Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 48: Aiden

Another week has gone by as I finish putting on my uniform while panning over to see my empty bed. While I did make it home in time to play with the pups that night, I ended up learning they had gotten into something that made them a little sick. So this means they won’t be joining Fenris and I as we head to school. I sigh, having actually come to enjoy them coming along.

Anyway, according to Serasfall the pups should be fine within a few days and eager to come with me again. I smile, fixing my cape around my neck, centering it as I peer into my mirror. I nod, turning and snatching up my bag before heading out my door.

After eating breakfast, Fenris and I head off to school. The forest of Murvol seems slightly quieter than usual with the typical sounds of game being strangely less. I tilt my head knowing Fenris is thinking the same.

I hold my hand over my heart, still feeling the connection between Athena and me. It’s so incredibly strong now, as though she and I truly had bonded. This might be something I will bring up to Serasfall and Celes when I sort out my questions.

We zoom past the borders of the forest and into the city proper. The morning air is moist and chilled. No doubt a cold front had blown in from the Black Sea, meaning a storm might be in our near future.

We soon come close to one of the markets we pass by on the way to school. I pull out my phone, seeing we have a little time to spare before the gates close. I nod and lean over, “Hey, let’s stop in the market for a bit.”

He looks back to me, “Make your purchases quickly, Aria. We should not doddle for too long.”

I smile, nodding to him.

We arrive at the market with me sliding off of his back. We stroll through the various stalls, each carrying all sorts of foods. Fresh fish from the docks, dried fruits and meats, even the odd pastry chef. I smile, even finding a yogurt vendor.

I look around, seeing that there are fewer people here today. Normally the market is bustling this time of day, with even a few students coming by to pick up something. However it’s oddly a little quieter.

I come upon a couple vendors who smile to me. “Ah, if isn’t little Aria,” says one man, who then turns and nods to Fenris, “and a good day to youm Master Wolf.” Fenris nods in return as he watches me.

I smile to the man as I peruse his wares. “The weather’s changing again.”

He nods, peering to the sky, “That it is. It’s not typically this dark this time of year.” He sighs, shaking his head, “I am not a foreseer so I cannot say what is to come.”

I nod, leaning over the table. Ironically, if not hilariously, I still have food I made over a few months ago in Japan still in my bag. Fenris and I will pick at it on occasion, but it’s largely been left untouched. Guess when you’re living with family, you tend to forget you need food.

I pick several pieces of dried peppered meat and some fruit from his stand. I reach into my bag and hand him some coins. He smiles, taking them and handing me my change. We wave to each other before Fenris and I move onto the next stand.

We talk to a few more vendors before Fenris nudges me. I nod and make a couple more purchases before we leave. While we travel down the streets, I still can’t get over how quiet the market was, just doesn’t make any sense.

We arrive at school with plenty of time to spare before first bell. I sigh in relief as I slide off of Fenris’ back. We head in towards the first building, passing by students as they mull about the schoolyard. I smile, feeling myself having settled into the routine of school.

The wind rushes against me, carrying my hair along with it as dragons fly overhead. I catch my hair before the braids come undone. I smirk, shaking my head as they land. Just another day at school.

We pass by flyers on bulletin boards again advertising the upcoming ball. I hear several of the girls talking about it, each speaking of what dresses they’re gonna wear to it. I also see several of the boys going around and asking the girls to join them. I sigh, thinking I might have to deal with would-be invitations.

While the previous week I thought of simply skipping it, mainly due to the half dozen boys coming to ask me to attend with them, I might actually consider going. Granted this idea is subject to change. From what I’ve heard, it’s really no different than a prom in my era, filled with dancing, food, and music. Heh, just minus the DJs spewing all kinds of music.

As we approach the doors to the first building, I smile softly, seeing Nerina and Le’nia standing there. Both girls run up to me, each carrying their bags.

Good morning Aria,” they greet me.

I nod, “Morning you two.” They look around me, their eyes darting about. I smile to them, “The pups are still recovering so it’ll be awhile before they come back.”

The girls sigh in remorse, having lost their little cuddle buddies. Nerina regains her composure and looks to me, “Will you be attending the ball?”

I place my bag against my back, “I’m considering it, just haven’t decided yet. You?”

She grins, “I am, but am waiting for a boy to ask me out to it.”

Le’nia giggles softly, “You would wait until right before the dance for a boy to ask you.”

Nerina waves her hand dismissively, “I would wait for the ‘right’ boy to ask me.”

The elf and I laugh. “Then I hope for his sake he chooses wisely,” I tell her.

She pouts angrily at me only to then grin at me, “What of you? Everyone knows you have many potential dates.”

I smirk, shaking my head.

“Oh well, let them come and try.”

I then look to her, “Go to the café after school?”

“I am always eager to go there,” says Le’nia. “However I fear I am slipping behind in my schoolwork.”

I grin, “I can help you catch up.”

The elf hugs me tightly, “Oh many thanks Aria.” I giggle softly. Again this is nothing new to me. While in the Japan or back home, my friends and I would all gather together and have study sessions. Granted in America they’d be over the computer.

We then pan over to see another group of boys talking to each other. One I recognize instantly as he smiles. However I see a deviousness in it as he directs it towards me. It’s more prideful than genuine, which isn’t good for me.

Nerina leans over, “Aiden is looking at you.”

I sigh, nodding, “I know.”

She looks at him and then to me. “You know, if you were to go with him, you might improve your social status within the school. Not to say you need improvement with you already being the ‘Wolf princess of Shyair’ and all.”

I sigh, shaking my head, thinking it’s probably the reason why he might ask me out. I look to her, “And here I recall you calling him a prick not two days ago.”

Nerina rocks her head from side to side, “I am only stating a fact Aria. Although I will leave that up to you.”

I smirk. Fenris of course watches the three of us as we talk. I do catch him looking away for a moment. I turn to see Timaeus standing beside Aiden. I smile to the wolf, having loved his company the previous day. I know the others also enjoyed having him with us.

The wolf looks to us and bows his head. Fenris dips his slightly, looking as majestic as always. I smile and wave to the wolf, hoping to see him in the courtyard during lunch. Timaeus smiles, swishing his tails slightly.

I then hear the clacking of clawed feet as they land behind us. We turn to see Tanith looking in a slight panic. I grin, “Well you were almost late to school.”

He huffs, blowing puffs of flame from his nostrils, “Do not blame me for my near tardiness. I have a very good reason for this.”

I tilt my head, “Not sure it has to deal with you being our teacher’s son. If anything, you and he would’ve gotten here before us.”

He clacks his feet, “As I said, I have a good reason.” He then looks to me, “Aria I was-“

Before he could finish his sentence the clock tower tolls heavily, sound the start of the day. I look to my group and then to Tanith, “Whatever you were going to ask, save it for later.”

He nods reluctantly as we turn and head inside followed by everyone else. As we stroll through the halls, I hear him tsk behind me. I glance up at him, wondering what he was going to say.

We all soon arrive at class and quickly take our seats with Fenris taking his at my side. I nearly peer down under the desk, thinking I’ll see the pups hopping up and down the row, only to remember they’re back at home.

As Lord Ashlan enters the room and quiets the class, I pan over to notice a few of our classmates are missing. While this shouldn’t be anything alarming, seeing how students sometimes miss school if sick even in the future. However, this feels different. I smile, seeing the wolves are all still here, so that’s something.

I then look to Tanith, clicking his toes on the floor in frustration. I smile as his father begins our lessons.

The class finally breaks for the day with most of the class heading out the door. I pull out a book, waiting for the right time to leave. Fenris and the other wolves left prior to the last bell to head to wherever they go. So suffice to say, he’s gonna be gone for a while.

Nerina walks over to me, leaning onto the desk. She sees the book in my hand and chuckles, “You truly must be of Shyair. Always with a book in hand.”

I smile, turning a page. I look to her, “Still up for the café?”

She nods, “I am, but I have to head to the teachers’ office and speak to them over something. So I might be a little later in arriving.”

I lean my head up a little, “Take your time. If anything, I might just head to the courtyard first, so meet up there.”

She nods, patting my hand before turning and heading out with a group of girls. I slink back in my chair. I glance over to see Le’nia sitting by the door talking with a few of her friends from the other classes.

I peer over again to see Tanith furiously going through his schoolwork. I wonder if he wants to be done with it so he can finish telling me what tried to this morning. I smile, becoming curious.

I turn another page, listening to sounds of my classmates talk to each other. I really don’t know what the subject is but the volume is too low for me to pick anything in all honesty. I glance over again to see Raisa talking to her friends. We quickly catch each other’s gazes. We stare for a moment before nodding again and resuming our previous engagements. I do have the idea of asking her to join us at the café, but is unsure of how that might turn out.

The classroom is filled with the sounds of new voices as the previous ones are quieted. I peer up from my book to see a group of boys from both our class and another. Both groups whisper to each other with some of them chuckling softly with a few jokes being thrown out.

However, when my name is mentioned it quickly catches my ear. I pan up to see some of the boys looking to me and chuckling again. I sigh, shrugging it off. I almost want to leave right now for my little courtyard but the chapter I’m on is too engrossing.

A shadow soon looms over me, covering my book. I peer up to see Aiden standing beside me. This close to me he’s stockier and more heavily built than I recall when he first introduced himself to me during my second week.

He smiles, taking a step back and bowing to me, albeit smugly. “Dear Aria,” he begins, “I humbly ask if you would give me the honor of taking you to the end of term ball.”

I sigh to myself, lucky number seven huh? Or are you hoping you’re that lucky? His tone is so pompous and arrogant that it actually makes my head hurt a little. I know this is really about him attempting to stroke his ego, being able to succeed with the enigmatic Wolf princess where others had failed.

I am really not in the mood to be paraded around like some trophy. It’s disgusting, not to mention pathetic for both parties involved.

I take a deep breath and look to him, “If that is the case, then I humbly…decline.”

This shocks a few from his group while the boys from my class only shrug and shake their heads. Tanith and Le’nia both smirk with the dragon apparently sighing in relief.

Aiden on the other hand grows angry as he face contorts with rage. His lips curl back as though he were ready to snarl at me. “No one, dares refuses the son of the high general,” he seethes. His injured pride spews from him like venom.

I merely smile to him, “Well, then allow me to be the first.”

“This is an insult to not only me, but to also my house,” he growls. “I challenge you to a duel to reclaim my honor.”

I ignore him, bookmarking my page, and stashing it into my bag. This really kills my reading mood. I slowly rise from my chair and head down the stairs. Tanith and Le’nia both come to me. I smile to them. “I’ll meet you at the café. Hopefully Nerina will join us.”

They nod as I then leave.

I stroll through the empty corridors open to the side, facing yet another courtyard. I look around, noticing how empty and quiet everything is. I think there are some afterschool clubs or sports teams. I don’t know, maybe I should look into joining them.

I do know that a few classes are still in session, mostly with the more nocturnal races that live within the city. Heh, the anime Vampire Knight comes to mind. Another reason why I think these particular halls are empty is because this leads to my little courtyard, a place very few if ever travel down, or least I take notice of.

I stroke my temple, hoping Nerina is finished and is waiting for me. That way we can head to the café and meet up with the others.

I feel a firm hand grabbing my shoulder, pulling me back and shoving me into the wall behind me. I grunt as the hard jagged stone outer walls dig into my spine. I look up to see Aiden standing over me, eyes seething with anger.

“You insulted and embarrassed me in front of everyone,” he growls. “You are a coward. How can a commoner refuse the son of a great house?”

I wince at the pain stings my spine. “A coward, for saying no? A girl has the right to refuse. Don’t forget what house I belong to.” I glare at him, “A nobleman’s son should have been taught how to treat a lady,” I then slap away his hand.

He growls again, “You may be the ward of Shyair, however that means nothing to me. You are still nothing more than commoner and commoners should know their place.” He then raises his right hand, bringing it down.

Before it even reaches halfway through its swing, Aiden’s hand is caught by another.

“What were you planning to do to my younger sister?”

We both look up to see Celes standing behind him. Aiden quivers slightly at the sight of my sister. She clamps down on his wrist. “I will ask you again, what were you planning to do with my younger sister?”

He looks stunned as he looks to me and then to her. Aiden recomposes himself and huffs as he rips his hands away from her, only to grin. “She was coming onto me.” he then pans over, “She is nothing more than a needy little girl, drunk with lust over a true man.”

He turns back to Celes, “I merely was defending myself from her succubus charms. But when she would not relent, I had to teach her a lesson in respect and decency.”

“You’re a lair,” I reply.

He smirks, “It is my word against yours. And no one will believe the word of commoner.”

This clearly is angering Celes, if not outright pissing her off. She just heard someone accusing her little sister of a heinous act and is obviously lying to her.

We then hear growling coming from down the hallway as we turn to see Fenris standing there along with Athena and Timaeus.

His wolf steps forward. “Do not lie, Aiden,” he says. “You dishonor yourself by doing so.”

Aiden smirks, waving off his wolf, “I have no clue what you are referring to. It remains that it is my word against hers.”

Celes glares at him, ready to rip the boy apart while Athena growls, snarling her fangs. Fenris steps forward, tails swishing on the stone flooring.

Aiden simply grins and walks away. He then turns and shoots me a venomous glare, filled with bloodlust before disappearing down another corridor.

Timaeus strolls over to me, head bowing. “I apologize for his actions towards you. He is a good young man, but he is filled with too much pride.”

I smile, stroking the wolf’s face, “He doesn’t deserve you.” Timaeus sighs, nuzzling my hand before turning and bowing to Fenris and trots off down the hallway towards Aiden.

Celes looks to me, “Are you all right?”

I nod, rolling my shoulders, hearing them pop. “I’ll be fine.”

She nods, “Care to tell me what happened?” I nod and explain the events leading up to her intervention.

Celes sighs, shaking her head, “The sons of Drakthul are always this way. Haughty and arrogant of their status.” She then leans back against Athena. “He is right however, about no one taking your word over his.”

I simply shrug and snap my fingers, summoning a small silver orb into my hand.

Celes chuckles, ruffling my hair, “Clever little fox. Now, are you ready to go?”

I nod, “But I promised to meet some people at the café. By the way, what are you doing here?”

My sister grins, “I know the one you are referring to. As for your question, I merely came to retrieve you for the day. I have not done it a couple weeks and hoped you would enjoy seeing me before you got home.”

I smirk, “Just that anxious huh?”

She chuckles, shaking her head and motions us down the hallway.

We soon arrive at the café where my group is waiting minus Nerina. I tilt my head, thinking either I completely forgot about her or she’s still busy at school. Both Le’nia and Tanith are shocked to see Celes. She smiles, introducing herself as my sister.

They become even more shocked at this, no doubt thinking my claim was a joke. Celes smiles as she explains to them how I came into the city from afar and she felt as though I needed a sister.

They slowly nod as they both sip from their drinks.

I smile leaning back into mine, sipping from a cup of tea.

We spend the next couple of hours together merely talking. My ears then pick up something from a couple tables over.

“I heard the rumor of more people being chosen,” says a girl.

“But, are they true?” asks another. “We know they have some missing lately, but is that what they meant?”

“I don’t know,” says the first girl.

I tilt head, wondering what they’re talking about. But…I don’t feel like getting up so I ignore it.

The next day rolls around and it's combat training. My class this week is paired up with Aiden’s. Nerina is still a no-show. I'm starting to get a little worried for her.

Back to the session at hand, I’m actually paired with someone this time around. Unfortunately it's Aiden himself. I really have to hate my luck in this one.

He and I go at it, swords clashing with magic flying all around us. I resume my aura form, splaying my spectral tails as Aiden and I dance around the field. Since I’m only dealing with a single opponent, I don’t go and cut loose on him like I did against Raisa and her team a month ago.

I flip and twirl as he swings his battle axe at me. It’s ridiculously massive, with the head being the size of restaurant-grade cutting board and the guy swings it around so effortlessly. His swings aren’t artful like a fencer, but he is able to move in such a way that it feels as if there is a measured grace to them.

He infuses magic into his blade and again swings at me. I dodge, leaping backwards as he slams his axe into the ground causing it to explode. I flip in the air and land, sliding to a halt. He’s starting to remind me of Lana in away. The manner he talks about commoners, his fiery temper, not to mention I see a faint resemblance of her and her father within him.

I reply with sweeping my sword across the ground, forming a wall of ice which shoots six feet up. Aiden easily slices through the wall, as I see the edges of the axe are glowing red-hot. I grin slightly, it’s a heat hawk from Gundam.

He swings his axe again and again at me. I dodge and parry, shirking off his attacks with my sword and gauntlets. He comes in close to attack with the pummel of his weapon.

I dodge his attack and slam my foot into his and follow up with strike to the back of his knee with my foot. As he falls, I slam the pummel my sword into the back of his head, knocking him out. Aiden simply bounces off of the ground a couple times before coming to a rest.

I quickly sheath my sword and walk off of the field, much to the astonishment of both classes. I head over to the hill where the wolves are sitting. Timaeus and Fenris trot over to me. I smile as my bonded nuzzles my face. I peer over to Timaeus, seeing him both glad to see that the match is over, but also that Aiden is still breathing.

I smile and turn, watching the rest of matches as they go on. I sigh softly, thinking I won’t be bothered by Aiden Drakthul after this.

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