Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Going Home

Red (Loki)

Tonight, was the same as any other night. The constant nightmares, the raging headaches, and the ever-growing urge to leave. Holden was psychotic, and it wasn’t the same as my old home. None of this was.

We were training in the middle of fucking nowhere in Red Blood territory, all of them were typical show off warriors, trying to impress their Alpha. They lacked the necessary experience to even call themselves a warrior, and most of them, held no honor.

I sighed as I blew smoke through my lips. It was my last cigarette and I was going to make it last.

Even know the silk sheets softened the comfort of my sleep, the strange naked woman laying beside me was the only thing keeping me sane in this place. Sounds of her purring into the quietness of the night kept me calm while I lay awake, thinking of the past.

“You’re still up?” Suddenly the mysterious beauty awoke from her sleep, her eyes flickering open, exposing her florescent green orbs.

We met before Holden took the warriors to train in the stadium, she was an Omega cleaning and preparing for our arrival, and as soon as we met we were inseparable.

The Omega reminded me of her, even the way she looked was similar. The way her short dark curls waved to her shoulders, her heart shaped lips that she constantly bit whenever she spoke, and her skin, a russet brown shade that reminded me of the light that bathed in the rich forests.

She was full of beauty and I wanted to discover every inch of her body, but it wasn’t the same, and I don’t think it would ever be.

“Couldn’t sleep.” I leaned in closer to her as she turned to her side.

She had a look in her eyes that said she wanted more. Was she seriously wanting more after the countless hours we just spent making love?

“You got quite the sex drive,” I smirked as I pulled myself on top of her, feeling her curves through my hands as I grazed her hips, slowly making my way to her breasts. Her sweet skin glowed in the darkness, like a light at the end of a tunnel and the only thing I wanted to do was devour myself in her warmth.

Red get out here.” Suddenly a voice appeared in my head.

What the hell time was it? Was that Iris mind linking me? What did he want at this hour? I finally managed to fall asleep, only to be interrupted soon after. Just my luck.

“Yea, coming.” I jumped out of bed, not even bothering to put any clothes on.

I opened the door to see Iris standing with his usual dark ensemble. Black pants, black jacket, V-neck shirt, and as usual, not a hair out of place on his head. He always looked polished no matter what time of day, but tonight I could see concern in his face, and he was a man of little emotion.

“Am I disturbing you?” He peered over my arm holding the door open to see the Omega sleeping on the bed.

“No, not at all, is everything ok?” I glanced over at her, still purring peacefully on the bed.

I didn’t even get her name, and I suppose she knew as well as I did that this was a temporary fling. A part of me dreaded when I would have to go, but I couldn’t get myself involved in another relationship. Not again, not after what happened.

“You know there are certain things a woman could never understand.” He peered into me with his dark eyes, like he wanted me to agree with him, but there was only an awkward silence. What the hell was I supposed to say?

After no reply he quickly snapped back to his usual serious expression, “But that’s another conversation for a better day, we have to go now.”

“Yes Beta, let me put on some clothes.”

“Probably won’t be needing those, but what the hell, you have ten seconds.” Iris rolled his eyes as he glanced at his watch.

I rushed over the sleeping Omega, I wanted to say goodbye, I wanted to touch her again, one last time. How could I go and not say goodbye?

“5 seconds” Iris tapped his foot still glancing at his watch.

I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and nothing else.

“Goodbye beautiful.” I whispered gently in her ear as I pecked her cheek. She lightly tossed in the sheets as she continued purring in her slumber. I felt bad leaving so abruptly, but my hands were tied.

“Let’s go.” Iris was already walking down the hall.

We were all staying in the main house of the Red Blood pack. It was your run of the mill pack house, tons of rooms, extravagant décor and a ton of Omega’s running around doing housework. Not as big as the Crimson pack house, but still one of the biggest one’s I’ve come across. I often pondered how these packs came into so much wealth, but then again, maybe I didn’t want to know…

“What happened.” I subtly whispered.

“We are under attack apparently, one of our commanders on duty just said our perimeter border patrols were found dead. That is all I know unfortunately. Ah, here we are.” Iris knocked on the door and I could faintly hear someone on the other side. “Shut up and stand back, Alpha Holden doesn’t react well to bad news.” Iris narrowed his glance and pushed me back a couple steps, enough for me to be out of view from the doorway.

“Alpha, a word?” Iris spoke through the crack of the door.

“What the fuck Iris?! What now?!” I heard Holden and he was wide awake. What was he so busy with at this hour of the night?

Suddenly, I heard someone else, like a female voice, was it Diana? I had no idea she came, why didn’t I see her before?

Thankfully Iris blocked the door from where I was standing, and I managed to tiptoe a little closer.

“The pack house has been breached, possibly by humans.”

“What do you mean?!”

I tiptoed even closer; I could hear a pattering of extra footsteps. Who the hell was with him?

“Aria, Iris, gather our top warriors and shift. Get your asses back to our pack and protect Diana at all costs.” Holden roared. “I’m going to gather the rest of the troops and meet you there, we will deal with this problem.”

“Yes, Alpha”

Suddenly, out of thin air, Aria emerges from Holden’s room, TOPLESS.

“Iris what is the meaning of this?!” I mind linked directly to Iris as I felt a surge of anger take hold of my body. What kind of Alpha was Holden? How could he betray our Luna?!

Aria ran by me and took a quick glance in my direction. “Hey RED.” She winked as she continued her speed down the hallway.

“Let’s go.” Iris pushed my shoulder, completely ignoring my outburst.

“No, tell me what’s going on? What the hell was she doing coming out of Holden’s room with no clothes on? This is not our way!” I stood outside Holden’s door, refusing to leave until I got answers.

“How about this Red.” Suddenly Iris charged at me, taking me body and slamming me against the wall. We were sandwiched together as his hands tightly gripped onto my shoulders. “Why are you mind linking me the hmm? What, are you afraid Holden might overhear your little childish outburst? Why don’t you go ask him yourself? And after he SAVED you from certain death. You ungrateful boy, keep your thoughts to yourself or I’ll take care of you myself. You don’t think I would do it, but it would be a PLEASURE.” He grinned as he slowly looked me up and down, trying to get a reaction out of me, but I remained calm. Yes, I was pissed, but I wasn’t an idiot that would get myself killed over insubordination.

“It’s not our way Iris, you don’t have to be Crimson to know that. His love isn’t real, it’s a mirage and he’s only using her. You know it, don’t you?” Iris paused briefly as I kept my eyes locked onto him.

“Red.” Iris calmly shook his head. “You have no idea who Holden is do you? Just keep your mouth shut and you will live to see another day. You want to help our Luna? Why don’t you go and protect her? She’s vulnerable now, and it’s only a matter of time until the intruders get to her. Unless you want to keep talking about Holden’s sex life, I suggest we go NOW.”

As much as it pained me, I had to agree with Iris. What would I do? Kill myself speaking out against Holden while Diana was at home with limited protection.

“Let’s go.” I nodded my head in agreeance prompting Iris to release his grip on my shoulders, but as I proceeded to head down the hallway, he stopped me one last time.

“Red, go by yourself and scout ahead, I know you have experience tracking, and whoever is it, we need to sniff them out. I’ll meet you there.”

“Yes Beta.”

As I left the Red Blood Territory a strange spontaneous feeling came over me. An unexplainable feeling the kept my pace moving at incredible speeds. My legs bolted through the dense forest, navigating in and out of the trees and bushes.

Finally, I was met with the subtle aromas of the pack house, I knew I was getting close, but as more time went on, the less hopeful I became of finding Diana. Her scent was weak, like it was trialing off beyond the territory.

I couldn’t mind link her, but the strange thing was, I knew she was safe.

“SHE’S FUCKING GONE!” I could hear Holden in his office letting some of his commanders have it.

I pitied them; I wouldn’t want to see Alpha Holden after what we walked into tonight. It was a blood bath.

I was still in the master bedroom with Iris, investigating the aftermath of what looks like a human attack, but my guard was up. Something about this seemed, OFF.

“What do you think Red?” Iris peered at several of the bullet shell casings left on the ground.

“This wasn’t human.” I replied as I looked at the door, lying through the partially mashed wall.

“Explain yourself,” Iris sighed, “I don’t smell wolves, or anything else for that matter.”

“They covered their scent; a concoction of balsam, bellflower and milk thistle.” I muttered under my breath.

This couldn’t be, could it?

“Stop mumbling to yourself and tell me what your thinking.” Iris crossed his arms as I continued explaining.

“An old trick from home, it gives wolves a shadowed scent that’s untraceable.”

“Interesting, anything else?” Iris asked.

“The door was kicked in.” I pointed towards the wreckage through the wall.

“That’s titanium alloy boy, what makes you think someone kicked it in?”

“Someone did, don’t you see? The scent, the drone sightings, the dent in door, and THE BLOOD. I can smell it from here.”

“Yes, yes, I see the blood, its our Luna’s blood unfortunately.” Iris peaked at the floor near the door and saw the splatter, but what he failed to notice there were more then two different spatters of blood near Diana’s.

“It’s not all hers.” I replied.

“What are you getting at?”

“I can smell two distinct warriors, call them, old acquaintances, Alex and Ares. So that would mean their Alpha, did that to the door.” I pointed at the bashed door and everything fit together so perfectly. Like finding the last piece to an unfinished puzzle. I still couldn’t believe it, I wanted to be wrong, but everything was pointing in his direction.

“Spit it out boy.” Iris stepped closer to me, anxiously waiting for my answer.

“Alpha Damian of Fenrir pack. He’s my former Alpha.” I couldn’t believe those were the words coming out of my mouth. What were the chances?

“Are you sure? You must be 100% on this, I can’t have any mistakes. This is our Luna we are talking about.”

Deep down, I didn’t want to tell them who it was because Holden didn’t deserve her, none of this pack did, but this was my second chance to go home and see my love again. I hated what I was about to do, but it was the only way.

“I’m 100% right Iris,” I bent over dapping my fingers in the blood, inhaling the long-forgotten scent of Fenrir blood.

It’s time to go home.

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