Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 46: Bringing something new

The weekend was surprisingly relaxing. Oh don’t get me wrong, my homework load was significant. This was mainly due to what happened during my first two weeks. I barely had much of a desire to do much of my homework, only getting a little done at a time.

With the week now over, I finally was able to complete everything by early Sunday afternoon. This left me with about a few hours to get some light training in with Astraea. I think I might reserve my fusion training for the weekends, but given how much progress I made a couple weeks ago, I think I might be closing in on its completion or pretty close to it.

I hear something scratching on my door. I close my book and hop up from the couch and scurry over to it. When I open my door, I hear the high pitch barks of the wolf pups. I grin, crouching down.

“Hey you two,” I greet them. “Been missing me?”

They whine as they look up at me, “We miss you lots, sister,” says Leto.

We want to go with you.” Nelly whiningly barks in agreement.

I tilt my head and stand, ushering them inside. We walk over to my couch to where I pat the cushions. The pups happily hop up onto it with me and curl their bodies into mine. I hold them close, stroking their fur.

“I guess you both really did miss having me around.”

They both bob their heads. “We don’t like waiting for you to come home,” says Nelly. “That is why we want to go with you to school.”

I smile, hugging them close to me, “I don’t know, you two. There are a lot of questions that have to be asked before you can.”

Their ears flatten softly. I know they’ve been missing me while at school. The pups again stayed with me at night as always and really helped me partly get through it all. I’m grateful to have them. Now as to letting them come with me and Fenris…I don’t know.

I hear a knock on the door. I crane my head around to see Serasfall standing into the doorway. “Forgive me if I am interrupting something, my dear, but I saw your door was open and wanted to see how you were doing.”

I smile, leaning my head onto the back of the couch, “You’re fine, in fact your timing is perfect.”

She smiles, walking over and wrapping her arms around me. I smile, leaning my head into her, feeling like a small child in her arms.

“So…what makes my timing so perfect?” she asks.

I look up at her, “Well…the pups want to go with me to school.”

I look down at them, watching two pair of icy-blue eyes staring up at me. I stroke their faces, curling my fingers around their cheeks. “Is it okay for them to leave their parents?”

They look up at her, “Please…please let us go with sister,” pleads Leto.

We want to see where she goes and be with her,” adds Nelly.

Serasfall leans over, seeing the pups coiled into me. She hangs there for a moment, feeling her tapping her wrist in thought. “I will have to speak with their parents on this matter. However, I do not see why not.”

The pups bark happily, furiously wagging their tails. The pair then jumps on the couch, jabbing their paws into me on accident. I grin, pulling them back into me tightly.

Serasfall grins, “Now little ones, if and when your parents grant their permission, you will have some rules to follow.” The pair looks up at her. “Firstly,” she continues, “you are to obey your sister and Fenris. Secondly, you are to never leave their side unless one of them goes with you.”

They bark in agreement, again wagging their tails. Simple rules to follow, but with pups this young, I will have to be extra careful. Not only that, they’re going to be exploring the world beyond the confines of the estate for the first time. This is going to be a massive shock for them, and I know they’re going to be either scared or in total awe of the city.

Now…I know children love to get lost. However, there is always a solution. I stroke the tops of their heads, “I have idea that will make sure they stay put, or at the very least, not become lost.”

Serasfall looks to me, smiling, “What would this plan of yours be?”

I grin, holding up my finger and whirl it around, generating two thin red threads of magic, and place the ends onto the back of their necks. “It’s a spell my sister in the future taught me.”

The pups tilt their head in confusion. I smile, stroking them more, “It’s not a collar, but more like a leash.” I hold on the nearly invisible threads and give each a light tug, watching their necks rise.

I let go, holding them close to me. Serasfall smiles, holding me close to her. I look at them, smiling softly, “The spell can only be broken by me. The best part of it is that if the pups somehow do get separated from me, they can simply follow it back to wherever I am.”

It’s how Marron and I were reunited last fall. She placed the spell onto me the previous summer and forgot to dispel it.

Serasfall smiles, “A wonderful idea my girl. Well, with these conditions and preparations in place, I shall go and speak with their parents.”

I nod, feeling the pups hopping on the couch again before I bring them in close, hugging them tightly. These two really have become like my little brother and sister, each loving me endlessly, each curious about where I go and what do I do. This drums up old, nearly forgotten memories of Melissa and me wanting to go to her school.

It’s now my turn to have this experience.

The next day, I wake up earlier than I had for the past two weeks, finally slipping back into my pre-school routine of running through the forest. I take my time, wanting to further clear my head while also come up with any and all contingencies in case something were to happen with the pups.

Thankfully I have Fenris with me as extra security. There’s also no telling how the city will react to see Uldulvan wolf pups out in the open. Knowing that, I’ll have to be extra vigilant.

After my run, I quickly shower and get ready, stuffing my bag with my homework and Orkona. I peer over and find my journal, now brimming with extra stacks of paper due to how much I’ve been writing into it. I smile, picking up and stashing it into my bag.

I look over to find Astraea resting on a sword stand. I smile, walking over and picking it up. This is the physical manifestation of who I am, so I treat it as I did my previous swords, with the upmost respect and care. I then nod, sliding it into my bag.

I take one more look around before leaving my room, making sure to turn off my light as I close my door.

When I exit out into the front courtyard, I find Fenris there, along with Miletus, Cierra, and the pups. I stroll over to them, watching the three adult wolves softly swish their tails. I smile, “Morning everyone.”

The parents smile, stepping closer as I approach them. “We are still nervous about having them leave home this young,” states their father. “However, we know they are in good hands with you and your father.”

I smile, nodding to him, “Yes sir. I will try and make sure they don’t get into too much mischief,” winking to the pups. They chirp softly while looking at me and then to their father.

Miletus eyes them before turning to me, leaning his head into my face. “Be well, little Aria.”

I smile, stroking the side of his, “Yes sir.” He then steps back, giving another look to his children before joining his mate.

Cierra leans down to the pups and gives them little groans and growls. They nod as the listen to their mother before they hop over to Fenris. I smile to her. “I’m sure you both are going to have a long night of stories when we get back."

She smiles, “We look forward to them.”

I grin and step over to Fenris, hoisting the pups onto his back before joining them. We look back to their parents, still with worried looks in their eyes. I smile and tap on Fenris. He nods and trots towards the front gate.

As we travel through the city, both Leto and Nelly’s heads are on a constant swivel, watching as everything goes by. The streets are filled with the usual hustle and bustle of people either heading to work or opening their shops for the day.

When Fenris leaps over a cart, the pups wrap their tails around me, not wanting to fall off. I smile, holding them tightly to me. If I could, I’d love to revert into my kitsune form and further hold onto them by wrapping my tails around them. However…that’s a pipedream.

A few of those on the streets do turn and look at us. Their eyes are wide with wonder and surprise, no doubt seeing wolf pups for the first time. I smile, knowing this was one of many reactions I knew to expect. The tougher part is to come.

When we arrive at school, Fenris kneels down to allow the pups to hop off of his back. My bonded then rises, vigorously shaking his body. He hasn’t had to carry anyone other than me in a long time, so I wonder if this served as a workout for him. Granted, he can easily carry a full-grown ox and not even think about it.

I peer down the pups, whose heads and ears again are on a constant swivel. I kneel down in between them as they watch students walking through the front gates. Overhead I watch as a few dragons fly over us and land before assuming their half-forms. I smile, stroking the pups, knowing they’re becoming nervous.

A few of the students take notice of the pups and whisper to each other. I again hear the title of “wolf princess of Shyair” being thrown around. I look over to them, seeing them still talking to each other. I give them a nod to which they do the same. It’s a simple gesture, but one of acknowledgment and greeting.

“Okay you two, a couple more things before we head in,” I say, turning my attention back to them. They crane their heads until they look at me. I smile, “Stay close to me, and act as proud wolves of Shyair. Remember, you’re representing our pack.” They bark, nodding their heads.

Our pack. Heh, I guess I really have assimilated into the family. The pack is like family to me with them constantly watching over me and the others as we go about the estate. I really have grown close to them, and I often still head down to the den and play with them.

I grin, “The last thing I have to say is that my classes will be long and boring for you. That means you both will have to be quiet. There is a place for the wolves to go during the day. If you have to leave, Fenris will go with you.”

Again they nod. I smile, standing back up and make for the main building.

As we stroll through the corridors, I again see several of the students take notice of the pups, with more of them whisper in surprise. Their shock is palatable as the air is thick with curiosity. I hold my bag behind me, partly feeling like I’m showing off, with the other really hoping not to get into any trouble.

I peer down to Leto who stares up at Fenris as he walks. The pup tries to match his walking style. Fenris smiles down at him, walking majestically as a king should, with his head held high and tails softly swaying. Nelly on the other hand stays close to me, her little ears on a constant swivel as she clearly is nervous as more people continue to stare at the pups.

We finally come to my class, taking a much needed breath in relief. I pan over to the wolves, who upon seeing Fenris and me, bow to us. He smiles, bowing his head in return. I smile, doing the same.

They then look up to see the pups as they scan the room. They slowly rise and trot down the stairs. The pups quickly zip behind my legs, causing me to smile. I look to them, “It's okay, you two. They’re friends. In fact, they might be related to you.” The pups look to me, nodding slowly.

One of the wolves, Kaira, lowers her head to them. “Greetings, little ones. It has been a long time since we have seen a new generation born to the city.”

A male named Volsten nods in agreement. “We are happy to see you with Aria and Fenris.”

I smile, still feeling the pups’ nervousness. I kneel down, holding them close to me as I stroke their bodies. I look up the wolves in front of me. “This one to my right is Penelope. I call her Nelly for short.”

Her brother pokes his head out, looking to the adults. I grin, “And the brave one on my left is her brother, Leto.”

The wolves gently wag their tails, giving comforting and reassuring smiles. The pups feel a bit more at ease as they slowly come out from behind me. I look up to see a few of my classmates having already arrived. They give me welcoming nod. I smile, doing the same.

I pan over to see a young, green dragon sitting down at the second row up. He’s slightly built with a chiseled face and short silver hair. He smiles warmly to me, also giving me a nod. I smile to him.

His smile broadens slightly as I then hear the sounds of girls chattering as they enter the room. I look around seeing a couple of them stopping dead in their tracks as they look to me. They then see the pups and squeal, rushing over to us.

The pups instantly jump back and hide in front of. I smile, shaking my head. Yet another possible reaction I predicted.

I look to the girls, “Morning.”

They look to me, “Are…are they yours?”

I nod, gently patting the pups. “They are, or at least they belong to our pack.”

The girls nod, then look to me, “So…can you tell us about them? As in, you live with them correct?” asks the girl with dark, short-braided hair.

I nod, although am still cautious, given the line to questions from last week. “I…do. These two are particular are often the cause of mischief around the estate.” Both pups then whimper softly. I grin, petting them more.

The girls then look to each other and then to me. The other, a dark blonde elf, crouches low. “And…do you eat with them? Not in the manner of a wolf, but as in have meals with them?”

I nod again, “Often while at home. Sometimes if I want a change in scenery I head into the den with a snack and share some with the wolves. That or we’re in the solarium having lunch.”

The girls nod slowly as they continue with their questions. Most are related to simple curiosity, either about what foods they like or what dreams they have. A few are about how I live with them, namely if I often play with the wolves or perhaps help tend to them as well. I feel slightly odd as they talk to me. I know I’ve earned the respect of my class, but is that all I have?

I answer their questions, none of which are probing or diving deep into anything secret. Mostly these are questions a child might ask about a dog or a cat. They seem to be at ease while with me, with me often catching them wanting to pet the pups.

Their questions then turn toward about my life with Shyair. I cautiously answer their questions, telling them about my time with Serasfall and Celes. I leave a lot of the details vague, yet not enough to frustrate them.

The pups are still wary of the girls, but are now sitting in front of me. My classmates again try to pet them, only for the pups to actually lift their heads to the pair. The girls grin as they softly pet their heads. I smile softly, with Fenris keeping a constant vigil about them.

The dark-haired girl looks up, nodding to someone behind me. I turn back, seeing the dragon from before, who nods in return. She then looks to me, “Say, do…do you wish to meet up during lunch?”

I nervously nod to her. “S-sure, I’ll be in the small courtyard between the third and fifth buildings.”

They smile, nodding. “See you then,” says the elf as they both continue to pet them.

We hear the heavy clacking of claws as our teacher, Lord Ashlan enters the classroom. He looks us over, “All right everyone, time to take your seats.”

He then turns to me, seeing the pups staring back at him. The dragon is puzzled for a moment before breaking his stupor. “Miss Aria, I trust you will keep them under control during class correct?”

I nod, “Yes sir.”

He nods, “Very good, now, take your seat.”

I nod and stand, looking to the girls who smile warmly to me. We nod to each other and head up the stairs to our seats. The pups follow after me as Fenris calmly strides behind my chair and sitting on my left. The pups hide under the long desk and curl up into little balls. I smile, pulling out some snacks and gives them to the pups. They happily chomp down on them.

The morning classes go rather smoothly, with the pups rarely if ever making a peep. They either sleep under the row or trot along it. I smile, taking the odd moment to watch them. They often smile up at me, happy to meet my gaze. I think they’re actually more interested in being with me here rather than causing mischief.

To help further alleviate their boredom, I give them each a rawhide chew, something to keep them occupied. I glance over to the wolves present, wondering if I should bring a few more for them as a "thank you" for helping me.

When the pups finish those off, I create little ice figures of anime characters, letting them reenact scenes from various series. The pups watch in awe as I manipulate the figures like puppets.

Nelly stays close to me while Leto in turn wants to chase after them. I smile softly, making sure the puppets tell him not to make a sound.

Fenris lies down behind me, watching them whenever the lecture requires more of my attention.

Nelly then nudges me. I look down and see her eyes swimming. I glance to Fenris, leaning down to him. “Can you take her to the wolf yard?”

He nods, motioning her to come to him. The pup hops over to him and both disappear into a shadow. Leto on the other hand joins my side, curling up into a ball. I watch him squirm slightly, no doubt needing to go as well but wanted to stay and not leave me alone. I smile, knowing Fenris will take him when he returns.

During the lectures I truly begin to fall in love with being here, more than I did a week ago. Our teacher burns through the material at a lightning pace, something I’m very much used to. I furiously scribble down notes as the dragon moves from one section to the next.

When the hour grows closer to lunch, I hear Nelly bark loudly as she abruptly wakes from her nap. I lean down to pet her, comforting her. My ears then hear something whistling towards me. Without looking, I quickly snatch it out of the air, discovering it to be the stylus for the board. I sit up, finding Lord Ashlan tapping his foot.

I giggle nervously, blushing. He sighs, holding out his hand. I nod, flinging it back to him. He catches it and resumes the lesson as if nothing happened. My classmates in turn watch in awe, with some giggling.

The pups hear this and jump up, ready to run over and lash out at them. Fenris quickly stops them by placing his tails in their path. They turn and look to him, faces filled with confusion. He shakes his head, gently moving them back to their spots. I smile, looking over to my classmates, knowing the giggles weren’t malicious.

The lunch bell finally rings and we exit the classroom. My party and I trot through the dining hall where I pick up some food and head over to the courtyard. When we arrive I smile, finding our usual gathering of wolves.

They smile and bow their heads to Fenris and me. I smile, walking over to them, petting each of them as we head to the tree. Their tails wag as they quickly curl around us as I take my seat. The pups look to me, looking eager and anxious. I grin, knowing what they want.

“Go ahead guys,” I tell them.

Their tails wag furiously as they bark loudly and begin running around the yard, chasing each other, finally free to do as they please. The other wolves smile with a couple strolling over and playing with them.

The pups run around the small courtyard, barking and tackling each other. The adults that joined the pair use their tails as lures, playing keeping away while jogging around letting the pups chase after them.

I smile, leaning up against the tree and start to eat my lunch. This feels like being at home and with the pack. Some of the wolves rest beside me, close enough to I can reach over the stroke them. They groan happily as I do. Fenris smiles as he rests beside me, curling a tail around my back. He will often peer up to keep an eye on Nelly and Leto.

I look over to see Kaira lying next to me. “Hey…have you eaten anything?”

She smiles to me, “Fret not over me, little princess. The place set aside for us also provides us with ample food.”

I nod, looking over to Fenris who never seems to be hungry during the day. That’s at least one worry off my mind concerning the wolves.

My ears then pick up the sound of clacking tiles. I pan over to see the girls and the dragon from my class. I sigh softly as they see me. I really don’t know what to expect from this. I know no one ever dares touch my while I’m here, that’s a fact proven over the course each time I retreated here.

The wolves surrounding me, including Fenris, all take notice of my classmates. Each raises their heads and stares at them. The trio quickly stops their advance, becoming visibly nervous. This is different than while in class. When in there, the wolves often merely watch and do nothing, even when Fenris and I enter the room.

“Let them pass,” I tell them.

The wolves in front of me slowly rise and step back, forming a path for my classmates. The trio looks to each other for a moment before slowly making their way through two rows of ever-watchful wolves.

The play barking of the pups suddenly ends with then rushing to my sides, staring up my classmates. I smile, stroking both of them.

The trio nods to the wolves as they pass by. When they reach me, they quickly bow their heads.

“Please forgive us.” says the dark-haired human girl.

I tilt my head. “For what…exactly?”

“For not defending you for the past two weeks,” says the elf.

“We know we should have stepped in and said something,” adds the dragon. “But we feared retaliation from Drakthul and Laevatain.”

“We instead did nothing and allowed your torment to persist,” adds the dark-hair girl. “It was as though we joined them, and allowed ourselves to revel in your pain.”

I look up them, carefully trying to gauge their responses. Even in my human form, I can tell they’re telling the truth, albeit I’m still cautious of them.

You should have done something,” barks Leto. “Our big sister came home crying every night.”

His voice, while high-pitched in my ears, echoes the sincere and genuine anger of a child. I know he’s been worried about me, always curling up at my side whenever I got home.

We don’t like seeing our sister cry,” says Nelly. “It makes us sad to see her sad. We love our sister’s smile. It’s warm and soft and makes us happy seeing it.”

I smile to Nelly, stroking both of the pups. During the night, she would stay the closest to me. Her little eyes would often be filled with tears if I stayed up in the night with tears of my own.

Both really have become my little brother and sister, both worrying over me and watching me as I go about my life.

The trio looks to them, bodies shirking back as though they’re melting. All three are stunned by the pups’ words. Each again stares at each other, trying to come up with an answer.

“We…we didn’t know,” says the human, looking to me.

I continue to watch them carefully, waiting to see if this is a ruse or they’re being genuine.

I take a slow breath and then exhale. “Dumb question to ask, but do either of you hate or despise Shyair?”

The elf kneels down, placing her hand over her heart. “No. The family I belong to have been staunch supporters of the house for centuries.”

“My clan was there at court when Drakthul and Laevatain desired to attack the delegation from Shyair,” says the dragon. “My father spoke in defense of the members, even attempting to intervene.”

I look to him, “You’re saying you’re Ashlan’s son? The same Lord Ashlan who is now our teacher?”

The dragon nods slowly, “Yes…he is.”

I lean my head back against the trunk of the tree, sighing. Damn…small world. Although, it’s not something I myself haven’t endured. My birthfather taught me math while at my first high school. Long story short, old teacher was a bitch and he stepped in.

I look to the human girl who is remaining still. She slowly looks to me, “My house is friends with Titalos, so we have no ill will towards Shyair. I know it isn’t much, but it’s the truth. In fact we never truly knew the full extent of the pain Raisa and her minions were causing you until the forest.”

I nod slowly, peering over to Fenris. He smiles, bobbing his head. “They speak the truth, little Aria.”

I nod to him before closing my eyes for a moment.

I open them and peer to the trio in front of me. “May I ask your names?”

The human girl looks to me, “I am Nerina of House Xithalon.”

Xithalon is one of the twelve lesser houses of the Citadel. Celes once told me they too were bound by blood, mostly through marriage. However they each care deeply for the other as family.

I nod, looking to the elf. She smiles timidly, “Le’nia of the elven house Myl’thai.”

Myl’thai is one of several elven houses within the city. They are actually one of the more powerful houses yet still not of the Citadel. Serasfall said they are scholars and merchants while still having a strong and proud military tradition.

I turn to the dragon. He bows his head, “Tanith, of the Ishvol clan.”

I smile to the trio, “Thank you, Nerina, Le’nia, and Tanith, for being honest with me. That being said, there’s nothing to forgive.”

They all sigh in relief and then smile to me, with Tanith swishing his tail on the soft grass. “I hope this means we can become friends,” he says.

I pull my legs under me, “That…will take time. I really hope you coming forward like this isn’t because of my house or what I did.” I sigh softly, “If that offended you, I do apologize.”

It’s a rather petty question, and I wouldn’t really be surprised if they were indeed offended by it. I feel as though this is similar to when I met Jenn and the others during the Winter Solstice festival two years ago. I was skeptical of them as well, given how I had garnered a reputation after my defeat of Irina and because I was at the time my mother’s student/soon-to-be daughter.

Nerina smiles, “We’re not offended, nor are we here because of whom you belong to. We genuinely desired to meet you when you arrived two weeks ago. However…Raisa and her cohorts thwarted that plan. So we remained silent.”

I nod, yep, Deja vu all over again.

Nerina and the others kneel down in front of me, each smile as they take out their lunch and began to eat.

Le’nia looks to me, “Say, do you have plans for when school ends today?”

I tilt my head, “Not really. I mostly head home after school.”

She smiles, “There’s a café not too far from here that is extremely popular with students. Not only do girls frequent it, but the boys do as well, given how they sell Shunta brews.”

Shunta is a drink that smells and tastes like beer, yet isn’t alcoholic. Galen and Darius both told me how they grew up loving it until one batch turned sour and actually fermented, destroying the barrel it was housed in. In relation to the café, I think it’s the one Veylana was telling me about.

“If you want, you can meet us there,” she adds. “They even cater to the wolves.”

I smile, still holding the book in my hand. “Thanks for invite. I might come, can never really say no to a café.”

There’s been one café in my life that I look fondly on. The first and primary one is the Ebony Tavern. Mom sent me there after I was reborn as a place of respite for me. It’s been ages since I was last there and I miss it as times. The smell of roasting coffee, the sounds of metal tins as they gently tap on the steel crates of the urns, even the sound of pouring coffee are all sweet melodies to me.

The trio smiles again, appearing eager for me to go with them with Nerina handing me the directions.

A few minutes pass and the four of us are all still sitting together.

Le’nia looks to me, “Can…can we play with the pups?” Tanith nods in agreement.

I smile, stroking Leto. “Sure. Just be warned, they might be a bit nervous playing with strangers.”

She smiles and gets up along with Tanith. The pups bark happily and quickly rise to their feet, hopping over Fenris. The elf and dragon chase after them, nearly tripping over the wolves.

I smile, sitting quietly under the tree as I hold the book open, yet still keep the occasional eye on the four of them.

“You remind me of Princess Celestine,” says Nerina. “You even sit as though you were a princess.”

I look to her. I smile to myself, remembering Kenji telling me the same thing the night we first kissed. “Little sisters do love to emulate their elder sisters.”

Her eyes grow slightly in shock, “Is she your sister? I mean…are you truly hers? You claim to be from outside of the city, however you speak as though you have lived here your entire life.”

I smile, “Yes were are sisters, although we are not related.” Not immediately at least.

She nods slowly, readjusting her legs as they’ve fallen asleep.

I lean my head to the side, “As for how I speak, I am from outside the city. However I have the ability to adapt quickly to my surroundings.” It’s helped me greatly in the last few years.

She nods again, only to smile, leaning into me, “You do know what the school calls you now, correct?”

I look to her, “I have. I heard other whispers, and I really hope it’s not what Raisa and the others were calling me.”

“Oh no, no, no,” she says, waving her hand. “That slur was only used by her. I’m referring to the school as whole.”

I tilt my head.

She grins, “You are now the ‘Wolf princess of Shyair’. While you had the visage of a fox during your fight, you fought like a wolf. You even command the wolves and they obey.” She then looks around, seeing the wolves sleeping. “They gather around you, even bowing their heads to you and your bonded. I know they revere Fenris.”

I blush slightly, looking to Fenris. He grins, swishing his tails. So it is true, go figure.

I giggle, “Thank you.” Part of me hopes Veylana isn’t jealous.

“Oh, I know what you are thinking,” says Nerina. I look to her. She grins, “Veylana has her own title within the school. 'The queen of the council.' She earned it after quelling a five-year debate between two rival factions that ended with her single-handedly defeating their leaders at the time.”

She smirks, “After that, she practically rules this school, albeit until she becomes the head of the student council officially during her final year.”

I smirk. I guess that’s another reason why no one messes with her.

I look over to watch the pups as they lie on the ground with Le’nia scratching their bellies. I grin but then catch Tanith looking at me. His golden eyes shimmer softly, as though he’s hiding something within. I tilt my head slightly, wondering what he’s thinking about.

We then hear the bell sound, marking the end of the lunch break. We rise and head for next class. I glance over, seeing Veylana grinning broadly, practically squealing as she sees me surrounded by friendly people. I blush, smiling back to her.

The day finally ends and the class files out for the day. I peer under the desk to see both Leto and Nelly yawning as they stretch. I grin, looking up to Fenris. “They did well today, didn’t they?”

He smiles, nodding as he then looks to them. “That they did. I know their parents will be happy to hear this.”

I nod, gathering up my things. I look to the pups, “Come on you two. Let’s get going.”

They bark and we all head out.

When we reach the gates I stop for a moment. I cross my arms and think of the invitation. I turn to Fenris. “Think we can head to the café Nerina spoke of?”

Fenris looks around, seeing the pups stare up at him. He peers back to me, “I do not see why we cannot. You need to make friends, and by going you will. You risk becoming a hermit if you do not.”

I grunt, pouting to him, “Oh shut up.”

He grins.

I sigh, shaking my head as he lies down with the pups and I sliding onto his back. He then stands and we trot away.

We head down the street, following the direction I was given until we arrive at the café. It’s actually fairly large, roughly the size of my house in Bryant, so roughly eighteen hundred or more square feet. I slide off is of Fenris with the pups hopping down as well.

The four of us enter and see it bustling with students. Servers rush around, carrying trays filled with steaming drinks and ice-filled ones as well. The aroma of fresh-brewed coffee wafts through the air, bringing a sense of calmness and nostalgia with it.

The café is roomy, with tables and booths strewn about. The wood paneling of the walls gives the café a gentle atmosphere as I see small plants placed in between rows. Above us rest several twirling fans, helping circulate the air. Windows line the front of the building, but not enough to detract from the calmness of the shop by letting in too much light.

“Ah…new customers,” I hear a voice call out.

I turn to see a large man behind the counter, carrying a tray.

He smiles to me, “Welcome to my little haven for students.” He then turns and sees Fenris. “Greetings to you, master wolf,” he says bowing his head. Fenris does the same. The owner smiles, “Find any spot you wish. Someone with be with you shortly.”

I nod and we quickly find a large round booth. Fenris and the pups both sit beside me. Nelly and Leto both stare up at me. I smile, feeling slightly nervous now.

A few minutes later, I see the trio from before stroll into the café. I watch as they head over to me, smiling broadly.

Nerina sits across from me with Tanith to my left and Le’nia to my right. Nerina leans over the table, “Thank you so much for coming. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

I shake my head, “We just arrived.” She smiles.

Tanith looks to me, “My father wanted to talk to me after class, hence why I didn’t leave when you did.”

I smirk, “Not in trouble are you?”

He smiles, “No, he merely wanted to go over some work I handed him.”

I grin, “Sure…if you say so.”

He smirks. He continues to look at me as before, eyes glinting. It’s a subtle look, one with meaning to him. I smile softly to him, partly thinking of what he’s thinking about.

Le’nia looks down to see Nelly curled up at my feet. “She really loves being with you doesn’t she?”

I peer down, smiling, “They both do.” I look to her, smiling softly.

She beams, “Now, let us enjoy our moment before heading home to our families.”

We nod and place our orders.

As we enjoy our drinks, I lean back and listen as the trio talks about upcoming plans with family and with school. Nerina mentions a end of term dance with Le’nia chirping in excitement. Tanith chimes in about how his brothers are thinking of crashing it just for fun. Both girls scoff at him, hoping they don’t ruin it.

The conversation then moves onto other matters at school, namely their other circles of friends and afterschool fun. It makes me wonder if the school has any sports teams. I chime in on occasion if a subject piques my interest.

We soon hear the doorbell as I pan over to see Veylana strolling into the café along with Vulcan. We smile to each other as she walks over to us. I scoot over, making room for her.

The trio smiles, greeting her. She grins, looking to me. “Making friends?”

I nod, “Slowly.”

She smiles, hugging me, “Are you doing all right?”

I nod again. “I am, but I’m still being cautious,” I whisper.

She grins, squeezing me against her. She then sees something lying against my feet. She leans down seeing Nelly and Leto each curled around a six-inch long, thick piece of beef jerky. She smiles, “I heard you brought them with you today. How were they?”

I smiles, gently stroking them with my toes, “They were great. I think I might bring with me more often.”

She smiles, leaning down and strokes each of them.

My group and cousin start talking to each other while I lean back, taking a sip from my tea and go over my notes from the day. This is by far way more real than when I had the dream trap. In my wildest fantasies of going to high school again, this ranks at the top, with me simply sitting at a coffee shop with friends.

We hear the door open again revealing a group of several boys. Several brazenly show their house crests, one Drakthul, a couple from Laevatain, and a few more from the other citadel houses.

One looks to me and smiles but doesn’t approach. He instead follows after the rest of his group.

Veylana leans over, “The one in the middle is Aiden of Drakthul. He’s a bit haughty and arrogant, given his family’s status.”

I smirk, “We’ve met in the library last week but other than that I don’t deal with him. His wolf hasn’t been with the others when gather during lunch.”

She nods, sighing. “Aiden is a prick, always keeping him close like some normal dog. I hate him solely for that reason. However, he does let him roam free if he doesn’t wish to be bothered while attempting to court girls, or when Timaeus decides to leave his side.”

I nod, seeing Timaeus looking to us. I smile to the wolf, seeing his tails swish softly. I wish I could go over and talk to him. I know Fenris probably sees him when the pair goes to the wolves’ private area. I haven’t been to it yet, maybe when I follow after Fenris I’ll see what it is.

The clock chimes late with several of the students having already left for home. The pups have completely fallen asleep, each still hugging their half-eaten jerky.

I smile, leaning down and stroking them.

“Well everyone,” says Tanith, "I believe we should call it a night before our families send out search parties.” We nod, pulling out money for our tab and finally file out of the café.

We say goodbye to each other with Tanith acting as the bodyguard for Le’nia and Nerina. Veylana and I smile as we head off in the other direction. Our wolves take up the rear, with Leto and Nelly draped over Fenris’ back, held in place by one of his tails.

Veylana looks to me, “Are you truly doing better? We’ve been worried about you over the weekend.”

I smile to her, “I am. Tell your father and mother I’m doing just fine now.”

She smiles, hugging me close, “I’m glad. Say, would you like to come over and have dinner with us? I know my parents would love to see you and ask how you’re doing.”

I grin, “Maybe another time.” I peer back, “I have to get those two back before their parents start to worry.” She too looks back, seeing the sleeping pups.

We stop for a moment and pulling each other into a hug. “Safe travels home, Aria. We’ll see each tomorrow.”

I smile, hugging her back. “Until then.” She grins before stepping back and hopping onto Vulcan and rides off.

I turn and hop onto Fenris, holding the pups close to me as he begins to trot off for the second tier gate.

As we approach it, I feel a shot of the same strange uneasiness I’ve been feeling for months. However it’s now even stronger than before. I look around, again trying to find its source, yet is still unable to.

I feel as though there’s a veil, covering over everything. The veil is familiar, yet still obscure to me. I have no idea what to make of it.

The further we ride, now passing through the gates, the more I want answers.

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