Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 21: First Session

I hear the alarm going off on my phone, quickly yet still somewhat half asleep I slip out of bed to turn it off. I flip on the light over my desk, looking over to my window see it was still dark outside.

Hehe yep, I managed to set my alarm even while in the past. It took me awhile to set the clock on the phone without the use of satellites. Once I did however, I can now use it as a clock once more.

The big reason why I had it set is due to me wanting a change of pace. Studying Alcoran and Dewlouran history has really been fun, but I’ve been dying to start training again. Yep, no matter where I am, not even the fact I’m the past will deter me from training and improving myself physically.

I also placed it on my desk, keeping it far away as possible from me. It’s still an old trick I used to wake me up even more. With that first task done I turn to find a single-piece outfit hanging from my wardrobe.

I smile, walking over to it. It looks similar to a soft grey one-piece short sleeve diving suit only with a scale-like texture and padding around the chest. This gives it a more armored appearance. I smile also seeing a pair of shorty shorts. I giggle softly, knowing this was what Serasfall had gleamed from my phone.

I pull off my nightgown and slip on the outfit, finding it both flexible and sturdy. Even the chestplate, which is slightly darker in color, feels similar to a sports bra. I blush as I finish putting on the shorts. I smile, looking myself over. I then see a pair of knee-high boots which have thin sheets of armor on the front covering the laces.

I grin, wow, you really took to my pictures for inspiration didn’t you?

I pick them up and wander back over to my desk and pick up my bag, rummaging through it. I smile, finding both of my Han Kote along with my bokken. I soon find the hilts of my broken swords, sighing sorrowfully.

I pull out the kodachi, stroking it, still remembering my last battle with Diana, in how she not only broke it, but also my dragon sword I received from Silvi. I still deeply cherish both, but for the moment, I can’t really do anything with them.

Right before I left Japan, I took them both to the shrine. There I had the head priest purify the felfire taint still residing within them. So now I don’t have anything possibly giving me any trouble or negative vibes. I sigh, gently sliding both swords back into my bag and retrieve my gauntlets.

As I hold them I smile, silently thanking my aunts once more for making these for me. The first really was a boon for me and now with a second, I’m even more grateful for it. I smile again, retrieving my bokken and head out into the hall.

I quietly stroll through the corridors, not wanting to wake anyone up. It’s a major reason why I haven’t put on my boots. While I am a light stepper, boots would negate that trait easily.

Stepping past another corridor, I am met be Fenris. I smile looking to him. “You didn’t come back after last night,” I whisper, grinning. “Have any fun?”

He glares into me, “That is none of your business, little Aria.”

My grin widens into more of a Cheshire, giggling softly. “Any who, I’m heading to the training grounds, wanna come with?”

He smiles, bobbing his head. I smile and we both head back down corridor.

We exit out onto the terrace overlooking the training grounds and the forest beyond. The sky is already starting to turn from a deep, blackish-blue into a brighter white as the sun rises in the east. A gentle, chilled breeze whips around me, catching and stinging against my exposed skin. I smile however, always loving this feeling.

We hop down the stairs and find a bench under a tree. Fenris lies down by the bench as I place my boots on the ground with my Han Kote and walk out into the center of the stone grounds. My bare feet slap quietly on the stone tiles, feeling cold and rough with each step. I slip on my Han Kote one at a time, shifting each one until they feel right.

Arriving at its heart, I take a deep breath and transform for the first time outside. My tails swish and scrape against the tiling, sending little shivers up my spine. I grin, also loving this feeling. Another breeze catches my ears, sending another shiver into me. I giggle softly before settling down, pulling out a long ribbon and tie back my hair into a high ponytail.

I close my eyes, taking in long, slow breaths, steadying my heart and mind. After a few quiet moments, begin to slip into my tai chi forms, waving my hands through the air like water, calming stepping and sliding my feet around, moving from one stance to the next. My tails fly through the air, catching wisps of wind along the way.

In a way, I feel like I’m dancing, slipping into more of a ballerina mindset rather than a warrior. In the end, I blend both states of mind as I warm up.

I soon summon my bokken and begin to run through my dragon katas, adding my sword drills into the mix. My movements are coarse yet smooth, gentle yet powerful. I twirl through the air, landing on one foot only to move onto the next as I move from one kata to the next. My tails again, fly and splay around me, acting as both rudders and stabilizers as my speed ramps up.

My movements have always been described as acrobatic, and not only due to me being a kitsune. Having also trained with Orga and Kateryna during our time at the Ranch, even further pushed my abilities. My agility training of not only by an elf and her husband, but earlier by a kitsune, allowed me to merge those philosophies into a brand new style for myself.

I smile as I now run through the fourth kata as well as my third sword drill. My sword glides through the air while I feel my body burning with life. I smile, loving the full return of this sensation. I find myself slipping into a state of Zen the further I progress, while also desiring to run through the forest as I did in Japan and home.

As I finish my fifth kata, my Zen state is broken as the sound of hands clapping echoes around me. I quickly stop to discover that my session has garnered an audience, namely Serasfall’s knights. I blush deeply, curling my tails around me.

“You truly looked beautiful my Lady,” says one of them. “You twirled through the air with such grace, it was awe-inspiring.”

“We never realized you weren’t truly human my Lady,” says another, panning over to see its source as Norick. “This form of yours is beautiful.”

I smile sheepishly as I slowly revert to my human.

He quickly raises his hand, “Please my Lady, there is no need to change back on our account.” He then smiles, “It is good to see you in your true form.”

My cheeks blush even more, “So…you don’t mind me being in this form?”

He smiles warmly, “Not at all. I believe I speak for all of us when I say you should remain as you are.”

I nod slowly, looking to everyone, seeing Kayle her brimming with anticipation. I grin, seeing Anarius beside her, seemingly sharing this opinion. I then see Piotr gazing at me, his eyes seems to glint with something, admiration perhaps? Or is it something more?

“What sort of weapon are you wielding my Lady?” asks another knight.

I hold up my bokken and smile, “This is a bokken, a wooden training sword. Its shape and density match another weapon I wield called a kodachi, or short sword.” They nod slowly. I grin, twirling it around before resting it behind my back.

I look to them, “Remember when I said I’d like to spar with y’all?” The knights all nod.

I take a breath and exhale. “Well, since y’all are here, and this may sound a little arrogant or conceded of me, but I would like to earn your respect. Not simply because I’m Serasfall’s ward.” I shift my tails a little, “I want to also have openness between us.”

The knights are taken aback, appearing slightly confused.

As you wish, my Lady,” they say bowing.

I smile, using one of my tails to summon my boots, putting them on. I then sidestep back into the center of the ring. After a few moments of waiting, and the sounds of arguing, three knights step forward into the ring; Kayle, Anarius, and Piotr. I smile, tapping the back of my bokken against my arm.

The knights then summon their weapons from the gauntlets on their arms. Kayle draws forth a spear; its blade is broad, possibly four or five inches across and a foot long. Piotr sports twin short swords, twirling them around until he holds them like I do. I smirk slightly at that. Finally Anarius is now wielding twin small bladed shields. Each is a foot across, tapering down slightly to a point.

As I look at them, they all share one singular trait. Each weapon has a blue crystal at the core. I smile, again seeing what Kateryna told me is true. I still would like to see how they’re made.

I slide my foot back, looking to them. “What are the rules of combat?” I ask.

Norick smiles, “A combatant is deemed out if they yield. As for injuries, nothing beyond small cuts and bruises. When one yields, the match is on hold until they leave.”

I nod. During my training with Orga and Kateryna, we used the same rules. Healing afterwards was a real pain, something even Evie and Jon were getting annoyed with us at times.

I pan over to Fenris, smiling. “I know you want to join in. If you want to, you can.” He nods slowly yet remains lying under the tree.

I smile and turn back towards the knights, watching as they slowly encircle me. I close my eyes, taking a long and deep breath, centering myself once more. I slowly open them, “Begin.”

All three charge at me. Kayle thrusts her spear at me, with Piotr leaping into the air. My ears flick as he grunts, slashing down with them. Anarius thrusts his shields towards me.

I twirl and duck from the thrust, leaping into the air as I blind Anarius with my tails, clashing my bokken with Piotr’s swords, batting them away. All three look on in shock as I sail through the air over the shaft of Kayle’s spear.

Piotr flips slightly before recovering and lands, spinning around to slice at me. I land on my right foot, delivering a kick to Kayle’s temple while also slashing upwards at Anarius. I hold up my left arm and grab Piotr, using his momentum to again move him away.

My kick is met with a block as Kayle raises her spear to counter it. Anarius blocks my strike with his shields, staggering my motion for a brief moment. Piotr slammed the pummel of one of his swords into my stomach, hoping to connect.

I take a breath and force my body to move just in time to miss his strike while wrapping my tails around Kayle and Anarius, yanking them into each other. I land one foot onto the ground and twirl again, only to discover Piotr slashing at me with his swords. I hold up my bokken, catching his strikes, angling them so they fall away.

I grin, feeling the intention and feelings of the knights. They’re honest, yet slightly nervous. Can’t say I blame them. They’re facing off against a sixteen-year old girl who is tiny when compared to them. I kick away from them, leaping and twirling as Kayle again thrusts with her spear, nearly catching the ends of my hair. I counter by flipping back, landing a kick to her chin, sending her flying back.

Anarius tries to grab me again, feinting with his right hand before bringing his left around, trying to backhand me. I tap the ground with my tails as I leap back to dodge, wrapping them around his legs to trip him. The man quickly losses his balance, falling to the floor.

Piotr comes from my left and delivers a savage uppercut to my abdomen, causing to me cough up my breath. I quickly recover as I leap into him, flipping forward and wrapping my leg around him. I jerk my body to the left, using the momentum to flip him into the air, and into the floor.

I leap back to see Kayle charging towards me, spinning her spear around from front to back. I smile as she then swipes it across, sending up a dust plume. When it settles, she discovers nothing there.

“SHE’S ON YOUR BLADE KAYLE!!” shouts Norick.

She turns to indeed find me there, balancing on it. She smirks and twists her weapon, causing me to drop. I land on the ground and now charge at her, slashing my weapon at her. She counters each blow, thrusting hers at me. My ears flick again, as Anarius charges at me. I dip away as tries to punch at me. I catch his hand and leap up, landing another kick to Kayle, this time connecting.

She falls back slightly and out of the way. I turn my attention back towards Anarius. I land and charge at him, leaping and slashing at him. He smiles and bats away my attack, leaving my back exposed. I quickly turn on my heel just as he’s about the deliver a blow to my head. I again catch his hand, delivering a heel kick to his face only to be blocked by his shield.

I twirl in air, clicking my tongue. Yep…he’s got to go.

I land again, just as Piotr remerges from behind, slashing down at me. I spin and meet his blows. His strikes seem like a blur, alternating between slashes and thrusts. I dodge or counter each attack with sword and gauntlet, watching as his attack glance off of the plates. When one of his attacks misses, I wrap a tail around his head and pull him forward, driving my knee into his face. The knight bounces off of my knee, spattering blood through the air.

As he falls back, I return my attention to the shield knight and charge at him. I leap into the air and kick at him. He dodges as he holds up his shields. I flick my tails, allowing me to change my direction to kick through his shields, landing square on his face. The knight staggers as his shields fall away.

While still in midair, I twirl and land a kick to his stomach, knocking the wind from him. As he falls forward, I swing around and deliver a blow to the back his knee with my sword, forcing him down.

I leap back and hold up my sword to him, ready to strike. He smiles, looking to me, “I yield my Lady.”

I smile, nodding as I watch him stand and exit the ring. I nod and turn back the remaining two. They smile and resume, charging at me.

Another thirty seconds pass and Kayle knocks me back, followed by Piotr. His slashes again are a blur, seemingly with no end. I dodge and parry each with bokken and gauntlets. His strikes are heavy, yet nowhere near the same as Orga. Granted both utilize very different weapons.

I scan the area, finding the pillars which line the ring. I leap back and run towards them. Kayle and Piotr pursue after me. I grin, leaping onto the one just as Kayle gets close. I run up it for a few feet and kick off, twirling through the air and kick her into it. Piotr follows behind.

I pan up to see him. As he nears me, I leap over his head, wrapping my tails around him. I spin in the air, carrying him with me, hurtling him into the floor once again. I crouch low as I land, tails flared outward, and feeling the urge to summon kitsune-bi but fights it back.

He coughs and looks to me as I let go of him. He smiles, “I yield my Lady.” He then stands and quietly leaves the ring.

I look back the Kayle who is smiling to me. I grin and launch myself at her.

Sword and spear clash, flying through the air. Her attacks are even heavier than Piotr’s yet they’re even swifter. I dodge and weave through her assaults, countering with my own. We smile to each other, flipping and twirling about the ring. It’s like a dance, only with weapons, one of which can actually kill me if I don’t remain on guard at all times.

While my barrier, having erected from the onset, is still holding, yet the physical pain is mounting. Throughout this bout, I have pushed myself harder than when I sparred with my knights. Granted, sparring sessions are nowhere near in-comparison to actual combat, something I have plenty of experience in. But here, it’s heavy and just as real.

I’m also starting to get the impression her weapon is somehow able to negate it. I push the notion aside and continue to fight. My arms feel numb as do my palms, feeling every pain from blocking attacks.

At one point she knocks me back, forcing me to land funny on my legs. The pain shoots straight up and forces me to the floor. I look just as Kayle is set to charge and hold up my hands.

“I yield.”

She smiles and walks over to me, sheathing her weapon. The knight then holds out her hand to me, which I gladly take. I am then hurled back onto my feet.

Around us we hear the sounds of hands clapping. I turn to see the knights all smiling and cheering. I blush softly as I look on. They soon rush to me and begin to compliment on the bout, while also leveling criticisms on my fighting style and actions. I giggle, listening to them but also explain my training to them, helping to clarify some of what they saw. They nod as we continue.

Kayle smiles to me, “I truly have never fought someone like you.”

I grin mischievously, “There is no one like me.”

She laughs, “Boisterous little fox.” I giggle. She smiles softly, looking a bit more concerned. “Your blade also carries a deep pain, while bested, remains.”

I sigh, nodding, “I do.”

The knights then part as I see Serasfall and Celestine standing with their wolves along with Fenris. I blush, forgetting that I hadn’t changed back. I nod to the knights as I sheepishly walk over to them. I look back to see knights go and begin their session with several still talking about the match.

I look up to Serasfall, tails swishing low at my feet, having also completely forgotten about what Rhea said.

Serasfall smiles to me, “You are absolutely marvelous Aria. If I ever wanted to see a kitsune in action, then I most certainly am glad I had the opportunity with you.”

I smile nervously, “Thanks. When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago,” says Celestine. “According to Norick, we arrived just shortly after your match began. And I must say my sister, I too am impressed.” I giggle again.

I sigh looking away. “Sorry.”

Serasfall smiles, shaking her head, “Don’t be my girl. What Rhea said was merely a suggestion.” She lifts my chin up to face her, “If you wish to train as a kitsune then you may.”

I smile in return, “Yes ma’am.”

I look over to Rhea who smiles warmly to me. “You did well, little Aria.” I grin, nodding.

I look back to the knights as they soon begin their drills.

“We would be honored if you would join us Lady Aria,” says Norick.

I look up to him and smile, “Thank you.”

“Would like for me to train with you?” asks Celestine.

I grin, “Only if you can keep up with me.”

She leans in and flicks my nose, “Bratty little fox.”

I giggle. Again, this feels so familiar to me. Her tone, actions, and all the same feelings I get like in front of Marron. Why?

Serasfall chuckles, “You better hurry my dear. They’re set to begin.”

I nod, “Oh, thanks for the outfit.”

She smiles, “You are most welcome Aria.”

I smile and run off to the knights, followed by Celestine.

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