Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 51: The stage is set

The final bell for the day sounds, which also marks the end of yet another week. The end of term is really coming up on us soon. My best guess is that just a couple weeks remain before exams, something I’m looking forward to. I’m truly in love with school, and can’t wait for the term to start again in the fall.

I roll my shoulders, feeling them pop. I let out a massive sigh as I then gather up my things. My classmates file out of the room leaving only the usual handful that likes to stay behind and chat.

It’s just another day and also the end of a little over my second month of school. Although…the fact that Nerina and my other classmates still haven’t returned is eating at me. Le’nia and Tanith both come over to me. I smile to them as I lay my head onto the desk.

Tanith looks to me, “Any plans for the weekend?”

I shrug, “Perhaps some studying, some training.” I look to him, “Unless you have something in mind.”

The dragon becomes slightly nervous, clearly put on the spot. I tilt my head, maybe it’s because the ball is coming up at the end of the month and he hasn’t found a date yet. I smile softly to him.

“I…I don’t have any at the moment,” he stammers, peering away.

Le’nia rolls her eyes in utter disbelief as she looks to him, “You need to get over this already.”

He again shirks back slightly. I smile to them both. The elf shakes her head and looks to me. “No pups today?”

I shake my head. I wanted to bring them with, however since yesterday was combat training they got a little rowdy and wanted to join in. Nothing happened but I got a few odd looks from the other class. So I left them at home today.

“I’ll bring them back the start of next week.”

She grins, practically squealing. “Oh, I cannot wait to hold them again. Little Leto is a very handsome wolf. His sister, oh she seems to take after you, a little princess.”

I grin to her. Nelly practically follows me around like a little duckling, emulating nearly everything I do. Leto on the other hand, while always with me and tries to copy whatever I’m doing, tends to look up to Fenris as a role model. Miletus has come to view my bonded as an uncle-like figure to the pup. Something I know Fenris takes pride in.

I know my classmates now absolutely adore the pups. Always asking about them. When I brought them back a couple days ago, some of the girls swarmed them with little treats. I giggled as they rolled around the floor, happily barking and playing with my classmates.

I sit up and stretch again, groaning. “Say, what about you two? Head to the café?”

Both of them look to each other and sigh. “Sorry Aria,” says Le’nia. “My parents want me home as soon as school ended.”

I nod turning to Tanith. He too bares an apologetic look. “My brothers wanted to take me somewhere today. So I too must leave.”

I nod. “Okay, you two. I guess I’ll see you both on Monday then.”

They nod and smile to me as Fenris and I rise from our spots. The four of us then exit the classroom. We stroll down the corridors until we reach a fork. We say goodbye and split off. Fenris and I head towards the third and fifth buildings where my courtyard awaits.

I smile softly as several wolves begin to join us. Each smile to me, with me reaching over and stroking a few of them. This has become a common scene now for the last couple months. Not even their owners seem to care anymore, which is fine by me. Don’t make trouble if there’s none to find.

We exit out into the courtyard, with me smiling as I find my tree. During my study period, I wandered into the library and found yet another new book to read. It’s just yet another novel from a local author, so that makes me happy.

I leap up into the tree, finding my usual branch and sit on it, resting my back against the trunk. I pull out my book. I peer down to see the wolves taking their usual places under the tree, with Fenris at the base. I smile, yet sigh, missing the pups already. I know when I get home I will definitely pamper them both.

A wind then blows through the buildings, catching the tree I’m in. I take a deep breath, stretching out my senses. It’s not often that the wind wisps in here like that so it's something to take note of. However…I sense nothing. None of the uneasiness or unnerving I sometimes do. I tilt my head, strange.

Recently my paranoia of history catching up to me has been rising lately. I curl my legs into my chest, pushing it away. Part of me just wants to feign ignorance and forget it all. I pour into my book, diving into its words.


I pop up my head.


I grin, leaning over and peering through the branches, finding Celes along with Athena as she sits alongside Fenris. “Hey Celes.”

My sister chuckles, shaking her head, “Get down here you silly girl.”

I giggle, closing my book and hopping out of the tree, landing softly on the ground. Celes smiles as she walks over to me. “You truly are a fox, happily hidden within your tree.”

I grin to her. She smiles, pulling me into a tight hug. I cling to her, burying my face into her chest. I feel her stroking my back. She then looks down at me, “There’s somewhere special I wish to take you to today. It’s somewhere I have been meaning to for some time. However, life often detours all plans.”

I grin, looking at her, “Where to then?”

“There is a lovely little café on the floating isle of Nikol,” she says. “They serve the most wonderful of teas and sweets. As I said, it is somewhere I have wanted to take you to.”

I grin, thinking I finally get to go to one.

She peers around the courtyard, “Do you think we should go and invite Veylana?”

“It’s the end of the week,” I tell her. “Meaning she’s tied up with student council matters.”

She nods. I grin, pulling back and taking out a piece and paper, writing on it. When done, I look and see Volsten standing near me. I smile, “Can you take this to Veylana?”

He smiles, bowing his head. “I shall.”

I grin, handing it to him. He takes it and runs off. I turn back to the remaining wolves. “I hope to see you all come Monday.”

They smile, bowing to the four of us before exiting the courtyard. Celes pulls me close as we too leave.

As we finally leave the school, I look up to my sister. “How are we supposed to go the Nikol? Fly there?”

She smiles, “There are gondolas that ferry people from the second tier to the various isles. The one we are taking lies beyond the market here on the second tier.”

I smile, “This is going to be fun.”

She grins, holding me close as we stroll along the streets. I lean my head onto her side.

“Do you know how happy Mother and I have been since the day you first arrived?”

I feel my cheeks blush softly. “I do,” looking up to her. “I can’t begin to tell you how forever grateful I am since you both took us in.”

She smiles, leaning over and kissing my forehead. “You became my sister, and a daughter of this house. Now a future lies uncertain for you here. I pray that it is a good one.”

I grin, leaning closer to her. I peer over to watch as Fenris and Athena walk alongside each other, with their tails wrapped around the others. I giggle softly, loving this quiet stroll of ours.

“I should also mention that Father is set to return at the end of your term,”’ adds Celes.

I blush, looking up to her. “He’s really going to be here?”

She smiles. “That is correct, my sister. I know for a fact he will be surprised and happy to meet you.”

I cling to her. I’m actually going to meet her father, something that I never thought possible. I grin softly, feeling my anticipation and nervousness growing. I just don’t know what to expect when he does return.

Celes smiles, seeing my anxiety, and holds me closer to her as we continue our stroll.

After a few minutes of walking, the smell of fresh-baked bread fills my nose. This is a different part of the second tier that I’ve never been to. It’s on the opposite side of the school and a fair distance from the crystal gardens. Le’nia told me she actually lives not too far from here, but as to where exactly that is…I haven’t a clue.

A loud shrill then bellows from far off followed by the sounds of stalls crashing to the ground. I pan over to see a wolf charging through the stalls, whipping its head around, thrashing and destroying anything in its path.

As I stare at it, I feel sick. A kind of sick I haven’t felt in a long time.

Celes looks to me, “What’s wrong?”

We then look back, watching as the wolf thrashes about, growling and barking strangely. It sounds like a sputtering car engine, only more guttural. It whips its head around, as through trying to shake something off.

“I sense something,” I tell her, feeling more and more unnerved. “Something that I haven’t encountered for a while.”

When the rampaging wolf steps towards us, our wolves quickly step in front of us. Fenris growls loudly, baring his shimmering, pearlescent fangs. The rampaging wolf staggers about, appearing drunk or something. The more I stare at it, the stronger that old feeling begins to grow.

I look to Fenris, who nods softly. “We have encountered this before. The feeling is the same as on that day,” he says. I nod slowly in return, that’s a day I will never forget. The day when Diana appeared in Ashogihaga.

The wolf barrels into a stall, tossing around tables and crates. Some of the falling debris lands on a few bystanders. They cover themselves as several planks of broken wood stab straight through their arms. They cry out in agony as several other people attempt the pull them out of the wolf’s tirade. Surrounding the market is a growing crowd of curious onlookers, with some trying to get closer.

“We need to stop it,” says Celes. “Before something terrible truly happens. Did you bring Astraea?”

I nod, “Never leave home without it.” She nods as we both pull out our weapons, with me hooking my sword around my back.

I feel my stomach turn at the thought of having to stop a wolf. Ever since I arrived here, they’ve been a constant sight for me. I’ve learned how to appreciate the race more than I have before. Their history, their songs, living and playing with them. Hell, having a pair of pups become my little brother and sister.

I pan over to see a squad of guardsmen charging into the market. They summon spears, inching closer to it. I look again as the crowds grow larger with more people trying to push to see what is happening.

This isn’t good.

“Push the crowds back!!” I order them. The guards look to me confused. “You’re not going to help anyone by attacking it. There are people here that will get hurt.” Again they look dumbfounded at me.

“Do as she says!” shouts Celes. “She is of Shyair. Therefore obey her commands.” I blush lightly but then remember my crest is dangling from my bag.

The guards turn, seeing our displayed crests, and bow to us, “Yes, Your Highnesses.” They then disperse, gathering more troops and begin to push the crowds away from the center of the market.

“Stand back!” they shout. “Shyair is here and will handle the wolf.” The gathered masses slowly start to pull away. Several of the guards sweep around and help the injured fall back behind makeshift barricades.

I nod, at least we don’t have to worry about any more collateral causalities.

I look to Celes and then to Fenris. My sister tilts her head before nodding. “Be careful, Nei’shy.”

I nod and slowly begin to walk towards the rampaging wolf. Fenris keeps step behind me, being no more than ten paces away. I keep my sword sheathed as I hold my hand to the wolf. It turns and sees me. Its barks and growls continue, however softly abated.

“Please…please calm down,” I gently tell it. “No one is going to hurt you. I am a friend, a friend to all wolves.” I can hear Fenris as he gently walks to the side, no doubt watching every move the wolf in front of me makes or could make.

The wolf continues to stagger about, violently whipping its head, grunting and snarling. Through the snarls I can hear it speak, however its only incoherent gibberish. It thrashes its head again, rearing up and slamming its front paws into the stone tiling, exuding some magical force as the street actually cracks.

Pain,” I hear it say, “Such…pain. Feel…wrong. Not…not as I should…be.”

I tilt my head as I come closer to it, hands still held out. What’s wrong with you? As I look at him, his fur seems to be lacking the rich sheen I know the wolves are supposed to have.

I try to look as non-threatening as I can. “It’s okay,” I tell him, “it’s okay, no one is going to hurt you.” As I near him, I gaze into his eyes, seeing that one is normal, while the other is half-glazed over, if not completely milky in color.

Fenris keeps a tenuous watch, not wanting to startle the wolf. I smile softly, silently thanking him. I can feel the tension rising from my sister. In my heart I can also feel Athena’s motherly apprehension. Both are worried yet are allowing me to hopefully deal with this.

I step closer to the wolf, almost to point where I can touch him. I smile warmly, not breaking eye-contact. The wolf slowly starts to calm down. His matte-silver tails gently drop to the ground. His chest rises and falls rapidly yet gradually lessens in its repetition.

I step again to him, about ready to reach around and stroke the side of his face. The wolf then snaps back to its previous state, opening his mouth and attempts to bite at my hand.

I quickly reel my hand back as a shadow then flies over me as Fenris barrels into the wolf. They begin to tussle, growling and wrestling about, each baring fangs with my bonded’s opponent attempting to bite into Fenris’ neck. My bonded dodges the attack, bashing his head into the other’s, that’s Silvi’s move!

The other wolf staggers for a moment, allowing Fenris to leap back and howl, summoning a blizzard to try and trap the wolf. Ice and wind hail down from the sky which encircles the wolf, with ice forming on his legs and anchoring him to the ground. When Fenris is about to summon shadowy tendrils to further ensnare his opponent, the other breaks free of his bonds but now charges towards me.

I leap back, twirling in the air as he passes under me. I quickly find my left leg being wrapped with a tail and then brutally slammed into the stone street. I cough up some blood before I am then whipped around and hurled towards the street a second time. I manage to twist my body in a manner that bleeds off most of the momentum, falling somewhat safer.

However, as the tail is wrapped around my leg, I feel that something really is wrong with him, something that shouldn’t be there.

I hear heavy padding as Athena charges towards the wolf, slamming into him, knocking him away from me. She is then joined by Fenris as the pair fights and further drives the rampaging wolf away from me.

Celes then rushes over to me, helping me to my feet. “Dear heavens, are you all right?”

I nod, wiping away the blood. I do a quick check of my teeth, clacking them twice. Yep, nothing’s broken.

She nods, turning back to watch as our wolves attempt to once more detain the other. Shadowy tendrils spring up from the ground as Fenris and Athena each try and lash them around their opponent. The wolf simply summons a miniature blizzard and knocks them away. He then lunges towards Athena, jowls spread and ready to snap towards her neck.

Fenris leaps, grabbing the wolf by the neck and flips, using his tails to carry him through the air before slamming his quarry to the ground. The wolf however rolls free at the last second, viciously head-butting my bonded. Fenris tumbles to the ground, with the other wolf charging now at him. Athena quickly intercepts the attacker, batting him away so that Fenris can recover. Both wolves snarl and growl before resuming their fight.

“We need to end this,” declares Celes. “That wolf will never stop and if ours do, then we might lose them.”

I look to her, “Containment?”

She grimly nods, “If not that, then we must kill him.”

My eyes grow wide with shock. Kill a wolf? Can…can we really do that?

She peers to me, eyes filled with sorrow and the grimness of truth. “They are the only options we have. It is our duty as caretakers.”

I nod slowly to her. “I can contain him, but I need a little time to set it up.”

She nods as we both then draw our weapons. I look at the three wolves as two fight against one. This breaks my heart watching all of this unfold.

I hold mine up, summoning several tags from under my sleeve. It makes me wish I had my pouch, with its near endless supply. Just as the final tag enters my hand, the rampaging wolf breaks free from ours and turns its attention back onto us.

Celes charges at him, slashing at the wolf with her sword. The wolf quickly bats her away with his head as he continues towards me. I watch as she tucks in her body and rolls in the air, landing on her hand and pushing up, flipping upright.

She then lunges at him again. The wolf turns and lunges his open jaws at her. She dodges and slashes at him again, this time aiming for his side.

The wolf turns and blasts her with ball of shadow, laced with something green. She groans, flying back and sliding away. He snarls ready to charge at her.

I whistle loudly, trying to get his attention. He growls and snarls, looking more and more rabid as he rushes towards me.

I sidestep his charge, tossing down a pair of tags to the ground. They fly from my hand and quickly adhere to the stone street. I then leap back again, landing some distance away.

“Please,” I chokingly plead, “please stop.”

The wolf turns and stares at me. However, one of his eyes is now completely glazed over, appearing dead if not rotten, or under some other kind of spell.

The wolf again charges, with me leaping back and tossing yet another pair of tags. However just as the last tag is in place, the wolf summons a blizzard of his own, sending hundreds of ice shards at me. I slash at the incoming projectiles, beating several way only for many more to slice into my uniform, with some able to tear through the light armor of my clothes.

I groan in pain as fresh, hot blood rolls down my arms and legs. I flip back and ignite my sword with kitsune-bi, watching it glow bright bluish-white. I land and lunge at him, slashing the wolf with my sword. He counters with fang and claw, biting heavily at me. I dodge and weave through his attacks, finding them heavy and ready to snap my arm if I make a wrong move.

I direct the wolf around the stone streets, inching him to where I want him to go. When he finally is at the center of the tags I threw down, they glow a bright yellow. Four spectral chains then fire out from them and ensnare the wolf, slowly dragging him down.

The wolf thrashes about, trying to free himself again, only for me to hold out my fingers, pointing them down. This causes the chains to tighten, further lowering him to the ground. He continues to thrash about, looking less and less as he should with fur dropping away from parts of his body. Around where the chains are lashed, smoke bellows from them. Something that shouldn’t happen.

I stagger over to him, “Please,” I plead, now with tears welling up in my eyes, “please stop. The more you struggle the more you’ll hurt yourself.”

I kneel down as the wolf is now completely on his belly. He glares up at me, still thrashing and struggling. I lean down and place my hand onto his muzzle, softly stroking his fur. A tearful smile stretches across my face.

The wolf settles down at my touch, seemingly soothed by it. His eyes then both clear as he looks to me.

Please…end my pain.”

My heart shatters at his request as more tears flow into my eyes. “There has to be another way,” I plead, now choking up even more.

He smiles softly, rolling his face against my hand. “Please…please end this dishonor.” His voice is so full of pain and fatigue, it’s slow and labored.

I grip my sword and point it over his chest. My grip trembles as I hold it. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to take the life of something as precious as a wolf. A being I admire and love with all my heart.

His eyes again look to me pleading me, further breaking my heart. I don’t want him to suffer any more than he already is now, thinking of a thousand different solutions yet nothing comes to mind.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I keep repeating it over and over again. I feel a dam within me ready to burst wide open. Part of me thinks this is a bad dream, feeling detached from reality.

However…it’s not.

My grip tightens as I stare down at him, the tip of my blade mere inches from his chest. The wolf bucks as his eyes glaze over once again. He lets out another vicious, unearthly snarl, ready to snap my head off.

“I’m sorry,” I call out one more time as I then plunge my sword into his chest. The blade easily cleaves through his side as though the flesh wasn’t even there. I continue to plunge it into him, passing through muscle and bone until I reach his heart.

The wolf wheezes and convulses for a moment before finally settling back down. I burst into tears, letting out a wailing cry as I lean over and rest my head into his side.

“I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry.”

Do not cry,” he says softly.

I raise my head as he slowly turns his to face me. “I thank you, for ending my pain.” I reach over and stroke his face. A gentle smile curls on his lips. “You are not the one who killed me. You have freed me. For that, I thank you.”

“Please, don’t talk,” I plead.

He then nuzzles my hand. “Talk I shall. When I heard of you, I wanted terribly to meet you. However, I was unable to. I was locked away, in a darkness that even my shadows could not allow for my escape.”

I hear the sound of heavy footsteps as Fenris walks over to me. The wolf in my arms gazes up at him. “Forgive me. I did not wish harm upon my king, nor his little princess.”

My eyes grow wide as the tears never stop flowing as I look to him. “You…you knew?”

He smiles, “That I did, little princess. We wolves know our king and those they are bonded to.”

I slowly dispel the spectral chains, listening to them retract into the tags. I stroke the wolf, patting his soft fur.

There is nothing to forgive,” says Fenris, sounding gentle and calming. “You have reclaimed your honor.” He then lowers his head, gently nudging the fallen wolf.

The wolf smiles brightly. I can feel his life slowly ebbing away with each passing moment. I’ve never experienced this before, and I hate it.

The wolf then uses the last of his strength to lean up and nuzzle my face. I hold onto it, stroking it softly. “I am proud to have finally met you. Even if it is at the end.”

I smile softly, feeling the lump in my throat threatening to choke me. He smiles and lays his head back onto the ground, slowly closing his eyes for the last time.

I burst into tears again, burying my face into his chest, clinging tightly to his fur. It’s a sorrowful wailing; marking the passing of a person I only just met yet had to be silenced.

I feel a hand resting onto my shoulder. I look to see too Celes kneeling beside me. She smiles, gently stroking me.

Tears fill my eyes as my heart feels as though it were shards of glass. “I…I broke the pact.” My voice breaks as I cry.

She quickly pulls me into her chest, holding me tightly and rocking me. “Shhh… shhh, no, my dearest sister. You have done no such thing. You have committed no sin against the wolves.”

She peers down, looking into my eyes. Tears stream down her face, “You upheld your duty as a daughter of Shyair,” she says chokingly. “I thank you for that.”

I feel a cold, wet nose nudging my face. I look over to see Athena smiling to me. “Do not trouble yourself, my little Aria.” She again nuzzles my face, feeling a mother’s reassurance.

Fenris sits next to Celes and me, wrapping a tail around me. I look up to him, seeing him also smiling tenderly. I reach up and stroke his muzzle to which he groans softly. “Let this not trouble you, daughter.”

I smile softly, stroking him more before returning to Celes’ chest.

Celes gently caresses my face, wiping away my tears. I cling tightly to her, still wishing this was nothing more than a nightmare.

My sister then peers over and strokes the wolf. She smiles softly before her eyes grow wide. “This…this is Critias.”

I look to her and to the wolf, feeling my heart racing wildly. “As in Selene’s wolf?”

She nods, “Yes.”

I peer over to my sword and slowly, yet with dignity, withdraw it. To my shock I find not a single drop of blood stains it.

Celes stares at it in confusion and horror. “What…what does this mean?”

I sniff, still ready to burst into crying again. “I know what this is.” I look to Fenris who nods to me. We both know this means, and it sickens me.

“We need to get him home,” says Celes. I nod.

We hear the heavy footsteps of armored men. I look over to see guardsmen slowly approach us. They look to us and then to the wolf. The grips on their weapons fluctuate between awe and confusion.

“Bring us a cart!” I shout to them. They look to me as if in a stupor over what just happened.

“Do as she says,” orders Celes.

The guardsmen turn to her and bow. “R-right away, Your Highness,” they say before running off.

I swipe my sword, sheathing it. It doesn’t feel any heavier than it did before. I took a life, yet didn’t take a life. I know what I did and why I did it. Yet it still pains me that I had to. Yet my sword doesn’t feel heavier.

I don’t know, I simply don’t know.

We then hear the wheels of a cart being brought over to us. I motion the guards around his body and we each take a side. Several pairs of hands then reach down and pick up the wolf, walking it towards the cart.

“Carefully please,” I tell them as I slide Critias onto the bed. Even dead, the wolf is still to be handled with dignity.

Celes hops in and guides it in until he’s completely inside. We cover him with a tarp, making sure that nothing will simply fly out and not to cause any more confusion than that has already been brought about.

Fenris and Athena gently nuzzle my face, motioning me into it. I nod and hop in, closing the gate. Celes climbs into the front seat along with another guardsman and turns the cart, no different than a car’s driver’s seat from my era. We nod to each other and the five of us head off for home.

As we pass through the gates of the second tier and into the first, the sound of stone cracking echoes around us. I peer over to see the building begin to break, revealing pulsing green veins. A sick feeling rushes into me, nearly making me want to puke.

People begin to panic as they see this, with some already feeling. All round us people are shouting as more and more of the pulsing veins are revealed, with some releasing energy that kills anyone close enough to it.

However the more I look at it, the more I realize at how entrenched the corruption already is or even how widespread. It’s even stronger than I’ve ever felt it before. I’ve been going to school here for two and half months and I never could even feel this level of deathly magic.

This only makes me wonder if this was what Viktor was talking about when he spoke of a corruption within the city.

As we exit out from the citadel, I stroke Critias’ body. I sigh softly as I tears still flow down my cheeks. I look over, watching as Fenris and Athena run alongside us, escorting us home. I smile softly to them. I silently thank them, grateful to have them with me.

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