Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 3: Dinner plans

I open my eyes, noticing the room is now completely dark. I turn to see the stars hanging brightly in the sky with the moon shining even brighter. I smile, stretching out my arms and body, feeling the joints pop and burn. I feel something furry resting against my legs, peering down to see that I had reverted into a kitsune.

I grin, a kitsune through and through am I. I quickly turn back into a human.

I pan down to see Fenris resting quietly beneath me. His massive body rises and falls with every breath. I lean over and stroke the top of his head. His eyes slowly open, revealing two large ice-blue orbs.

Did you rest well?” he asks.

I nod slowly, “I did, Papa Wolf.” His lips curl softly into a fatherly, wolfish smile.

I lean back up and slip off of the window seat, rolling my shoulders, feeling them pop. The room then slowly becomes brighter as crystals begin to glow from the walls. I smile, heading for the door. I look over to Fenris, “Hungry?”

He nods and we both leave the room.

We travel down the corridor, being led by more crystals as they light up. Not a bad a way to show first-time guests how to get somewhere. Plus I think it’s simply showing me where everyone is. Again, nice touch.

The more I look at these crystals, the more my thoughts return to stories of the ancient dragon cities Silvi told me about. I sigh, missing her all the more. I hold my arms close to my chest, still recalling being on her back when she was shot out of the sky and watching as she fell to the ground.

My thoughts then turn to Velhemina, remembering how her greenhouse exploded when a ball of dragon flame collided with it. I sigh, recalling the fear and loss of watching it happen.

Finally I think of Mom. Just missing her terribly each day since July. I sigh heavily; just wishing was she alive, that what I saw that day was nothing more than a fleeting nightmare.

I feel Fenris nudging my hand with his nose. I peer over to him, smiling brightly. “Thanks again for being with me, Papa Wolf.”

He smiles, tightly wrapping a tail around me. I smirk, “Makes me want to revert again into a kitsune. That way I could wrap a tail around yours.” I then giggle, “Though to be fair, there really is nothing stopping from me transforming back.”

His grip tightens, “You can if you wish to later.”

I smile, nodding as we trek on.

As we venture deeper into the mansion, I pull out my camera, taking pictures of anything and everything. I even brought along my Dewloura journal, opening it up and jotting whatever piques my interest.

There’s simply so much to take in. It’s still hard to believe this house is well over a thousand years old, and yet…I don’t know. In some ways I feel like I’m home, old yet somehow new at the same time. I definitely want to explore it.

I brought along my bag, having done so now out of habit by this point. While in Japan, I would actually leave it at the house, feeling it safe there. But, here? This is a new place, so just have to be sure at all times until I know.

We continue to follow the lights until we reach a dining room. Inside I see everyone sitting around a table. The room is somewhat large, with more paintings and a few small sculptures dotting the walls.

The walls themselves are wood-paneled with lines of darker wood inlayed, giving the room a soft darker atmosphere, rather comfy if you ask me. The furniture, while of course being wood in construction, is incredibly ornate in design. A few cabinets line the wall, filled with ancient dishes of all types.

The table is long, maybe twelve to fifteen feet in length, and is intricately carved, with flowing swirls and imagery depicting forests. At the very center rests the house crest of Shyair, my ancestors. A wolf and fox, encircling a tree with a sword at its heart. I give a soft sigh the more I look at it.

My knights rise from their seats and bow to me. “Good evening, Your Highness,” both speaking in unison.

I smile, “Evening.” I round the table over to Marron.

“Get enough rest, Baby Ahri?” she asks.

I grin, having always loved that name. “I did.” I look up, “It’s still weird how we were just in Japan and now here.”

She smirks, “Remember, this was your idea.”

I wave my hand dismissively as I sit beside her, “Yeah, yeah I know.” Sighs, “Still can’t get a signal out.”

“That might be for the best,” she replies. “Speaking of our phones, how are we gonna charge them anyway? I know we both have chargers, but they can only go so far.”

Marron looks around, “I highly doubt this place has anything resembling an electrical outlet. Plus we don’t have a way to convert magic into electricity. Also lightning magic might be a little too dangerous as well.”

I smile softly, “Tenaki-san bought me a solar charger for Christmas. It might come in handy.”

My sister pulls me close to her, “You sure do have a lot of people looking out for you, don’t you?”

I nod, “Lots, and lots more elsewhere.”

She kisses the side of my head.

I look over to my knights, “So what’s the report on your wave-rider?”

He nods, “The damage to it was far more extensive than I remember. According to the workers, it might be a week or so before it's fully repaired.”

I nod, turning to Kateryna. She smiles, “As a precaution I too placed my own in for repairs. Our escape from the Ranch unfortunately revealed some minor damage from our previous escape.”

I sigh and nod, knowing what’s she’s talking about. I then tilt my head, “So how and why would this place have such abilities?”

“Shyair were known to plan for all contingencies,” begins Orga. “Having a repair station for wave-riders was paramount among others if ever needed.”

I nod softly, only to smirk. “So does that mean I can probably get one?”

Marron quickly flicks my head, “Not on your life, missy.”

I look to her giggling, “Oh come on, y’all still let me drive a car.” I then quickly remember my car being destroyed when Edtrich attacked the Ranch. I’m still pissed about that.

My sister leans in closer, “A car is one thing. Something that flies through the air is another. Besides, you have the ability to create portals to go wherever you want. Not to mention being able to fly on your own.”

“Still be cool though,” I giggle.

She ruffles my hair. “As your sister and guardian, the answer is no.”

I grin. Yep, Mom named Marron my legal guardian. She essentially gave my sister back her original mission, to watch over and protect me.

Kateryna then smiles, “Unfortunately, Your Highness, while the Outpost can repair our wave-riders, it is unable to produce them.”

I slink back into my seat, nodding. Well…crap.

Dinner is then rolled in and placed before us. The smells of roasted meats and vegetables waft through the air. The maids also place trays of freshly made sweets as well. Everything before us looks fit for a kingly dinner. It really has been a long time since we ate like this. As we eat, I almost want to look up to see Yukari sitting across from me. That was another thing I got used to, having my aunt with us. I sigh softly as we eat.

I look up to Orga, “So what’s the deal with this place? I mean, aside from being the summer retreat of Shyair. You also call it ‘The Outpost’. Is there any other reason behind this place’s existence?”

He looks to me, placing his fork down onto the table, wiping his mouth clean. “The Outpost, while its true purpose is the summer retreat of your ancestors, also serves as a fallback position in the event of a catastrophic crisis within the city. Your ancestors would send the youngest here until whatever befell the city was quelled. Hence why it’s been maintained for all these centuries, containing whatever its occupants could need until it was safe to return home.”

I look around the dining room. I wonder what sort of crises would necessitate such actions.

“However,” he adds, “in the long history I have served the house, never such event ever occurred. Yet this place still exists if ever the need arose. This is one reason why this place tends to remain dormant from time to time.”

I nod, curling a slight smile, “So I’m guessing there’s a library here too.”

Orga smiles, “That there is, Your Highness. A vast one in fact.” I grin.

Marron smiles, “Have you brought enough paper?”

“Always do,” I giggle. “Even bought some last week in the village just to be sure.” I then look to her, “So what are you planning on doing?”

She shrugs, “Might do some exploring. There’s just so much here. You’re also right in that this place feels like it jumps straight out of a fantasy story.”

I nod, peering down to Fenris as he eats. He looks up and smiles. I grin in return.

“There is a veranda which overlooks the waterfalls and forest, Your Highness,” says Kateryna. “In fact if your betrothed were here, it would be a perfectly romantic location.”

My cheeks flare deep red, causing my heart to literally jump into my throat. I nearly lose control and transform once again into a kitsune, but am able to hold the urge down.

“He’s…my boyfriend Kateryna, n-not my betrothed.”

Kenji’s face then flashes back into my mind. I quietly touch my lips, still fainting feeling his against them.

I hear the elf chuckle, which makes me pout at her. I shake my head, clearing it. I pan over to Marron, also hearing her laugh as she pulls me into her. “Ah, young love.”

I roll my eyes, still blushing.

After dinner Marron looks to me. “Okay, I think we should head to bed for the night.”

I nod, looking over the dishes we neatly piled together. As we rise from the table I look over to the maids and caretaker. “Do you think we can help?”

The man bows his head, “No need to trouble yourself, Your Highness. All shall be dealt with.” I watch as the maids then begin to clear the table. He then looks to me, “You need not worry yourself over such trivial matters.”

Now after living in Japan for a month, I got used to helping out with chores. It simply was something came natural to me. This also extended to when we stayed with the Parkstons.

I sigh, looking to Marron. She shakes her head, “Just let it go, sweetie. Think of it as if you were home again, with the staff here handling everything.”

My shoulders slump in defeat. “Alright.”

We turn and then leave the dining room.

The corridors are still lit, showing off more of the manor. It really does feel like home in a way. I often want to gaze out a window, almost to see the Estate being lit by the moonlight.

I look around us as we walk, seeing the same portraits from below. I want to learn who these people are. I know I’m plunging into a legacy I have at best, not much information about. Even with Master Titalos giving me all his family had, it just wasn’t enough. I’m desperate for information.

Why is Regulus really after me, if not just for the Xur’canah? What else is it about Dewloura that is such a mystery, and what is my true connection to it all? I want to learn more about the city and its history.

I let out a sigh in frustration. Yet that’s why we’re here. Heh, and to stick it to the bastard as well. Just always out of his reach.

We come to a juncture with the hallway. My knights turn and bow to me. “Have a good nightm Your Highness,” says Orga. “I pray you a restful one.”

I smile, “Thanks, Orga.”

His wife smiles to me, “Be well and we shall see you in morning.”

I nod, “Until then.” They bow once more and disappear down a corridor. Marron holds me close and we turn for the opposite hallway.

We stroll through the mansion, hanging close to each other. It’s quiet the further we walk. Just the three of us in a hallway. I can’t even hear the maids or staff, wondering if they really are there at all. I know it’s our first night here, but it such a massive change from where we were just hours ago. Now we are, and we truly are cut off from the world.

Normally I’d be going out of my mind, but given how screwed up the last few months have been, maybe this might be for the best. Another chance to simply be away from everything and relax. That and study like crazy.

We ascend the stairs, leading to my room. I can hear Fenris’ heavy paws as they press into each step. I smirk, peering back at him. He gives me a smile in return, no doubt longing for sleep. Lord knows I could use some myself.

The three of us continue down the hallway for a couple minutes until we reach my room. Marron turns to me, “Now, get some sleep. I have no doubt you’ll be search for that library.”

I smirk, “Yep, and with it, long hours of studying.”

My sister chuckles softly, “Ever the eager student. Always hungry to learn.”

I shrug, “It’s a curse I tell you.” We both laugh.

“Okay, get into that bed,” she adds. “I’ll see you both in the morning.”

I smile, “You too, Marron. Love you.”

She smiles, “Love you too, sweetie.” We give each another hug and I head into my room, closing the door behind me.

I walk over to the bed and pull around my bag. I kneel down and open it, yanking out my suitcase. Really thankful we did laundry before we left. I wheel the suitcase over by a dresser and open it. I rummage through it and find some pajamas.

I head into the bathroom and quickly peel off my clothes, changing into my PJs. I also retrieve the hamper from within my suitcase. I seriously can’t believe how buried it is. I don’t remembering do it, but oh well. I place the hamper into the bathroom and head to bed.

I examine the crystals by the bedside table, tapping gently on them. Curious, I infuse a little magic into it, willing it shut off. I smile as they do. Heh, it’s like the Clapper, only with magic. I feel the bed toss slightly as Fenris hops onto it with me, lying at its foot.

Now, I know some might ask why my “father” is sleeping in the same bed with me. I’d remind them that he’s not human for one thing. Another is that I really don’t care. He’s with me, and that’s all that matters.

I pull the covers over me. The bed feels soft, almost airy. I feel as though I’m floating on nothing. Really comfortable.

I breathe in slowly, letting the scents of the room fill my nose. They’re still new to me, feeling old yet clean, fresh. Surprising description I know.

I slowly close my eyes, letting sleep take me over.

Child, dear child.”

I hear someone calling out to me. It’s a man voice, deep and gentle. It feels old, as if belonging to a grandfather.

Dear, young Aria.”

Again I hear the voice calling at to me. I open my eyes and pan over to Fenris, thinking he’s calling out to me. To my surprise I find my bonded fast asleep. I tilt my head. I lay back onto pillow, scanning the room with my magical senses. Hope this place isn’t haunted. Finding nothing I close my eyes again.

I nestle deeper into the bed, finally finding the right spot and drift away.

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