Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Friend-Zoned

Oh. My. God.

“Alpha Holden,” I almost stuttered, but thankfully remained composed while freaking out inside my head. What was Alpha Holden doing in a place like this? And why did he kiss my hand?!

“Can I buy you a drink?” Alpha stepped forward placing his hand near mine and I could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. While he ordered a drink from the blonde bimbo I gazed up at his well-proportioned body. He gave me shivers down my spine and I wasn’t sure if it was fear or excitement. Unfortunately I think it was a little bit of both. I felt like everything around me was muted while I analyzed the man standing only a foot away from me. What was wrong with me? A man has never made me feel like the way he was making me feel.

“Thanks dear, here keep the change.” Alpha Holden handed the waitress a $50 and she instantly blushed.

“Alpha.” The waitress bowed her head and scurried away whispering and giggling to her co-worker at the other end of the bar. I felt like slapping that bitch, but I knew his eyes were only on me when I looked back at him. He was looking at me like I was the only one in the room. My face was probably red like a cherry, but I didn't care. I wanted to continue our conversation.

“Now, where was I,” Holden handed me the drink and I immediately took a sip to ease the pressure building in me. He casually sipped his drink while still gazing at me, practically undressing me with his eyes. He looked like he took good care of himself, and I’m sure he can have any women that crossed his path. He was a walking statue of a Greek god, and he was way out of my league. I never cared much for looks, but damn, he kept my heart beating fast.

Suddenly the awkward silence was interrupted by Aaron, who drunkenly wrapped his arm around me.

“Alpha Holden, it’s nice to meet you, and THIS,” he gripped me in his arm even tighter, “Is my girlfriend Diana. She’s a little shy when she meet strangers.” I glanced back at Aaron in horror as he continually held me tightly in his arm like a piece of jewelry.

The audacity of this idiot! Adam surprisingly stood there in agreeance, nodding his head as Aaron made a fool of himself in front of the Alpha. What gotten into these two? What is so wrong of Alpha Holden to take an interest in me?

Finally Adam piped in, “Yes Alpha, you kind of of took us by surprise, I thought you were showing up later this evening. And out of all places you end up in a bar like this?”

“Yes my MATE… Let’s go, it’s getting late.. We have to go and you know… get to bed and do that thing….” Aaron was rambling non-sense and I was surprised Adam wasn’t already punching him in the face. It seemed Adam didn’t like the Alpha either and wanted to protect me from his advances. Alpha Holden could tell I was getting uncomfortable with his remarks.

“It’s funny, I was just talking to Alpha Henry.” Holden bolted his arm out and grabbed Aaron’s arm that was holding onto me. He gasped from the pain as Holden’s claws extended out of his hand and started piercing his skin. Blood was already dripping from the ground and Aaron immediately retracted his hand and started stepping back. “He said Diana didn’t have no such mate or boyfriend.” Holden impressively spoke with the same tone of voice, not even flinching to the growls coming from Aaron or Adam. I knew this was turning badly and I wanted to end it immediately.

“Take it easy guys! Let’s not escalate any-“I tried to speak but Adam was already stepping face to face towards Holden sizing him up. Holden’s posse of warriors stood up as well, ready to back him up. Holden waved them to back down and smile, un-phased by the escalation.

“You know, if you are going to be an Alpha one day, you must treat you’re esteemed guests with more respect. Especially when you’re caught lying straight to my face.” He was nodding his head in disappointment while keeping his smile. Holden looked like he wasn’t intimidated by anything that crossed his path and I knew I had to step in before Adam got himself killed. He wasn’t thinking properly, I think the alcohol went straight to his head.

Hoping to break the tension I stepped right in between the two men standing only inches away from each other. I faced Adam to hopefully talk some sense into him.

“Adam, we need to leave now, this is not the time nor the place! Do you want your own pack members’ gossip about how you got drunk and fought a visiting Alpha.” I tried to keep my voice at a whisper but I knew Holden could hear everything. I could feel his breathe on my neck which made my heart beat even faster.

“I think she’s right Adam, you won’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of your own pack members.” Holden responded and Adam was looking even more enraged.

I was also annoyed that he was nagging my brother on so I turned around to face him. I felt like I was looking up at a huge giant and he was looking back at my small stature. I stood my ground and kept a tough look on my face. I knew I had to defend my brother.

“You know Alpha, no dis-respect, but we are leaving and no one is fighting.” I didn’t want to piss him off too much, so I immediately started dragging my brother’s large body out the door by pushing his back towards the exit.

I could hear laughing as we stepped outside the bar. I felt Adam’s arm swing back hard, nearly knocking me to my feet.

“What the hell Diana?!!” Adam's yelled

“What do you mean? I was trying to prevent you from making a fool of yourself!” I started yelling back to match his voice. “Come on lets go.” I started walking down the street but I didn’t hear Adam’s footsteps following and I immediately looked back to see where he was. He was standing there with a blank face.

“You know what, I’m done trying to help you. You are being so naïve and this asshole is trying to get inside your pants. You have no idea who he is Diana.” Adam’s voice was not angry but disappointed.

I needed to take charge in my life, I can’t always be listening to my brother and father on what to do.

“What do you mean Adam? ” He started walking the other way “Adam? Adam!?” Suddenly I was left standing alone on the sidewalk.

“Fine you wanna be an asshole! Go ahead you’re just like Aaron. An arrogant idiot!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, but didn’t hear a response. The only thing I could hear were the passing group of girls giggling at my screaming of insults.

I sighed and realized I was defeated. This whole day was crazy. From the rogue attack, Holden’s visit, and running into him coincidently in an unlikely place. I felt like crying, but I didn’t want to get too upset over this situation that was blown out of proportion.

I started walking in the opposite direction of Adam and made a left turn around the corner on a deserted street. I decided to take the long way home. Maybe the fresh air and silence will allow me to think about what just happened and sober up. I was so confused about everything. Why was Adam so confrontational to Alpha Holden? He didn't seem like a terrible suitor for me? Why doesn't he want me to be happy?

As I continued walking I couldn’t help but feel that I was being watched. Like eyes were peering from the dark ally way as I passed by. I didn't hear anything or see anyone but I still felt uneasy. Maybe I was just being paranoid? As I walked for another 10 minutes I came to a dead end. No buildings, just a chain link fence at the end of a deserted street.

Shit. I must of taken a wrong turn? I rarely walked this way home, and I think those drinks from the bar have really gone to my head. I decided to turn back and just go back the regular way home. I didn’t even care if I ran into Adam again, a tleast I knew I would be safe with him.

I continued looking over my shoulder and my anxiety was slowly rising as I heard distant footsteps trialing behind me. I didn’t look back to see who it was, I just picked up the pace. The footsteps were getting louder and louder has they trialed closer to me. Who the hell-?

“Diana, we need to talk.” Aaron's voice came from behind me. I sighed in relief knowing it was just him. I turned around to see him standing only a few feet away. I was glad to see his arm was already healed.

“Aaron? Are you ok? I didn’t see you when I left, I assumed you already went home after Alpha Holden hurt you” I said.

Aaron looked more serious then his usual self and it was creepy as hell. It was really strange to see him so serious. His eyebrows furrowed down as he placed his hand on my shoulder and started talking.

“Diana, you really need to stay away from that guy. You don’t know-“

I instantly pulled away from his grasp in disgust.

“You know what Aaron!? I’m so sick of men telling me who is right for me and who isn’t. Why don’t you all be happy when I finally meet someone?!” I was practically yelling in my frustration. It felt good to let it out. Aaron walked back up to me as I pulled away and put his two hands on my shoulders.

“Diana, can you just listen to me! I – I – Love you. I always have.” Finally the truth escaped his lips. Adam told me he had a crush on me, but I thought he got the hint I wasn’t interested. I still stood there in shock with his words. I didn't know how to respond.

“Aaron, I know…” I placed my hand on one of his hands to show him comfort and prepare him for what I was about to say.

“You and I, are not going to work. I’ve never felt a connection with you. I love you as family but not like that... I’m sorry Aaron… It’s the truth.” I said.

As soon as I finished speaking I instantly felt a hard slap on my face that connected right onto my cheek. I lost my balance and fell over. I was in shock that he slapped me, this was not the Aaron I grew up with. Who was this person? I did not recognize him. Tears were streaming down my face as I held my hand over the red mark he left. My eyes were wide open looking at him in disbelief.

“Diana, I’m-I’m so sorry!” He knelt down to try to help me back up but I instantly pushed him away. I could see the frustration fill his face after rejecting him for a second time.

For the first time in my life, I was really scared he would hurt me. We were life-long friends and the man standing in front of me felt like a stranger.

“If you're scared that you're father will disapprove of our relationship we can run away. We can live together somewhere far away. You and I, Diana. Forever.” He was practically pleading and begging me to accept him. I was so scared to reject him for a third time, but what was I supposed to do? I felt trapped in a corner. I sat there and just started crying, I wanted my dad. I wanted someone to save me.

“Diana, don’t cry baby.” Aaron reached for my face wiping the tears off my cheek with his hand. He cupped my face with his other hand while he stared directly in my eyes. I had a bad feeling of what was about to happen. He slowly started kneeling forward closer and closer to my face. Uh-Oh.

I tried to back my face up as much as a could to avoid the kiss but his lips were getting close to mine. I had to act fast.

While he moved in closer I noticed his eyes were closed so I took the opportunity and punched his face with my fist knocking him right on his ass.

I defiantly caught him off guard. He stood up quickly and angrily held his face. Darkness filled his eyes and I knew his wolf was clawing to get out. I was so scared because I was no match to him.

He began muttering something under his breath, and I could barely make out the words.

“You teasing bitch. You will submit to me. You are mine Diana!” As he raised his extended claw to hit me again something unexpected happened.

Aaron was wiped clean off of his feet and his body flew hard into the ground. He laid there motionless, like he was dead. I sat still looking all around me in a panic. I didn't see who took him down as it happened so fast.

“Who-who’s there?” I spoke into the empty street and was unable to see anyone. My body was still trembling from the shock.

“Diana.” A familiar voice spoke.

I knew this voice. The one from the bar.

"Alpha Holden?"

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