Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 45: Ending the torment

A few days later came with yet another new addition for me to the schedule, combat training. Think of it as P.E. only with magic and weapons. This is the only time of the week where students are “allowed” to attack each other.

Today is when my class is scheduled for the afternoon session along with another. The rules are simple. We are allowed nearly any spell as long as it doesn’t maim or lead to death.

Weapons can be used but if the opponent’s defensive barrier breaks, they must withdraw for a few minutes in order to rest and allow it to recharge. Hand-to-hand combat is permitted as long as injuries are not overly severe (i.e. broken bones or severed limbs).

This is no different than either my sparring sessions with the knights or during my lessons with Mom. Granted I tend to go a little all-out in either situation.

The field we’re to be fighting on is vast, about the size of a football field including the sidelines. It’s mostly a flat, grassy plane with a stream flowing off to the side. Lining part of the field is a long berm with some trees behind it.

When our two classes meet, we are then partnered up with someone from the other class. Several of the students form smaller groups and begin to spar.

I, on the other hand, am easily left out. So I sit on the hillside, watching as spells fly through the air and explode on the ground, with students charging and parrying attacks.

Dragons and gryphons fly in the air, with the former hurling fireballs at each other while the ones on the ground dodge and retaliate. My ears ring with the sounds of swords and spears clashing. If this were at home, I’d be listening to its sweet melody.

I sigh, glancing over towards the teachers standing some distance away, all speaking to each other as they monitor the session. I wrap my armored arms around my legs, pulling them tightly to me. I feel slightly neglected by them, seeing as how none of the teachers even think of coming over to me.

Granted during all of this I should have said something to them, but I’m afraid I might get brushed off or it might come across that I’m seeking favor or something because of my family. It’s a stupid and childish fear, but then again…I am a child.

“Stupid little girl,” I hear being called out. I look up to its source, Raisa. The girl grins with delight, “No one deems you worthy enough to fight. Perhaps your weapon is all for show, that you have not the prowess to fight us. Or are you merely a coward, not willing to engage?”

I sigh, shrugging off her latest insults. Each time her words have stung deeply, wrenching my heart apart. My cheeks are still raw from the previous night of crying myself to sleep. While I’ve endured her sneers and insults for the past few days, I won’t let her goad me into fighting on her terms.

I peer over, seeing Fenris sitting with the wolves from both classes. He gives a simple fatherly smile, helping to better my mood. I smile to him in return and nod. I rise from my seat and descend down the hill.

I slowly make my way through the cacophony of explosions of spells and the clashing of weapons. My hair flies in the air as wind whooshes past me. Each seems to be a melody in my ears, echoing of battles past. I highly doubt any of my fellow students has seen combat let alone fought in it. While this is no different, I don’t feel at all nervous doing this.

My demeanor is stoic and passive as I casually stroll onto the field. I feel Astraea softly swinging from my belt as it moves against my hips. During the beginning of the session, a few of my classmates seemed to be curious about it. A kodachi in this part of the world definitely isn’t something a Dewlouran would expect to see.

I walk into the center of the field, still listening to the classes fighting each other. Dirt and some water splash onto my uniform, to which I simply brush off. I rest my hand onto my hilt, slowly opening my eyes and looking to everyone.

My breath is slow and calm. My heart beats with a serene tempo as I stand there. Piercing through the white noise of the classes, I can hear the stream as it flows, giving me a gentle peace.

In this moment, I predict one of two actions to take place. One being that I interrupt the session and challenge them. The other is that someone will become enraged by me being here and challenge me.

Both options are completely stupid as the first will make me the aggressor and sound as though I’m a whiney brat that “no one wants to play with me”. The second is me inviting trouble as I wonder if Raisa will have both classes rallied to attack me. However while stupid, both are plausible.

The sounds of battle slow as both classes stop and look to me. Some are utterly shocked to have finally noticed me. Here I am, standing the middle of a battlefield, having effortlessly walked through the endless onslaught of magic and steel.

Silence reigns, yet I can detect the muffled whispers from both classes. I glance around me, hand resting on the hilt of my sword. It’s both a sign of readiness and possibly a challenge to anyone watching.

I sigh as a third option comes to mind, simply turn around and walk away. I shake my head, realizing that it’s the better option. I’m simply done trying. While I know I have to end my torment somehow, I much rather it not come off with me acting as though I’m throwing a tantrum and lashing out.

I turn away and being walk back towards the hillside, no longer caring about anything.

“Hey, Aria!!!” I hear being called out to me as I reach halfway up the hillside. It's Raisa of course, hearing her shrilling voice echoing in my ears.

Well…I wanted to get her attention. While at the same time, I really don’t care anymore.

“You truly are a coward,” she yells. “You walk all the way through a battlefield, only to turn and run? Such a weak and pathetic girl you are.” She then grins, “Are you afraid to dirty your pretty doll-like face in the vain hope to not be discarded by your mistress?”

I hear others snicker at her taunts. I ignore them, wanting to just block them out.

Raisa then takes a step forward. “You have been also rather quiet since the first day. Not once have you uttered a word in protest. Some might say you have lost your ability to speak, given your nightly sessions with Serasfall.”

I reach back and clench my sword, feeling my blood boiling at that last remark. My grip tightens, ready to unsheathe and bring all of my anger and fury to bare. However I relent, removing my hand from the grip.

I glance over towards the teachers as they stand there, doing nothing. Normally this line of insults would be instantly met with them charging down and hauling them off for detention or this era’s version of it. Again…nothing.

I slowly turn to see Raisa standing at the front of both classes along with her cousin and three others from the other class. Even from thirty yards away, I can see that two of them bear the crest of Laevatain and the other of Drakthul.

Magic begins swell around me. The air shudders and crackles against the growing pressure. The sensation of bloodlust is dense, almost palatable.

I hear Fenris and the other wolves rising to their feet, readying to charge in. I simply raise my hand, gently motioning them all to stand down. They nod, slowly sitting back down.

This act again catches the attention of everyone gathered. I watch as Raisa and her kin’s faces contort in bitter resentment and anger.

I glare towards her. “Do you realize your words cut deeper than any sword, Raisa?” I ask. “You are a cruel and sadistic person, very much a reflection of your family. You are a member of a Great House and yet you use this as a medium to inflict pain onto others. In my eyes, you’re no different than Nethune.”

I know speaking openly upon the ruling family might draw the ire and shock of everyone. I possibly could even face death for this. However…nothing. I scan around, hearing no new footsteps, or the shouting of me to stand down.

None of the teachers are sounding an alarm of some kind or making any moves. Even with the wolves present, my words alone should have given rise to something, yet nothing. So perhaps criticism of the royal family is commonplace? I really have no idea.

I take another breath, still looking to her. “Over the past two weeks, I’ve endured the worst kind of torture from you. Each day I painfully stomached your insults. Each day I come to school feeling sick.” I grit my teeth before exhaling softly, “You don’t know the first thing about me or the people I live with.”

I shift my legs slightly on the hillside. “I remained quiet out of not wanting to say or do anything that might reflect poorly upon my house.” Yes…I have openly declared Shyair as my house in front of everyone. This would cause most to step back slightly while the five in front of me remain still.

Once more I glance over the teachers, seeing none even make a single move. I swear under my breath as I turn in disgust. “You should really think about what you say to others,” I tell her as I turn to walk up the hill.

Magic erupts around me as I feel the air shudder and quake as it begins to manifest in colors of reds and violets. It feels heavy and thick, as though someone was pouring fresh-made dough onto you. I slowly turn again, seeing Raisa and her companions glaring furiously at me.

“How dare you speak that way to me, you contemptible little whore!!” she exclaims. “You are nothing compared to me, not even worthy to lick my boots.” Her face seethes with rage, yet bearing a dark smile, “You are rather bold to be speaking to your betters in such a manner, with such an insolent tone.”

She then grips her sword tightly, “I will personally cut out your tongue and shove it down your throat.”

Yep…she’s related to Mistral all right. I roll my eyes, not really caring anymore as I turn away.

Behind me I hear them charging towards me, magic swelling to even greater heights than before, feeling it lashing at my cheeks. I turn and reach for my sword as they come closer. I clench down on the hilt and slowly draw it. This sends a blast of magic outwards, feeling it slam into them and knocking them back onto the ground.

They quickly stand and stare at me, faces seething with fury. I hold my sword out to them, watching as they look on with shock and horror of my weapon.

“That…that weapon,” says Raisa’s cousin, “only those members of the Shyair or their knights are allowed to possess such a thing. But…it’s different in design.”

Raisa nods slowly before shaking free of her awestruck and bares her teeth at me like some deranged cat.

I take a long deep breath as I eye the field. No one from either class is even on it, either hovering above or having retreated to the sidelines. I know my surroundings, what elements to use if need be. Personally, I’d again rather just walk away, having finally spoken my piece. But…I doubt I’m gonna be able to do that.

I slowly descend the hill and walk towards them. I glare at them, watching as my aura flares around me, wrapping my body in the visage of my kitsune form. However, I again dare not fully transform, but this allows me to fight as my true self regardless.

I continue to look at them as my spectral tails swish and sway around me. I grip my sword as I stop but a dozen paces from them. I swipe my right leg back, holding my weapon behind me as I lower into a stance.

The group in front of me stares on in astonishment as they gaze at me. I really want to smile and give them the full treatment of who I really am, but this will have to do.

They remain speechless as my tails move about my body. I sigh, looking to them. “I’m right here, and this is a sparring session. Therefore according to the rules, you’re supposed to come after me now.”

They finally break free of their awe, watching as their rage returns and charge me. Two from Laevatain stay back and begin forming spells, firing them at me while their compatriots continue their charge.

I summon kitsune-bi and whip it around me into a storm of translucent bluish-white flame with my sword. The magic seems to flow so evenly and smoother than ever before, feeling natural. I take a step forward and hurl several smaller fireballs at the two in the back, intercepting their spells.

Raisa and her cousin slash away at some of the flames, to then counter with a combined lightning spell. It shrieks unbelievably fast towards me as I hold up my left arm and swat it away with my Han kote. As I do, the student from Drakthul charges in with his sword, swinging down viciously with it.

I spin to the right, still being carried in the motion of my arm and slam the pummel of my sword into the back of his head. As he falls forward I jump and spin, kicking him away.

I then see Raisa charging right up to me, swinging her sword, followed by her cousin.

I sweep my sword, parrying her attack while also summoning several orbs and firing them at them. They dodge several but are quickly hit as the orbs make their return trip, sending them flying towards me.

The two from the rear again start to summon more magic, forming it into massive fireballs and shoot them at me. I leap forward, passing by Raisa and her cousin, slamming my tails into them, knocking both into the ground. They grunt as I continue towards the others as the fireballs come crashing down onto me.

I breathe slowly, wrapping my sword in magic and swipe upwards, sending a blade of magic into them, and causing the balls to disperse. My spectral ears then flick back as Raisa and her cousin charge at me again. They slash at me with their weapons, the blades coming within mere inches of my face. I parry and shirk off their attacks which continue with then slashing and slicing at me.

I dodge and parry, slashing at them, striking against their chests, watching as their defensive auras flare. I know the uniforms also act as light armor, no different that the uniform Mom made for me. This means that they can take some measure of damage before failing.

Raisa’s cousin attacks with a three-hit strike with his sword while also charging up a spell. I parry his strikes with both sword and gauntlet to then quickly wrap on my tails around his arm and slam him into the ground. Raisa herself counters by firing a series of magical blasts at me. I send my tails into a flurry, deflecting several while a few manage to hit me, knocking me slightly off-balance.

I stagger forward a bit as I then watch as spells begin to rain down upon me. I recover and start to dodge and weave my way through them, summoning a firestorm to block the rest.

My opponents fall back before then generating their own storms of magic, albeit much smaller and firing them at me. With the flick of my wrist, I quickly switch to ice, creating a massive blizzard and deflecting their spells.

As the blizzard swirls, I soon discover Raisa right in front of me, having rushed through the cold. This is completely the opposite of her descendant who fought from afar.

We fight each other, landing kicks and punches to the face and gut, trying to throw each other off our rhythm as we both parry spells. I glimpse up, seeing her cousin and the others join in the fray. I leap and dodge, twirling in the air as I kick one, landing another onto the next. When I hit the ground, I swipe backwards. Sliding like water between them I slice at their legs, weakening their barriers.

I breathe slowly, chilling the air around me. The field, while mostly dried out thanks to the fire spells, is quickly replenished by the rushing of moist air coming from the stream. I then swipe my sword, generating hundreds of tiny ice crystals in the midst of everyone. With a flick of my wrist, I cause them to explode, sending all of them flying away from me.

I pant slightly, feeling my heart racing in my chest as I stand. This is part of what I’ve been wanting to do since the start of the week, just cut loose and let them feel the pain and anger I’ve been dealing with since the first day. I look around, seeing most of my opponents lying on the ground as ice forms upon their bodies.

The boy from Drakthul is still lying motionless some dozen yards away. His sword is stuck in the ground even further away. I tap the back of my sword against my arm.

My ears flick again, as I hear the shing of a blade as it thrusts into the air. I sidestep her and loop a tail around her neck and leap, carrying her into a spin and slamming her into the ground. While still in the spin, I land the heel of my boot into her face.

I slowly rise, stepping away from her, dispelling my aura and sheathing my sword. I look up again, seeing that none of her compatriots are moving. Yet I watch as their bodies slowly rise and fall, denoting that they are very much still alive with a couple of them groaning. I sigh softly, part of me glad I was able to finally vent, but at the same time, feels as though this could’ve been solved more peacefully.

I look down, seeing Raisa staring up at me. Her eyes flutter softly, yet seemingly not filled with much of the same contempt as before. If anything, It’s now been replaced by something else.

I kneel down beside her, offering my hand. “Can we end this?” I ask.

She rolls to her side, blood dripping to the ground from her nose. She wipes it away, staring at it for a moment before rising to her feet. I watch as she staggers off, holding her right arm as she carries her sword. I then see the others slowly rise to their feet and follow after her.

I sigh softly, standing to my own. I shake my head, knowing what might is to come. I turn and start for where the wolves are. I still feel the pain and hurt from what they said and did to me. Yet now I finally was able to stand up to them. If it’s true here as it is in the future, I may have also earned some measure of respect, if only a little.

I pan over, seeing both classes in utter shock of what just happened. I shake my head as I head up the hill.

When I arrive, I am immediately greeted by the wolves. Several of them lean in and nuzzle my face. I smile, stroking their furry manes. I feel so much better being around them, ever grateful for their constant vigil and friendship while in the courtyard.

I feel a warm tongue lapping up my face. I peer over to see Fenris smiling to me. I lean in and press my forehead against his.

You did well, little Aria,” he says gently. “However now you possibly will face punishment again.”

I sigh, nodding. “I know, but it’ll be worth it.” He nudges my face with his cold wet nose, groaning softly. I smile, raking my fingers into his fur.

I pan over to see the teachers still in shock, unmoving from their places. One finally breaks free of his awe and walks over to me.

“Are…are you all right, Miss Aria?” he asks.

My eyes bulge in disbelief as I glare at him. The utter nerve of this man, having watched and listened to what was said to me, and having been attacked from behind, to now ask about my well-being? No doubt the other teachers are now wondering the same or if they simply were complicit in letting one of their students nearly get killed.

I sigh, backing down. “I’m fine, sir. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to just go home.”

He nods slowly.

I look up and find my bag still hanging from the racks. I pan back to the wolves, smiling to them. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.” They smile, wagging their tails happily.

Fenris and I then stroll over to where our bags are hanging and collect mine. Fenris then lies down beside me. I smile, sliding onto his back. He then slowly rises from the ground and turns towards the front gate.

When we arrive home, I sigh as I watch Celes and Serasfall all come running to me followed by their wolves. I climb down from my bonded, clenching my bag.

“I was just informed of what happened at school, young lady,” says Serasfall. “Why did you fight with your classmates?”

I look away slightly, “Were you told what’s been happening to me or what was being said?”

They each shake their heads. “Veylana told us how your classmates threw food on you on your first day,” says Celes. “You however declined to confide in her. What has been happening to you, dear sister?”

I sigh, clinging to my bag as I slowly begin to explain what’s been happening to me over the course of the past two weeks. I don’t leave a single detail unspoken, feeling my heart both seizing up and yet becoming lighter as I let everything out. I watch as their faces contort in shock and horror as I speak of each insult and accusation.

Fenris stays close to me as I continue, finally speaking of yesterday in the forest.

Serasfall becomes enraged, her power swelling to the surface as I feel it shake the ground. “Of all the things to accuse you of. I have never heard such heinous and slanderous insinuations in my life. The sheer arrogance and cruelty of your classmates is beyond reproach.”

She looks to me, “Why didn’t say anything to us? We could have easily intervened on your behalf and ended your torment from the start.”

I clench my fists. “Because it would have made things worse for me. Even the teachers were doing nothing to stop it.” I look to her, “If you had gotten involved, they would have become emboldened once you left. They would think of it as confirming their accusations.”

A lump in my throat begins to grow as I fight back tears. I just want slip away and run into my room and cry.

Celes steps closer, quickly pulling me into her arms, hugging me tightly. We sway for a moment before a second set of arms wrap around us as both women hug me.

“Again, why did you not tell us this from the start?” asks Serasfall as she strokes my hair.

I bury my face into them, clinging tightly.

It is because she held onto too much pride,” says Fenris. “I and the other wolves desired to intervene. However, Aria asked us not to. Her idea was if she did not protest or react, her tormentors would become bored and leave her be. Yet the attacks come all the same, only growing in intensity.

Serasfall looks to me, her eyes filled with pride, anguish, and anger. “You should have still informed us of all the trouble you were having my girl. Damn your pride. I have no conception of how you deal with this in the future, but here you can tell someone and they will act.”

I nod slowly, still clinging to them. I look over, seeing the wolves having their own little conversation. Athena looks appalled that Fenris withheld this from her. She then looks to me, looking disappointed yet thankful that I’m okay. Rhea on the other hand, dips her head as she sits, softly shaking it.

Both women smile, pulling me into a tighter embrace. I sigh, burying my face into their chests.

Serasfall again looks to me. “While I am not your mother, while here I might as well be.” She looks to Rhea who nods to her. “Now, I will go and put a further end all of this.”

“Please don’t,” I say as she walks over to her bonded.

Serasfall looks to me as she sits upon the wolf’s back. “Stay here, my girl. I will handle all of this.”

I sigh in defeat, nodding. I then smile as I reach into my bag and pull out something and hands it to her. “I think you’re gonna need this.”

She looks at it becoming surprised before forming a broad grin on her face. She peers to me as Rhea rises to her feet, “You truly are a wonder, my girl.”

I grin.

She smiles and the heads out the front gate flanked by Kayle and Anarius.

Celes holds me as the gates close. “It will be all right, sister. However, I too am disappointed in you for not informing us of this.”

I nod, holding onto her. I lean my head back into her, feeling my sister against me.

She squeezes me tightly, “You must have been worried over our reputation as well.”

I nod again. As a daughter of this house, it’s my responsibility that it’s maintained. They are my family and I love them dearly.

Celes looks to me, “By the way, what did you gave Mother, Nei’shy?”

I smile up to her, “A watchsphere.”

Her mouth drops in awe. “Are you telling me that you have been documenting all of this from the start?"

I nod. “I figured something was up from when I was introduced to my class. So I covered my bets and made sure to have a record.”

She smirks in disbelief, softly shaking her head. “You troublesome fox of a sister.”

I giggle. That’s what I am. Even while in pain, I still have to find some way of causing mischief.

She grins, holding me tightly, rocking me from side to side. She then plants a kiss onto the top of my head. “Now, go inside and get changed.”

I smile and nod. “Got it.”

The next day, I arrive to class feeling both lighter and free of my nervousness.

As Fenris and I ascend to our seats, I look over to the rest of my class. Several of my classmates nod to me, with the ones who didn’t join in on my torment give me warm, relieved smiles. A few are shocked that I even returned.

I watch as Raisa and her cousin stroll into the room. She looks to me as she walks up the steps and even over to me. Thinking I’m to receive another barrage of insults, I look at her calmly. She and I gaze at each other for a moment until she gives a slight nod of respect before taking her seat.

The door then opens, with an adult green dragon in professor robes stepping into the room. I tilt my head as I look at him, recognizing him as the dragon from court.

“Ashlan,” I whisper. The rest of the class whispers to each other, wondering where our teacher is.

He places an Orkona onto the podium and looks to us. “All right everyone, settle down,” he says. “Now, regarding the events of the past two weeks. Several teachers have terminated from their posts due to their negligence. The students involved were also heavily punished for their acts against one of your own. However, they were not obviously expelled, given the manner in which the matter was settled.”

He looks to me. “No one here is allowed to torment another. No matter the reason, if you are, you must inform your teachers immediately.”

I nod slowly.

He nods, turning back to the class, “That being said, as of now, I shall be your teacher. And with this, let us begin our lessons.”

As our new teacher starts the lecture I look on. The first two weeks were hell and yet I managed to make it through. So maybe life at life won’t be so bad after all. I smile softly; glancing as Fenris sits beside me. I’m grateful to have him with me. Now I can really enjoy school.

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