Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 22: Revision

I sit within the wolves’ den, relaxing with a book in hand.

A couple of weeks have passed me by. In that time, I’ve mastered Alcoran, now able to read and write it without difficulty. The bookcase in my room is starting to look more and more like the ones I have at home, filled to the brim with books and stacks of handwritten notes.

My time with the knights also has increased, while learning they only come to the main house to train on certain days of the week. So when they’re not there, I get to have the grounds to myself. That’s when Celestine and I train together.

I peer down, seeing two sleeping wolf pups as they lie within my tails. I smile, stroking their fur. Apart from reading, the pups and I spent the previous couple of hours playing with each other. We played the usual tag and chase games, but I also added in a couple with some little balls I created using ice magic. I giggled as I rolled the balls around, letting them catch them or introducing volleyball to the wolves.

I sigh softly. It’s been a day over three weeks since I first arrived in the past. In that time, this place really has started to feel like home to me. When it comes to my ancestors, I feel more and more at home with them. Celestine and I have definitely grown closer as sisters, with us each spending time talking and reading together.

Serasfall and I are equally growing closer. When not studying, I often will go to the Study and sit in there with her. She’s slowly becoming like a mother-figure to me, with her already treating me like her daughter.

I sigh softly.

There are times when I think If I’m going to be stuck here in the past forever. I wonder if I’m starting to getting too acclimated to being here. I haven’t left the estate since Celestine and I traveled to the crystal gardens. I almost want to head out again and explore the city.

I’ve also developed a routine which I follow. I eat with my ancestors, feeling no different than if I were born here. There have been nights when I stay up worrying about this.

I am grateful that I haven’t seen Orga and Kateryna in all this time. Even still, I have to remain vigilant.

I pan over to see Fenris and Athena sleeping together. I smile, thinking the pair really have grown close. As I watch them, I pull out my journal and begin jotting down my observations of the pair. I doubt anyone in the future has accurate accounts of Uldulvan wolves and I’ve been living with them for the past three weeks.

My ears flick as I hear footsteps approaching. I turn to see Serasfall walking towards me.

“Hey Serasfall,” I greet.

She smiles, “Hello, my dear Aria. When I didn’t find you in your room or the library, I figured you would be here.”

I grin, closing my journal. She steps closer, “Mind if I join you?”

I nod softly, gently scooting over as she sits beside me. She leans over and strokes Nelly as she sleeps. The pup stirs slightly, while burying herself deeper into my tails. I giggle quietly, peering over to her brother as he curls up into tighter against me, groaning.

I look up at the wolves as several sleep within the den. Shortly after I arrived, many went out to go hunting for the pack. We greeted each other and spoke for a few moments before they moved on.

“I’ve got a few questions about the wolves,” I start. “I was told they left a century ago, given when I am right now. I’m also curious about the Bond.”

She nods, still gently waving her hand over Nelly. “Most vanished on that dreadful day.” She looks up, “However the truth is they began to leave a century prior.”

Her face scans the den. “Each great house once possessed numerous packs, each distinct in their own right. Stories speak of the wild and glorious variations within the great packs, some stronger than others, while others more cunning and swift.”

She smiles, “Those were glorious days, days of splendor and majesty. Dewloura was a shining beacon of progress within the east, matched only by the great cities of the Ottomans, Rome, and Constantinople. Tales of glory in battle and songs of such beauty were sung of such times.”

I grin softly. I love hearing about the deep history of places, how what I know is but the tip of a massive iceberg. I’ve read many of the histories of the city, feeling that there are so much more hidden away. It’s become one of the biggest research projects I’ve ever undertaken.

Her smile then slowly fades. “Those days however began to end when the wolves started to leave.” I look at her, seeing a growing pain fill her eyes. “The reasons varied, one being the words of subjugation when some in the houses began to no longer see the wolves as equals.”

I nod, “Yep, I’ve heard those spoken,” peering up to Fenris, “pissed him off.”

She smiles slightly, “As they should. The truth is they never really worked, with the wolves often rebelling against them. Yet there is an account when they did. However, the attempt ended in utter failure, angering the wolves and offending them.”

Her expression then turns deeply sullen, “The greatest reason for the wolves’ departure was the day the other Great Houses broke the pact with the wolves.”

I continue stroking the pups. “I heard about it.”

She nods, “It was terrible act, one that tore at the very heart of the city. I suspect you heard of how the other houses grew spiteful and arrogant, correct?”

I nod.

Her expression darkens, appearing of more sullen. “The wolves would resist when met with subjugation. One house, out of sheer malice and spite, went so far as to murder a wolf when the words were spoken to it.”

My heart aches painfully as tears slowly to well up. I wipe them and look up to Fenris, “I’ve met the descendants of Drakthul and Laevatain. When I did, they used the words on him. When they spoke them, it actually hurt me. Not only that, they only served to piss him off.”

She sighs, shaking her head, “Utter nonsense. To use the words on the bonded wolf is not only shameful but abhorrent.” Serasfall then pans over to him. “Would you mind if I were to examine him?”

I tilt my head, but look to Fenris. My bonded’s head is already up. He nods slowly as he gently rises from his perch and softly trots over to us.

Serasfall smiles and rises to meet him. “I thank you kindly.”

He nods as she begins to look him over, stroking his fur and examining his body. My wolf remains still as she does. I watch as she pats his sides softly, seeing his ribcage move as he breathes.

“Nearly two meters in height, astonishing,” she says.

She walks around him, noting his tails and the shades of his fur. When she stands in front of him, she pulls out a small cylinder. “Would you please open your mouth?”

He does so. His gleaming, pearlescent fangs shine brightly in the light as another light emanates from the cylinder as she looks inside his mouth. I grin, remembering the quarterly checkups Lucayan would perform on him.

“Your bonded is in excellent health, my dear,” she says, turning off the light. He then closes his mouth.

I grin, “He had a good doctor.”

She smiles, looking over his fur. “I believe Fenris was born to the wild pack. I even daresay he is descended from one of the earliest packs to flee the city.” I nod slowly.

She then pulls out a small notebook and begins scribbling notes into it. I grin softly, thinking she and I really are alike. I do feel completely as ease whenever I’m near her. It’s like being with my mother, peaceful and loved.

I then bite the inside of my mouth hard before I delve even further. I know who I mother is. I sigh, staring down at my lap. Just thinking about her makes me miss her all the more.

The scribbling soon stops, “Thank you, Fenris.” He bows his head and then steps over to me, licking my face.

I giggle, stroking his. “Another clean bill of health, Papa Wolf.”

He smiles, “Always.” He then slowly and softly trots back over to Athena, settling in with her again. I giggle softly as I watch him.

Serasfall smiles and resumes her spot beside me. I feel her pulling me in closely to her, stroking my arm. “Now, to continue my tale. As you have guessed, the only packs to remain reside with our family. Now, a small number of wolves will return every few years. However they will only come to Shyair.”

I nod. Makes sense, either the wolves are trying to see if the city as changed for the better, or it may also be to help fight off inbreeding. These wolves are far more intelligent than I thought.

“With that said,” she continues, “when the wolves are of age, we are extremely selective in to where they go.”

“What about the ones I’ve seen in the city?”

She nods, “Some chose to leave and go with the other houses.” Her smile then returns, “Only for them to return on the odd occasion.”

She then looks to me, “Now you asked about the Bond. When the first wolves made contact with founding tribes of Dewloura, they did so by sensing a kinship with our ancient forebears. These first tribes were unique in this region, having seemingly gathered together out of some greater purpose or need.”

I nod, listening.

“According to legend,” she continues, “the first bonds were incredibly strong. So strong to the point where man and wolf were nearly indistinguishable in heart and soul. This allowed our ancient ancestors to flourish. With wisdom given by the wolves, the early leaders ruled justly and wisely.”

I listen as she holds me to her. My head swirls with ideas of what Dewloura used to be when it first started out.

“The defining trait of our line is our eyes,” she says. “It marks the deep and strong bond we have with the wolves. The specks of ice-blue are indicative of this. Centuries ago, the other houses also possessed the same eyes. Over time however, this faded as they began to drift away from the true meaning of the pact.”

She then peers into my eyes, “I can tell over the centuries that too became apparent in your family. However, upon your rebirth, this trait exploded to the forefront. Albeit it was hidden or muted for a time, until you were able to let go of your past life.”

I blush nodding. For the longest time, I still felt my old self present within me. I became Aria over time, slowly losing my connection to Clay. While I struggled with it for the next year, it finally came to an end when my old self sacrificed itself so I could call Mom. With that act, it unlocked the true traits within me. So now and forever more, I am Aria, a girl reborn into this world.

The day before I had to flee my home, Mom told when she created the necklace and the template for my new self, she had no idea such traits were buried within me. In fact, she really didn’t have a clue how different I’d become. I know I look like her in some part, but vastly different.

“Now returning to our topic, Shyair himself was particularly close to his wolf.” She smiles, “However, it is said he himself wasn’t human. Or so the legend goes.”

I tilt my head, not human? “Wait, I thought Nethune and Shyair were brothers. If Shyair wasn’t human according to the legend, then does that mean Nethune wasn’t either?”

She smiles, “Indeed, the pair were brothers. Born to the same family and birthed from the same mother. However, the legend states he was transformed at some point, becoming far more than he once was.”

I nod slightly as I listen, my free tails swishing around me.

She gazes at Fenris and then to me. “You and your bonded share a similarly strong bond,” smiling, “given my observations of you both.”

I smile and nod, stroking Nelly. Leto then shifts slightly on his impromptu bed. I grin, twirling my fingers through his soft fur. As I do, I sit there for a moment, trying to comprehend this.

So…if I’m getting this right, Shyair was like me? Born human, but gaining the ability to transform into other races, and ultimately becoming a true kitsune. I really hate coincidences, and I even further am disliking the idea of that I could say I’m perhaps his true heir or his second coming. F to that.

Serasfall looks down, seeing how comfortable the pups are. “You truly have a way with children, don’t you?”

I smirk, “You could say that. During the preparations for my coven’s winter festival, I was given the job of watching over the advance party’s kids. Holy little terrors they were. But I managed to wrangle most of them into line.”

I then stroke the pups’ faces. “Back home, I also played with a pair of kobold twins. We’d go around my home, playing games, I’d read to them, and I would also go to their home and help if needed.”

I giggle, “They also call me their big sister.” I peer off into the distance, recalling the night my home was first attacked, with the battle starting with Irina attempting to go after Luna when she wandered away from Kateryna.

She smiles, “Now, you said coven, which do you belong to?”

I grin with pride, “Colburn.”

She looks at me for a moment, then sighs, shaking her head. “Of course you do. I have known of their leaders, with one being a friend.”

I look up at her, “You know of Colburn? Not only that, you’ve met one of its leaders?”

She smiles, “Yes, indeed I have my dear girl.”

I smirk, then giggle, “Miriam scares even the Court of Mele’vari’o.”

She nods, “Of that I am quaintly aware of. We still receive updates from our counterpart in the west. Miriam cu Callen, a woman, despite being over 300 years old, frightens even dragons and vampires.”

I giggle, nodding, “That’s my Granny.”

She chuckles softly, stroking my hair. I instinctively lean over resting my head against her chest. She smiles, now stroking my shoulder.

“I speak truthfully when I say your presence here is a blessing,” she says softly. “You cannot even begin to imagine how happy your sister and I are to have you with us.”

I blush softly, nodding as I wrap a tail around her.

I feel her kissing the top of my head. “I also know your uncle and cousins are eager to see you again.”

I giggle, blushing even more. I’m still wrapping my head around the idea of calling them as such. Even more so, of them treating me as their actual cousin.

She then sighs, holding me closer. “Unfortunately, I still have yet found a way of sending you and Fenris home. Such magic is elusive if non-existent. Few ever dare of attempting to utilize time magic.”

I nod again, wrapping another tail around her. I know I have to remain patient, it’s a big reason while I delve so deeply into my studies and training. My knowledge of magic is growing, but there’s still so much that I don’t know. Also…I love to read, so that keeps me occupied.

I look up at her. She smiles, kissing my forehead. “Such a beautiful girl, not only in body but in heart. Your mother is blessed beyond measure to have a daughter such as you.”

My cheeks blush, as I then turn away.

“What’s wrong my darling?” asks Serasfall.

“My mom’s gone,” I say. “I… I saw her get stabbed through the back and watched her disappear in a bright light after she told me to leave.” Tears begin to form in my eyes, “I think she’s dead. I’ve been traveling with my sister in the future after we were able reconcile.”

She holds me even tighter to her body. “Oh my dear, dear girl. I did not mean to upset you,” she says, stroking my hair. Again she kisses the top of my head. “I am deeply sorry my girl.”

I smile softly, keeping my tails wrapped around her. “Thank you.”

She squeezes me tightly. “You that still have family though, and that is important. You now have us as well my child.”

I nod, still clinging to her. She smiles, wiping away my tears, and kissing the top of my head.

Serasfall gently unwraps my tails from her, placing them into my lap. She then rises, standing over me. “Dinner should be served soon, but come you are ready.”

I smile, looking up at her, “Thank you.”

She smiles and turns, leaving the den.

I sit there in the quiet, listening to the soft breathing of the pack as it sleeps. I smile softly, feeling the sleeping pups against me. I peer over to Fenris and Athena, again watching them together.

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