Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter An Interesting Proposition

I stood there like a deer in headlights. Aria had a smirk on her face that I wish I could slap off, but I contained my composure to avoid embarrassment.

“Diana, I’ve been expecting you. Please.” Holden signaled me to enter, he was smiling and seemed more chipper then usual. I was cautiously optimistic, preparing myself for fireworks.

"You two can leave now." Holden nodded in Aria's direction and without hesitation both of them proceeded out of the room.

I gave Aria a dirty look as she walked out the room while Red followed closely behind her, his head ducking down in shame. He knew he sold me out, but it was probably because he was commanded to, a warrior that didn’t follow an order was a death wish.

As soon as the door closed behind them Holden stood up, clutching my little black book tightly in his hand.

“I can explain.” I said as I tried beating him to the punch.

“No, Diana. You lied to me, but I will admit... I already knew.” He walked towards the window, peering through the glass as he held his hands behind his back.

“But – how?” I curiously asked.

“Diana, you are the Luna of this pack. You need to be honest with me. It doesn’t matter how I know because I need to protect you. If anyone finds out about your abilities, they will try to take you away from me... And trust me, I will kill anyone who even thinks about doing that. I would hunt down their entire family and wipe out their blood line from the history books. ” Holden turned around, looking at me with a dark look in his eyes. I wasn't sure if he was more angry or disappointed, but I felt guilt in the pit of my stomach. Was I wrong for not telling him everything?

“I don’t know… I can’t explain it. This was all inherited from my mother, and it’s why I keep it a secret, she told me it was dangerous for others to know. I still don’t know what all of my abilities are... I healed Red that day yes, but that’s all I know that I can do. I swear I’m telling the truth.” I tried to be as sincere as possible without getting him angry, but by the look of his expression he was already furious.

“Then explain this Diana!” He slammed the book down hard onto the desk “ANOTHER SECRET.” He slid the note book across his desk, pages already opened revealing my sketches of Red's tattoos.

“I don’t know...” I looked down at the book feeling ashamed that I couldn’t give him more answers.

Never in my life had I felt like I wanted to sink in the floor and disappear. Why couldn’t I be a normal wolf like everyone else? I felt like I was drifting away from everyone in my life, and there was nothing anchoring me down.

As I glanced back up I noticed that Holden was no longer in front of me. My body tensed up, unable to see where he disappeared to.

"Holden?" I called out.

I glanced around the office frantically looking for him. The eerie silence made me tremble inside.

Suddenly, I felt his warm breath on my neck and my eyes widened in fear. There was a strong pressure on my arms, like I was being tied back. I struggled in his grip but he was too strong. His face lunged forward, his mouth close to my ear.

“You are mine forever Diana, no one will take you from me. Don’t lie to me ever again my angel. Or you will not like it, TRUST ME.” I felt his warm tongue graze my outer ear and my body shook in terror. “If I have to burn this whole world down to have you, I WILL."

I felt his tongue reach my neck, trailing down to the outer edge of my mark. It stung from the contact, but then miraculously turned into pleasure, sending my core into overdrive.

“Please I need to speak to you about something. Now is not the time.” I moaned from his touch, which made my plead less serious. It was becoming harder to concentrate, but I had to get this off my chest.

Holden continued grazing and groping my body while I stood there unable to move from his arm lock. They felt like chains holding me down and I wanted him to continue, but I had to get my point across.

“Aria. IT'S ARIA.” I yelled out.

He abruptly stopped and released his grip.

“She’s no good Holden. She is a pervert that has an obsession with you. She doesn’t respect me AT ALL.” I said as I turned around.

I knew I was rolling the dice with his reaction. I was still new to this pack and Aria probably has been here her whole life, but I was her Luna.

Holden erupted in laughter and I just stood there dumb-founded. Does he take me seriously or not? Am I his child or his wife?

“Now, now. I’ll make sure she apologizes to you my angel.” He winked at me as he took a seat in his leather chair. “Now if I do that for you Diana, what will you do for me?"

I flickered my eyes in annoyance and replied hesitantly, “What do you mean?” Why was he asking ME to do him a FAVOUR? Dealing with Aria shouldn't require me to pay him back.

“Suck my cock.” He said.

“Excuse me?” I replied in shock.

I’ve never been asked to do that before, I mean I was curious to try, but to do it so Aria could apologize for something SHE DID WRONG?

“Angel, Aria is strong minded and says what she says. Even to me. Don’t take her seriously. She would die trying to protect you because YOU are her Luna. I would kill her if she ever allowed you to get hurt. Please baby, trust me.” As he said this he opened his legs while seated in his chair, allowing for his bulge to poke through his pants.

Honestly, I was turned on, my cheeks were flushed and my heart was racing. What has gotten into me?

"You look flustered baby, is it something I said?" He said in a low voice. Just hearing him talk like that made my blood boil with lust.

He narrowed his gaze in my direction, running his hands through his hair while he leaned back deeper into his chair. I could see his abs poking through his shirt as he brought his arms down to his sides, showing me he wasn’t going to force me to do it, but I was more the welcome to try.

My heart was beating fast unable to make the decision, but my gut instinct told me to go for it. This man had his dark ways, but I knew all he wanted was me.

So in the moment I knew what I was going to do.


I started walking towards him and got down to my knees. He seemed pleased with my response and pulled his pants down just enough to let his man hood out.

It was large, and I knew I would never be able to fit it in my mouth.

“Good girl. Do what comes natural angel. I’ll help you.” He started bundling my long hair into his hand as I placed my hands on his thighs. He was already sighing from the sensation of my touch and I wasn’t going to lie, I enjoyed taking control of him for once.

I gripped the bottom of his shaft with my hand, feeling the warm and soft skin as I lightly moved my hand up and down. He let out another large sigh, and his eyes were closed enjoying my movements, but I knew this wasn't even the beginning of the pleasure to come.

I took a deep breathe like I was jumping off a cliff into water. I lowered my mouth closer to his shaft as my gripped the base with my other hand.

He instantly let out a loud groan while I tried my best to fit his large member in my mouth. It was uncomfortable at first but eventually I could accommodate him with ease.

He tasted sweet and I surprisingly enjoyed it. I thought this would be a lot worse, but I could feel myself starting to soak my underwear in all the excitement.

I always heard the girls around my hometown talking about this moment, but I always tried to ignore them. Deep down I was disgusted, but now I realize there was much to enjoy out of this.

“MMM- Diana…” I felt his hand press down on my head to push his cock further down my windpipe. It was hard to breathe but I managed to get oxygen in between motions.

It was becoming more intense as he pushed harder and harder on my head. He started moving his legs up and down along with his hand pushing me onto his shaft. It was becoming more difficult to breathe and I was starting to get light headed, but I was going to see this through until he was finished.

My mind was trying to focus on Holden, but yet again I felt myself fantasizing about my mystery man. He was more vivid this time around, and I felt his presence more clearly in my mind. He was looking at me like I was looking back into a mirror, both of us curiously reaching out to touch one another. I tried to turn my focus on Holden but the man kept his gaze on me and I couldn't escape him.

Instead I visualized the mystery man’s hand, guiding my head to his pleasure. I wanted him to dominant me. I wanted to trace my finger tips on his tattoos and his large burly legs. I wanted to taste him with my tongue and run my hands through his thick black hair.

I was so close to feeling his lips on mine, his face was coming closer and closer to mine. I saw a scar under his eye, but it was only a slight blemish on his perfect face. My hand ran along his jawline feeling his slight scruff on his chin. His natural features of his face made him god-like, his golden eyes were gazing into mine, and just before I met his lips, my fantasy was interrupted.

I opened my eyes to realize what was happening.

“MMM-I’m almost there.” Suddenly Holden’s hand was forcing me practically all the way down his shaft. My gag reflex went into over drive and I was choking horrendously.

HOLY SHIT this was uncomfortable. My hands were squeezing Holden’s thighs so tight that I was sure it was going to leave a mark.

“Good girl, now drink up.”

What was he talking about?




He held my head, locking me into place. I couldn't move, I was like a mouse caught in a trap.

And that’s when the taste poured into my mouth.

Fucking gross.

If anyone is going to tells you that this taste’s good, they're lying. I know Holden was my mate, but tasting his nectar was far from pleasurable. A little warning would have been nice.

As I gulped down the last bit of nastiness he released his hold on my head. I felt like a freed prisoner.

“So Diana, I’m impressed. Usually, well – no one could ever take me all in. I know its a lot to handle.” Holden said as he zipped up his pants.

“That was quite the experience. Um- do you mind?” I pointed to a tissue box on top of his desk. My face was probably looking like a train wreck after that.

“Oh-shit, yea sorry.” He handed me a bundle of tissues and I gladly accepted them.

"Thanks." I replied as I wiped my lips clean.

My knees felt like they were beaten in with a baseball bat as I climbed back up from the floor.

“So, Holden. I’ve been thinking. I thought about what you said the other day” I nervously said.

I had to tell him the truth, it was only right to be honest with him. Holden furrowed his eyebrows and curiously looked at me. He was waiting for me to finish what I started, so I continued.

“I think I want to wait.”

“Excuse me?” He questioned.

He seemed taken back by what I said, but he remained calm. He knew that no one would defy him, and maybe he assumed that he could control me, but I wasn’t going to let him. I needed to slow this down because mother hood was something I wanted to wait for.

“We got mated so quickly, and I’m still trying to figure out my abilities and-“ I was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Iris and he looked panicked.

“What the hell Iris?! Someone better be fucking dying!” Holden yelled and slammed his hand hard on his desk causing me to jump.

“Alpha, we have a problem. There has been drones sighted 30 clicks west of the house.” Iris said.

Drones? Should I tell him about the one by the lake today? Did it even matter if I said anything?

“Diana, this will have to continue another time my angel.” Holden jumped up from his chair and kissed me on my forehead before running out with Iris.

As the door closed behind him I sighed. I felt like my voice didn't matter. Would he ever take me seriously?

I peered out the window, contemplating the rest of the day. I could just go to bed, but it was much to early.

That’s when I got an idea.

I’ll go back to the diner and apologize to that poor girl from this morning. I still felt guilty and wanted to make it right, I didn't want this pack to feel like their Luna was as hell bent as their Alpha. I wanted them to see compassion in their leadership, not brutality.

“Adrian?” I tried mind linking directly to Adrian hoping that he wasn’t busy.

Yes, Luna?”

I was relieved to hear his voice and responded promptly.

Can you take me to that breakfast diner from this morning?” I asked.

Oh, the Diner on Dundas? Sure Luna. I’ll bring the car out front.” Adrian replied.

“I’m on my way.”

Now all I have to do is convince Angie to talk to me.

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