Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Fire

I was still half asleep when I realized what was happening. My whole room was filled with smoke, and I began coughing.

“Diana, Rogues are attacking! I’m coming for you.” Holden gave one kick to the door and it instantly ripped off the hinges flying to the other side of the room.

He stood there with no shirt on while his whole body was covered in dark ash. This was the first time seeing him with no shirt on and I was in a trance. His body resembled a Greek god.

I ran into his arms and I instantly felt safe, but all that was on my mind was where my family was.

“My dad?? My brother?! Where are they?” I tried to look over his large frame but the only thing that filled the hallway was smoke.

“I don’t know Diana, I heard them down the hall trying to fight a couple of rogues. I should have helped them, but I needed to save you… I love you too much to see you…dead.” He held me tighter against him and I inhaled a deep breathe filling my lungs with his scent. “My warriors are defending you’re territory as best as they can, but I’ve never seen so many rogues before. They are everywhere Diana. We have to get out of here now.” I nodded in agreeance and we both sped out of the room hand and hand.

As we navigated through the smoke filled hallways I could hear women and children screaming, but I wasn’t sure where it was coming from. The whole house was on fire and I feared most of the pack members were either being attacked by rogues or were burning alive. There was nothing that I could do to save them but to only escape.

As I looked back I could see the flames engulf all of our belongings and the memories that went with them. All turning to ash in a matter of seconds.

I kept looking back as Holden held my hand guiding me away to safety. I wanted to believe I was dreaming, but I knew this was reality. If Holden did not wake me up, I’m not sure if I would be alive.

As we exited the house we sped toward an enclave of vehicles with the engines already running. I looked back at the huge blazing inferno. I screamed and tried to break free of Holden’s grip on my hand. As he felt me try to run back he held me back with his massive arms. He knew it was too dangerous to go back and the bodies of warriors and rogues were already piling up all around us.

“Diana, their gone. Their all gone. My warrior’s will look for them. I need you to come with me. It’s too dangerous for you to stay here. Please!” Holden was practically dragging me to the car as I struggled to break free of his grip.

“No, they may be alive! Let me see!” I turned around finally escaping his arms to take one final look to see if they managed to get outside.

My hope was instantly shot down when the final structure of the house collapsed creating a huge fireball that lit up the night sky. I knew nothing inside the house was alive and there was nothing left to salvage. Everything and everyone was gone.

“SShh.” Holden grabbed me once again to shield me from the sight of my destroyed home. He ran his hand through my hair trying to console me. I moaned in agony while tears flooded down my face.

My only family was dead and I was left alone. The last words I spoke to my father.. and my brother… I wish it was me in the fire instead of them.

“Go and see if there are survivors.” Holden ordered to someone. I was unaware of who he was speaking to, nor did I even care.

I was guided into a large black SUV and Holden and I both sat down in the back sit.

“Adrian, let’s go.” He said to a man in the driver seat.

“Yes Alpha.” The man replied. The vehicle accelerated and started driving away from the wreckage.

“Diana, look at me.” He cupped his hand under my chin so we were at eye level. Tears were still streaming down my face like a river.

“You’re safe now Diana and I promise you that I will never let anything happen to you. Please rest. You’re exhausted. Here, take this.” He held a circular white pill in his hand. “It will help you rest my angel.” He raised his hand holding the pill closer to my face so I could see what it was. I glanced over at the tablet unsure if I should accept it or not, but I was willing to do anything to calm myself down so I took the strange white tablet out of his hand and placed it under my tongue.

Usually, I wouldn’t take strange pills from someone I barely knew but he was different. I trusted him. He saved my life twice and I finally felt safe.

As the pill dissolved in my mouth I placed my head on his lap using his legs as a headrest. They were so large that it made the ride comfier.

My eyes were already closing and all my anxiety was slowly slipping away as the pill started taking effect. I was finally feeling relaxed.

I felt his hand trail down my arm giving me goosebumps. His body was like a furnace and I cuddled up closer to him to keep warm.

I grabbed his other hand and held it in mine as I dosed off. His presence made it easy for me to fall deeper and deeper into my sleep and the only place I wanted to be was by his side.

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