Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 18: Playtime

I lean back in my chair and stretch out my back, feeling the joints pop loudly. I groan, feeling the last one finally pop. I sit forward, taking a breath.

I look at my desk, seeing a stack of papers filled with text. I shuffle and compile the papers, having spent the last couple of hours dealing with more assignments from Serasfall.

Yep, she really is a strict taskmaster. I giggle softly however, loving the fact I’m doing schoolwork again. I peer over to find my bag resting by the desk. I lean over and open it, finding all the assignments I performed while at the Ranch.

I sigh, knowing Mom had them ready for me to continue my education. I still wish I could hand them to someone to grade. This only makes me miss her all the more.

I put them away and rise from my desk. I snatch up a satchel. I need another change in scenery, but I don’t want to leave the estate just yet. I mull over my options as I lean against a bookcase. Tapping my chin, I smile, choosing my destination.

I peer over to Fenris, having also just returned from training with Rhea. “Hey, I’m gonna go see the pups. Wanna come with?”

He smiles, rising from the floor, following me as I head out.

As I head towards the den, we make a quick detour and then resume our path. I dodge and weave past servants and maids, smiling as I once again slip into my old habits. All the while, Fenris keeps step with me. I smile to him, having filled my satchel with snacks and food from the kitchen.

We exit out of the manor and onto the terrace overlooking the training grounds. I hop down the stairs like a gleeful child, seemingly at peace while here. I peer over to the large platform, really wanting to train with the knights. But…I still have to wait for clothes from Serasfall.

We turn and round the manor, heading towards the den. A large smile stretches on my face as I hear little barks the closer we get. I giggle, thinking the wolves are awake with the pups getting restless.

When we arrive as the entrance, I pull open the door and head inside, closing it after Fenris walks in. The path leading down to the den is still lit by crystals, granting us a clear path. To be honest, I really don’t need them. My eyes transform into kitsune eyes, granting me the ability to see in low light.

I feel a rush of air coming from deeper in, cooler than even outside. I pan over to Fenris, smiling as he softly walks on the stone floor.

As we come closer to the den, I look up to see light coming from further in. No doubt there’s in the ceiling that helps with air circulation as well. I just didn’t notice it the first time I was here.


I look down to see a pair of wolf pups racing towards me. Their little claws clack heavily on the stone flooring. I giggle, sidestepping them as they lunge towards me.

The pair let out a whine. “Not fair,” says Leto.

Stay still.” Says Penelope.

I grin as I kneel down. “Foxes never play fair.”

The pair tilts their heads in confusion. “What do you mean?” asks Penelope.

“That’s a secret that I will show if you both are good,” I say, winking to her.

The pups bark, wagging their tails. I smile happily.

Leto turns and looks up at Fenris. “Elder.” My bonded lowers his head to the pup, smiling at him. Leto barks happily, wagging with little tails.

Penelope stays close to me. I smile, reaching over and stroking her. She looks to me, wagging her tails.

Leto also then turns and looks to me. “Are you here to play?” both asking in unison.

I smile, “I am, but only if your parents are okay with it first.” They bark and howl happily, wagging their tails, listening as they slap against each other. I giggle as we stand up and walk further in.

We exit out into the den, revealing the older wolves lying about. A few raise their head and look over to me. I blush softly, bowing my head to them. The elders smile, with a couple rising from their perch and hop down, trotting over to us. The pair then bow their heads to Fenris, and then to me.

Greetings, little one,” says the pups’ father. “It is good to see you once more.

“Thank you sir,” I reply. “I wish to formally introduce ourselves to you. I am Aria, and this is Fenris.”

Their father smiles, “We are happy to finally know your names, little one. I am Miletus and this is my mate, Cierra.”

I smile, “A pleasure to know yours as well.” I readjust my bag, “I was wondering if I could play with your pups.”

His mate smiles, “We would be happy if you did.” She then looks to Fenris, “Would you like to come and speak with us while our children play?”

I blush softly looking to her, “You…you know then?”

She smiles, “Rhea informed us of how Fenris is your father.”

I blush even more, looking to my bonded. He smiles and nuzzles my face. “Enjoy yourself, daughter,” he says. “You have earned it.”

I grin, kissing his nose, “Okay, Papa Wolf.” I then turn to the pups, “Let’s go you two.” Both pups bark happily as we run off into the den.

We run around the den floor, with the pups chasing after me. I grin, a good game of chase is always a great choice for kids. It’s one of the many games I used to play with the twins back home. I often “allow” them to get close to me before skip away. I giggle, feeling light on my feet, as if each step I make is like floating off of a cloud. A kitsune I am, lighter than air when our spirits are free.

The pups whine and call out to me. “No fair…No fair,” they cry.

I giggle, twirling and dancing as they leap and charge at me. I catch the glimpses of the elder wolves as they watch, some in awe. Fenris simply smiles as he sits with the pups’ parents.

After a few minutes, I quickly stop. I soon turn to find the pups leaping once more, finally tackling me to the floor. I cushion my fall with a little wind magic, slowly laying us down. I look up to see their tails wagging furiously. I grin, knowing they really loved chasing me around.

I sit up and hug them, stroking their soft fur. I sigh softly, watching them both plop onto the floor. I smile, gently tapping their backs, listening to their bodies grumble against me.

Sister,” says Leto.

Sister Aya,” says Penelope.

A pang shoots through my heart as they call me “Sister”. I pull them close, hugging and squeezing them tightly to me. Light tears form in my eyes. I miss the twins so much, and have so since I fled my home.

I feel paws pressing against my chest. I peer down to see their little eyes shimmering up at me. “Sister,” says Penelope, “why are you crying? Did we make you sad?”

I giggle, wiping the tears away. “Sorry you two, and no, you didn’t make me sad. I’m just happy to be here.”

Their tails wag softly, pressing their heads into me. I smile, stroking their fur, and kissing the tops of their heads. I peer up and see my satchel still resting near the entrance to the den. I slowly hold my hand up and summon it to me. I plop it into my lap and open the flap, pulling out some food. The pups look at me, fidgeting as two pairs of tails wag.

I smile to them, “Hungry?” They both bark.

I grin, breaking off pieces of meat and giving it to them. They quickly snatch them for my fingers and begin munching on them. I giggle, taking a bit of my own, peering up to see Fenris giving me his ever present fatherly smile. I grin.

I look around, feeling at peace. I smile, stroking the pups. I relax even more, thinking this is a good time to finally transform. I twirl the tops of their heads as nine long and bushy pinkish-blonde tails emerge from my body. My ears enlarge and grow, becoming fox ears. Lastly, my dark-blonde hair shifts to now match my tails.

I swish my tails against the cold stone flooring, smiling as it feels good to be in this form again. I pan up to see the wolves all looking to me in surprise. My cheeks blush softly as I curl my tails around me. Once more I see Fenris simply smiling to me. I smile to him in return.

I look to see the pups pull away from me and start batting my tails, staring at me in confusion. I giggle, lifting them over their heads, tickling their noses with the tips. They bark and bat at them again.

I peer at Penelope as she looks back to me. I grin, “You know what, I think I’m just gonna call you Nelly. Do you like the sound of that?” She barks happily, pressing her face into me. I giggle, stroking her head.

An incredibly sharp pain then shoots up from one of my tails. My body squirms as I yelp and groan, looking over to see Leto having chomped onto one of my tails. The little wolf’s teeth easily cut through the fur.

Leto,” I groan.

Leto!” shouts his mother.

You know better than to chomp on another’s tail,” adds his father. “Now apologize to Aria.”

The pup flattens his ears, looking up at me as he lets go. “Sorry Sister.”

I hold the tail in the lap, stroking it, “It’s ok.”

I’ve had my tails yanked, pulled, and even stretched to their breaking point. Having them bitten…that’s definitely a new one. We sit there for a several minutes, with both pups nestled into me.

My ears then flick back as the sounds of footsteps echo from the hallway. I turn to see Serasfall, Celestine and their wolves exit out into the den. The four then turn and look at me, mouths held open in surprise.

“Aria?” asks Serasfall. “Is that you?”

I giggle nervously, “Yep.”

Celestine comes closer, “What…are you?”

I grin sheepishly, still getting used to her calling me that. “I’m a kitsune.”

Both women look at me in confusion. “What is a kitsune?” asks Serasfall.

I tap my chin for a moment. “Basically you could say that I am a fox in human form. In Japan, I am also known as yokai. This term covers all races living there.” I smile, stroking my tails, “Kitsune are also heavily tied to the spirit realm.”

Serasfall tilts her head, smiling, “So this was what you were referring to when you said people call you ‘little fox’.”

I giggle, nodding, “Yep.”

They nod and come closer to me. I smile, stroking the pups as they now lay against me.

Celestine kneels down, looking me over, watching my tails now, “Mother told me you were reborn. Was this what you were reborn into?”

I shake my head, “I was human first but granted the ability to transform into one. As time went by, I became more and more kitsune.” I giggle, “In many ways, this is now my true form, according to a lot of people. I now agree with them.”

Celestine nods, reaching for one of my tails. I grin, placing it into her hand. My cheeks blush as she begins to stroke it. She smiles, looking to me.

Her mother kneels by my other side, examining me. I blush softly, curling the rest my tails around me and the pups.

“Does the number tails signify anything important?” asks Serasfall.

I stroke them, “A nine-tailed kitsune is said to be extremely powerful.” I giggle, “I’m still young however. Nowhere even close to that level, since I’m only sixteen.”

She smiles, stroking my hair, “You have a lovely hair color in this form my dear. I believe only the fae have something remotely similar.”

I grin, “Even among other kitsune, it’s a bit of a unique shade.” I then lower my head, sighing as I continue to stroke my tails.

I hear Fenris hopping down from his perch and walks over to me. I smile as one of his tails wraps around one of mine.

Celestine looks up. “What are you two doing?”

I smile, wrapping mine tightly around his. “Think of it as form of affection between kitsune. Fenris quickly adopted it whenever I’m in this form.” I grin, leaning forward, “Right before I came here, I was a kitsune for nearly a full month.” I sigh softly, “I’ve missed being in this form.”

I feel a cold nose nudging against my face. I pan up to see Athena standing in front of me. I smile, looking up at her.

You are very pretty in this form,” she says softly. “You truly look better with tails.”

I blush and giggle softly. “Thank you. Again, many have said that.” She smiles, nuzzling my face.

You should keep this form hidden while not here at the estate,” says Rhea as she stands beside Athena. “No one in the city will understand it. Regardless of the other races residing here.”

“I agree,” adds Serasfall. “In spite of the vastness of the city, the unique are often still the first to be singled out.”

I nod, sighing. My hands still gently stroke over the pups, as the pair seemingly is now sleeping in my lap. I smile, watching their little bodies rise and fall with each breath.

I look up to see their parents quietly walking towards us, with Athena and Fenris stepping back.

Thank you little Aria,” says Miletus, “for playing our children.”

It is good to have another child on the estate after so long,” says Cierra.

I blush softly, nodding to them. “I hope we can play again soon.”

Both parents smile as they gently retrieve their children from my lap.

Serasfall looks to me, “Come my dear, we should go and let them rest. Besides, you have work you need to hand over.”

I giggle, “It’s all done and sitting on my desk.”

She chuckles softly in amazement, shaking her head. “Truly astonishing.”

I grin as we rise from the floor and slowly leave the den. As we walk along the hallway, I revert back to being human. Sighing again as I already miss my tails.

I look up at her, “So…when can I start training with the knights?”

She smiles. “I already have your training clothes being prepared for you my darling. I based them off of images from that phone of yours.”

I blush softly, still remembering I have pictures of Lyra and me together from last summer.

I feel a pair of noses nudging my back. I pan back to see Athena and Fenris smiling at me. I grin, thinking I now have two parental wolves

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