Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 1: Arrival

The feeling of moisture and the whooshing of wind blows against my ears as we exit out of the fairy road. Mist and fog surrounds us, obscuring everything in sight. My tails unfurl from Fenris’ as I glance back as the portal closes, fading into the mist. I let out a soft sigh, still feeling my body being held by someone.

“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?”

I pan up to Marron, catching her staring at me. I sigh, facing forward. “It’s not just that,” I reply. “It’s that we were just in Japan, saying goodbye to everyone.”

My sister holds me tightly to her. “I know, sweetie,” she says softly. “But you heard your aunts. They’ll come when the time’s right.”

I smile up at her, “You’re right.”

She grins, “Of course I am. I’m your big sister.”

I giggle, “You sound like Mom.”

Her hand grasps me tightly, “Well, it’s true either way.” Marron then tilts her head, “You’re not having second thoughts are you? Remember, this was your idea.”

I sigh, “Yeah, I know.”

Just a couple days ago, I had the option of staying in Japan and even attending school with my friends. Everyone in my party was even given an opportunity within the village. I’d be living out a semi-normal life with my aunts, Yukari and Asha, nearby. I’d be in the village which had fully adopted me as its child. But the truth is I’d still be in exile, far and away from those I love back in America, my coven and my friends within.

So I made the suggestion of seeking out the Outpost, a bastion of my ancestors. I needed information on the Xur’canah and of Dewloura itself. My notes and conversations with my knights simply weren’t enough.

My enemies, Regulus Cromwell, Selene Nethune, and Diana, were all still searching for me, yet had no idea of where I am. This was thanks to two factors. The first being of the portal blasting us into Japan, arriving two and a half months later. Although for us it was merely seconds.

The other piece helping us is my coven actively keeping Regulus busy with false leads of my whereabouts. I really need to thank them if I ever return to America. My coven is simply the best and I have so many people to thank. I miss them so very much. They’re my family, and I want to see them badly. Always praying they’re safe and no one’s done anything stupid.

My ears then flick, hearing the sounds of water crashing around us. The wind shifts, carrying the fog along with it. As the mist parts, it reveals a thunderous waterfall to our left, crashing down from a rocky mountain which seems to go up forever into the sky. I stare at it, thinking we must be at least half a mile away from it. Yet even this far out you can’t help but be in awe at how sprawling and massive it is.

The water flows down into a lake below, and feeds into a valley. Trees grow out from the rock face, some with snow covering their branches. The mist from the falling water causes some to fall into the lake below. Under my feet I discover that we are in fact standing on moss-covered outcropping, overlooking the valley.

The smell of pine and oak fills my nose with every breath I take. I gaze around, mouth dropping to the floor as towering trees, taller than possibly the great Red Sequoias in California rise from the ground. I can barely glimpse the tops. Their trunks are equally as huge, possibly ten feet in diameter if not more.

The forest feels old, brimming with ancient magic. I smile, feeling at home here as I would either in Japan or on the Estate. A fox is always at home within the forest, and a fox that I am.

I gaze down further into the valley, seeing a large mansion-like building off in the distance. Even from where we are standing, I can see that it’s covered in soft white stone, with columns lining the outer walls and walkways. Tiered landings possess buildings with sloping green-tiled roofs.

The sun filters in from the trees, reflecting off of distant windows. A single turret protrudes from within the structure. Several trees lie within the heart of the mansion, with it building having been apparently constructed around the trees.

The architecture is both alien and yet extremely familiar to me. It feels like I’m staring at a Roman villa or something else entirely. It’s gentle, homely, feeling completely at peace.

My mind then flashes back to the dream I had the night I discovered the Xur’canah. The mansion before me is nearly the same as the buildings I saw within the fallen city. Appearing Byzantine in form, yet more elven and dragon inspired. I sigh to myself, thinking how Silvi often talked about taking me to the hidden dragon lands, to visit their great cities.

I miss her.

I miss my aunt Velhemina; I miss my friends and loved ones from my home. I am still thrilled beyond words that I was able to hear from Tariel and the gossip, being some of the best news I could have ever asked for.

The person I miss most of all is my mother, Rachel Rivenfeld. I still see her growing smaller as I fled, bleeding there in the driveway. My heart cracked that day, shattering. I don’t want to accept that she’s dead. I don’t want to. She gave me so much, now even her very life was taken from me. The one who gave me a new life, a new name, a new future. All now gone.

I pull my necklace out from under my coat and stare at it. This was the second thing my mother ever gave to me, with the first being the Kinstone. This is yet another link to her. Through it, I was reborn into the little girl that I am now, shaped by her mana. I’m hers forever, no matter what and this started me on that path.

Yet for a split second, I thought I heard her voice while I spoke to Miriam. However… maybe I’m just wishing it was her voice, wanting desperately to cling to some measure of hope. I let out a soft sigh.

I glance up to see my sister still gazing out onto the valley. I smile, forever grateful we were able to reunite and reconcile. She’s my big sister, closer than blood could ever make us. I then pan over to see my knights, seemingly at home while standing with us. They protected me, helped me through both battle and recovery, guiding me. Without them, it’s difficult to see who far I could’ve come.

A mass of black fur then rests beside me. I grin, retaking his tail with one of my own. Fenris turns and looks into my eyes. The massive wolf watches with gentle love and pride.

He’s my father, companion, partner, just so many things wrapped up into one form. He’s always at my side, ready to be a pillow or to discipline me, rocking me back into reality. He gently nuzzles my face, causing me to smile as I stroke his muzzle. He lets out a soft murmur of a groan, showing he’s happy.

I turn back towards the mansion, still entranced by it. “So this is what Dewlouran architecture is like.”

“That it is, Your Highness,” replies Orga, looking to me. “The design is slightly different than the city proper. Yet even still, I feel as though I have returned home.”

Marron looks to him, “Okay…this can’t be a simple outpost. If I have to compare it to anything, I’d say it more of a vacation home rather than a military emplacement.”

Kateryna smiles softly, still gazing outward. “This is in fact the summer home for the House of Shyair. Its members often would travel here when they needed to retreat from the city itself. In fact, we couldn’t be more than a fifty miles from where the city once stood.”

Marron and I both look at her. “You can’t be serious?” I ask.

We’re so close to where the city of Dewloura used to be. Even with this knowledge, I still have no idea of how to enter the city, let alone unseal it. Again, that’s why I’m here, to hopefully find those answers.

The elf nods, looking to me. “And this all belongs to you by right, Your Highness.”

My sister sighs, “Sweetie, not only do you have a knack for garnering family, but also property.”

I roll my eyes. Yeah…I know it’s true. But this is something entirely different. Something I didn’t know was mine to begin with. I reach around and pull out my phone. I turn it on, noticing that I have zero cell service. I sigh, “Well, our phones are gonna be completely useless here,” looking up to her. “No service.”

Marron also pulls out her phone. “Agreed, but at least we didn’t exit out months after we left Japan. I’d say we’re at most eight or more hours behind them.” She peers down at me, “Well it does help that not having to open it during a battle.”

I smirk, swishing my tails. The first time I truly opened a fairy road after being given ability was during a battle with Diana. We were ambushed one morning in September, when we planned to go to Seattle instead. It was in the battle that both of my swords were broken by the girl who used to be my birthmother.

Now I was able to do it calmly and again, able to bring us exactly where we needed to go. It’s something I’m really proud of. I know Titania is also proud of me. I’m forever grateful to her for giving me this ability.

I look up at Marron, smiling, “Yep.” She smiles, holding me closer to her. I lay my head into her, “It’s funny, just a year ago I was worried about going back to school. Now I’m on the other side of the world, staring at a place where ancestors I never knew once resided.”

My sister gives me a tight squeeze, “Life is never truly on a straight road. It twists and turns in the most unpredictable of ways.” I smile, nodding.

I gaze up at the sky, partially covered by the expansive forest canopy, acting as a roof of sorts. “Is it possible that satellites could peer down and find this place?”

“There is a barrier that surrounds and shields the entire estate from all view,” replies Orga. “Furthermore, Your Highness, the Outpost was one of the most closely guarded secrets of Shyair, being only known to its members and senior knights. It simply is impossible for anyone to know of its existence. Here we are truly safe from our enemies.”

We thought the same thing at the Estate. However, people knew where I lived, and planned accordingly. So maybe this will be different.

I swish another tail, wondering if I’d had known about this place earlier on, it too could’ve been a place to retreat to. Then again…so much would’ve changed in my life that I’m actually glad things turned out the way they did.

He looks to me, “That being said… how was it we were able to travel here in spite of the barrier?”

I grin, “Fairy roads go wherever they want, regardless of whatever defenses you place. It’s how Titania was able to come visit me each time while at home.” He nods slowly.

Fae do whenever they want. This includes their magic.

A rush of cold chilling winds brushes against us, bringing with some of the water from the lake below with it. The water instantly freezes my cheeks, far more than I thought possible.

“Why don’t we head inside?” suggests Marron. We all nod and start heading down a stone path for the mansion.

As we walk across a bridge, I look around. “Hey, I’m getting the feeling like we’re in Rivendell. Being cut off from the rest of the world, almost as if not being a part of it. It’s almost as though i'ts straight out of a fantasy movie or novel.”

Marron smirks, ruffling, my hair, “You would think that.”

I stick out my tongue at her.

Kateryna smiles, “These lands possibly once belonged to a long-lost tribe of elves roughly two-thousand years ago, given the strong magic residing within the land.” She looks to me, “Your ancestors discovered these lands some sixteen-hundred years ago and settled here. The elves, by that point had long since vanished, never once returning to lay claim to it.”

I nod slowly. It makes me wonder what could’ve happened to them. Maybe it was famine, war, or some other reason for the elves to seemingly abandon their homes here. That’s if any remain. It might be a fun thing to go look for. Add it to the “Things-to-do” list.

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