Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 2: The Outpost

As we continue on the stone bridge, I pull around my backpack and retrieve my camera. I turn it on and start taking pictures of the surrounding buildings. I sigh, remembering the past month in Japan, being the first true time since both fleeing the Estate and the Ranch I felt at peace. I was with friends and family again, being nestled in between my aunts. I smirk, being claimed as a granddaughter by Hashibaba.

I blush softly, remembering going on a second and quasi-third date with Kenji. We even visited the shrine for New Years. Marron, Kateryna and I all wore kimonos. The look of shock on Orga's face is still mesmerizing.

So many memories in such a short time. The village is home, its people…now mine. Still such a funny thing how quickly they claimed me as a child of the village, not that I’m knocking it.

It’s my home, and a place to return and know that it’s safe.

I can still see the last moments of being there; this to us was not even an hour ago, still playing out in my mind. I finally confessed my feelings for Kenji, which my sister, aunts, knights and everyone else was present to see. With my sister even recording it also.


Then Kenji decided to go train with Yukari. I’m still against it, but he insisted. This led to me calling on Titania for help. She agreed to do so. I will forever be grateful to see her again. Heh, I think by this point you definitely can call her my fairy godmother, pun intended. I really love the fae queen, and she in turn does as well.

She even wants me to spend time in Tir Na Nog as her princess. I may have to really think about that. A kitsune in the fae realms, that will be interesting.

I then watched the trio head into another portal. As they did, she left a cryptic message for me. I shake my head. Riddles of fae, too much to think about at the moment.

I slam face-first into what I think is a wall, falling flat onto my butt. I hear Marron laughing, “You really need to look where you’re going, sweetie.” I glare at her, feeling embarrassed and angry. She smiles, shaking her head as she helps me back to my feet.

I sigh, looking around. I place my hand onto an invisible wall. It feels like smooth cold glass. Heh, another barrier. Well, can’t say my ancestors weren’t thorough in wanting to keep this place safe. “So…how to get in? I can’t open a fairy road into a place I’ve never beside.”

Orga and Kateryna both step beside me. “The barrier will come down if you order it to, Your Highness,” says the former.

I look to him, “Will I have to say it Alcoran? Remember that I can’t.”

He smiles, “Simply declare yourself and door will open.”

I nod slowly and turn back to face the front door. I stand there for a moment. This…this is something I really have never done before. Openly at least. It’s not like I’m standing in front of a crowd saying this, but even still.

I take a short breath, strange that I’m feeling nervous about this. I look up. “I am Arianna Lucindel Edge, last daughter of Shyair. Open this door!”

Nothing happens.

A few moments pass and we hear the sound of massive bolts and locks being undone. The sounds echo heavily in my fox ears. The barrier in front of then shimmers a soft blue, fading away like mist. The doors slowly begin to open, watching as Fenris and Marron both step in front of me.

The heavy doors open, revealing a paling old man, whose eyes appear to be pure silver. He’s no taller than Marron, and is frail in physique. He bows softly, “Greetings, Your Highness. Long have we waited for those of Shyair to return.”

His voice seems robotic, stilted. The more I look at him, the more I realize he isn’t human. Not even an organic being for that matter.

The man then stands, turning to my knights, “Greetings, Lord and Lady Kulvoin. I am ever so glad to see your faces once more.”

Kateryna smiles, “Thank you, Caretaker, it is good to come back. Now with Her Highness in tow.”

The man nods, turning to Fenris and Marron. He bows to my bonded, “Master Wolf, it is an honor to be in the presence of a sacred guardian once more.”

Fenris looks to the man and then to me. I give him a shrug. He turns, bowing his head, “Thank you, I am Fenris, bonded to this child,” wrapping a tail around my waist. I smile, holding onto it.

The man nods, “As it should be.” He then looks to Marron, “May I have the pleasure of your name.”

My sister smiles, wrapping her arm around me. “I am Marron O’Conner, this little girl’s older sister.” I grin, holding onto her.

The man looks puzzled at her, staring for a good long moment. “Understood, my Lady. A pleasure and honor to have you with us.” He then steps back, motioning us inside.

We unfurl and cross the threshold and into the foyer, my ears twitch, hearing the front door close. The entry hall is large, yet roughly the same size as home, with stairs leading from the sides of the room up to the second level. The room is dark, soon to be illuminated as crystals lining the walls come to life, showering us a gentle light. Okay…is there something with Dewloura and crystals?

The walls are a soft white with pillars and columns in certain places. Doors adorn the hallway, leading to who knows where. It’s actually quite lovely, granted this is just the entry hall. It feels old, centuries old. Yet at the same time, not completely ancient. I actually do like it here. It sort of reminds me of my trip to Italy last year. I still look back on that trip with fond memories. I sigh softly.

Another aspect about the corridors is how large they are, easily supporting Fenris in his full size. I peer over to him, seeing how easily and comfortably he moves about. Yep, this place was built with Uldulvan wolves in mind.

The man leading us down the corridor stops for a moment. He turns as faces us. My ears flick at the sounds of feet hustling and bustling about. I glance over to see Fenris doing the same. He looks to me, “The staff is prepared to meet any and all needs Your Highness.”

It’s been a good long while since anyone’s waited on me. To be honest, it’s been nice reverting to being a normal girl again. I did all my chores when needed, cooked, cleaned, helped where needed. But…in this case I think it won’t hurt to having this again.

I nod slowly to him, “Thank you uh…what is your name?”

He smiles, “Merely call me ‘Caretaker’, Your Highness. For that is my purpose.”

I nod again. “I think for now we should get to a room. Fairy roads, while I gather the mana to use them, still take a lot out of you. So I’d like a bed.”

The man nods, “Right away, Your Highness.”

I look to everyone. Orga smiles turning to him, “My Vel’Shur’nich was damaged and needs to be repaired.”

Caretaker nods, “It shall be done, Lord Kulvoin.’ I watch as Orga hands him a small cylinder. We then continue our trek down the hallway.

I look to Orga. “Your what?” sounding confused.

My knight smiles, “It is what you have come to refer to as my ‘Wave-rider’.”

I nod, looking to the man before us. “He’s an automaton isn’t he?”

He nods, “That is he, Your Highness, along with all those who serve here. However not quite as advanced as Madame Marie.” I nod.

Marie was unique, mad as all hell in her workshop. I know she’d be either pissed or saddened if she ever learned that my car was destroyed. She was so adamant about caring for it when my spring semester ended two years ago. I smile, thinking I wouldn’t get it back until I started my last semester. I sigh to myself. So much has happened in a year, it just unreal.

I look around, seeing portraits of people along with wolves. No doubt my ancestors. Men and women, children, so many faces. My eyes then scan around, finding relics and antiques from places unknown and descriptions I dare not try and speculate. This place is quite literally a museum, perfect place for a history buff like me.

I take pictures of everything I see. “Henry would go nuts if he were here.”

Marron smiles, “No doubt he would.”

Kateryna looks to me, “What are you referring to?”

I grin, “Henry wants to study architecture when he gets into college. He’s also a massive architectural history nerd. Loving it to death. Made a great companion during my Italy trip.”

She smiles. “Ah, the young man who escorted into the restaurant during the second night.”

“The one and the same.” I smile and then sigh. I hope he’s doing ok.

We finally come to another set of stairs. “Just how big is this place?” asks Marron.

Orga taps his chin, “If I were to compare this place to anywhere else, I’d have to say it is at least half the size of the Manor.”

My sister and I stare at each other is shock. Great, another big place that’s mine. This is just a bit nuts, but then again, I really shouldn’t be that surprised anymore. I take a deep breath and settle down.

Marron looks to me, “Hey, so are you going to remain in your kitsune form?”

I sigh, wrapping a tail around me, stroking it. “Well…I think I should be human again. At least for the time being.”

I love being a kitsune; it’s who I am now. Not really human anymore, and I really got used to being one 24/7 again. However…this isn’t Japan and it’s like when I came home last spring, I can just change back when I feel like it.

I feel my tails slowly receding into my body, my fox ears shrinking, becoming human again. I hold onto my hair, watching it turn from a pinkish blonde to dirty-blonde. You really can become used to being something after a certain amount of time.

The caretaker looks to me, “We have rooms and food prepared for you, Your Highness.”

I tilt my head at him, “Have you been expecting us?”

He shakes his head. “We have maintained this home and grounds for centuries, always prepared, awaiting the return of our masters.”

“So, other than my proclamation outside, how did you know that I am a descendant of Shyair?”

He stops again and turns to me, “When your name and lineage was announced in Court, it sent a signal here, awakening Lord and Lady Kulvoin, sending them to your side.”

I look to my knights, “How did you two find me?”

“Our wave-riders possess the ability to track those of Shyair,” replies Kateryna. “However this ability was rendered useless during the summer in our search of you.”

I look up at Marron, remembering when the both of us were locked away within that crystal. Afterwards Regulus erected a barrier which again blocked them from locating me. I sigh, too much crap piled on all at once. Well that’s all now in the past. No use in dwelling on something we both settled.

“There are forty maids and servants at your beck and call, Your Highness,” says the caretaker as maids soon appear into view, bowing.

I smile, “Thank you.”

I let out another soft sigh. This only reminds me of home. I hold my arm, thinking of the combat maids and golems. More people I miss. I look to them, feeling all the more homesick. While I know I’m safe here, this only makes the reality of my exile all the more apparent. However as Marron pointed out, this was my choice.

The caretaker then leads us up to the second floor. I place my hand onto the stone railing, feeling its cold touch run up my palm. It’s both chilling and comforting at the same time. I then smirk to myself, finally realizing that I’m back in Europe after a year.

I sort of have the really stupid idea of going beyond the barrier in order to call Kerrigan. I know the Court, like my coven, is going out of its mind with worry. I smile softly, thinking of Arcturus. Hey, maybe heading to the Court wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. Then again…I might as well throw a massive party, announcing my presence to the world. I let out a sigh, well…maybe another time.

We enter another hallway, passing by more maids, again all bowing to me. We then come to a pair of doors. The caretaker turns to me, “How long will you be staying with us, Your Highness?”

I look to him, “I’m not entirely sure. I came here seeking answers about Dewloura and my ancestors.”

He bows his head, “However long your stay is Your Highness, we are ever at your service.” I nod and smile.

He turns and opens the door behind him, “This shall be your room.”

I peer into the room, eyes growing wide, discovering how massive it is. It’s easily the size of my mother’s room back home. I step in and look around. A large bed lies at its heart with a vanity, wardrobes and several dressers strewn about. I peer over to find a desk, couches and chairs surrounding a table.

“This is the Master bedroom,” adds the caretaker. “Fitting for you, Your Highness.”

My shoulders slump slightly. Oh yeah, I really got used to being in my house in Japan. It was small and perfect. Granted it was a bit crowded having double the number of people in it when compared to when it was just Yukari, Fenris and me. Regardless, it’s still home. Now I have a room that the entire first floor can fit into. I then blush softly, peering over to Marron.

She smirks, “What?” She shakes her head, “Just get some rest, sweetie.” I nod to her.

I turn back to the caretaker. “I want everyone treated the same as me,” I tell him. “No less.”

He bows, “It shall be done, Your Highness. Your party shall be equal to you in care and service.”

Marron chuckles, “Sweetie, you worry too much. I’ll be just fine.”

I smile softly, “Just don’t want you to feel any lesser to me while here.”

She sighs and walks in, pulling me into a tight hug, and then ruffles my hair. “You silly fox, just get that butt of yours into bed.”

I giggle, nodding. I look to my knights.

Kateryna smiles, “I agree with Lady Marron, Your Highness. You require rest.” She then looks to her husband, “We have tasks that need attending while here. So we shall see you later.”

Orga nods, “Agreed.”

I sigh, nodding. I then pull my bag around and reach into it, retrieving Orga’s suitcase. I roll it over to him. He smiles, “Thank you, Your Highness.”

I smile, watching as Marron does the same for Kateryna. The pair then bows and disappears back into hallway.

Marron walks over to the door, looking to me, “Let’s meet up in a few hours.” I nod, watching as she too leaves, closing to door behind her.

I walk over to a dresser, placing my bag onto it. I remove my scarf and jacket, tossing them onto the back of a chair. Fenris walks around the room, softly digging his claws into the carpeting. I smile, thinking this really does feel like home.

I eye another door, stepping over and opening it. To my surprise I actually find a modern-looking bathroom, complete with shower. Just how advanced was Dewloura?

I close the door and see a large window. I walk over it, finding a long cushioned window seat running the whole length. I slide onto it and gaze outward. I smile softly, seeing the cascading waterfalls in the distance. I even eye the very place we exited out of the portal.

The more I look out, the more in awe of this place I am. This really feeling like I just stepped into a fairy tale castle, even more than the Estate. Here it’s though the entire area is a whole other world when compared to anywhere else I’ve been.

I giggle to myself, wishing Mom was here with me, sharing this incredible view with me. I pull my legs into my chest, sighing softly. I continue to gaze out wistfully out onto the waterfall, feeling the same peace when I sat on the deck in Japan.

Feels the nudging of cold wet nose. I peer over to see Fenris looking at me. “You must rest, little Aria.

I nod, again feeling the strain of using the fairy road creep up on me. I lean my head back against the wall and slowly close my eyes.

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