Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 4: Exploring

I feel something gently pressing against my cheek. It feels both cold and wet. I groan softly, opening my eyes to see Fenris standing by the side of the bed. I smile, reaching over to stroke his face.

“Morning, Fenris.”

He smiles, gently lapping my face. “Good morning, little Aria.

I look around the room, seeing it filled with a soft silvery light, filtering in from the curtained windows. I smile, thinking Fenris might have woken up and drew them for me. I sit up on the bed, hearing my hips pop. I sit up and stretch, groaning loudly and more joints pop and rip to life.

I fold my hands into my lap as I sit there for a moment. Part of me still can’t believe we’re here and not in Japan, or even my own home for that matter. I’m so incredibly far from home or anywhere else for that matter.

I pan back Fenris, “Sleep enough, Papa Wolf?”

He rests his head onto the bed, ice-blue eyes staring up into mine. “I did, my little girl,” he says softly. “I am considering exploring the forest while here. Perhaps the prey will prove to be a challenge.”

I grin, “Just don’t go stirring a dragon if one’s around.”

He lets out a huff, “You need not worry, little one. I shall be careful during my travels.”

I lean over and kiss his nose, “You’d better.”

His lips curl into a fatherly wolfish smile, “But I shall do that later. We have a new place to explore within this mansion.” I nod, tossing off the covers and hop into the bathroom.

The shower looks and functions like any modern shower. Hot stinging water shoots out from the showerhead, spraying all over my body, soaking deeply into my long hair. I look around, seeing black and white marble tiles comprising the walls and floors. There’s just no way this place was built over a millennia ago. It’s far too modern in design. Again, just how advanced was Dewloura? How often was this place updated over the centuries?

I hop out of the shower and dry off. I habitually summon a ring of heated air to dry off my tails, only to realize that I’m still in my human form. I smirk; it was so easy falling back onto being a kitsune fulltime in only a month. I shake my head, giving a quick chuckle before finishing up and getting dressed.

I head out of my room, with Fenris in tow. Again I bring along my backpack. As I venture through the manor, I notice the colors of the hallway are lighter, no doubt thanks to the morning sun. I step over to a hall window and gaze out. Heavy clouds still cover the sky like a blanket, giving everything silvery tinge. I smirk; we are still in the middle of winter after all.

“Morning sweetie.”

I turn to see Marron walking towards me. I smile, “Morning Marron. How’d you sleep?”

She walks over and steps behind me, wrapping her arms around me, “Oh, I slept fine. The bed I was in, dear God I couldn’t believe how soft it was. Not to mention how modern the shower was. It’s as though this place was built within the last century. I had no idea that indoor plumping was a thing centuries ago. Not to mention how advanced it is.”

I hold onto her as we both look out onto the estate. I nod, “This place is just nuts. There’s even circulating heat. I didn’t once wake up feeling cold.”

I feel her kissing the top of my head, “You sleep alright yourself?”

I nod again, “I did.”

Marron gives me a soft squeeze, “Hungry?”

I shake my head, “Not really at the moment. You?”

“Nope,” she replies. “If not hungry, why don’t we go exploring?”

I giggle, “Sounds good to me.” Marron lets go of me and we both turn and head down the stairs.

We tour through the manor, eyeing everything in sight. More painting and sculptures, with a few resting on small podiums. There’s not many to be honest, only a handful more the deeper we go.

It’s quiet; I can’t even hear the shuffling of feet from the maids, and something I definitely could hear. Even the golem maids back home made some noise as they traversed the Manor back home. Not this group, deathly silent. It’s a bit spooky if you ask me.

The hallways seem to go on forever, with the odd door appearing. I look up at Marron, “Have you seen Orga and Kateryna?”

She taps her chin, “I saw right them after I left my room. They said they were heading to the repair bay to work on their wave-riders. So they might be there for a while. If anything, we might see them for lunch.”

I nod, still hanging close to my sister. No matter where we are, what the reason is, I love just spending time with my sister. We’ve been through so much together, dealing with so much. Now here we are, on yet another continent, strolling through a huge mansion. This has been one crazy journey, one I never thought I’d ever go on.

As we venture in further I pull out my Dewloura journal and take notes, recording anything of note. My camera is also at the ready, snapping pictures for the same reason. I notice some of the paintings are of landscapes. I snap photos with my phone, wanting to share the workload. Marron simply smiles as I do.

Dear, dear Aria. Child of Shyair.”

My eyes open wide, hearing the voice from last night. My gaze darts around, trying to locate its source, finding nothing. It’s the same voice, sounding very much like a grandfather calling for me. It's weird. I glance up to Marron. With everything that’s been going on, yeah, I’m not gonna tell. If I did, it’ll make her worry. So let’s keep it a secret for now.

I stare forward down the hall. I know Regulus can’t reach me here. According to everyone, no one even knows this place exists. Plus there’s the barrier shielding us from the world. So ignorance and invisibility, two powerful allies and protections. Plus there’s the fact he still thinks I’m back in America. So even better for me.

We turn down yet another hallway, going past the dining room. A couple minutes later, we come upon a large sitting room, probably no different than the parlor back home. Couches, tables and chairs are placed throughout the room. Further in I see a large set of windows with doors leading out onto sprawling veranda. I smile, that must be what Kateryna was talking about last night.

The more I gaze at it, the more I think Kateryna is right. It really would be a nice place to spend time with Kenji. Heh, be even better if were just the two of us. My face blushes softly as a thousand thoughts and fantasies run through my mind of just him and me alone together. Aside from that, this was would be an excellent place to come and relax later in the day.

Marron and I then turn and continue down the hallwayWe find more and more sitting rooms spread throughout the hallways, with even more corridors. This place really feels like a TARDIS. Just endless…everything.

I readjust my bag, feeling it slip slightly on my shoulder. Marron smiles, seeing me do this, “You don’t have to carry that with you wherever you go Aria. No one’s gonna steal it from you while you’re here.”

I smile, “I know, I’ll carry it regardless.”

She smirks, pulling me close to her, “Paranoid little fox.”

I giggle, and then feel Fenris brushing softly against me. I look over and rest my hand onto his mane, clinging to it. Again I am beyond grateful to have him with me. I dig my fingers into his fur, feeling it cooling to the touch. He lets out a soft grumble of satisfaction. I grin, now raking my fingers through his soft fur. Hmmm, might have to take a brush to his fur at some point, I think feeling a few knots with each pass. No mattes, I’m grateful for that.

“The more we walk,” says Marron, “the more I can’t get over this place.” Her head swivels around, “We are standing in a building that’s over a thousand years old and yet somehow it feels modern.”

I nod, still admiring the architecture. “It feels a bit like I’m back in Florence or even Rome.”

We turn down another hallway, watching as the stone walls now become wood paneling. The change creates a darker tone which absorbs the light. It actually makes the walk all the more relaxing and peaceful. I will forever love this type of walls.

She nods, “It’s like a lost piece of history, still intact after all this time. In some places it’s hard to describe the era in which this place was built. I do see elven influences, yet also more human touches.”

I take a long breath, letting it slowly, “It feels a bit like home.”

Marron wraps her arm around my shoulder, pulling me tightly against her. “Feeling homesick?”

I nod, “I am. I can’t help but think about it sometimes.”

She leans over and kisses the top of my head. “I hope to take you home one day. Not sure when it’ll happen, given what’s going on back there.”

I smile, clinging to her, “Thanks Marron. I’m grateful you’re with me.”

She lifts my face so that we’re now looking at each other, “And I am forever blessed that I am.”

I grin. She gives me another squeeze as we come to a fork in the corridor. We each peer down the opposing paths. Each hallway seems to mirror the other, endless. The one to the right seems well-lit while the other is somewhat darker.

Marron looks to me, “Wanna divide and conquer? Each taking a corridor?”

I nod, “I’ll take the dark and mysterious path. You go the safe route.”

She smirks, ruffling my hair, “Dramatic much you silly nut? And who’s saying a well-lit and open path isn’t dangerous?”

I giggle, “Just suggesting.”

She sighs and shakes her head, looking to me. “Why don’t we meet up the dining room in an hour? Maybe have something to eat.”

I nod, “Sounds good to me.”

We smile and then slowly slip from each other, heading down the opposite corridors. I peer back down to see her walking off. I take in a long deep breath, smiling, just loving that she’s here.

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