Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 19: Loss

I stroll through the manor once more, this time with a book in hand and open. I pour through the pages of a romance novel, having read two prior, its story’s engrossing nature keeps my attention nearly completely occupied. My proficiency in Alcoran grows even more with every book I read. I smirk, thanks again for that boost Mom. It’s really coming in handy.

It doesn’t even occur to me that I’m not home. If I have a book in my hand, nothing in this world fazes me.

Well…the lingering fact that I’m still over four hundred years in the past is ever present in my mind. I sigh, in reality I should be panicking nonstop, worrying over a singular misstep that could alter history. However…that’s really not happening. Serasfall promised she’d find a way to send me and Fenris home, adding that it would take time.

So what’s response to all of this? Be patient, let her do her work and research. In the meantime, simply find a routine and stick to it. If anything else, at least Regulus can’t find me anymore than in the present. I’d giggle at that, but I really can’t. I let out yet another sigh.

It’s still unbelievable that it’s been over a week since I arrived in the past. I often think I’m gonna wake up and either be back at the Outpost, or even further back and be in Japan. Yet again…I’m actually here.

I round the corridor, walking past a couple maids who bow to me. I peer up and smile, nodding in return. I’m slowly becoming more comfortable being here, almost wanting to slip into the fantasy that I’ve always lived here. I grin softly, turning yet another page.

My eyes soon catch the glint of gold as the sun shines off of it. I look up to see a pair of portraits hanging from the wall. Displayed within them are two men, both in their late-twenties, early-thirties. The first has a broad, muscular frame, with short-cut dark-blonde hair. The other is thinner with a long, thin ponytail, appearing more of a scholar rather than a fighter.

Each is clad in garb related to their appearance, with the former in armor and the latter in scholarly robes. Both men also are shown with sword hilts on their hips, yet I can’t make out why kind of swords they are.

I step in front of one and lean in, seeing a nameplate on it.

Velkin Nai’lath Shyair.

I pan over to the other.

Belron Muvek Shyair.

I step back and continue to examine the portraits, wondering to whom they belong to.

“They were my sons.”

I turn to see Serasfall standing beside me. Her gaze seems transfixed upon the portraits. Her words also were full of sadness.

“Both of them were strong men,” she continues. “Bold, eager, yet cautious and patient. Velkin, my firstborn, the stout and proud warrior. Belron, my second, cunning and clever. Both being proud Wolves of Shyair.”

I tilt my head, “What do you mean by that?”

She smiles looking to me, “Within this family, the men are referred to as ‘Wolves’. They are proud, honorable, fiercely loyal and staunch defenders of home and family.”

Okay…that’s one half of the family crest.

“The women are known as ‘foxes’,” she adds. “They are cunning and clever, full of wit and charm.” She grins, “Traits I see within you, my dear. At first I was taken aback by your comment about being called, ‘little fox’. I thought you were referring to the traits of the fox within our family.” She then chuckles, “Now I realize you quite literally saying you were an actual fox.”

I blush, grinning to her. And there’s the other.

“Now granted, these traits can be shared with either men or women. For instance, Belron was the ever-achieving scholar, while also being one of the finest and fiercest fencers within the city. His elder brother, while a natural storm upon any battlefield, would find the greatest pleasure in playing his violin.”

I nod slowly.

She takes a breath and pans back to the portraits. “Both men were a match for anyone from the other houses.” Her words again were mixed with sadness. “Often handily defeating any who challenged them. Their mastery of magic was the envy of many within Laevatain and their swordsmanship would eclipse that of Drakthul.”

She’s now praising them, bolstering her memories of her sons.

I glimpse her hands balling into tight fists, threatening to slice into her palms. “However, my sons were both killed during a battle against the Ottomans last year.” She hisses to the side, “Curse that campaign. It was a foolish idea from its inception. Both of my sons were staunchly opposed to it, with Belron putting forth multiple sound and reasonable alternatives. Many being diplomatic.”

I look up watching as she fights back the growing tears in her eyes. “Velkin concurred with his brother, stating we need not go to war with the Ottomans, opting for peace. You see, the Ottomans had invaded our lands to the south, or as our reports were stating.”

Wait…no, it couldn’t be what I think happened.

“In the end, their proposals were rejected out of the growing desire for battle.” She lowers her gaze to the floor, “My sons, ever proud and loyal sons of Dewloura, reluctantly answered the call to arms in love of their city.”

She sighs, still fighting back her tears, “When news came of its aftermath, even my husband returned from his journeys, denouncing and condemning the march for war. Stating if another would erupt over needless bloodshed, he personally would strip the armies bare.”

I reach up my hand to hers, wanting to comfort her. Yet I hold back, not sure if it’s my place to do so. Finally I do, taking her hand into mine.

She smiles, quickly embracing me. “Thank you, my dear girl. I know you too have been fighting in a war, having lost much along the way. If my sons were alive today, I have not a shadow of doubt within my mind they would quickly embrace you as their little sister. Doting on you as one.”

I blush, looking up at her. In my mind, I quickly imagine both of them surrounding, calling their little sister. I even fantasize about if I were younger, how I would either sit as Velkin played his violin or watch as he trained. With Belron, I see him leaning over my chair, helping me with my schoolwork or dazzling me with magic.

She smiles, kissing me on the forehead. I giggle softly.

I then feel another hand resting on my head. I look up to see Celestine hovering over me. I smiles, “I agree with my mother. So in their stead, and as I declared before, I shall be your sister.”

I blush even more, feeling my heart thump within my chest.

She smiles, “You are my sister. This has been something I have wanted to say yet again since the park.”

I smile timidly, but feels really uneasy about having my ancestor be my sister. I look back to her mother who is beaming brightly.

“Bonds of family form quickly and strongly within our family,” says Serasfall. “For you are part of this family, regardless of the era from whence you come.”

My cheeks burn even hotter, smiling. Both women hug me tightly.

“We are blessed to have you, Aria,” she adds. “So very blessed.”

I blush even more, smiling.

I’m awoken to the sound of something scratching at my door. I groan as I sit up, with my thoughts of earlier still fresh in my mind. My eyes open partially, noticing that my room is nearly dark aside from the faint blue glow of a crystal at my desk. Still need to ask about this city and crystals.

I pull off my covers and roll out of my bed, wandering over to the door. I push down on the handle and pull open the door, thinking its Serasfall with another surprise midnight visit. I gaze out into the dark hallway, finding nothing.

Aya,” I hear, this coming from below.

I peer down to see both pups looking up at me, both appearing half-asleep, ready to fall over.

We couldn’t sleep,” says Nelly.

Can we sleep with you, Sister?” says Leto.

I sigh, but smile. “Okay you two,” I whisper, opening the door, “come on in.”

As they step inside, I quietly close my door. The pups saunter over to my bed as I follow after them. Each tries to climb up, only to fail. I smirk, kneeling down and helping each onto it. I climb in after, pulling the covers back over me.

I want to sleep with her,” sleepily says Leto.

No I do,” retorts Nelly.

I grin, “Why don’t you both take a place on each side of me?”

Their little eyes shimmer in the low light as they look up at me. Each pup smiles, with Leto crawling over me to lie down on my left. His sister curls up tightly on my right. I grin softly, lying back down, stroking their small bodies.

I feel their bodies rise and fall with each breath they take. Their fur is softer than anything I’ve felt before, with my fingers easily gliding into them. I smile, transforming into a kitsune, wrapping them within my tails as we all fall back to sleep.

“Aria,” I hear.

I roll my head over to see Serasfall standing over me. A warm smile adorns her face. “Good morning, my dear,” she whispers.

“Morning,” I reply, smiling back to her. The sun’s light cuts through the thin curtains covering my windows.

She looks down to see the still sleeping pups. “Their parents became worried when they discovered their children were not in the den.” She then smiles back to me, “However, they could not have chosen a better place to be found.”

I grin, sitting up my bed, my tails still wrapped around them. My hands gently stroke their tiny bodies as they sleep. My ears flick as I hear heavy padding enter my room. I look over to see their parents walking over to my bed, each taking a side.

Thank you, little Aria,” says Cierra. “Thank you for keeping our little ones through the night.”

I pray they were not a burden for you,” says Miletus.

I smile softly as I unfurl my tails from the pups. “You’re welcome and they were no trouble at all.” My hands stroke Leto and Nelly, “In fact, they can sleep with me if they want.” I look to Serasfall, smiling as she nods.

Their father smiles, “Thank you, little Aria.” Both parents then gently take the still sleeping pups into their mouths and quietly carry them from my room.

Serasfall looks to me. “I see you transformed in the night, was this by choice?”

I grin, “I figured it’d be good wrap them up in my tails as they slept.”

She chuckles softly as she leans over and kisses the top of my head, “Come, it’s time to start the day.”

I grin, nodding as I revert back into a human and roll out of my bed.

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