Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 17: A run

I knock my neck, feeling it pop. I grin, thinking it’s been a couple days since I met the knights. I still watch as they train, longing to join them. I have been able to maintain some physical activity, namely in the form of Tai Chi.

When not studying Alcoran, I often will shift the furniture in my room to give me a little extra space to practice. I know this room is smaller than mine at home, but it’s still big enough for me to easily move around in.

I lean against a railing, overlooking the forest. The sky is ablaze of reds and golds as the sun slowly slips for the horizon. The sense of cabin fever is growing, again wanting to venture out into the forest. I sigh softly.

“Hello Aria.”

I turn to see Celestine walking towards me, with Athena at her side. I smile, “Hey.”

She smiles, “How would you like to go for another run through the city? I think you’ve been cooped up here for too long.”

I grin, “I’d love to.”

She smiles, “Good, because I have also been wanting to spend some more time with you.”

I blush and smile, “I’d like to as well.” Celestine walks over and hugs me, handing me my bag. I giggle, “You came prepared.”

She smirks, “Well of course I did. Now come on.” I nod, following after her.

The two of us both climb onto our wolves and race off from the estate. I grin, feeling the wind as it rushes past my hair. I cling gently to Fenris as he runs through the forest. While I do enjoy the Shyair estate, a good change in scenery does the heart and soul good. I also love the chance to explore the city again.

As we pass through the forest, I pan over to see Celestine staying close, with Athena keeping pace with Fenris. She smiles, watching as my tiny body occasionally hops on his back. I think she wants to make sure I’m still on his back.

I grin, rolling on my seat before standing up on his back. I keep my balance as we race through the streets. I peer down at Fenris, who looks back at me, seeing a grin on his face. I giggle, and then look over to Celestine is now growing worried as she watches me.

I giggle again before wobbling as my bonded shifts slightly as he runs.

Celestine panics, coming closer in order to catch me. I smile, quickly steadying myself before sitting back down. She reaches over and flicks my head, “Silly girl, you gave me a fright performing that little stunt of yours.”

I grin to her, which makes her groan in displeasure. I look to her, feeling weird how quickly I wanted to show off to her. It’s like she’s my sister, yet not Marron. Which is it?

Our trek through the city takes a slightly different route than the one we did nearly a week ago. This time, instead of heading to the third tier, we remain on the second. We slow our pace, drawing closer towards greener sections of the level.

I pan over, again seeing the gates where I thought I saw students going in. It’s another place I might want to explore at some point, just don’t know when.

The urge to take out my phone and take a picture grows again. I do also have the watchsphere I confiscated from Marron as she and everyone else spied on my date with Kenji. However, that too might cause some issues for me. So…pass.

We finally arrive at a large park. Trees line the walkways, with more spread out further in. I smile, watching as the grass sways softly with the gentle breeze.

We slide off of our wolves, with Celestine motioning me inside. I smile staying close to her as we stroll along the brick paths. Pillars line the paths, with crystals embedded into them. Street lamps perhaps?

The park itself isn’t really that level, with some parts actually being small hills. I smile, thinking I could find a secluded place to sit and relax alone.

My head pans around, feeling once more as if I’m really not in the past. This place feels way too modern. Now, I do see a large fountain in the distance, but that’s nothing new to me. Both Rome and Florence had fountains during this period.

My mind soon is filled with questions, but one springs forth. “Was Dewlouran architecture originally based off of Rome?”

Celestine folds her arms, tapping her chin. “In a way, yes. However, dragons and elves soon began to influence much of the city roughly a millennia ago, with humans soon adding onto their work.”

I nod softly, smiling. As we pass by a group of people, I soon find myself staying a bit closer to her. It’s not that I’m afraid. I’m just the ever wary fox.

I feel my hands being held by someone. I look to see Celestine smiling at me. I blush softly, smiling in return.

She holds it tightly, stroking it. “As I said before, I wanted to spend some alone time with you. Another reason was to allow you the chance to see more of the city, rather than being on an errand.”

I smile to her, yet the feeling from before resurfaces. I know she’s my ancestor, but is it okay that I feel like she’s more like an older sister to me? How can that really work?

We come upon a stone bench that overlooks the city, each sitting down onto it. I look up as the sun is still making its downward path towards the horizon. More of the pillars from before are dotted around us. They’re simply fascinating to me. I reach around and now pull out my phone. I hold it up and begin taking pictures. At this point, I don’t care if a person sees me with it.

“What is that you are holding? And what are you doing with it?” asks Celestine.

I grin, “It’s called a cellphone. In my time, people use these primarily for communication. They also can record still images, as well moving ones with sound.” I look up to her, “In some ways it acts similar to a watchsphere.”

She nods slowly, “And you have many of said recordings stored within it?”

I grin, nodding as I scroll through several of them, showing her. She leans in close, watching each image roll across the screen, marveling at each one.

She smiles, “You must have many memories attached to them.”

I smile, “I do. Many are of home, family, places I’ve visited. Back in the summer, I transferred hundreds of images to another device, opening up room on here.”

She nods again.

I smile, putting it away and pull out my journal, quickly jotting down a section about the park. I feel her pulling me close to her.

“In some strange way,” she starts, “I truly am happy that you are here, to have someone to hold again.”

I feel my heart stopping, nearly dropping my pencil. I bite back tears, remembering how close she was to Tobin. It’s a pain that never really goes away. I still recall crying when I learned about him.

She looks to me, seeing a tear rolling down my face. “Why are you crying? Did I upset you? Please forgive me if I have.”

I quickly wipe away my tears, “I’m not crying. I think the pollen is just getting to me.”

She then gently turns my chin to where I’m looking up at her. “Tell me the truth.”

I sit there for a moment, trying not to burst into tears in front of her.

“I know about Tobin,” I say, looking away from her.

She sighs, wrapping her arms around me, squeezing me tightly. “Losing him was devastating indeed,” she says. “I cried for days even after we laid him to rest. I stayed with his parents until my mother pulled me from them.”

I sniff hard, “Sorry.”

“There’s no need to,” she says, sounding cheerful. “For I once more have a little one to look after.”

I giggle softly, looking up at her, “I am sixteen remember?”

She smirks, gently flicking my ear, “Then I shall become your elder sister.”

My cheeks burn brightly as I stare at her.

She smiles, “Now, I know what you are thinking. Tobin was very much a younger brother to me, and no, you can never truly replace him. For no one can ever replace another in their hearts. You becoming my younger sister fills me with joy.”

I nod slowly, feeling her stroke my arm. I lay my head onto her chest. What she says is true to a point. After my birthmother was murdered, I still clung to my old bonds for a time.

Rachel had always been my mother during that entire year and leading up to when she adopted me. Hell, even before that. I was reborn through her. She had always been in my heart, but it was truly until that night back in July when I saw my resurrected birthmother wishing for my death.

She had no love in her heart as Regulus was about to kill me that I called out to my mother releasing the chains of my past and becoming hers entire. Rachel is now and ever shall be my mother, in more ways than one.

I peer up at Celestine, who has now declared herself my sister. Is it okay that she is after a week? Not to mention still being my ancestor. But putting that detail aside, I recall how quickly Marron and Silvi became my sisters, with the latter doing so that very day I met her. I really do wonder how I keep gaining family.

Celestine leans over and kisses my forehead, causing me to giggle softly. She smiles, squeezing me closer to her, rocking us gently.

The sun finally begins to set, turning the sky a deeper amber, slowly being mixed with shades of deepening blues. If I were at home, this would be the favorite time of the day.

As I continue to watch the sun slipping into the horizon, I begin to hear singing. I look around to see the crystal beginning to glow a soft blue. I marvel as the singing is actually coming from them. It’s a gentle melody, soothing to the ears. The tune gradually becomes louder as the sun sets deeper and the night takes over. I smile, as the tune dips and sways, much like a lullaby.

“This is why we left when we did,” she says. I look up to her smiling, still blushing some.

“I wanted to share this place this you, being one of my favorite places in the city to visit while not at home.”

I nod slowly. I then watch as the gardens glow even brighter, giving the park a soft ambience. I peer down to see my shadow casting longer. I turn back to see the giant floating crystal glowing brightly. “Hey, so what’s the story about the crystal over the palace?

Celestine smiles, looking at it as well. “The crystal is sacred, along with the wolves. It was discovered when the city was founded, and serves as a direct conduit to the intersecting leylines.”

She looks to me, “It also acts a beacon to all Dewlourans, calling them home.” I nod slowly, still staring at it.

She leans in close, “A piece of the crystal was used when the Xur’canah was forged. This means the pair can interact with each other.” Again I nod slowly. Maybe that’s one reason why it acts as a key to the city.

Celestine smiles, “My mother may tell you more if the need arises.”

I giggle. Right now it's information I don’t need, so I agree with her.

I feel a furred face slipping over my shoulder. I look up see Athena staring at me. She smiles, brushing against my face, groaning happily. “Little Aria,” she says softly.

I grin, stroking her face.

I peer over to see Fenris, sitting beside her, watching us. I smile to him, holding my hand. She leans into me, nuzzling my hand. My smile widens, wanting desperately to transform.

Celestine smiles as she watches, still holding onto me.

The sky turns completely dark as the sun finally sinks beneath the horizon. I gaze out onto the city. My mouth hangs open as it begins to glow a soft blue. Each street and building below glow in various shades of blue as little dots of light illuminate below us.

I quickly retrieve my phone and dash towards the railing. I set the camera to nighttime and take several pictures of the city. I grin, examining them. I feel a hand resting on my shoulder. I pan up to see Celestine smiling at me. I giggle softly.

She leans over and kisses my forehead. “You truly are a wonder, my sister.”

I blush deeply and then hold up the phone to her, taking her picture. Her image seems aglow against the shimmering lights of the city.

She looks at me confused and surprised. “Now why did you do that?”

“Because I could,” I giggle.

She chuckles, “We should head for home. No doubt my mother will have dinner prepared for us.”

I smile and nod, stashing my phone away. We turn and head for the entrance. Fenris takes his place at my right. I reach over and cling to his fur, knowing he’s enjoyed this as much as I have. I peer over to see Athena beside her bonded, her eyes often meting mine. I grin softly.

As we leave the park, my eyes catch a man standing some distance away, and rather oddly. He’s a good thirty or so yards from us, yet I can still see him clear thanks to the crystal lamps. His movements seem sluggish, if not jerky. I feel a sense of uneasiness from him, the same I’ve been feeling since I arrived. I tilt my head, wondering who he is.

Fenris pans over as well, staying close to me.

I blink softly, only to find the strange man had disappeared. Even the feeling is gone.

Celestine turns and looks over to see what has grabbed my attention, but sees nothing.

The both of us then climb onto our wolves, and proceed to race towards home. I look back, having my curiosity piqued about that man, yet I bit it back.

Just what is going on?

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