Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 23: Second Visit

Another day, another report.

I slip out of my room, having finished another report Serasfall assigned to me. I stretch my arms, groaning as my joints pop. Five hours behind a desk is nuts, even if the practice is second nature by this point.

As I head down the hallway, I hear voices echoing further in. I step out of the corridor, hearing the voices becoming even louder.

“I hope she’s around, Father,” says a girl.

“She is, my daughter. No doubt however busy with assignments from your aunt.”

I grin, knowing their sources. I peek out from behind a wall. “Hello, everyone.”

There I see Tyrion, along with his children. Yet now I see them with three other women. The first two appear in their mid-twenties, with the third being in her early forties. The group smiles to me.

“Hello, my niece,” says Tyrion. I smile to him. He smiles, “Aria, I would like for you to meet my wife Valera.”

The woman at his right smiles, “Hello, Aria. When my husband spoke of meeting you, I knew I had to come see you. It is a true pleasure to meet you at last my niece.”

I blush and smile, “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

I look back to Tyrion. He nods, “And these are my daughters-in-law. Standing with Galen is his wife, Sofia.” I smile and nod to her.

The woman in turn seems ready to burst over and scoop me up only to be held back by her husband. Sofia has deep brown hair with silver eyes, standing about as tall as Fenris. Very beautiful woman in my opinion.

“And with Darius is his wife, Ilia.”

I smile to her, clutching my books. Ilia is slightly shorter than her sister-in-law with sandy hair and teal eyes. Both women then break from their husbands and rush to me, pulling me into tight embraces.

“She is as small as Galen described,” says Sofia.

“And twice as cute,” add Ilia.

I blush deeply as they actually lift me off of the floor. “Such a pretty little doll,” adds Sofia. “I wish I could take you home with me.”

“We would have to share her, dear sister,” replies Ilia. “For I doubt I would let you have all of the fun.” My cheeks burn hot as the pair start to discuss outfits for me.

Two hands soon grab my shoulders and pull me from the pair’s grasp.

“I know you are excited to meet Aria,” I hear Celestine say. “But I ask you do not go too far and get carried away.”

Both women moan in defeat but smile. “Yes, dear cousin,” speaking in unison. They then wink to me.

I look up to my sister, smiling. “I’m guessing you knew they were coming?”

She smiles, “That I did, my sister. In fact, we have tea and coffee prepared and waiting for us on the eastern veranda.”

I smile, looking to the family before me. Veylana worms her way through her sisters and hugs me, “I’ve really wanted to see you again Aria. Our first meeting was far too short and I have truly wanted to talk with you.”

I grin, “Well, since you are here and snacks are made, I say let's.”

She smiles, yanking me away from Celestine and down the hall. Behind us I can hear everyone yelling at her. She simply grins and ignores them. I blush as she drags me off.

We sit on the veranda, with Galen, Darius, and Veylana all sitting with me at one table, and the sons’ wives with Celestine. Tyrion and his wife had since gone off to be with Serasfall.

As we sit around the table talking, the subjects range from history to current politics. Rather odd topics, especially about history. I learned Tyrion’s family has been increasingly involved in education, with Darius seeking a teaching position at the Veylana’s school. His brother on the other hand, holds rank within the military, mostly a company commander. However he’s often at home with his wife since the army is currently at home.

I peer over to see Fenris and Athena with my table’s wolves. I smile as the group seems to be having a lovely conversation. I then see my bonded sitting closer to Athena. Like within den, the pair seem happy together, and getting along rather well.

Galen looks to me, “Tell me, Aria, what is your opinion on the current state of the city?”

I look to him, “From what I’ve seen, granted only been out twice since I got here, is the city appears fine to me, although clean. Very clean in fact. I know cities in the rest of Europe are nothing but cesspools with some nothing more than dirt roads. I saw people sitting in cafés, sipping coffee. It feels no different than in my era.”

He nods, “I agree. We took to sanitation quickly, viewing the need for cleanliness to being paramount to stave off disease. So centuries ago, laws were passed in order for that very thing.”

“The city and surrounding lands also play host to trade guilds,” chimes Darius. “They are constantly taking in new recruits to train and send forth into the empire. That or citizens can choose military service, guard service, join the merchant guilds, or even the innumerous occupations within the city.”

I tilt my head, “That sounds way too perfect. Are you saying you don’t have poverty?”

He chuckles, “I will admit it does sound too perfect. However, we took a cue from Solomon of old and sought to build a better city and therefore nation. Our wealth grows through trade, agriculture, and mining. People live comfortably, from the lowest commoner and up to the nobility.”

I nod, then leans forward in my chair. “So we’ve been talking about history, and I know of the Ottomans. Have they been a problem in the last year?”

“Not in several months,” says Galen. “However, while I would prefer a classroom, I’d say it’s high time to march south. We could conquer the Ottomans if possible. I think it’s time to expand our borders.”

“I agree, brother,” says Darius. “However, the campaign would not be sustainable in the long term, given our need for more troops. I will admit that the army has been growing as of the past few years.”

I peer over to see Veylana curling up into her seat. “I do not wish for another war.” Tears begin to form in her eyes, “It’s only been a year and yet my heart still aches for when we lost Velkin and Belron.”

I stay quiet, thinking it’s not my place to interject.

Galen takes a sip of his drink. “If not a campaign against them to conquer, then why not simply march to retake Constantinople and restore it to what it truly should be?

I look to him, “Did Dewloura fight alongside the Byzantines?”

He looks to me, “That they did. We even created a second front in order to aid them. However this failed when incompetent leaders grew too greedy and led to a string of mishandled counter campaigns.”

I nod. There’s so much history I’m learning about, history lost in my time. History no doubt was altered when the city was sealed away.

“Now,” he continues, “We could now retake the city, albeit utilizing alternative methods.”

I smile softly, already thinking of few that might work against the Ottomans.

“No,” speaks up Veylana. “No more of this.”

Her brothers look to her. “Forgive us, sister,” says Galen. He then turns to me, “How have you been, dear cousin? I wager you are doing well?”

I grin, nodding, “I’m doing alright. Life here’s becoming more and more commonplace for me.” I peer over to the other table. “Celestine’s been a great sister to me and Serasfall’s been a wonderful-“

I stop quickly, not wanting to finish my sentence. I curl the edges of my skirt, biting back words I know I shouldn’t say.

The trio looks to me and smiles, with Veylana scooting closer to me.

“Celestine has always desired a younger sister,” says Darius. “I know without a doubt she is thrilled that you are hers.”

I blush deeper, wanting to curl up and hide away.

Galen takes a tip of tea. “As for us, we too are overjoyed that you are with us here. We cannot begin to tell you how happy we are to have a new cousin to love and cherish.”

My cheek blush even more. I look to him, “But I’m not even a part of your immediate family.”

He smiles, “It does not matter to us, Aria. Family, regardless of era, is still family.”

I look to his brother to see him smiling and nodding in agreement. Veylana pulls me close to her, hugging me tightly. I smile to all of them, having had this much family in a long time. I know Arnold and his family is still around in future, but I haven’t spoken to them in years. Plus…I’m not the same person I used to be. Who they used to know is long gone. I sigh, wondering how they are doing.

Darius then looks to me, “Celestine spoke of you assuming a different form. One resembling a fox?”

I look over to her, seeing her grinning. I blush, shaking my head. “Well…let me correct my sister in saying I don’t assume anything. It’s who I truly am.”

The trio look sat me curiously. I smile as nine pinkish tails emerge from behind me, along with hair and ears becoming larger and moving upwards.

Everyone on the veranda stares at me, watching as my tails swish around. Their eyes become filled with wonder and amazement. I giggle softly, blushing.

“What…what are you?” asks Galen.

I nod, as I begin to give them a brief description as a kitsune. They smile as they listen, clearly seeing how happy I am to explain it and also to be into this form. I peer over to see Veylana wanting to reach for my tails. I grin, placing one into hands. She grins as she strokes it, causing me to blush.

I look to them, “Whenever I’m with the pups in the den or I have them with me at night, I often transform and let them curl up within my tails.”

Veylana smiles, “I wager they love doing so.”

I grin, nodding, “They do.” I chuckle, “Several of the wolves say I look better with tails.”

Her grin broadens, “I agree. I only wish you could show this within the city.”

I sigh, slumping into my seat. “I have the same problem in the future. There I can only openly be in this form in a couple places, home and in Japan.”

My ears flick as the sound of chairs screeching across the tiling is heard. I look up to see Ilia and Sofia sitting at our table. I blush softly.

“Have you traveled, Aria?” asks Ilia. “Granted you traveled here from the future, but surely you have been to other places.”

I grin softly, “I have. I’ve been to England, France, granted only to where the Court resides. Florence and Rome.”

“What of this ‘Japan’?” asks Sofia. “Where do those lands lie?”

I smile warmly, “Far to the east, even further than China.” I gaze up into the sky, “There is a small village along the east coast which I called home for a time. Its people took me in as their own, even had me recognized as a full resident.”

I blush, thinking of Hashibaba, Chinjaro-san, all of my friends, and my aunts. Finally my thoughts turn to Kenji. While I know he’s training hard, I do miss him.

I smile, “One more place I’ve traveled around is my home country.”

My thoughts quickly turn to home. My gaze droops slightly as I stare aimlessly towards my skirt. For me it’s been almost two months since I was rocketed into Japan. While my time there was incredible, able to reconnect with family and friends, healing wounds both seen and seen, it still stings that I haven’t seen any of my coven since September.

“Where is your home country?”

I look up, seeing Sofia looking at me. I smile, wondering if Celestine and Serasfall left this detail out from them. “I’m from what this era calls the New World.”

Everyone’s eyes grow large with mouths agape. I giggle, curling my tails around me.

“Please tell us of it,” says Ilia. “We’ve only heard strange and wild tales from whenever traders arrive.”

I smirk, “Okay then.”

I spend the next two hours regaling the country, speaking of vast open plains, sprawling forests, mighty rivers, and mountains which rise up in each part of the country. I grin, telling of massive cities, made of glass and steel, of peoples who come from all over the world to be a part of it.

My cousins soon bombard me with questions about the people and which rumors and tales spoken of were true. I tilt my head at the more outlandish rumors, wondering what the explorers and early settlers were really encountering when they arrived. Even in my time, I still learned of those early accounts.

“We heard the land is filled with gold, mountains and mountains of it,” says Veylana.

I lean back into my seat, “Not going there. I will say gold is plentiful beyond measure. However, I detest the Spanish entirely for their actions in the southern continent and especially Hernan De Soto. All of them were butchers, arriving in at first as explorers, some as guests only to turn off their hosts when they didn’t get what they wanted. If I could, I would’ve loved to march into the Spanish court and tell off the king for his men’s actions. Not to mention destroying priceless and vast knowledge the people had acquired and recorded.”

I sigh and groan, “Spain was the worst.”

Galen quickly throws up his hands. “Enough please, we understand.”

I nod.

“Can you tell us more of your homeland?” asks Darius, changing the subject. “Given you are here with us now, there must be reason you are so far from home.”

I look to him, then away. “I’ve been in exile from my home. Not through anything I did, but through the actions of others. I’ve been fighting in several battles, first at home, and then elsewhere.” I wrap my arms around me tightly. “The first couple of months were the worst. Driven away from friends and forced into hiding. I’ve been driven to the brink several times.”

Tears begin to well up in my eyes, feeling my heart aching as memories of home, the Ranch, and hiding away until I found Marron resurface. I never slipped into a deep depression, with only chores, training, and studying keeping my mind focused. Darkness nearly destroyed me.

I soon feel hands and arms surrounding me, pressing tightly against my tiny frame. I look up to see my cousins all gathered around me. Someone then kisses the top of my head. I peer up to see Celestine hovering over me, smiling warmly. I smile up at her, blushing softly.

“Thank you,” I say, then looking to everyone, “to all of you.”

They smile, hugging me tightly.

The day wears on and night falls. We adjourn to a dining room for dinner. The long table easily seats all ten of us with room to spare. Food of all kinds are brought forth. My nose is abuzz with the differing smells of grilled meats and baked vegetables. Cheeses of so many varieties are laid before me, some I’ve never even seen before.

The parents sit near the head of the table with the rest of us further down. I look around at everyone. I can’t even begin to remember being around this much family before. Not even during my birthdays has this happened. Nine total of cousins, an aunt, an uncle, a sister and…

I sigh softly.

I know Serasfall has been incredible to me, treating me and loving me as her own, and I love her in return. I just can’t close that gap. Kin is still kin, and I have it in abundance of blood kin surrounding me.

The conversation then begins to turn towards news of the imperial court. Rumors abound of war, although they are quiet and often dismissed as only such, for now at least. I peer over to Galen and Darius, recalling the conversation from earlier. I also learn that both houses are vying for favor with Nethune, jockeying for position. In some ways I’m getting a Game of Thrones vibe from the conversation.

I peer over to Valera and her daughters-in-law. All three women smile to me.

Ilia leans over, “Do you enjoy shopping, Aria?”

I look over to her and grin softly, “I do.”

She grins, “Well, there are some lovely shops on the second and first tiers. Traders and merchants come from all over the region to sell clothing. Several dressmakers even arrived from Florence and as far flung as Paris to make dresses.”

I smile, “I’d like to see their shops at some point.”

“We would be more than happy to take you with us,” chimes Sofia.

I grin, “Thank you.” Both women smile.

“Aria,” says Valera, “Serasfall spoke of you visiting our mirror in France. Have you any tidings of late.”

I lean back in my seat. “Well…obviously not of this era. But in mine, let’s just say my interactions haven’t always been the best. Although that’s only with a handful. Several others are dear friends.”

She nods, “I have considered traveling to France in order to convene with them myself. Admittedly however, I do not like the idea of being so far from home.”

I nod, “I know the feeling.”

I lean my head against my chair, staring up at the ceiling.

The conversation with the parents then turns as Valera and Tyrion discuss the movements of the other houses. Drakthul is still ramping up the training of the army with Laevatain supplying new mages. Are they really gearing for war?

I look over to Serasfall, who smiles to me. Her eyes portray a “don’t-worry-yourself” vibe. I smile in return, nodding.

I look back to our side of the table as everyone else continues to talk. I somewhat lean into Celestine. I smile softly, feeling her pulling me into her. I sigh softly, feeling out of sorts. I know this isn’t my era, so I have little to contribute in terms of current gossip or news. With that said, I simply choose to listen.

After a time we adjourn to a parlor for coffee and sweets.

The sound of the grandfather chimes loudly, booming in the room. I look over to see that it’s past 10:00. The day really slipped past didn’t it?

"It would appear our day together has come to a close,” says Tyrion. We all nod.

Serasfall looks to me. “Why don’t we see your uncle and his family out?” I nod and we rise from our seats.

During the walk, Veylana and her brothers stay close to me, with Darius leaning over.

“If you are ever near the citadel,” he says, “you are more than welcome to do so.”

Veylana hugs me tightly, “I agree. I’d love to take to so many places there.” I pan over to her sisters-in-law, recalling their offer.

“We indeed could take you around the city if you wish,” says Galen. “We want to spend more time with our little cousin.”

I blush nodding.

When we approach the side gate, I see a carriage and the crystal-lit path leading down into the forest. My cousins’ wolves are all standing there along with Fenris, Athena and Rhea. I look over to my bonded as he still appears to be talking to them.

We walk over to a waiting carriage, with a servant opening the door. I soon find myself being pulled into a group hug. I look up and blush, seeing my cousins looking at me.

“Until next we meet Aria,” says Galen.

I nod, “Till then.”

“I wish to spar with you if given the chance,” says Darius.

I giggle, “Name the time and place.”

He smiles brightly.

I look over to Veylana who hugs me even tighter. “I hope to come back and see you. Alas school keeps me busy.”

I grin. “I’d like that Veylana. Maybe at some point I’ll come and see you guys.”

All three smile and slowly release me, walking over to their wolves. I turn to see Tyrion and his wife walking over.

“It was good seeing you again my niece,” he says. “If you do come and visit us, you can spend the night at the residence. We have plenty of room for you.”

“Thank you,” I smile.

“I agree my little niece,” adds Valera. “I know my daughters and I would be thrilled to take you around. Not to mention if you do visit us, you can give your poor sister and her mother needed time away from you.”

I blush and roll my eyes. I peer over to Celestine who looks slightly offended at that.

“Auntie!” she says, sounding exasperated.

Valera chuckles, “It was merely a jest my dear.” Celestine groans and sighs.

Valera looks to me, as Sofia and Ilia also surround me. All three women hug me tightly.

“Until next time, sweet Aria,” says Ilia.

“Be a good girl for your sister and her mother,” says Sofia.

I smile and blush, “I will, and I’m not a child.”

They chuckle and release me, heading for the carriage. I watch as Tyrion follows suit. As the door shuts, it turns and rolls out of the courtyard, disappearing into the darkness of the forest.

I stand there for a moment, watching as the gates shut and lock down tightly. I feel someone taking my hand. I blush, looking up to see Celestine beside me. She smiles warmly as the moonlight and light from the crystals within the courtyard glow softly. It gives her an ethereal appearance. I blush even more, feeling my tails swishing against the tiling.

“Did you have fun my sister?” she asks.

I nod, “It was great seeing them again. This time with all of them.” I peer back towards the gate. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been surrounded by so much family.”

She smiles, tightening her grip. “I am glad to hear that. I know for certain our aunt and her daughters-in-law were more than thrilled to finally meet you.”

I giggle softly, “It was nice.”

She leans over and kisses the top of my head. “Would you like something before bed?”

I smile, nodding up at her.

She grins and gently leads me back into the manor.

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