Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Loki


What has gotten into me?

The rest of the ride home I was kicking myself with regret, I was so deep in this shit I needed time for myself to think. I needed space.

“Baby, you made me so happy.” Holden’s smile deepened more as he squeezed my hand across the back seat. He seemed to be on cloud nine since I told him I would have his child.

I put on a fake smile as best as I could.

“Me too hun.”

As soon as we pulled up to the house I told Holden I needed to rest and he gladly went to his office to do paperwork.

I wanted to fall into my bed and cry forever, I felt like I was rushing this so fast and there was no slowing down. Couldn’t we just enjoy ourselves in the moment instead of rushing ahead? I could only blame myself for what I did back at the diner. I began to wonder what type of father Holden would be if he acted like a brute all the time?

I paced the room and scribbled down notes in my little black book. My mind was all over the place as I constantly fidgeted the pen in my hand. Between thinking about my mystery man and Holden I was overwhelmed with emotion.

I wanted to understand myself first before I brought a child into this world. Did I even want kids? I didn’t even think this far ahead when I was home. My parents always wanted me to make my own choices and be happy, not be pressured into doing something I didn’t want to do.

I peered out of one of the bedroom windows and glanced outside into the yard. All the flowers were blooming in the gardens, while I could hear birds chirping in the distance. It was such a beautiful day and here I was, cooped up in my room going insane with my thoughts.

There wasn’t many people outside, mainly warriors on guard and Omega’s doing yard work, but one man in particular stuck out to me. He seemed so familiar, but I couldn’t put a name to his face. My gaze narrowed in his direction, analyzing every part of his body that I could see.

He had no shirt on and his tanned skin glistened in the sunlight revealing a whole array of tattoos. His black dreadlocks fell below his shoulders, and although I was far away I could see he had a light stubble on his jawline. He was a very large man, larger than the Crimson warriors, so he stood out from everyone else.

He was talking with a group of warriors standing by the edge of the forest line, he didn’t notice me but I defiantly noticed him. I had to get a closer look.

I left the bedroom in a hurry, racing out of the house before I lost the opportunity to meet him. I could smell him from here; balsam pine and mahogany, I was getting closer.

I was already outside when the group of warriors turned around to see what my big rush was.

“Luna, how can we help you?” A large man with blonde hair and a smug looking face bowed his head. Something about him seemed fake, but I didn’t like to judge.

He seemed annoyed at my presence, but I couldn’t care less at his response as my eyes were drawn to the mysterious man. Much to my surprise, he looked at me with the same dumb found expression.

“Diana?” His voice was deep and commanding, just like an Alpha.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I heard him say my name. I gasped in shock and held my hand to my chest, I had no words.

I looked back to the fake blondie leering in our direction.

“Can you give us some privacy?” I demanded.

He rolled his eyes in response and left with his group of warriors into the forest. Stupid asshole had so much attitude and I wasn’t even sure why, but I didn’t let that bother me. All of my attention was on the man standing in front of me.

“Do I know you?” I hesitantly questioned.

I stepped in closer to get a better look at him. He was very large, almost as large as Holden, maybe 6’6 give or take.

“Diana- I don’t think we know each other, but we met not too long ago.” He crossed his arms looking me up and down and I did the same. We were both analyzing each other like we were pieces of art at a museum.

Was he as confused as I was?

He had very nice physique that was easy on the eyes, but that’s not what was distracting me. It were his tattoos.

Various symbols and tribal letters covered his arms to his chest, wrapping around his whole torso and back. I knew these symbols. I’ve seen them before.

“Let me show you.” He said.

In a matter of a few seconds his brown eyes turned deep red, while fur began sprouting up all over his body. I could hear his bones cracking and reforming as his wolf shape began to appear. Finally I realized who this man was.

My eyes went wide as I held my hand over my mouth, “You’re the rogue from home?!”

This situation was very strange. I had so many questions for him that I didn’t even know how to start. He didn’t resemble the man from my dreams, but he had the same tattoos which made everything much more confusing.

His red wolf stood there staring at me contently.

“Luna.” His voice entered my head.

You can mind link me? I thought you were a rogue that day in the woods? What happened?” I questioned.

We are connected somehow, I can’t explain it. When you healed me... I saw you and who you were. I know things about you that I shouldn’t know. I’m sorry.”

His large head lowered down as I began approaching his wolf. I needed answers and this was the best way I could do it.

As I placed my hand on his head I could see his memories and experiences, flooding in me like a dam bursting with water. My mind was being filled to the point of it becoming almost unbearable, but I had to push through to see everything.

I could see Holden and his cruel punishments to the rogues, I saw Aria and Iris moments up to his capture, but then I saw him- my brother. The day of the rogue attack.

Tears were falling from my eyes as I saw the memory, it was clear as day and felt so real. I wish I could reach my hand out and touch Adam and tell him that I loved him, but I knew these were just memories.

“Luna, I’m am part of this pack now. You’re mate as taken me in and I am at your service now.” Once I heard his voice I started coming back to reality.

I released my hand from his head and we stood face to face.

Red is your new name... Loki?” I finally knew the Red wolf’s name only to realize Holden already given him a new name.

Yes Luna.” Red replied.

“I only saw you’re memories from the day I met you, where did you come from before that? Were you always a rogue?”

“Sadly no. I come from a fierce warrior pack, but it’s a long story I don’t like to talk about... Unless that is your command Luna.” He responded.

“No, it’s ok. You’re here now. I’m just so curious about the tattoos you have. I kept envisioning them, but on a man that is not you.. Strange. Probably nothing.” My disappointed voice sparked him to reply with a question I couldn’t turn down.

“Care to run?”

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