Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Sexy Holden

“You are not to see him again!” My father and I were in a yelling match in my bedroom, while Adam stood at my door watching me with his arms crossed.

He still looked pissed after I accepted the drink from Alpha Holden. He had no idea what happened after and by their reaction from today I wasn’t going to tell him how I spent the last couple hours with Holden. My father and brother were already waiting for me to return home to confront me about the situation.

“Why does everyone keep saying that?!” I flew up my arms in the air in surrender, unable to argue with their stubbornness. I guess it ran in the family.

“He’s here on business Diana, that’s all. Why all of a sudden you are taking interest in a wolf like him? I know he’s powerful, but that’s not a reason to be with him…” I could hear the disappointment in my father’s tone which made my heart sink.

“Diana, he’s right. Alpha Holden…” Adam’s voice lowered so no one else could overhear our conversation.

“He’s a tyrant. He’s power hungry and he has killed thousands of humans and wolves to get what he wants.” My father finished what Adam started, not letting him say the words.

My heart immediately sank deeper and deeper into a hole. That’s not what Alpha Holden told me, he even warned me my father and brother would try to convince me not to choose him. Frustration grew in me as I tried to puzzle together their protests.

“Then why is he HERE?! Are you sure you just don’t want me to go? To have my own life? It’s what mom would have wanted for me… -“Before I could finish my sentence Adam stormed off, once again.

My father stood beside me while I sat on my bed and placed his hand on my shoulder. He knew how hard it was for my brother and I when my mother died. He was so strong and never showed weakness. I craved for his strength and fantasized that maybe one day I will be as strong as he was.

“Diana…. Sleep on it. He’s here for a few days. Like I said he’s only here on business. I am a small business partner with him, that’s all. I hope one day this all will make sense. I would rather be his partner then his enemy, for the sake of our pack.” He sighed not knowing what else to say. I had my mother’s stubbornness after all and he knew it.

“You are so much like you’re mother Diana, you have her looks and her personality. I want you to be safe my child. That’s all.” I knew I had to tell him. Holden told me not to say anything until he spoke to him. But I couldn’t contain myself.

“Dad.... He told me he wants me. He told me he came here for me.” I looked down at my feet feeling ashamed that I shared Alpha Holden’s secret. Now I was realizing why this was a secret. It was my dad’s reaction that Alpha Holden warned me about.

As soon as I finished my sentence I could see his whole demeanor change. He went from a consoling father to an angry dominant Alpha. He immediately turned away and stormed off, not saying another word.

“Wait?! Why can’t I be happy! Just because you lost mom doesn’t mean you have to hang on to me forever! For once can be happy?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I felt instant regret as I let the angry words slipped from my mouth.

He paused at the doorway still facing away from me. I could tell from his breathing I hurt him badly. I was his only daughter and I disrespected him in the worst way imaginable. I thought he was going to turn around to let me have it but he didn’t. He continued walking out. Part of me would rather him yell back at me to the same degree but he didn’t. He left and I was left alone in my room. Alone with all my thoughts. The punishment I deserved.

As his footsteps faded away down the hallway I sank in my bed with tears running down my face. This whole day was a huge mess and I didn’t even get the chance to tell them who the real asshole was today. Aaron.

I was so distracted defending Holden I forgot to mention he saved me from that coward, but I knew I had a whole weekend to plan out what I was going to say to my family.

As I slowly closed my eyes I started dozing off. I perfectly planned out the next morning in my head, replaying it over and over again so I wouldn't screw my words up again.

I was going to apologize to Adam and my father and start fresh and maybe even get more acquainted with the sexy Alpha Holden?

My body felt like it was floating on a cloud as I drifted into a deep sleep. He was the only thing keeping my mind at bay from all the drama that was happening. I wondered if he was thinking about me too?

I imagined myself running my hands though his thick brown hair while looking into his hazel brown eyes. My heart fluttered and my head spun in circles as I fantasized what it would be like to be his Luna. All he wanted to do was protect me, and I felt so weak to his dominance. I wanted all of him to myself.

a few hours later...



What the hell? I turned on my phone and squinted at the screen trying to make out the time.

3 AM

Who is that at my door at this hour? What is so urgent that it couldn't wait until morning?

I was curious to find out what was going on, but also cautious that I didn't hear anything from my father or brother. Something strange was going on and something didn't feel right.


My heart pounded in anticipation and I was unsure if I should even answer the door.

“Diana?!” I could hear a deep voice on the other side of my door.

Was that who I though it was?


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