Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter The Notebook

Wow Luna, your fast.” Red said as we ran side by side through the dense forests.

I kept a few paces in front of him while we played cat and mouse. The thrill of the chase was the most exhilarating part of being a wolf, and for the first time since coming to the Crimson pack I felt free and alive.

Holden told me about this spot by the lake, let’s go.” I mind linked to Red taking a sharp right east towards the clearing.

It was only a few hundred yards away and I could already hear the water just beyond the trees. As we came into the clearing I slowed my pace near the edge of the lake, allowing my paws to dampen on the pebbled beach. The sun was setting over the horizon allowing the pink sky to mirror like glass across the still lake.

Red and I sat on the waters edge, not speaking, just listening to the chirping and croaks of crickets and bull frogs. I took in a deep breath as I gazed at the beautiful surroundings. Red seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was, his eyes encapsulated on the serene view.

But just as I was enjoying the moment, a part of me felt guilty. In the back of my mind I thought of Holden, why wasn't I enjoying this with him?

You see that?” Red suddenly diverted his attention across the lake.

His eyes were following a small black object, emitting a continuous buzzing noise. I didn’t notice it until I looked in the same direction as him. It was pacing back and forth over the shoreline, it was not too far from us, but I could tell it was avoiding our direction. After a few seconds it was already gone and the buzzing slowly dissipated.

Yes, uh-not sure what that was. A drone perhaps? I suggested.I never knew Holden used those for security.”

“Seems unusual for Holden to use one, those are usually used for recon missions. We used to use them in my old pack...” Red replied.

"Umm, that reminds me -Red if you don't mind... I know you said you didn't like to talk about your old pack." I didn't want to push the subject of his past, but it was the only way for me to get closure.

"Luna, I know you want to know more about me. I could tell just by the way you look at me. If this will give you clarity on your dreams, I will gladly share with you. What do you want to know?" He asked.

"Red, I really appreciate it... I know how the past can be hard to relive, but I must find out more. I need to know where you come from. The more information the better. The tattoos on your body... They haunt my dreams."

"Seems like a simple question, but trauma can make even the simple questions hard... Well, I can first start by telling you that I am from the Fenrir pack."

"Fenrir? How come I haven't heard of them?" I questioned.

"Because that's the way we live, hidden from the world. We live for fighting and combat. We start training at a young age and until the day we die. This is what our tattoos represent, they represent our accomplishments in combat." He answered back.

"How did you become a rogue?" I didn't want to ask him, but I needed to know more.

I could tell the question hit a soft spot, a wolf's only way to live is in a pack and without belonging to one, is death itself. His head lowered as he hesitantly answered the question.

"I contested for the Alpha title..."

"Oh..." I replied.

"And I failed... Once our Alpha died, his son took his title and I challenged him for it. When I lost, instead of killing me... he banished me."

"He didn't kill you?" I was surprised an Alpha would give such mercy to a challenger.

"He was more of a friend then anything, and I betrayed him. I live with that everyday and it haunts me."

"Why did you challenge him if he was your friend?" I didn't want to push my questions too far, but curiosity got the best of me.

"We were close, but saw the world differently. I thought if I became Alpha we could become stronger, more powerful..." As Red was talking I could hear a rustling in the bushes behind us, prompting us to turn around quickly to investigate.

At first I couldn't see anything, but there was obviously someone coming towards us. Red went on high alert as soon as he heard the noise and stood in front of me, shielding me from whatever was beyond the bushes. His canines were barring out as his thunderous growl echoed across the lake.

“It’s just me, RELAX.” A woman's voice came from the bushes. "And what are you two love birds up to? Alpha Holden is going to love this."

My heart started to pound and my teeth grinded in frustration, who does she think she is?

Finally, she appeared through the bushes confidently walking towards us, completely naked with not a care in the world. She had an athletic body, long legs, broad shoulders, and her breasts were....HUGE, thankfully covered by her long red hair.

“I’m sorry, you are?” I demanded. Did she have any idea of who I was? Did she know she was talking to her Luna?

“Why don’t you both shift and we can do proper introductions, what do you say Red?” She winked at Red who remained motionless.

I am your Luna.” I angrily said.I demand you to tell me who YOU are NOW!”

“Why don’t you tell her Red?” She teased Red like there was a history with them, but I knew damn well that he just arrived a few days prior. My patience was running thin with this woman and I wanted to slash her pretty little teeth out.

“Aria, Gamma of Alpha Holden.” Red replied.

I was glad that I was still in my wolf form so she wouldn’t see my surprised expression when I heard the famous Aria’s name. She looked just as crazy as I imagined her to be. I knew she was Holden’s top warrior commander, and he respected her abilities, but she lacked a certain respect to authority. I was her Luna after all.

“The famous Aria, I heard a lot about you, good to finally meet you.” I sarcastically replied. My tone obviously pissed her off because she immediately looked to Red, ignoring my comment like it was nothing.

“You’re needed back at the pack house, Holden wants to see you Red.”

“Yes, as you command Gamma.” Red bowed his head and sped off into the forests not giving a moment’s hesitation.

NICE, he didn’t even say goodbye, but I guessed he was touchy with his new role here and didn't want to mess it up.

“Oh Diana, one last thing before I go." Aria smiled deviously, like she was enjoying the moment. "Sorry for the little incident the other day, call it a mis-understanding. Sometimes Holden requires my..." she cleared her throat, "EXPERTISE. Hope you understand Diana - I mean... Luna." Aria bowed her head before disappearing once again in the bushes, not even giving me a chance to respond.

Words could not describe the anger I felt. My muscles were twitching and my teeth were clenched so hard I felt like they were going to crack under the pressure.

Never in my life I've been so dis-respected.

I couldn't live here as long as she was freely walking around. I must get to Holden as soon as possible, I needed to get rid of this bitch.

It must have been dinner time because the pack house smelt of various flavours that made my mouth drool, but I couldn't let Adrian's cooking distract me. I had a mission.

To banish Aria from this pack.

She had no respect for her leaders and she belonged with the rogues in the wild.

I managed to change back into clothes that I left behind before I went on my little run with Red. I guess I wasn’t as “confident” as Aria was with her nudity.

Just thinking of her speaking or touching Holden made me furious. Something deep down inside me was growing that fired me up. Was it jealousy? I never considered myself a jealous person until I met this woman. Aria was the fuel to my fire and I was ready to burn her down.

I was almost at Holden's office, I could smell him, but I could also smell others with him. I wasn’t sure who he was with, but I could care less, I needed to put my foot down. I was only steps from his door and I could hear the distinct voices coming from the other side of the door.

“Hahaha, she said what?” It sounded like Holden.

I stood by the door, eaves-dropping into their conversation. My parents taught me better, but I was too pissed to even care about being a 'good girl.'

“So Red, do you feel changed now? Better? Stronger?” Holden's voice spoke again, sparking more interest in their conversation.

My anxiety rose when I thought about what Holden was referring to.


“I can’t explain it. After that day, I felt the best I’ve ever have in my life. It sort of gave me a boost in everything...” Red’s voice was quiet but I could clearly tell it was him. Did he sell me out?

“Alpha, did you know?” Aria’s irritating voice came next. My hands clinched into fists as I heard her talk.

“Yes.” Holden replied.

I gasped, my hand was covering my mouth in hopes they didn’t hear me. Holden knew about my abilities? I never told him, how could this be?

I was obviously too loud because the next thing I knew the door swung open and all three of them were standing around Holden's desk, narrowing their gaze at me like I was a science experiment gone wrong.

And to top of everything off, I saw something on Holden’s desk that made me shiver in fear.

My notebook.

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