Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 20: Extended Family

I roll my neck as I sit at my desk. The joints roll and snap, releasing the pent-up pressure. I stare back down at my desk, seeing two open books and a pair of papers lying before me.

I glance up the bookcase to my right, seeing it slowly filling with books from the library. Books I’m gonna need to return at some point. I sigh, yet then smile, thinking how quickly I’m grasping not only Alcoran, but also the history of Dewloura. I giggle softly, for the two books in front of me are in fact history books.

I lean back in my chair, still the ever-consummate student, having yet again found an equally eager teacher.


I pan back towards my door, “Come in.”

The door opens, revealing a maid. “Forgive my disturbance, Lady Aria, but Her Grace wishes to see you.”

I nod, bookmarking my place and tidy up the ever-growing pile of papers on my desk. Once I’m satisfied with my work, I rise from my desk and follows after the maid.

We stroll through the corridors, feeling the soft warmth of the sun as it pours through the windows. I grin softly, knowing it was a great idea to leave out the solar charger. For the past week, starting with my trip to the crystals gardens, I’ve been a bit bolder with using not only my phone to take pictures, but also my camera.

I have pictures and even some video recordings of the estate. Heh, archeologists eat your heart out digging in the dirt and only to speculate. I have the real deal being in the past.

Putting my gloating aside, I do still sneak pictures of my ancestors when they’re not looking. The pups seem to be mesmerized as I have them sit still for me. Their parents and the rest of the pack seem equally interested. So…more pictures will be taken. I do still want to go back into the city and take even more.

We near the end of the hallway to where the maid directs me towards the study. I smile and thank her, watching the maid leave. I look back at the doors and knock on them.

“Come in, Aria,” I hear Serasfall say from the other side.

I rest my hand on the handle and push down. As I walk inside and see Serasfall sitting on the couch facing the door, I also see four people sitting across and around her. A man and a young girl maybe a couple years older than me, both sit on the couch in front of her. Sitting by the fireplace in the chairs are two men, both in their late-twenties, early-thirties.

All four turn and look to me. I feel slightly sheepish, wondering if this is going to be Beltrok and his kids all over again.

Serasfall smiles to me, “Aria, these are more of our family who reside within the residence.”

I look at the man, blinking softly. My mind clicks, he’s Celestine’s uncle.

The man smiles and rises from the couch, walking towards me. “Hello Aria. I am Tyrion Keshar Shyair, Serasfall’s brother-in-law.”

I bow my head. I pan over to see Serasfall smiling. I look back to him, “So I’m…guessing Serasfall told you about who I am?”

He smiles, “She has, and you no doubt feel nervous having more know of this truth.”

I sigh, nodding, “Yes sir.”

“Fear not, my dear,” he continues. “In truth, I have wanted to meet you after Celestine visited the residence last week.”

Again I nod slowly. Too much…too much, Serasfall!!! Or was her asking me to go with also part of her plan back then?

The man smiles, turning to face the others. “I would also like to introduce my children to you.”

I pan around him again to see all three smiling to me. “I have my sons, Darius, my eldest. His younger brother Galen. And finally my daughter Veylana.”

I nod to them. Darius look very much like a younger version of his father, only with slightly darker hair. Galen is shorter than his brother, yet more athletic in build. Veylana even being at least ten feet from her, I can tell is at least a few inches taller than me with braided hair resting against her back.

“I heard we had company,” says Celestine as she walks in from behind me. “Hello Uncle,” she greets as she drapes her arms around me, “I see you have already been properly introduced to my little sister.”

The four look on in shock, looking over to Serasfall. She smiles, “I have not adopted her. Celestine merely claimed her as her sister.” The group looks back to us both. I blush softly as Celestine holds me closer to her.

Tyrion sighs, yet smiles to us, “Our family grows yet again.” His children smile brightly, then rise from their chairs and walk over to me.

I soon find myself surrounded completely by people. Never really been that big of an issue for me. But right now I’m feeling a little crowded. I hold onto Celestine who sees this and smiles.

“Why don’t we let her venture a little deeper into the study?” she suggests. “Crowding her isn’t a good way to first meet her.”

They smile and step back a few paces, followed by Celestine and me. Tyrion’s children then smile to me. “You truly come from the future?” asks Darius.

I nod, “I do.”

He smiles, “I hope you can tell us about it.”

I cling to Celestine, “You know the ironclad rule of time-travel. You’re not supposed to reveal future events.”

He chuckles, “No, no, that we are fully aware of and would dare not ask such questions. No, we would very much like to hear of your home. Auntie even spoke of you traveling to different parts of the world.”

I grin, “Now that I’d love to discuss with you.” He grins, folding his arms.

His brother Galen smiles looking at me, “She’s really small. It’s as though I am staring at a little doll.”

His brother looks at me for a moment. “I agree. I think if we were dress her as one, we could easily place her onto a shelf with others.” He then peers towards his sister. “She would be perfect for your collection.”

A nerve in my temple twitches, remembering how both Irina and Drakon referred to me as a “little doll”. I sigh, softly, choosing to ignore it.

“Darius, Galen,” snaps Veylana. “That’s rude and you both should know better.” She looks to me, “I hope you can forgive them,” she says. “They do mean well.”

I smile, “Thank you. If I have to be honest, I’ve been called far worse.”

She smiles, taking my hand, “It’s so good to have more family. Not to mention someone younger than me to steer the torment of my brothers.”

Hey wait a second; first you scold them for calling me a little doll, now you’re welcoming another to be their target? Wow, that’s a bit cold-hearted.

She chuckles, “I’m merely joking with you.”

I roll my eyes, “Sure you were.”

She bursts into laughter. “Oh, I like her.” I smirk.

Behind us I hear the soft, yet heavy, padding of feet. I turn to see Fenris walk into the study along with Rhea and Athena. I smile to him, “Hey, Papa Wolf.”

He smiles stepping next to me and Celestine, nuzzling my face, “Hello, little Aria.” I giggle softly, stroking him. He groans softly, swishing his tails. “We sensed others were here and came to see who had come.”

The four in front of me stare on in even greater shock.

“He…he’s a black,” says Tyrion. His children look to him and then to me.

I grin, “He’s my bonded.” Their eyes grow even larger. They then look to each other.

“A wolf of change,” says Darius.

“But what change does he harbor?” asks Galen.

Veylana looks to her father who stares at her.

I cling to Fenris, feeling nervous again.

Tyrion finally breaks free of his shock and turns back to Fenris, “Greetings, my lord.”

His children follow suit, and bow their heads to him. Fenris smiles, bowing his head to them. “Hello to you all.”

Tyrion smiles and turns to his children, “Now I would very much like to speak with Aria alone.”

All three groan in protest. “Father,” says Darius. “When we arrived, the three us had the idea to take Aria out into the city.”

“I wanted to take her to several of my favorite boutiques,” chimes Veylana.

“All you care about is either shopping or fraternizing with boys your age,” retorts Galen.

I giggle, a girl in the past after my own heart.

“Even still,” she replies.

Their father looks to them. “Lest you forget I wished to come on my own. You merely bullied me into coming. However my time with her takes precedence.”

He then looks to me, “Besides, she is not going anywhere soon. You will have another chance to be with her.”

All three sigh in relent. “Yes Father,” they say in unison.

They then look to me. “We shall see you later, Aria,” says Darius..

“Until later,” adds Galen.

“I really wanted to show you around the city,” says Veylana.

I smile, “Until then.”

Celestine leans over, giving me a soft squeeze. “You need not worry, my sister. Besides, Fenris shall be at your side.”

I smile, “Thanks Celestine.” She smiles, kissing the top of my head before letting me go.

“Now, come you three, we have much to talk about,” she says. The trio nods and follows her out.

Serasfall rests a hand onto my shoulder. “All will be well, my dear.”

I nod, smiling as she too files out of the study along with Rhea and Athena.

Tyrion steps back and motions me towards the couches. I nod as we step over to them, each taking a seat opposite of each other. Fenris sits to my right, his form towering of me. I smile, stroking his fur.

He looks gently and warmly to me. “As I stated earlier,” he begins, “I have wanted to come and meet you upon learning of your identity. However, Serasfall asked that I wait. She wished for you to acclimate to the city and this era first.”

I nod, looking to him. “So…you have no issue with the fact that I am a descendant of this house from over four hundred years into the future?”

He smiles, “I do not. In truth, I find it both fascinating and a blessing to have more of my kin here. Seeing how our numbers are so few.”

I reel back somewhat, feeling another pang in my heart. So few, so few are left. When I learned of Celestine’s brothers dying in battle, I felt my heart sinking into my stomach.

I sigh, and then look back towards the door.

“What is on your mind, Aria?” he asks.

“Is…is it alright that my ancestor is now my sister?”

He smiles, “While you are here, you shouldn’t think in those terms.” I turn back to him. His smile broadens warmly, “Family knows no era. So I suggest relaxing and merely accept that she is.”

I smirk, drooping my head slightly, “That’s…gonna take some time.” I then look back up at him, “But I am getting there, slowly.”

“Those of Shyair form bonds quickly,” he says, smiling as he leans back in his seat. “We forge those bonds into unbreakable family ties.”

I blush and giggle softly. What he says is true. During my first visit to Mom and the Estate I gained a sister and an aunt. I then gained a grandmother in the coven. In Japan I have two aunts and another grandmother. First, while also finally, I have Marron my first big sister and first link to my new world.

“It’s called the Blessing of Shyair,” he says, smiling. “A blessing which has granted us a strong and beautiful family over the centuries.”

I smile, “So obviously Shyair was an actual person.”

He nods, “Indeed. Shyair was our progenitor and founder, along with those from the other houses.”

I tap my fingers, looking to Fenris. “I was told the Shyair and Nethune were related by ancient blood ties. Does that mean Shyair and Nethune were brothers?”

Tyrion crosses his arms. “Yes they were. However…each held very different beliefs in life. Shyair long desired family, having an odd affinity for the forest. He also felt a strong kinship with the wolves. A desire which led to the formation of the pact.”

I look to him. “And Nethune?”

He sighs, “Nethune held ambition and strength. A trait shared with Drakthul. However, Nethune also knew when it was best to compromise and be patient. Yet only to use that patience for preparation."

I nod, “I have to ask, there’s no relation to Romulus and Remus right?”

He chuckles softly, “Oh, that false legend of Rome? No, my dear, Nethune and Shyair did not strike each other for control. Nor were they raised by the wolves. Rather the wolves arrived and felt a kinship with our forebears.” He smiles to me, “But that is a tale I think best left to Serasfall.”

I grin, “Yes sir.”

“Now,” he continues, “I wish to hear how you have been doing since your arrival.”

I grin, stroking Fenris. “I’m doing alright. Serasfall and Celestine have been beyond wonderful towards me and Fenris.” I blush, “I have a new sister who loves me, and her mother is my teacher, who treats me as her own.”

His smile beams, “I am very happy to hear that, my dear.”

I giggle, “I also want to start training again.”

He chuckles, “Serasfall has informed of your desire to train with the knights.”

I giggle again, nodding, “Yep, I do.”

We spend the next couple of hours talking to each other. I smile often, feeling more and more comfortable as our conversation continues. Our topics range from him asking me questions about myself and about my time in the future. Fenris had since lied down onto the floor, apparently exhausted from the day’s training session with Rhea.

I learned that he too met my mother and was surprised that she was in fact my mother. I giggle often, telling him about my days with her, learning and training. About the quiet moments alone either in her room or in the parlor.

I look to him, “So what about your family?”

He smiles, “My wife and daughters-in-law chose remain at the residence, keeping a weathered eye upon the royal court. They too wish to meet you if given the chance. My wife Valeria would shower you in affection.” He then smirks, “Although I wonder if she would attempt and steal away from my sister.”

I blush and giggle softly.

He sighs, holding his tea cup. “There are days when I wish my brother were here. While I may be the younger, my voice still carries greatly and profoundly in his absence.”

I look to him, “Is…is he dead?”

Tyrion chuckles, “Oh heavens no.” He smiles, “My brother is very much alive. He is out there within the world, traveling as a merchant.”

I tilt my head, “Your brother, husband to Serasfall and a person who could assume the throne…is a merchant?”

He chuckles, “That he is. Aurelian possesses a great thirst for the world, traveling all over Europe, and returning with incredible fortunes for our family.”

“How often is he gone?”

Tyrion taps his chin, “I’d say he is gone for four months out of the year, only to return for six and then leave again.” He then smiles, “I will say that he too met your mother while she was here.”

I sigh, “Yep…something else she neglected to tell me.”

He chuckles, “Do not disparage your mother. I am certain there were other matters that took precedence over those details.”

You can say that again.

He nods, “However, my brother will return is the need is truly greatest.” His gaze turned downward, “When news of Velkin and Belron reached him, he was as a force of nature, storming into the throne room and condemned the campaign which claimed his sons.”

Tyrion rubs his knuckles harshly, “Court was in session and he tore it asunder, calling for the immediate end of hostilities against the Ottomans. I thought for certain he would depose the current king, as is his right for the actions taken. If he had known sooner, both his sons would still be alive today.”

I look to him. He smiles softly, “My brother’s voice, either in serenity or in anger could cause the very city to shudder. Even Nethune, in its wildest of moods, would not dare oppose him. Lest they bring the full wrath of him and his wolf upon them.”

I nod, then dart my eyes away.

He smirks looking to me, “I know of what you are thinking.”

I look up to him.

“You are thinking of while he is gone, why not I seek leadership of the house and family.”

I blush softly, “I…I didn’t mean to insinuate that you were.”

He smiles tenderly. “Fear not, my dear girl, I took no offense. I do not seek leadership of the house. Firstly, while I am the younger, and possess male heirs, I am humbled and honored in my position at court. My voice is strong and court keeps me more than occupied.”

I nod slowly, pulling my legs into my chest. I am such an idiot.

He leans closer, “Again, fear not, my dear girl. Now I do have something else to say.”

I look up.

“Since Celestine has openly declared you as her sister in front of us, then I wish for you to call me your uncle.”

My eyes drop as my head begins to spin. “That’s…that’s going to be really awkward. You’re her uncle.”

He smiles, “And now yours as well. Try not to overthink it.” He leans even closer, “I do hope you will come to think of me as such. You have more family my dear, family who will love you no matter what.”

I smile tenderly, “I will.”

He nods and smiles, “Thank you, my niece. But for now, I must return to the citadel. While I have to upmost faith in my wife and daughters, being away for too long makes me wary.”

I smile and nods as we both rise from the couches.

We leave the study and head towards the front door. Behind me I hear the click-clack of nails against the marble tiling. I look back to see Fenris walking with us. I smile and motion him forward, watching a he locks step at my left. I reach over and cling to his fur.

Tyrion peers over and smiles. “You truly are close with wolf aren’t you?”

I grin, “Yep, he’s in many ways my father.”

Tyrion smiles, “I’m very happy to hear that. Now, if you ever wished to visit us, you are more than welcome to do so. I know your cousins would be more than eager to spend time with you.”

I smile to him, “Thank you.”

The three of us exit out into the main courtyard. Standing is Celestine along with Serasfall and Tyrion’s children.

His children all come and pull me into tight hugs. I blush deeply as they, still reeling from the fact that I now have even more family.

Darius looks to me, “I do hope our next visit comes swiftly.”

“Agreed, dear cousin,” adds Galen.

I gulp softly, which causes them to laugh.

Veylana shoots a glare at her brothers, “Again you startle her. No doubt Father just now informed her.”

They smile and hold me close.

I look to her, “He did, and…it will take some time for this to sink in.”

“Take all the time you need,” she says.

I smile, “Until the next time we meet and thank you.” I look over to Serasfall and Celestine who smile to me.

They give me another tight hug before following after their father, who is standing next to a group of wolves alongside a squad of knights. All four climb on top and slowly turn towards the main gate and slip past it and down the hill.

I feel and hand resting on my shoulder. I pan up to see Celestine standing next to me with her mother.

She smiles, again wrapping her arms around me. “We will most certainly need another chance to be with each other.”

I smile, looking up at her, “I’d like that.”

Serasfall smiles warmly to us. I blush deeply as the gate closes.

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