Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 53: The curtain rises

I feel the room shaking as I wake up. The pups whine worriedly, pawing at me. I pull myself forward, peering down at them, seeing them tremble. I stroke their furred bodies, trying to soothe and calm them.

A question rises in my mind, what’s going to happen to them? According to history, the wolves vanish after the Fall, but what does that really mean?

“I’m scared, sister,” says Leto.

“We don’t like any of this,” adds Nelly.

I pull them even tighter against me, hugging them. I never like seeing children scared, especially my little siblings. This happened with Luna before my first battle at home and I will do whatever it takes to alleviate that fear. Hey, as the older sister, I have to make sure to be the rock and role model to the younger ones.

“It’s going to be alright,” I tell them. “Your big sister will make sure of it.”

They nod slowly, burying their faces into me.

I smile softly, then throw off my covers and slip out of bed. As I throw off my nightgown, I gaze around my room, noting a few things have toppled over, namely a few books with a painting lying on the floor. I nod, thinking more might fall off.

I snap my fingers, sending out a flash of pinkish light towards my walls, covering them and preventing anything else from falling. Trivial I know given what’s about to happen, but at least it won’t startle the pups anymore.

I summon water from a basin and swirl it around over and around my body. I know I’m standing naked in front of two little wolf pups, but for the moment, it doesn’t really matter that much to me. I wash away all of the previous day’s sweat and dirt. I still feel the sting of that day, yet not the shame.

Before bed, I knelt onto the floor and meditated for several hours, trying to both remove any lingering shame and fear for what I did and what I now must do. The pups were curious as to what I did, but actually choose not to bother me as I prayed, even going so far as to just lie down beside me.

I make one final pass of the water, catching my hair through it, and hurl it into my tub. I grab a towel and wipe myself dry. I feel something beating against my chest, peering down to see my necklace. I sigh softly as I roll the crystal between my fingers. Mom, please watch over your daughter.

I bring the crystal to my lips and kiss it, summoning my battle regalia which formed into a black ring over the truesilver setting. It materializes over my body like a hard tangible mist. The inner layer feels tight against my body, no different than a glove, while the jacket is mostly loose apart from the chest.

I roll my Han kote until they feel right on my arms. My ears then pick up the sound of metal plating as it taps on the floor as I turn to gaze at myself into mirror. I peer down, seeing my armored boots. I glance over to find my new mask and my Dewloura journal. My hand trembles as I pick up both, placing the journal into a pouch and my mask on my right side.

The final preparation I make is strapping Astraea to my back, clicking the belt into place at my waist.

I hear my bed creaking, turning to see the pups staring at me. My heart then pangs in my chest as I run over to the bed, hugging them tightly. My hands tremble as I gently stroke them.

Both pups whine softly as I hold them. “What’s wrong, sister?” asks Leto.

Are you sacred about something, Aya?” asks Nelly.

I smile, nuzzling their faces. “I…just have to go do something very, very important.” They whimper softly, nuzzling my face with their soft fur.

I then hear a knock on the door. “It’s time,” I hear Celes saying from the other side of the door.

I nod, kissing both pups on their heads. I don’t want to leave them, I don’t want to let them go, but I have to. I peer into both of their shimmering eyes, seeing them tremble. I smile, “I love you both. Never, ever forget that.”

I bark, wagging their tails. I smile, swallowing a growing lump in my throat. I then stand and head out the door.

As Celes and I exit out into the courtyard, I see Serasfall standing there along with our wolves and a small contingent of knights and guards. The trees surrounding the estate are utterly devoid of all life, not even moving as the winds have completely died away. The sky is a mix of greys and whites as a heavy overcast covers us.

We approach Serasfall who smiles to me. She then proceeds to look me over, straightening out anything that might be out of place. It’s odd, seeing how I’m about to pretty much go into battle and not a ball. But I know it’s her way of trying to calm herself.

I smile to her in return as she then pulls me into a tight embrace. I cling to her tightly, burying my face into her chest. I feel her stroking my long hair, with it gently brushing against my neck. Again, part of me doesn’t want to believe that this is really happening, but it is.

I peer over to Celes who smiles to us. I smile softly in return at my sister.

Serasfall then kisses the top of my head as she pulls back. “You should go now, before the corruption spreads any further. The knights are assisting the other houses in either evacuating the city, or aiding the other houses in fighting against Nethune. This hopefully will draw away enough of their forces so that you might encounter less resistance on your mission.”

I nod as I peer over to the knights. My heart sinks softly as I don’t see, Kayle, Piotr, Anarius or even Norick among them.

I then head over to Fenris, hopping onto his back. I smile softly, gazing at his black fur. I rake my fingers through it, feeling both a cooling chill along with the gentle warmth of the skin beneath. I know he’s happy at least to show off his true fur in public. Just wish it wasn’t under these circumstances.

I smirk, seeing Celes having already mounted and seated upon Athena. Celes’ battle regalia is a blue coast and beige pants with thin, fabric-like armor over the chest, shoulders, wrists and shins over her boots. Flared coat collars adorn the side of her chest. Her silvery armor shimmers in what little light there is.

I look around, wondering where Rhea is. I turn back towards where the den is, again wondering about the wolves.

I feel a hand resting on mine, panning over to see Serasfall looking to me.

“I promise to bring you home, my beloved Aria.” Her voice is both strong yet I hear a slight choke in it.

I smile, “Thank you.” She smiles and steps back.

I quickly lift my human guise, feeling better as my true self. I quickly don my mask, hearing it click against my face. It’s kind of ironic when you really think about it, with me now in disguise and Fenris not.

I look back to Serasfall, who while smiling, appears to be on the verge of crying. I know this is hard for all of us. Hell, I wish she was going with.

The ground shakes again, causing everyone to stagger slightly. I feel my gut churning as I can feel the corruption spreading. As a kitsune this is sickening to me.

“We need to go,” says Celes.

I nod, tapping on Fenris. He nods and then races towards the front gate along with Celes and Athena at our side.

We race through the forest, watching as the trees slowly begin to wither and die as branches start to break and fall to the ground. This is just wrong, watching as a city slowly dies.

When we reach the city limits, I watch as hundreds of people run frantically through the streets. Many pile into long bus-like vehicles weighed down with belongings. Several of them glance over to see Fenris in full view, with his midnight-black fur waving through the air.

They stop for a moment and turn, bowing to him as we run past them. Others are in sheer shock of seeing a black Uldulvan wolf. Can’t say I blame them. He is a wolf of change, and a great change is coming.

Massive shadows swoosh over us as massive dragons fly overheard. Dozens upon dozens of them land in several open areas carrying massive barges. They usher and guide people towards them, even helping load what can be taken with onto the barges. Once full, the dragons take off. This is the strength and honor of the dragons I’ve come to know, with only one exception. They will help wherever they can and fight to protect others.

Several beams of light ring out from the distance. I peer up to see the beams easily pierce through several other dragons as they attempt to evacuate the city. To my horror, I watch as their barges plummet helplessly to the ground. My hands clench tightly to Fenris’ fur, remembering when Silvi was shot out of the sky.

A few of the other dragons in the area roar enraged and then attack the source of the shots. Massive streams of crimson fire rain down onto parts of the city, destroying them utterly.

Our journey reaches the first tier, which is now mostly deserted. My stomach twists into knots as I see long streaks of blood possibly from bodies that were dragged away. I glimpse over to Celes who also shares in my disgust.

About a quarter of the way up the street, we are stopped by a large contingent of soldiers. One man, wearing a gold-trimmed helm steps out in front of us, hand on his sword with his other held up.

“Stop!” he orders.

We could easily just ignore them, but there are a bit too many for my liking. It's then I recognize a crest that he bears on his chest. I grit my teeth into a snarl, Nethune.

We come to a stop right in front of the soldiers.

The captain looks to us. “By order of the king, no one is to pass beyond this point. All houses of the citadel are to surrender under threat of treason, having many already rebel against the king and the royal house of Nethune.”

I snort at the man, while keeping hold of my bonded. Athena and Celes merely stare him down while also watching the soldiers.

Fenris glares at the soldiers, tails swishing in the air. Many of them back away, afraid of him. My bonded then barks, growling slowly, causing many more to grow terrified of him. My ears flick as whispers echo from the crowd as many start to talk about me.

Celes glares at the captain. “Stand down,” she orders. “Your masters must be stopped. Don’t you see the destruction and corruption they have wrought upon the city and its people?”

She looks more and more regal as she speaks, I can’t help but be in awe of her. One who could be queen if given the chance.

The soldiers, having gotten over their fear of Fenris, begin to draw their weapons.

“Princess Celestine,” says the captain, “it pains me to do this, but I must arrest you for treason against the crown. You and your party will submit to us,” he slowly turns and stares at me, “us.”

My tails sway behind, with sparks of foxfire shoot from the tips. I growl at him, “Your duty as soldiers is to the people of the city! Safeguarding them from all dangers.”

He looks at me in awe before narrowing his brow. “Who and what you are to order me?”

My tails then flare around me, cracking with even more sparks of bluish spectral flame, “I am the fox spirit who spoke to your assembled court some time ago.” I keep my voice the same as I did then, slightly deeper with a faint British accent. “I have watched this city for a time and now have aligned with Shyair in order to protect it.” I exert some of my aura, giving myself spectral appearance.

The captain and his men stare at me, with some again quivering.

“The fox spirit,” says one man, “with the black wolf.”

The others begin to whisper amongst themselves while others continue to stare on.

My ears then flick up to the sounds of heavy footsteps. I pan up to see another group of soldiers walking towards us. Fenris peers at them and snarls, causing the soldiers in front of us to tremble. However, this new contingent does not stop.

My nose then catches the unforgettable stench of rotting corpses held together by magic. Even under their helms, I can tell what they truly are. They look to us, glaring through their darkened visors with cold, lifeless stares.

I growl softly, being once again reminded of Critias and the assassins Regulus sent after me. Celes in turn looks to them confused as they continue to march unfazed by Fenris.

I slowly reach back for my sword, which causes the new troops to stop. They simply stand there, unmoving, unflinching, and unnervingly calm.

Then to my utter shock, the new troops begin to cut down the soldiers in front of them. Why kill them?

I glance at Celes while not moving my head. “They’re undead!!” I shout as I tap Fenris. He nods and leaps over the troops, sending a blast of icy wind at the undead troops. Celes and Athena soon follow after us as we race up the streets.

I hold out my hands, summoning water from nearby fountains and form a ball over my head. I twirl my hands, showering them with water blades. I aim directly for their heads, watching as pieces of skull and limbs fly off from their bodies. I know what these things are now and I’m no longer afraid of killing them.

You can’t kill what’s already dead.

The undead troops begin to drop to the ground as others break off and give chase. I twirl my tails, summoning orbs of ice and fire, flinging them at our pursuers. They easily pierce through their armor and into the troops behind them, either igniting them or freezing them in place and shattering upon the orbs return trip.

I watch in amazement as many more begin to emerge from hidden corners and give chase. These things are fast, way faster than what a normal human is capable of as a few slowly close the gap. Celes draws her sword and whips it around, generating a massive stream of flame, sending it crashing down upon them.

Their bodies burst into cinders in mere seconds while even more rush through. I wish I had time to set up my traps, but that would take too long and we’d overrun by the time I had set up even a dozen of them.

I spin on Fenris’ back and hold Astraea up. Ice and wind wrap around the blade, growing stronger and stronger until it turns into a torrential blizzard. I really have to thank Serasfall for the fusion training as I can now fully wield ice magic without a water source as a primer.

I think it also stems from my fear of really cutting lose and always holding myself back in that regard. Even dragon ice still requires some effort on my part, but now it’s more completely natural than ever before.

I swipe my sword, sending the blizzards crashing into them with icy shards ranging in size from needles to baseball bats. The shards rip and tear into the undead soldiers while the winds shred and freeze the others in place. However, more still manage to break through and continue their chase at us.

I tsk, continuing to keep up the storm while Celes barrages them with fire. The clashing magicks cause several to explode but more and more soldiers emerge, slowly gaining on us.

Fenris then lets out a loud howl, louder than I’ve ever heard him bellow. It echoes and reverberates off of the buildings and even further out into the city.

A couple moments later, my ears pick up the sounds of dozens and dozens of returning howls. My ears then flick back as I watch as wolves rush in from all over the city, crashing into the undead soldiers, instantly slaying them with others ripping more, barring their way and blasting them with ice and shadow.

A few of the wolves run alongside us as I spin around on his back. My eyes grow wide under my mask, recognizing several of them. “Kaira, Volsten, Timaeus,” I say to them.

They smile broadly with Volsten looking to me. “We are proud to have answered to call of our king, and to fight alongside him and his princess.”

I blush softly, watching as the others nod in agreement. This might explain why Lana and Mistral don’t have wolves in the present and the crazy notion of the wolves returning to them. I glance over to Celes and Athena who also are surrounding by wolves. My sister smiles, stroking a couple that are closest to her.

We shall make your way clear,” says Kaira.

I feel my heart wrenching softly. While only knowing them for a couple months, they’ve become dear friends to me, always nearby and helping me through school.

I nod, “Thank you. When you’re done, make sure that you fall back to the Shyair estate.”

It’s the only place I know they’ll be safe. I know it would also be a great idea to have several of them come with us, but as Serasfall said, we need to be light on our feet and try not to draw any more unneeded attention towards us while the rest of the soldiers are occupied elsewhere.

The wolves nod and break off, rushing to join the others.

A few moments later, I hear the loud, howling shrill of wolves. I turn back to see a few being killed and ripped apart by dozens of undead soldiers that overwhelm them. The other wolves tear them away and blast them with even more ice and shadow. I feel heart panging in my chest.

“I want to go help them!” I shout as we run through the streets.

“No, Nei’shy,” replies Celes. “They are doing exactly what they came to do. I too wish to aid them sister, however we have our mission.” Her voice chokes up with the same pain I’m feeling.

Fenris and Athena look to each other, their gazes are solemnly remorseful. Uldulvan wolves, even if not of the same pack, are bound kindred. So this pains them greatly as well.

I gaze forward, feeling hot streaming tears roll down my face. They say victory does not come without sacrifice, and this is true. As much as I hate to admit it.

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