Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 52: The roles are cast

Celes climbs into the back of the cart with him as I lean against Critias, still stroking his lifeless body. Fresh hot tears continue to roll down my cheeks as my heart still races wildly after what just happened.

My sister then holds me close, stroking my hair, humming softly to me. I lean my head into her chest, as I feel some small measure of peace yet the sting of what I did still pains my heart.

Alongside us runs our wolves, giving us escort. Fenris peers over to me, offering a comforting smile. I smile tenderly in return, wanting to cry once more.

The buildings slowly give way to the forests as we pass beyond the city limits. Not too far from home now, I say to myself. However, I fear the ramifications of my actions. Taking a life, no matter the reasons, still bears a heavy toll on the soul. Not to mention what life I had to take.

We finally arrive at the hill leading to the side entrance of the estate. I peer over as the guards stationed there quickly turn and push them open as we approach them. Their eyes grow wide as they see the lifeless corpse of the wolf lying next to me. I feel like hiding my face from them in shame.

As we pass over the threshold, we slow down upon entering the courtyard. I look up to see Serasfall and Rhea rushing towards us as the cart pulls off to the side.

“We heard of the commotion in the market,” says Serasfall. “Thanks the heavens that you all are-” Her eyes then bulge as she peers into the cart. “Critias!” she says in shock.

I choke up as I rake my fingers through his cold fur. My guardian looks to me and then to my sister. “What happened?”

Celes proceeds to explain how we encountered him rampaging through the market, how we had to restrain him. Explains how he spoke of feeling wrong. She then finally recalls how I ended his life upon him pleading for it. Celes turns to me.

“She fears she has broken the pact between us and the wolves.”

I look up to Serasfall, becoming even more worried and scared.

Serasfall reaches into the cart and gently pulls me into her, holding my body tightly. I feel her motherly embrace surrounding me as I lean into her.

“My precious girl,” she says softly, stroking my hair. “You have done nothing wrong. You did what was asked of you and nothing more.” She peers down at me, gazing tearfully into my eyes, “You have committed no sin, no crime against those you love.”

I cling tightly to her, feeling like a little child within her mother’s arms. In this moment, I am hers, her little girl.

I then feel the cold nudging of a nose, turning to see Rhea standing next to me. Her gentle, soulful eyes gaze at me with the same motherly love as from Serasfall. “You are blameless for this, my little one,” she says warmly. “Let this not trouble your heart.”

I nod slowly, smiling slightly as I look to them both. “Thank you.” Even if they say I bare no sin, I still feel the anguish of having to do it.

Serasfall smiles, wiping away my tears as Rhea nuzzles my face. She then peers over and see blood running down my arm. “You’re hurt,” she says. I look over and notice that I have yet even more injuries on my sides where the ice shards tore through my uniform.

“Bring the doctors,” Serasfall orders to a pair of servants. They bow and quickly run off. She then looks to me, “We must see to Critias. He was of this pack and therefore must be laid to rest within the place of his birth.”

We nod and then direct the cart towards the den.

Standing by the doors are a contingent of knights, who appear to ready for what is to come. I nod to them. They bow their heads and then carefully stand by the cart. I reach over and lower the gate to which the knights carefully begin to haul Critias’ body out of the bed and place it onto an ornately woven gurney. They rise and carry him into the den, acting as pallbearers.

As we follow them, I’m finally able to calm myself and looks to Serasfall. “I know what really happened to him,” I tell her. “He was killed and resurrected by Nethune.”

She and Celes look to me shocked if not outraged. “To commit such a vile act against the wolves is far and beyond any hope of redemption,” says Serasfall. “How do you know this be true? What proof do you have?”

I’m the proof,” I tell her. “I’ve seen this before.”

She stops as the knights continue to carry on without us. “Explain then my dear. Athena once told me how Selene did something terrible to you. However, you did not explain what that was.”

I sigh, peering down the corridor. “Before meeting my mother, I kept a dairy, detailing all of my experiences and thoughts after I was reborn. Before my mother adopted me, my birthmother was murdered and then soon resurrected some time later. Not only that, she was transformed into a teenage girl and was sent to steal said diary.”

I lower my gaze. “Selene then gave that diary to my sister in the future who in turn kidnapped me after my home was attacked.” I gaze up to her, “My sister was manipulated, bringing out old feelings and pain from us being apart.”

I feel my throat choking, “We then held in a dreamlike prison, some kind of crystal. Selene and the others were going to kill us both after we woke up. I was to then be resurrected and used as weapon to not only steal the Xur’canah, but to also hurt if not kill everyone I loved when I was sent home.”

I start to cry once more. “I felt like being such a disgrace if I were to.”

Both women look to me in shock and then pull me into them and hug me tightly.

“Do not cry, my beloved child,” says Serasfall, choking up herself slightly. “I know this tactic of Nethune all too well.” She kisses the top of my head, “I also know of the artifact of which you speak of.”

I nod softly.

Celes leans down and kisses my forehead. “Why on earth would anyone wish to commit such a heinous crime upon you?” She strokes my hair, “To violate an innocent girl in such a manner is beyond redemption.”

I cling desperately to them both, feeling their loving embrace. I bury my face in between them as they hold me

Serasfall smiles, hugging us closer to her. “My precious girls.” I blush softly, feeling my heart beating as her words echo into me. she then kisses the top of my head.

“Now,” she continues, “we must attend to Critias. Properly.”

We nod and resume our trek down the corridor.

Upon entering the den, we are met by the entire pack who all look to me with sorrowful yet reassuring eyes. I smile softly, stroking each of them. They in turn lean in and nuzzle my face. Leto and Nelly look on in confusion as they no doubt have never seen me like this before.

I kneel down and smile as best I can, stroking them gently. They lean in and nuzzle my hands and curl around me. I chuckle softly, trying my best not to break down and cry again. Their parents then gently pull them away from me. The pups look to them in confusion, whining softly, asking what’s happening.

I look up to see the knights carefully place Critias’ body in a deeper part of the den.

Serasfall turns to me. “Do you remember the burial ritual I taught you?”

I nod grimly. Among the many things Serasfall instructed me on, being Alcoran to family traditions, the burial rite was the one that made me feel the most uncomfortable. Death, while being a natural part of life, is still a grim subject for me.

I look over to see Kayle and Piotr bring spools of pure white linen. I smile thinly to them as I hold out my hands. Long streams of white spring forth from the spools and hover around Critias’ body. I kneel down and stroke him one last time.

Even if today was the first and only time I met him, I still feel the strong connection and love I have for all of the wolves in the city. So many have become my friends after I started school and my family with the pack here.

I stand back up and direct the streamers to cover and surround the body, covering him tightly. I step closer and summon a small transparent bluish-white flame. Normally it’s supposed to be the flame of the mortal realm. However I’m kitsune, so a kitsune-bi is more fitting given who I am.

I could also perform a Shinto prayer, a Celtic ritual my mother taught me, or even a Christian ceremony. But I was asked to perform the ritual of my family here, and so I shall.

Nevesh gotish e’shahtou.” (Fly forth, departed soul)

Cansevec virin honaith, momiash e’ckth van norr.” (Your rest is upon you, for you have completed your task here)

Hamath ehshen nei’covanork, anyer othanoi belan vir sanosh onsu.” (Go now, beloved one. Find where the others have gone, for they are waiting for you.)

This is the prayer of the ritual, allowing the soul to feel more at peace as it finally prepares to leave the body. The performer of the rite prays it into the flame, showing the soul to whom they are being comforted for.

I then whirl it around my splitting it into three smaller flames. This is meant to guide and protect the soul as it flies from its body and into the afterlife.

Finally, I draw the flames back into my hand and close it, clenching a fist. This last act not only signals the end of the rite, but also the promise that it was loved in life and will never be alone.

This act is also a standard form of Dewlouran prayer, with the prayer itself needing to fit the situation.

I lower my hands and spread both of them out, causing the earth to open. I watch as the linen-wrapped body is slowly pulled downwards into the ground. Once it’s deep enough, I bring my hands together, covering the body.

I feel Serasfall and Celes wrap their arms around me, holding me close to them. The wolves all then let a loud, pain-filled howl. I hear even Fenris and the pups joining the choir. However it’s not simply the howl of the wolf in mourning. It sways and moves like a song, with the tone rising and falling as though it was a hymn.

It’s actually quite beautiful to listen to, if not for the sadness that fills the song.

Both women hug me even tighter as the funeral song comes to an end. “He is free now,” says Serasfall. “Free to join his ancestors.” Her voice chokes up slightly, on the verge of crying.

I cling to her and Celes, ready to join them if they were to.

I then feel something tugging on my skirt. I look down to see Leto and Nelly staring at me with worried and saddened eyes. I quickly kneel down and hug them tightly, burying my face into their furry heads. They whimper softly, nuzzling my face.

I feel a hand resting on my head. I peer up to Serasfall who smiles to me. “We need to contact your uncle and Anteon.”

We nod and rise from the earthen floor. I am then met by the pack who proceed to nuzzle my face with a couple of the wolves brushing against my hands.

Let your heart not be burdened by this,” says Miletus. I turn and peer into his eyes, seeing a loving, comforting gaze.

You have honored the pact in every way,” says Cierra as she nuzzles my cheek. I lean over to her, stroking her face.

The other wolves nod in agreement. I smile softly to them. In the past four months, these wolves have become like family to me, always watching out as I leave the estate, making sure I don’t wander too far from home, always lending an ear if needed. It’s like being with over a dozen Fenrises.

I feel Serasfall rubbing my shoulder. I nod and we all file out of the den with the pups sticking close to me.

An hour later.

We’re all huddled in the Study, waiting on news from Tyrion. I’ve since changed out of my torn uniform and into something more comfortable. The pups and I claimed the couch with the pair curled into me.

I look up to see Serasfall pacing about the room, nervous as I’ve never seen her before. Celes is sitting with Athena and Fenris, all three smiling at me. I smile softly in return, feeling as anxious as they all are.

“Lord Tyrion has arrived,” announces a servant.

We all turn and watch as he steps into the Study. He wears a worried and disgusted look on his face. His hands are balled in tightly clenched fists as he strolls over to us.

“What happened at court?” asks Serasfall. “Are they planning on moving against Nethune?”

He shakes his head, sighing angrily. “We were too late. When news and evidence of Nethune’s actions finally came to light, the court openly condemned them. However, they were already two steps ahead of us.”

He rounds the couch and looks to us. “The king violently disbanded the court, with guards and soldiers removing us at sword point. Several of us were shocked at how several of the Lesser houses had even gone so far and joined with Nethune in their plans to completely remake the city, and even spreading outwards with some new army. Drakthul themselves seemed joyous at this new prospect.”

He growls, “They have been planning this for some time now, months if not years in the making.” He looks to Serasfall. “People were already fleeing the city as we rode here as these new soldiers were marching upon the streets.”

His face grows paler while still angered, “They are preventing the citizens from leaving, going so far as to execute those who resist.”

Celes looks to him, “What is the new army, Uncle?”

He shakes his head, “I do not know, only that they bear the aura of death around them.”

I cling to the pups even tighter, remembering again what Viktor spoke of. Only now it’s becoming true. The wolves’ ears then shoot up straight as they growl softly. I look to them, tilting my head.

The room shakes violently with books and paintings toppling over. Everyone is startled as the pups curl up even tighter into me. I hug them closely.

“What’s the cause of this?” asks Celes. “There hasn’t been a recording of the earth shaking like this in decades.” Serasfall and Tyrion nod in agreement.

I look to them, not really wanting to face the reality yet I have to now. “The city is sick,” I tell them. All three turn to me with queried looks. “There’s a corruption that I’ve been sensing for a while now is sinking deeply into the earth.” I sigh heavily, turning to Tyrion. “That army you spoke of, it stems from Nethune’s experiments into necromancy. That’s the cause of the earthquakes.”

Serasfall’s face goes white as sheet. “By the heavens no. If necromantic energies dive too deeply, they could reach the leylines. The two stand in opposition of each other, with the leylines being of life. If the two were to clash, corruption could seep into the foundations of the city and possibly destroy it and for dozens of leagues if not further.”

“But why now?” asks Serasfall. “Why now reveal itself?”

Everyone looks to the other for an answer. I feel Nelly pawing worriedly at me. I look down to her and smile. I wonder as I recall how only after Critias died, how it was then that corruption began to manifest. So was he trying to conceal or are they more wolves that are holding back the corruption? Do they really have that kind of power?

“Is there anything that can be done Uncle?” asks Celes.

Tyrion taps his arms, gritting his teeth. “Unfortunately the corruption is already too entrenched and widespread in the city.” He turns to her, “There simply isn’t enough time or manpower to purify it safely before it reaches the leylines.”

I hold the pups closer as something comes to mind. I know I should have spoken of this a long time ago. Damn my inability to speak up when somethings important.

“I’ve been sensing this from the moment Fenris and I arrived here,” I tell them.

Celes looks to me, “Why didn’t you say anything about it?”

I look to her, “Because at the time I wasn’t really sure what I was feeling. It was so heavily buried that it kept eluding me.” I tsk, “Nethune is really damn good at concealing things like this.” Speaking from experience.

Serasfall looks to me, “Since you are in part of the spirit realm, this must be affecting you as well.”

I nod, “Yeah, it’s making me sick to my stomach.” I wince slightly, “This is far worse than anything I’ve felt before.”

The three of them begin to talk of what to do. According to Tyrion, only five other Lesser houses stand in opposition to Nethune and are currently either trying to ferry people out of the city or openly challenging them. Three other houses were even completely destroyed outright for chastising the king.

Serasfall and Celes begin wondering about what to do here are if to join in the efforts of the other houses only to realize at how fast Nethune is moving.

We feel the room shake again only more violently. Serasfall turns and snaps her fingers, causing all falling objects to quickly fly back into place and the window cases to snap shut. She then reengages the others only to not come to a solution.

I turn to Fenris as we lock eyes. No words are spoken out loud yet we each know the answer to this problem. My eyes open slightly, finally realizing something that I set in motion over three months ago. I mentally punch myself repeatedly.

Dammit, I really hate time travel sometimes. I sigh heavily almost into a growl which catches the attention of Leto and Nelly. I’m the fox spirit in Viktor’s story!! Why didn’t I realize that at the time or even when I explained it at the beginning?

I peer up to them. “We need to seal away the city.”

All three adults turn to me with shocked and confused looks on their faces.

“How do you know of-” starts Serasfall before stopping. She closes her eyes for a moment, crossing her arms. She then looks to me, “Yes, by sealing away the city it will allow the corruption to bleed off harmlessly. However…given the state and extent of it, the process will take centuries to accomplish.”

I lean back in my seat. Makes sense, not to mention that if I remember right, the city will actually be removed from our plane of existence. I look to her, “So how do we go about setting the spell into motion?”

She smiles, albeit grimly. “Hidden beneath the center of the throne room lies a pedestal. It will only reveal itself when two conditions are met, first being in the presence of the Xur’canah. However that merely is not enough due how those belonging to the house and line of Shyair must be wielding the artifact. The reason is that it acts as safeguard against anyone desiring to take control of the scared crystal.”

I look to her as I raise an eyebrow, “Take control?”

She nods, “Correct, for the pedestal lies directly beneath the sacred crystal. From there, given the correct permutations on the crystal panels of the Xur’canah, is one able to direct the power hidden within.”

I nod slowly. This explains why Regulus needs me. It’s because only a true descendant of Shyair can operate the Xur’canah. Diana can’t do it due to how she was transformed so much thanks to him and Selene in the future.

“Now, once the process is complete, the crystal will activate and will rip the city from our world, thus allowing the taint to bleed off harmlessly into the aether of oblivion while keeping the city itself intact.”

I gaze forward. So if this happens, what’s going to happen to the people? I know many are already fleeing, but what about the ones who don’t make it out? Then there’s the markers, when are those dispersed?

Serasfall then smiles, “This task will be completed to the two of you,” pointing to both Celes and me.

I tilt my head, “Come again?”

She smiles wider, “Firstly, it’s your idea my darling. Secondly, the two of you are younger and swifter than Rhea and I.”

I raise an eyebrow, yeah…right.

I then hear Celes chuckling. “Well if that is the case,” she starts then looks to me, “no one will be expecting either of us.”

I look to my sister in disbelief, only to sigh and nod. That… is unfortunately true. Heh, so the fox spirit shall ride forth into battle. I peer over to Fenris who looks back to me, having long since dropped his silvery guise with his black fur shining in the light. I smile sheepishly, wolves of change indeed.

Serasfall steps over to me and kneels down. “You and your sister shall succeed in this mission. Of this I have no doubt in my mind.”

I smile to her, nodding as Celes does as well.

I sigh, nodding, “Yes ma’am.” I then look to her smiling, “Thank you.”

She smiles, leaning in and kissing my forehead. She then peers over to Tyrion who nods to her. She turns back to me, “Come my dear.”

I nod and we rise from the couch and leave the study with the pups in tow, sticking ever close to me.

Serasfall and I head down the corridors, passing by servants who are in a panic as they scurry about. They turn and bow as we pass them, only to resume whatever they were doing.

I’m not going to lie, this is completely out of my element. I’ve never done something like this before, only recently having to survive not being captured.

I peer down to see the pups walking close, not wanting to be apart from me. I smile to them as they shuffle their little feet. They look up at me, each carrying worried faces. I smile, trying to be the reassuring older sister they’ve come to know.

If there’s one line I’d love to tell them and it’s one that’s given hope to two other little kids is this. Big sister is invincible. It’s definitely given a spark of hope in the past, so maybe it’ll do some good here as well.

We finally arrive at her room to where Serasfall opens the door and shuffle inside. The pups hop over towards the bed and watch us.

She looks to me, “Now, given how the city is in a panic, you and your sister shall leave tomorrow at first light.”

I nod. Tactically speaking it’s the best idea. Leave with plenty of light, and hopefully Nethune won’t be expecting a morning raid. Normally you’d want to go out at night. However we can actually use the confusion to our advantage.

She then looks me over before gazing into my eyes. “Now, I cannot in good conscience send you out onto your mission without some form of protection.” She then reaches over to her desk and opens a drawer, revealing a small black box. It shines like pure obsidian in the light.

Serasfall then places it into my hand. “Press this against your necklace. Know that I’ve had considerable time to see it and glimpse some of its qualities.”

I roll it around in my hand, gazing at it. I am then reminded of when Yukari and Asha both gave me magatama beads filled with their mana. Heh, it’s how I become a kitsune in the first place.

I pull my necklace out from under my top and press the box to it. The crystal and box both shine brightly. I watch as I my body is covered in a light coat with cold-shoulder sleeves, I feel a hood resting against my back. It's red with the waist being black with gold scribing over it and the on the sleeves. On the coat itself I see two pouches near the bottom. Under the coat rests a multi-pleated skirt and shorts underneath them all.

Boots soon cover my feet as I hear the clanking of armor plating. The area around the chest is raised and thickened much like my training clothes. Under the sleeves I feel something forming them. I look over to find my Han Kote coming into view. I stare at the plates over the backs of my hands, finding a crystal in each of them.

Heh, part of me is getting Kingdom Heart 3 vibes mixed with a little of Ahri thrown in. I look over to see the pups looking on in awe of my new outfit.

Serasfall smiles, “This is battle regalia, think of it as armor no different than your school uniform or those belonging to the knights. Only this is much stronger than the former.” Her smile widens into a grin, “A perfect fit for a kitsune such as yourself.”

I feel my cheeks burning softly, “I saw my mother wear something similar to this the night she rescued me after a battle.”

She nods while still bearing her smile, “The art of making such attire is known throughout the continent.” She then looks over the outfit, “I had this made with you in mind, while also peeking at a few designs from that phone of yours. As an interesting feature, it will grow and change with you as you grow older.”

I giggle softly. I guess I’ve really shown them a bit too much how use my stuff.

Serasfall then hands me a new mask. It looks exactly like Sakuyamon’s minus the ears and silver in color with lavender markings. “Put it on dear.”

I nod and place it onto face, to surprisingly hear it click into place. I'm in further shock to discover that I can see perfectly as though I wasn’t wearing it at all. I look around the room, feeling that its light yet not too light that I forget that it’s there.

“I had Helgsven make this for you some time ago,” states Serasfall. “This is further armor and will serve to conceal your identity, similar to when you intervened at court a few months ago.”

I giggle softly. She smiles, “One more thing, only you will be able to remove it, a safety feature no different from your bag or necklace.”

I smile as I take it off, “Thank you.” This is simply incredible. I now have a full set of armor of my own and it matches me as kitsune. Totally awesome.

She then pulls me into a tight embrace, wrapping her arms around me. “I am so proud of you my darling Aria. So incredibly proud of you. You have been a bright, shining star in our lives and never once have you forsaken yourself.”

I cling tightly to her as I bury my face into her chest. “Thank you.”

She smiles, planting a kiss on my forehead. I feel her heart trembling against her chest. It’s obvious she’s worried, hell no one would blame her. There’s something else in this embrace, something that has another meaning yet for the moment it eludes me.

Serasfall gently pulls back, gazing down at me as she strokes my cheek. “Now, I want you to go and rest. You will require all of your strength for the mission at hand. I also need to speak to your uncle.”

I nod, “Yes ma’am.”

We smile to each other and I head out of her room with the pups in tow.

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