Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 50: Rumors

Monday morning Fenris and I arrive at school, with us strolling through the gates as we are surrounded by other students. I look down, still missing not having the pups with me. According to Cierra, they should be well enough to come back by the middle of the week. It still sucks that I wait a couple more days, but I can be patient.

Fenris looks to me. His fatherly gaze gives me comfort. I smile back, not sure how I’d ever get through a day if he weren’t with me.

As we enter the first building I look around, feeling something off about the school. The air seems to be thinner if not calmer than usual. Call me the paranoid type, but this doesn’t bode well. It’s a little than usual for the start of the week.

I peer over the several of the dragons and elves, watching as they smile to me. However…they seem a little worried. A few come closer and we talk for a moment. The group is mostly comprised of third and fourth years, and is soon joined by a few others. They’re friends with Veylana with a couple being on the student council.

I count them as friends as I’ve spent time in the council room with them. We talk a little of planning a big surprise for the graduating fourth-years, something involving explosions. I grin, saying that I could help them on that front. They smile, then go on about how the school seems lacking in our classmates yet no one has an explanation as to why.

We then hear the first bell ring, breaking our conversation. We say our goodbyes and head off to class.

When we arrive in class I look up to find the Nerina still hasn’t returned. I tilt my head. She’s been missing for a couple weeks. That alone makes me concerned.

We stroll up to my row and sit down, pulling out me Orkona and a couple books. I watch as the rest of my class files in slowly. Tanith and Le’nia each stroll in with them both hopping over to me. I smile to them. At least these two are here.

“Had any adventures on the way here?” asks Tanith. “I heard about your meeting with the student council again.”

I smirk, “Well…that shouldn't be anything new. If anything, they were thinking about doing something foolish for the end of term. An idea with me joining in on the foolery.”

He leans in, “Foolish that you are. However, I like that in you.”

I feel my cheeks burn softly. He’s gotten confident enough to say that to me, so maybe he can finally come out with whatever else he’s been holding back.

Le’nia lays her arms onto the desk, “Have you seen Nerina by chance?”

I shake my head, “I figured either of you would have.”

They each peer to the other before turning back to me. “Sorry but we haven’t, Aria,” she replies.

I lean back in my seat, just where is she? The rest of our class files in with the sounding of the first bell. As they take their seats, I notice that several more are missing. I look to my friends who are equally as puzzled.

Lord Ashlan then steps into the room. The clacking of his toes signals for everyone to take their seats. My friends smile and head over. I peer to Fenris who is already lying curled up beside me.

Our teacher places his Orkona onto the podium, gripping the edges, and looks to us. “Obviously you have noticed that we are missing a few more of our class. We received word that they have taken ill and will be out for some time.”

His grip tightens slightly, “It is nothing contagious, possibly a negative reaction to something they ate from the dining hall.”

As he speaks, I watch his lips curl almost into a snarl. He’s clearly not buying whatever he was told. That too raises more flags. He’s not lying and that’s eating at me.

All around me I can hear the rest of my class whispering to each other. Even Raisa and her cousin seem to be worried. Tanith and Le’nia each peer to me. Tanith himself seems to be shocked by this news. So maybe his father didn’t tell him before they came to class.

This news makes Le’nia visibly curious as she watches me. I tilt my head at her, signing with my hands, “Talk later”. She nods and faces forward.

Our teacher then taps on his podium. “That is quite enough. Let us begin our day.”

We nod and turn as he begins the lecture.

When the bell for lunch sounds, Lord Ashlan quietly leaves the room followed by a few of our classmates. Tanith and Le’nia hop over to me. Fenris rises from the floor and stretches, hearing his joints pop loudly. I smile, stroking him.

As we sit there, the rest of our class begins to talk about our teacher’s announcement. I lean back in my chair as the three of us go over the notes from the morning session. We’re silent, only pointing out certain things if needed.

“They were chosen,” says a girl.

“Yes, yes,” says another. “It’s been happening more often than it used to.”

I peer over, having heard this rumor last week.

“If Nerina has not been here, it means she too was chosen,” says a boy this time. “The same must be for the others as well. The rumor is that it is for the betterment of the city.”

I lean over still to Le’nia, helping correct a few of her history notes. Tanith looks to me, appearing concerned. “I need to speak to my father on this. Hearing about it now is only making me worry.”

We nod to him as he packs up his things and heads out the door. I sigh softly, wondering what’s going on through his mind. Being the child of a teacher isn’t easy and to this drop is equally as stressful.

“I heard another rumor how the families of those chosen were showered in prestige and wealth,” this coming from a second boy.

I sniff. I doubt it. However, there’s something hidden within that particular rumor, something potentially sinister. The way they’re talking is unnerving to me. It’s as though there’s a joy or glee in being “chosen”.

The group then turns to Le’nia and me, all with broad smiles on their faces. “You could be chosen as well Aria,” says the first girl. “The house of Shyair would have a massive boon because of this. Not to say your house isn’t already honored within the city.”

I look to them, “I won’t believe any of the rumors until I see the proof.” Again the sheer glee in their voices is unnerving to me almost to the point I just want to leave. While honor and prestige are important, it’s the manner of this that’s unsettling, almost wrong.

They smile and turn back to each and resuming their gossip.

Le’nia turns to me, looking slightly frightened. I smile and pat her hand. “Just ignore them for now.” She nods and we go back to our notes.

After school I meet up with Veylana by the student council room. My cousin smiles but brings me into the room. The student council room is huge, easily the size of a small house.

It houses a long table with seats on each side with the head being an actual desk that detaches when there isn’t a meeting. Couches, chairs, and tables rest near several windows and comes with a small bar for drinks. It also has a sectioned-off room for if someone wanted a place to rest.

I’ve been in here a bit over the last month, if not with my friends after school. I think it's Veylana’s way of getting me onto the council next term. I have to say, it’s not a bad idea.

“I heard you met up with the others,” she says, smiling. “Rather rash if I say so. They really are planning on it aren’t they?”

I sigh, shaking my head, “Yeah, fireworks and theater are sort of a specialty of mine.” I then look to her, “You’ve been hearing the rumors going around?”

She picks up a stack of paper and taps it on the table, ordering them. “I have. My classmates were also speaking of them.”

She peers to me, “A few of my classmates were also missing today. I also heard a rumor of how the Lesser citadel houses are slowly growing smaller. Beneth in particular currently has less than twenty members when they were are at least fifty strong a couple months ago.”

I tilt my head, “That should have raised some kind of red flag.”

She shakes her head, “Not when they won’t speak ill of it. In fact some of their children talk about wishing to be chosen. Either it to get away from their parents or to join whatever is being done supposedly for the city.”

I nod slowly wondering still what it going on. I look to her, “If you want, I can ask if a few of the wolves to go with you when you head home.” This is just my paranoia rising up again, only now for a family member.

She smiles, putting away another stack of paper, “I thank you for your concern Aria. But perhaps the same should be said of you. For you live further away from here.”

I smirk, “Split then.”

She smiles, walking over to me, hugging me tightly. “Thank you Aria. I could not have asked for a better cousin than you.”

I smile, hugging her back. I know when I get home, there’s someone I’m gonna need to talk to about this.

After Veylana finishes up her duties we head out towards the front gates. When we arrive there are already over a dozen wolves waiting for us. Veylana looks to me. I throw up my hands, “I didn’t call them.”

The wolves smile and walk over to us. “We grew concerned over hearing the rumors this morning,” says Volsten.

So we will take you both home,” says Kaira.

I smile, looking to my cousin, “Guess you’re getting that escort whether we like it or not.”

She chuckles, “I agree.”

I step over to Vulcan and pet him. “You get her home.”

He nods, groaning softly. “I shall, little one.”

I smile and we both hop onto our wolves. We each tell each other to stay safe before parting, each surrounded by a half dozen wolves.

After twenty minutes of riding we return home. I slide off of Fenris as the front gates to the estate open. The guardsmen both bow, “Welcome home, Lady Aria, Master Fenris.”

I smile and turn to my escort. “Get home safe, all of you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

They smile and nod before turning and running off.

“Welcome home my dear girl,” I hear Serasfall as she strolls over to me.

I smile and we walk over the threshold, hearing the gate shut behind us. “Hey Serasfall. Your timing, as always, is perfect.”

She smiles, “Rhea and I sensed the approach of several wolves and came to investigate.”

I smirk as Rhea sits beside her bonded, smiling to Fenris and me.

I look to Serasfall, “Hey, have you been hearing the rumors about those being chosen?”

She looks to me with smile yet with a mild worry. “I have my darling. In fact, why don’t we take this inside? You must be tired from the day and I have something for you that might perk up your fatigue.”

I grin, “Ok.”

She smiles and the four of us walk inside.

We enter the study where I find Leto and Nelly charging towards me. I grin, dodging them only for the pair to turn and leap at me again. I giggle, spinning and catching both pups, hugging them tightly.

“Missed you both.”

They bark happily, licking my face.

We missed you too sister,” says Nelly.

We cannot wait to go back to school with you,” adds Leto.

I giggle, leading them over to the couch. They hop up and curl with me on it. Serasfall smiles, sitting across from the three of us. Fenris and Rhea each sit on the floor, simply watching.

My guardian then looks to me. “Now, returning to your question. I have indeed heard of these rumors, of how not only children have gone missing yet adults as well.”

I nod, feeling the pups paw at me. I grin, transforming into my kitsune form. I sigh, feeling good to be my true self again. I then sigh, becoming worried for Veylana and her family.

I then recall that morning a couple months ago when Norick and I saw that man on the second level. Was he connected to this? Was that but a scout or something? My fingers curl around the pups, holding onto them.

They whimper softly, sensing my growing worry. Nelly nuzzles my side as she stares up at me. Leto whines, his eyes shimmering with concern.

I smile, wrapping my tails around them.

Serasfall smiles to me. “I know that look my dear,” she says. I look to her. She nods, “Fear not my girl. Your uncle and his family are safe.”

I nod, “My classmates even said that I could be chosen.”

She sighs, leaning back in her chair. “The rumors of children and the worry they wrought.” She looks to me, giving her warm motherly smile, “I promise you are safe here my dear girl.”

I smile, hugging the pups tightly to me. However…I start to remember what Viktor told me, about how there were disappearances and somehow the people were changing. I look out a window.

Is history finally starting to catch up to me?

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