Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Silver Bullet


My eyes widened in shocked as I heard the words.


What is the world is he talking about? Was he completely insane?

“You lie! That’s impossible!” I gritted through my teeth.

The man’s grip on me only got tighter the more I resisted; I had to find a way to slip out of his arms.

“It’s not impossible little one, you are MINE.” He whispered harshly.

“Screw you!” I scowled.

“NO. Screw you...” Suddenly I felt his hand, slowly crawling down my leg. I was only wearing shorts, and my skin tingled from the sensation as his fingers travelled down my exposed thigh.

“Fuck you! Don’t touch me!” I used all my strength, kicking my legs to move his hands from my thigh.

He seemed off put by my resistance, yet again, he probably enjoyed it too.

“Why do you tease me?” His breathing became rapid and shallow, “You wreak of your Alpha…His stench is entangled in your delicious scent little one.” His voice was hoarse, like he was starting to lose control.

I felt his tongue graze the outer part of my ear as he whispered in my ear, “I need to clean the filth from your body, and then, PUNISH you.” My eyes widened in fear as I imagined all the horrible things that would come next if I didn’t escape.

“What the hell is going on?” Suddenly, another voice entered the room accompanied by footsteps.

I glanced over at the two soldiers that were now pointing their gun barrels in my direction. I assumed the man claiming to be my mate was the Alpha based on how his comrades were looking at him. They were dressed in similar combat gear, but neither one of them came close to matching his size.

I felt the Alpha’s heavy breathing against neck, picking up pace as his comrades entered the room. I assumed his eyes were focused on them now.

“Let me go!” I yelled out.

I was met with only silence as all three of them looked at each other like they were in a starring contest. I could only assume they were mind linking each other.

That’s when it hit me; this was my chance to escape his hold.

As the Alpha briefly looked away, he starting loosening his grip. I remained still, trying my best not to squirm away until the moment was right.

“Alpha!” One of the men yelled out, but it was too late; I already slipped under his arms.

“Hold your fire!” The Alpha growled as he turned towards me. He put his arms out, like he was trying to keep the guns pointed away from me.


“Not like this little one, don’t make this more difficult than it already is. Come with me... Don’t you feel it?” He had his hand out, like he was expecting a welcoming response.

“NO.” I furrowed my eyebrows angrily.

I felt the wall behind me, and I knew there was no where else to run. This is where I was going to stand my ground.

I could only imagine the Alpha had the same expression, because suddenly, his whole demeanor changed. The hand he had placed out was no longer extended and now, he was stepping in closer, slowly caving in on me.

“Don’t make me do this.” He stepped in closer.

He left his rifle on his back, so I assumed he wouldn’t shoot me, but I was unsure about his comrades; all of them still pointing their weapons in my direction. I frantically glanced at them, then back at their Alpha.

“I’d rather die.” I growled.

It was now or never, I had to make a move.

“No!” The Alpha roared, but it was too late.

My bones were already cracking and reforming to my shifting body. I crouched close to the floor, allowing my legs to fully extend while white fur quickly replaced my skin. It only took a few seconds to shift and I was already in full form; my wolf was leaner and more petite than most warriors, but I could use my speed to my advantage.

“You’re a beauty little one. Your white fur is... So unique, so mesmerizing." He held his hand out again, and for a moment, I felt him, gazing into me, like he saw through my wolf and was starring directly at me.

It was an unusual moment, but it didn't last long as he continued speaking, "Is this what you really want? I’ll have to tame you little one... whether you like it or not.” He brought his hand down abruptly as he took another step in my direction.

I snarled back, baring my teeth at him, but he seemed un-phased as he stepped in closer. The other two men were still pointing their rifles at me, but I could care less at this point. I was going to defend myself and my home until the very end.

I could see the Alpha giving quick glances at his warriors, they were mind-linking each other again. My plan got as far as this, and now I was hesitant on what to do next. I didn’t stand a chance against them, but maybe I could kill one in the process?

“Come and SUBMIT.” He held his arms out like he was trying to catch a lost puppy, which only fanned the flames of my growing frustration.

The Alpha cautiously moved in my direction, and I knew my window to make the first move was closing in. My goal was to kill one of them. I didn’t stand a chance at killing this Alpha, so it only made sense to attack his comrades first. I narrowed my gaze at the smaller man, standing only a few feet away.

He was perfect, an easy target.

That was the last thing I remembered before everything became a blur. The adrenaline was pumping inside me so furiously that I lost all humanity. For the first time in my life, I allowed my wolf to take complete control of my body.

Before I knew it, I was on top of the small soldier, my mouth, already braced around his neck. I could feel his arteries pumping blood around my teeth as I sunk in. I was in a complete daze and there was no stopping me.

“Bitch!” His muffled yells echoed in my head as I continued sinking down into his skin. The blood flowing down my throat was euphoric, like I was ingesting pure steroids’ that sent my muscles into over drive.

I wanted more.

“Alex!” I heard another voice, but couldn’t care less. This is what I wanted, and it tasted so damn good.

I could sense the Alpha closing in on me, and his shadow, growing fast in the corner of my eye. The next thing I had planned was my final act, and it was going to be a glorious.

I quickly released the grip of the man and immediately lunged towards the Alpha, like I was diving into water. I’ve never moved this fast before; maybe it was from the pure adrenaline or the taste of blood? I wasn’t sure, but I was going to use my new-found strength to my advantage.

I was mere inches from him, and my body was flying like a missile, aiming for his jugular. Maybe I wouldn't end up killing him, but I was going to try my best.

“Alpha!” The same voice screamed from the other side of the room.

I was mere inches away. I was so damn close I could practically taste him, but that was when I heard the gunshot.

At first, I thought I missed the bullet, but then, I felt the burn. The pain was unexplainable; the sharp sting came from my side, but it felt like my entire body was on fire.

The gun shot was not something that could kill me, but I knew the silver bullet that pierced through my skin would. These assholes were prepared and were not afraid to kill anyone that got in their way.

“No!!” The Alpha roared.

My plan didn’t work out as I wanted it to, but I went down fighting. I was satisfied how it was ending. It was ending on my own terms. Neither Holden or this alpha will dictate how I will live or die; just this silver bullet lodged into my body, slowly burning through my flesh.

I was free falling into blackness as I went crashing down into the floor, like I was entering into another dimension. I laid still, and my limbs grew weak; my eyes flickering closed as the shadows hovered over me, yelling, and screaming, but their words too muffled to understand.

My soul was trying to escape my body, trying escape the pain that shook through me like a hurricane.

My body flinched, and the pain was starting to slowly evaporate. My mind got darker, like a candle slowly burning out. The warmth from the blood that was pooling under me, like a blanket of comfort.

Comfort of knowing that it was finally time to see my family again.

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