The same sentence was repeated by the others as the two elves walked back into the room.

“Where is the big oaf that almost made Ceres freeze the Volcano?” said Jupiter as she pointed to Flame’s empty seat. Aamir looked from the seat to Jupiter, “ohh. Flame yeah more like lame, Ivy tried to calm him down and he stormed off.” Ivy went back to sulking.

“Ceres?” Jupiter said, turning to her boyfriend, “Ceres?” she looked around at everyone seeing if they knew where the elf went, “Did any of you see him walk off? Anyone?” Jupiter turned back to the spot where Ceres had been standing a few moments ago. “Anyone!?” she said more frantically. Everyone shook their heads. Jupiter started to run to the door but fell to the floor because she ran into Fiare, “going somewhere,” he said calmly.

“N-No, no, just,” Jupiter looked around her father into the open platform only to see Ceres sneaking out of the volcano.

“Good,” said Fiare walking in. “We have news from,” he sighed looking at the group sitting at the dining table, he turned back to Jupiter, “We have news from “the vine” she is waiting for them,” he pointed to the group.

Jupiter’s eyes went wide, “oh, okay we were just leaving around high sun but do we need to leave sooner.” Fiare nodded and looked around.

His gaze returned to his daughter, “Where is Paloma?” Jupiter made an annoyed face, “You know he doesn’t like that, it’s Ceres,” she crossed her arms.

“Fine, where is Ceres,” Fiare asked again.

“I-I don’t know,” Jupiter’s gaze fell to the floor, her arms dropping to her sides. “He ran off with his sketchbook because the centaur ticked him off,” Jupiter glared at Flame who was just entering the room again.

“Typical,” said Fiare, hugging his daughter and shooting disgusted looks at the centaur. He pulled away and held Jupiter’s shoulders, “Go pack,” he looked up at the group, “All of you.” Fiare spun on his heels and walked out, his hands folded behind his back.

“Who the heck is “the vine!” said Yakir, throwing his hands up into the air. “Yeah! Who?” agreed Aamir. Dari barked. “That’s not important, all that you need to do is pack quickly, time is running out,” said Jupiter. Flame walked over to Ivy who then, angry, left to talk with Adilah. “Ivy I...,” he reached out. “Don’t touch me, I’m not someone you can just coax into forgiveness, just like I can’t make you trust anyone. I thought you were different from me,” she said and walked out of the dining hall. Ashe came out from under the table and followed Jupiter who was leading Ivy and Adilah to the elevator. They started shaking, the shield had broken and the sky went dark.

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