Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 47: Visit and bonding

I slowly turn a page in the book I’m reading. Classes let out about ten minutes ago as I can still hear students strolling through the walkway near the courtyard I long since claimed. I peer up, gazing through the multitude of leaves and branches as I rest on one high above the ground.

I decided to climb up and enjoy a tree for a change of pace. Most of my homework is done with only a paper to write for magical theory. That’s something I can do when I get home.

It’s hard to think that a month has passed by since dealing with Raisa. In that time I’ve really come to love attending school. It’s a lot of fun much like it was with Mom. I’ve fallen back into the routine of going to high school all over again and this time it feels like a fresh start.

During that time, my little group of friends and I have grown closer. While only knowing them for a short time, I really have come to call them my friends. Nerina and Le’nia both love to hold the pups, which the latter often squirms at first before settling down. Tanith would always appear to want to say something only to clam up. I smile as we sat under the tree.

The wolves paid them little mind, even welcoming the new faces. We decided to make it our own little getaway during lunch. However they were quick to recognize that in the afternoon that I rule there until I left school and joined them if chose to.

Like I said, it’s nice to have new friends.

Below me is the typical gathering of wolves with Fenris resting near the base of the tree I’m in. I peer to my left to see the pups running through the yard with a couple of the adults playfully chasing them.

“Aria,” I hear.

I lean over and open some of the branches, seeing a group of boys standing there. The one at the front of the group is a tall, platinum-blonde elf with shoulder-length hair. He’s cute in my opinion. Behind him are his friends, seemingly waiting for something.

“I was wondering if you would do me the honor of attending the end of term ball with me,” he states.

The wolves perk their heads up and stare at the boys. I roll my eyes. This is the fifth time someone’s asked me in the last couple of weeks.

However, since I only just arrived at the school, and also given my new nom de guerre which is probably the why they’re asking, I may end up skipping the entire thing. Although…Celes and Serasfall might insist that I attend in the hopes I make new friends.

I stare at the young elf, “I humbly decline your offer.” I then retreat back behind the branches.

He tries to step forward but is quickly stopped by the wolves who quietly stare at him. The elf sighs in defeat and slowly turns to the soft laughter of his friends.

“She truly is a princess,” says one of the boys. “High up in her castle and surrounded by her guards.”

The boys burst into laughter as they leave. I sigh, shaking my head.

I peer down to see Fenris sleeping unmoved by the boys. I smile and again look to the pups as they play blissfully ignorant of what just happened. I nod and quietly return to my book.

“Why are there so many wolves gathered around a single tree?”

I feel my skin crawling as I hear the woman’s words echoing through the courtyard. I lean over again and peer through the branches to see none other than Selene Nethune standing just outside the circle of wolves.

She then peers up, baring a grin. Now my skin really is crawling as if a million bugs are walking across it. I lean back and close my book before slowly climbing down. I hop off of the trunk and peer over to Fenris who is now awake and head held high.

I place my book behind me. “Hello Selene.”

Her grin broadens even wider, “And hello to you as well, little Aria. I must admit to being rather intrigued that Serasfall decided to enroll you in the Acadenora.” She crosses her arms, looking somewhat concerned, “I also heard of the torment you suffered by your classmates during your first couple of weeks here. An utter travesty and horrendous act committed by Laevatain. If you ever have any more issues do let me know.”

I grip the book tightly but relax. “I thank you for your concern and offer. With that said, may I ask why you’re here?”

She smiles softly yet still hiding that deviousness I know for her. “I came to speak with your headmaster concerning certain matters pertaining to your school. I might even bring up something of your case again if you wish.”

Her voice seems to be grating against my mind, and it's pissing me off. I can’t show it however. Better to just let it pass through me like water. Besides, why drum up old issues that might’ve been dealt with? Plus…I really don’t want special treatment of any kind like that.

I lean up against the tree, holding the book at my back. Part of me wonders if Celes or Veylana might show up.

Selene then steps closer. This causes an immediate reaction by the wolves as the quickly rise to their feet with Fenris stepping in front of me.

She looks to them and smiles. “I merely wish to speak with her. Nothing more.”

Fenris’ fur stands on end as he glares at her. I stand up and gently touch his fur, stroking it and calming him. I smile as he looks to me and nods, slowly backing away. I turn to the wolves and hold up my hand, causing them to ease up while slowly parting. Selene sees this and becomes even more intrigued.

I look back to her, “Is there something you personally want of me? Seeing how your last attempt on my family ended in utter failure.”

Her devious smile broadens as she steps through the lines of wolves. “Whatever do you mean, young Aria?” She’s obviously feigning innocence but I still remember her warning from right before the gathering in the throne room. “I know the session was growing heated. Laevatain and Drakthul both have been itching for a fight, so I feel it finally came to a head on that day.”

I sigh softly, fighting the urge to lash out at her.

“If were not for the fox spirit and the black wolf,” she continues, “I fear something terrible would have happened.” She then looks to me, “You too must have been in awe of it. A massive black wolf and a beautiful young girl with nine flowing tails.” She smiles, “A sight no one ever expected to see.”

Well that fox spirit and black wolf are in fact standing in front of you.

She walks right up to me, with Fenris keeping an eye on her. The both of us are trying to fight back our urges, and for the moment we’re successful.

She smiles to me, “You have become even pluckier than the last time we met, my dear girl. Openly accusing my house of conspiracy.” Selene leans down to me, “Such a brazen girl,” then grins, “I like that. It’s one of the many qualities I have come to admire of you.”

I roll my eyes at her.

She then looks around, seeing all of the wolves watching her carefully, some itching to move. I hold up my hand to them, gently patting the air, calming them down. She tilts her head. “The wolves have truly taken a liking to you. To have such a command of them is practically unheard of for an outsider to have such sway over the wolves.”

Selene then peer around me as the pups continues to bark and play with the adult. Her smile grows again, “So what my sister said was true. Two new wolf pups.” She sighs in awe, “Serasfall tends to love withholding such secrets from the world.”

A nerve twitches in my temple but I quickly let it slide. I nearly forgot about Axana’s visit. In fact I haven’t heard a thing from Fennec. I was being honest with him coming back for a rematch. However no one knows anything about where he is. That little mystery however can wait.

I let out a whistle. The pups’ barks quickly stop and they soon rush over to my side.

Selene looks in wonder, grinning even more. “My, my. Again it is astonishing to truly have such sway over the wolves. The only people I know to possess such an influence are Serasfall, Tyrion, and Celestine.” She then smiles to me, “You never cease to amaze me, little Aria.”

Both Leto and Nelly peer up at her, growling and snarling at her.

She chuckles, “Such fierce little defenders.” They bark and yap at her in response which only causes her to chuckle more.

I kneel down, petting them, calming them down. I glance up at her, “Did you really come here to talk to the headmaster or me?”

Her smile never wavers. “A little of both, my dear girl. I have heard a great deal of you since our last encounter. I was impressed when I heard of your victory over my nephew. It showed you possess immense skill with the blade. Then there was how you persevered over your tormentors.”

She then holds out her hands, almost in a proselytizing manner. “Oh, the accounts of the battle were the stuff of legends past. A true war maiden, calmly strolling through the field as spells flew and explosions abound. It was said you utilized magic unseen within the confines of the entire empire. You truly are a special child my little Aria, or refer to you as the ‘wolf princess of Shyair’?”

The nerve in my forehead begins to throb and I know Fenris is also becoming irritated by her patronizing. While praise for one’s actions is nice, it’s often the source that can be grating.

I sigh, rolling my eyes as I stand back up. “Would you please go to your point?”

She chuckles, “Oh do forgive, my dear, but yes, I merely came to look in on your progress. I have heard nothing but glowing reviews.”

It makes me wonder who she’s been talking to. Maybe someone’s been tailing me or Tyrion’s talking about me while with the other houses, who knows.

I cross my arms, looking up at her, “I thank you for your praise. So new question since I have you here. How’s Critias? It’s been a while since our first encounter and being asked about him.”

She blinks for moment, either in shock I remember that question or if there’s something else. “He has taken a turn for the better,” she states. “The treatment we have been administering appears to finally be showing progress.”

“Is it possible for Celes or Serasfall to come look at him?” I ask.

Her eyes grow wide with surprise, “You and Celestine must have truly become close if you are calling her by that name.” She then smiles broadly, “Again you amaze me, my dear girl.” I sigh, trying to not to puke.

She shakes her head, “Sadly none of you can. While Critias is indeed recovering, he is still being watched for any unwanted signs of relapse.”

I tilt my head not buying her response, “What exactly is his illness?” Given how been living with one for a couple years and now the pack, I know it takes a lot to bring them down. Meaning a simple cold is nothing to them.

She smiles, “Merely an illness he contracted while on a hunt with me.”

Yep…she’s lying, but she’s hiding it well.


I turn to see Veylana and Vulcan strolling into the courtyard. To my surprise I see Athena strolling beside them. This causes Fenris’ tails to sway with joy. I smile softly to the trio.

“Well hello there, young Veylana,” greets Selene. “I see you are doing well.”

My cousin and the wolves glare at her with Athena in particular actually growling at the woman.

Selene smiles, then looking to me, “Well, it would appear that to be my cue to leave.” She leans over and strokes my face which sends a chill up my spine. “Be well, little Aria. I hope our next encounter won’t be interrupted so soon.”

I nod slowly, wanting to run away from her.

She then pulls her hand away from me and bows, walking through the gauntlet of wolves and exits out into the covered walkway.

I sigh, leaning up against the tree. Veylana and the wolves trot over to me.

“Are you all right?”

I smile to her, “I’m fine, although I feel like I need a bath or something just talking to her.”

Athena leans in and nuzzles my face, groaning softly. I blush, with it feeling more and more like a mother with her pup. I smile, feeling like one with her.

Veylana takes my hand as she leans against the tree with me. “Are you heading home soon?”

I lay my head onto her shoulder. “Not yet.” She nods.

I look Athena and Fenris. It’s been a long time since Athena and I had some time alone together. She’s always waiting for me to come home from school, eager to hear about my day. I know she’s been wanting to have a quiet moment with me, so why not?

I kneel down between the pups, who both are look to me. “Hey, I’ll be home later tonight. I want you both to go with Fenris, understood?”

They both whine, pressing their little black noses into me, clearly not wanting to be separated from me or have to wait. Both pups then look up to me. “Yes, sister,” says Leto.

We understand Aya,” says Nelly.

Fenris kneels down and they reluctantly crawl onto his back. He gently rises and looks to Athena who smiles to him. They nuzzle each other before Fenris looks to me.

I shall meet up with you and Athena later,” he says. I nod to him. He smiles, pressing his face into mine before turning and leaving the courtyard.

Veylana and Vulcan turn to me. “Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?” asks my cousin.

I smile to her, “I’d love to. I’ll be over later.” I’ve also become a semi-regular guest at the Residence for the past month. I’d either simply come for dinner or even spend the night there if the weather turned nasty.

She grins broadly, “I will be sure to tell Mother and Father. They will be thrilled to have you over again.”

I smile, “I look forward to it.”

We then hug each tightly. I pull back and pet Vulcan who groans softly at my touch. I smile and turn to the wolves gathered. They all lean in and nuzzle me. I giggle, stroking as many as I can, nearly pushed back by them.

Veylana claps her hands. “That’s enough everyone, we don’t want to overwhelm her.” They smile and in turn nuzzle her. She laughs, petting them.

Daughters of Shyair,” says Volsten. “We truly are blessed to have you here with us.” The other wolves nod in agreement.

Veylana and I each blush. I smile, “I will see you all tomorrow.” They nod and turn to leave.

Veylana and I hug each other again before also leaving.

Athena and I stroll through the second tier. I softly cling to her fur, feeling my bag hanging from my back.

Where would you like to go?” asks Athena.

I think for a moment, watching as the floating island hover off in the distance. I look to her, “Somewhere quiet.” She smiles, turning towards the crystal gardens.

We soon arrive, finding over a dozen other people stroll through the walkways. I smile, still fascinated by the idea at how leisurely Dewlourans can be. It’s been over three months since I arrived here and this place truly feels like I’m a part of it. It’s the same way in Japan. Both are places I have come to love dearly. I love the history of Dewloura and its people, how magic flows so freely and openly.

I peer back, seeing the scared crystal hovering in the air. Its soft, blue side shimmers in the sun’s light. I smile warmly, feeling a call from it as though I truly was a Dewlouran from birth.

It makes me wonder why everything had to slink into the shadows.

We slowly walk along the walkways, passing more and more people. I glance over, seeing a pair of adult dragons and their children flapping about. Humans and elves sit on benches and under trees, each talking to each other and some even kissing. I feel at peace here.

Athena finally brings us to an isolated section of the park to where I gently slide off of her back. We continue to stroll through the park with me clinging to her fur. She smiles, staying close to me. I look around, seeing no one nearby. I turn back to her. She smiles warmly and nods. I blush as I finally revert back into a kitsune in public for the first time in months.

I feel her wrapping a tail around one of my own. I smile, holding onto hers, still clinging to her fur as I stare out into the city with my other tails swishing softly against the stone tiles.

We soon come upon tree and sit under it. Athena lies beside me, gently pulling me into her side and begins to preen my hair as though I were a pup. I blush and giggle, starting to feel like one, even flattening my ears as she moves over the top of my head.

A pup like you should look her best before having dinner,” she says. I giggle again as I stare back out onto the city.

She curls her body around me, draping her tails over my body. I lay against her, stroking her fur. This feels so much like nearly any time Fenris and I are together, a parent and child.

Do you feel better now after having to deal with Selene?” she asks.

I let out a sigh and nods, raking my fingers through her fur, “It wasn’t easy being around her again.” I peer up at her, “Thanks for coming.”

She smiles, “I wanted to spend more time with you. I know you feel the same.”

I giggle softly, “Is Celes ok without you?”

She nudges my cheek, “Your sister shall be fine. Although she is always eager to have you return home.”

I giggle again, thinking how Silvi is the same way. She was always pacing on the floor whenever I left on a trip. The best example of this is when Mom brought me home for good after my birth family was killed. My dragonic sister was there in the foyer pacing endlessly until I arrived.

I sigh softly, I miss her.

I look up, watching as the clouds roll by. I feel even more at peace simply being here with Athena. Serpentine dragons fly gracefully through the air followed by gryphons and even other dragons.

A wind gently blows over us, causing me to further melt into her side. I feel something again wrapping around my heart, hearing a second heartbeat. This isn’t the kind of listening if you were to lay your ear against someone’s chest. No, this can only be heard within your own heart.

I slowly begin to feel chains or something like them beginning to truly form, binding, and becoming stronger. My hand slowly strokes Athena’s fur until I drift away as the rhythm of the beating hearts synchronize. The sensation is all too familiar until the chains become taught and a new connection is forged, unbreakable.

I open my eyes, seeing Athena staring into mine. She smiles softly, nuzzling my face.

My little Aria,” she whispers.

I blush even more, but now smiles to her. I feel connected to Athena, now more than ever before. It’s the same feeling I have with Fenris while also different. With Athena and I there was no great shaking of the ground or loss of power. It was gentle, soothing, like slipping into a form that was completely natural or meant to be.

I recall my question to Serasfall, about whether a wolf can be bonded to two people. It’s a question that’s been lingering in the back of my mind for weeks now and only when Athena and I are alone that it comes forward. In that time, the feeling between us has grown stronger and stronger.

So the question is…is it true? I have no idea. Yet it does seem to be that way.

Athena and I begin to talk to each other. Nothing serious, more like idle chitchat. The conversation is the really the point. It’s simply the two of us enjoying each other’s company.

My thoughts then move towards Celes and Serasfall. I am ever so grateful for them. One a sister, the other…very much like a mother to me. They are my family and I see myself as a part of theirs every day. However I still have lines I don’t fully cross, and am in fear of what will happen if I do.

My ears soon flick as I see Fenris lying down beside me, nuzzling my face. I smile, stroking his, “Pups give you any trouble?”

He smiles, looking at me, “Not until we arrived home. They whined, wanting to come back with me.”

I grin, “I’m gonna make it up to them tonight.”

He smiles, nuzzling my face once more.

I giggle softly as Athena does the same. I sort of wish I were a wolf pup myself. I even start to imagine myself as though I were one. A small little wolf with pinkish fur and twin tails swishing about. My little paws pawing at my parents, groaning happily as I nuzzle in between them.

Heh, however the truth is that I am a kitsune through and through. Right down to the core.

Fenris looks up to Athena who smiles in return. I roll onto my back, staring up at them. I’m happy he’s really found someone to be with. I know he’s been lonely after we fled home. I sigh, remembering how close he once was with Miss Abigale. The two were nearly always together, always disappearing.

But then they broke off their relationship, citing being only close friends. I guess some things really weren’t meant to be.

I feel my tails being wrapped by others. I look over seeing Fenris smiling to me. Athena does the same, holding mine tightly as both wolves smile warmly. They both give off a parental vibe as they watch over me. I smile and blush, thinking I really now have two parents.

It’s not quite the same as having human parents, while the same time it is.

The sky slowly darkens as the sun begins to set. Soft blue lights start to pop on all around us as the crystal lampposts light up.

Fenris looks to me, “We should leave if we are to make it in time for dinner.”

I sigh, nodding as I transform into a human. We slowly then rise from the ground with me brushing off the grass from my uniform. Athena looks me over, swatting away anything I missed. I smile as she nods in approval.

I then hop onto her back and the three of us ride out of the park.

It doesn’t take us long to arrive at the residence. Standing out front is a pair of knights as they watch the front gate along with a contingent of guardsmen. I smile as I slide off of Athena.

All then proceed to bow to me. “Good evening, Lady Aria. The lord and lady of the house are eagerly awaiting you.”

I smile, nodding to them. “Good thing too, starting to get a little hungry today.”

The group chuckles as we pass through the gate.


I turn to see Veylana and Sofia running to me. I giggle as I'm quickly pulled into tight hugs. I hug them back as I see Tyrion and Varela standing in the doorway. I smile to my aunt and uncle.

Sofia looks to me, “It is good to see you again. We are overjoyed that you are here to have dinner with us as always. Veylana told us you were coming over again.”

I smile and nod, then blush as stomach growls. Everyone bursts into laughter.

“Well,” says my uncle, “let us feed that hungry girl now shall we?”

We all smile and head inside. As we cross the threshold, my aunt pulls me close as we walk together. “I hope you are doing well Aria. I've heard of your most recent invitation for the ball.”

I blush, nodding. “I’m doing ok,” I reply. “Celes and Serasfall have both been with me and I'm grateful for them. As for the invitation... it's just another boy trying to ask me out.”

She smiles, kissing the top of my head, “I am overjoyed to hear that my niece.”

I smile looking to Tyrion. He smiles, but frowns slightly, “Veylana informed us of your encounter with Selene.”

My shoulders slump slightly, “Definitely was a surprise for me. I still feel grimy after she left.”

He nods, “I hope you will inform your sister and Serasfall of this.”

I nod, “Yes sir.”

He smiles as we enter the dining room where Ilia, Galen, and Darius are all already waiting for us. I smile as I’m greeted by them. I then look back and see Fenris and Athena nod to me as they head off elsewhere. No doubt to the wolf den.

We take our seats just as the food is carted in.

We spend the next couple hours talking and eating, with Veylana telling me of plans for the upcoming ball. Ilia and Sofia both swoon, offering to take me dress shopping. I blush, telling them I haven’t made up my mind about it. Valera states she would be more than happy to accompany us. I smile thanking her.

Both Galen and Darius each recount my battle against Raisa and her cohorts, offering the potential to join the military if I choose to. I slink back in my seat, telling them I have no idea what my future plans are. That for now I’m starting to just really love school. They smile and nod.

Veylana mentions having me come join her on the student council when I reach my second year, possibly even have me study under her. I blush softly, recalling how Miu and Yui both serve on their council and also my friends in Japan already planning out my school life.

The mention of my nom de guerre is brought up, especially after dealing with Raisa. I blush softly as know it’s gotten around faster than I thought. Valera smiles to me.

“The name suits you,” she says. “After all, you are the daughter of the king.”

I blush even more, looking around to my cousins and uncle simply smile warmly to me.

We finally retire to the study after dinner where everyone recounts their days. I simply slink back into the couch and listen to stories from all over the city. I grin having taking out my journal again and writing down a few of them. Everyone smiles as I write.

“So Selene wanted to talk to you?” asks Valera.

I shirk back, still feeling her hand on my face. “Again…wasn’t really expecting that.”

Both my aunt and uncle look to each other, becoming concerned. Galen and Darius instinctively reach for their weapons only to remember they don’t have them. Ilia and Sofia huddle around me as Veylana holds me. I smile, loving the concern of my family.

“Selene visiting the school,” adds Tyrion, “is nothing new. However, to come and see you while there is troubling.” He looks to me, “This is the second time this has occurred, and it worries me.”

His wife nods and looks to me, “It is also troubling that she has taken such a keen interest in you is equally if not more so.”

Everyone nods with girls holding me even tighter. The first time I spoke to her alone, her family nearly had mine killed. So what does a second encounter foretell? I remember Norick saying she brings misfortune wherever she goes. That leaves the question, what’s coming next?

The clock then chimes 9:00. I look over and sigh. “I think I should head on home.”

Tyrion looks to me, “You could always stay here for the night Aria.”

I smile to him. “I know Celes and Serasfall are probably getting worried about me. So maybe next time.”

He smiles, “Well the offer will always remain.”

I smile as we all then rise and head for the courtyard.

When I arrive I see Fenris and Athena already waiting for me by the gate. Veylana quickly pulls me into a hug, “I will see you at school tomorrow.”

I smile, hugging her back, “Until then.”

We hold the hug for a moment before finally pull apart and walk over to the wolves, with Fenris lying on the ground for me. I slide onto his back as he then slowly stands up. I turn to my uncle and his family.

“Love you all,” I tell them. “I hope to come back soon.”

They smile and wave to me as we turn and rush at the gate.

The sky is completely pitch-black as we ride through mostly empty streets. Crystal lampposts light up nearly every street giving us a clear path home. I glance over seeing a handful of patrols as they march through the streets. I smile, feeling at ease seeing them.

Athena looks over to me as we run. “Are you feeling better after all this time, little Aria?”

I smile to her, “I am. I really am loving school all over again.” While the first couple weeks were utter garbage, it still had its merits.

Athena smiles.

I truly am happy, daughter,” says Fenris. “I was beginning to worry for you. Now you should not allow your schoolwork to lapse.”

I smirk, “I never do.”

I then feel him smack the back of my head with his tail. “There a few reports you were late turning into your mother on the occasion.”

I smirk then smile. I pan forward again thinking of her. I still would love how she would react to me being here and actually attending school. Just the idea creates all sort of outcomes.

When we finally exit the city and into the forest, I start to wonder about what Selene told me and about Critias. Just why won’t she allow us to see him? What illness is so bad that Nethune won’t allow the people who are the literal experts on the wolves to see him?

So many questions with few answers.

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