Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Escape


“Fucking bitch!” Ares yelled as he lowered the smoking barrel of his rifle.

She fell to the floor almost instantly losing consciousness, lying in a pool of her own blood. Her once beautiful white fur, now the colour red.

“No!!” I ran to her side and lifted her dying body in my arms.

The silver bullet left a smoking hole in her side, not a fatal gun shot, but I knew it would eventually kill her.

I felt like I was falling into a black hole, my arms trying to climb out, but I was being pulled down by the demons that wanted to take her from me. Anger wasn’t the right description for my emotions right now; I was fucking enraged.

Ares bolted to Alex’s side on the floor.

“ARES, I told you not to shoot!” I roared.

“She would have killed him and was about to kill you!”

I’ve never seen Ares this aggressive, it was out of character. He was always a man of focus and now, his emotions were making him go against my direct orders.

“YOU MADE A BIG MISTAKE.” I gritted through my teeth. I wanted to hold onto my white goddess, but I had to deal with Ares first.

“There's something wrong with her, she has strength that we can’t see! It’s witchcraft!” Ares yelled back as he helped Alex to his feet.

“He’s right Alpha... She is much stronger than she looks.” Alex glanced down at my dying mate. I felt myself trying to hold tears back for a wolf I barely knew.

“Alex, bring the body back.” I blankly said.

“What body?” He replied as he braced his wound that was still in the process of healing.

In one swift move, I jumped to Ares and reached for his neck, bracing it with two hands. With one twist, I capped it to the side like popping a beer open. He had no idea it was coming, and I felt no reaction from him as he fell to the ground with his head pointing in the opposite direction.

“His body.” I looked over briefly at Ares with disgust, but at the same time it pained me to do it. It was like my internal instinct was stuck in overdrive and my wolf was controlling all of my impulses.

I had to protect her at all costs.

Alex gasped as he reached down to his dead comrade and held him in his arms. It was a fatal mistake, and Alex knew he could face the same fate.

“What did you do?!” I couldn’t see through Alex’s mask, but it sounded like he was choking up.

“You dare question your Alpha?! He shot my mate!” I reached for Alex’s neck, where newly healed flesh covered his old wound.

He began coughing up blood from the pressure of my grip.

“Mate?” Alex choked.

“I’ll fucking do it again if I have to. SHE IS MINE.” My jaw clenched hard, trying to contain the beast within me.

Suddenly, footsteps entered the room. I glanced back to see Eric, rushing in with Nick, Barak and Adonis.

“Alpha, we’re done, we got it- wait- what the fuck happened here?!” He glanced around the room frantically.

“Mistakes.” I growled as I peered over to Alex holding Ares in his arms.

“Alright then, um- maybe Adonis and Nick will carry him out. We don’t have much time, there will be more Crimson warriors arriving soon. My drone sensors are freaking out, they tripped off most of the perimeter signals. They are closing in fast.” Eric glanced at his watch as Adonis and Nick approached Alex and Ares.

“Meet me at the rendezvous point, I need to get her back in time, she’s injured.” I held her in my arms, assessing her wound. She was getting worse as more blood pooled out of her body, I knew I was short on time.

“Ok Alpha, I’ll take him back, along with your equipment.” Eric signaled Adonis and Nick to take Ares from Alex’s arms. At first Alex had some hesitation releasing him, but eventually loosened his grip.

“We’ll talk later Eric, there’s no time.” I began dropping my gear to the floor.

“Gather his gear, don’t leave anything behind, we can’t have a trail leading back to our territory.” Eric nodded to Barak as they started gathering the gear that I stripped from my body.

“Don’t worry Alpha, I got this covered. Just hustle your ass back, she doesn’t look good.” He peered over at her, and I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but I knew I could rely on Eric. He always trusted me, and he was more then my Beta, he was my best friend.

“Be well Eric. I’ll see you back home.”

“Good luck.” Was the last thing Eric said before letting my wolf take complete control.

It was a matter of life and death now, and I knew if I couldn’t save her, it would be the death of me.

My wolf was in control as I carried her delicate body all the way back to our rendezvous point. She slowly shifted to her human form as we went along the trail, and my emotions stirred up even more as I glanced at my beautiful specimen.

A strange feeling swam through me, a calm feeling that I’ve never felt before. I looked down at her as I ran through the pitch-black forests. Her black hair wisped freely in the air, and her innocent face had a beautiful glow that seemed to never fade in the darkness that surrounded us.

Her body was so tiny, but I knew she could carry the world on her shoulders. She possessed a strength that would make me complete, and together, we would conquer anything that stood in front of us.

In this moment of realization, I also felt her life draining. Blood trailed behind us, so I knew time was of the essence. If I could give my life so that she would live, I would trade without hesitation.

I had no idea who she was, but I felt like I have known her for a lifetime. Her body made me feel euphoric, like electrified water pulsating energy to the touch.

For once in my life, I felt a reason to live through a world full of violence and death.

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