Truths from the Past: Book 5 of the Kinstone series

Chapter 16: Student again

I knock my neck, feeling it pop as I stroll through the library. It’s been a couple days since Serasfall outed me as her and Celestine’s descendant. Yesterday was basically me wandering around the manor again, exploring it more. Now that I don’t have to worry about who I am, I feel easier and calmer.

I did run across the master bedroom, watching Serasfall exit from it before dinner. She smiled and we both head for the dining room. As we ate, the pair grilled me with questions about the New World. I grinned, explaining away most of the myths and rumors that had been circulating throughout Europe. To say I had a blast explaining history, while in the past, would be both ironic and an understatement.

I don’t give away much about future events, but I do describe a few details about the future. I mostly talk about the cities and peoples of the era. They both sit awestruck at every word. I grin, loving it.

As I stroll through the rows upon rows of bookcases, I pull down a few that catch my eye. Granted they’re in different languages. I smile, finding books from Italy, France, and from all over Europe. I grin, even discovering a few that are in the library at home. I quickly pull them down and carry them over to table.

The librarian even suggested a few to me. When I opened them, I found they were written in Alcoran. I sighed, yet still thanked him. I pulled out a chair and opened the books. I smile, reveling in literature from an entire continent and from a period long before I was born.

Music softly echoes through the library as I read, coming from my music box to the right of me. I peer up at it, knowing how it really helped me both after the loss of my birth family and fleeing my home. The tunes range from “classical” pieces to a few more modern ones. I had it play in the instrumental settings, that way it wouldn’t alarm anyone too much.

I peer over, seeing Fenris lying beside me. He and Athena have really started become friendly, with the pair often sitting beside each other during meals. I smile to him, ever thankful he’s with me.


I pan up to see Serasfall walking towards me. I smile, “Hey.”

She grins, “Hello, my dear. I see you are taking full advantage of the library.”

I giggle, “Yep. At home, I’d either be studying, reading for fun, listening to music, or building models.”

She tilts her head, “Models?”

I grin, “I build little ‘statues’ of machines. It’s been a hobby of mine for years.”

She smiles, peering at my music box. “Such lovely music, is this from your era?”

I nod, “Some, I have hundreds upon hundreds of songs on it.” I lean forward, tapping the silver box. “It was a birthday gift from my mother. It’s been with me ever since.”

Serasfall rounds the table, placing her hand onto my hair, stroking it. “You miss her don’t you?” I nod softly. I then feel her kissing the top of my head, “It is never easily losing one’s family. I too know this pain.” I stare aimlessly at the box, its music ringing softly.

“You have several tomes here on Dewlouran history,” she exclaims. “I would have thought you been delving heavily into them.”

I sit up in my chair, looking at them and sigh. “Easily answer, can’t read Alcoran. I told Celestine this.”

She looks to me, “Tell me of your education, my dear.”

I grin, “My mom taught me a great deal, languages of which I speak nearly a dozen, history, politics, and magic of course. But when it comes to Alcoran, she never got around to teaching me it. Last summer was a chaotic mess. With that said, I also forgot to ask Orga and Kateryna to teach me it.”

She smiles, “In that case, I would be more than glad to teach you.”

I smile back to her, “Thank you and I gladly accept your offer. Oh, if Alcoran is the official language of Dewloura, then why does everyone speak English? Especially since we’re this far from England.”

“Simple answers, my dear,” she replies. “Alcoran is indeed the native language of the city. However, given how we sit upon a major trading crossroad, many languages are spoken. English merely happens to be one of the more prevalent.”

That…makes some sense, while still really not.

I pan back over to Fenris, smiling to him.

“Now, what of your bonded?” she asks. “Might I inquire of his abilities?”

Fenris raises his head, looking to her and then to me. I smile, “He’s able to leap into shadows, drag people into them, even cast a deep shadow to conceal escape.” I lean over and stroke his head, “But he’s admitted to having ‘missing knowledge’. He was born a little over a century before I was. His mother could only teach him what she knew.” Serasfall nods softly.

I have learned much of ice magic from both my mother, and from watching Aria,” he says. “My skills were honed through hunt and the many battles we have fought in.”

I grin softly, “He’s even killed a dragon.”

Serasfall’s eyes grow wide, “That is truly remarkable.”

I nod, “Helps when one of my sisters is a dragon. The pair loved to spar with each other, so for almost a year, they’d really go at it.”

She shakes her head, “A dragon for a sister, again remarkable, and to train with one no less.” I giggle softly. She looks to me, “He spoke of battle, have you in fact seen combat?”

I nod, sighing, “About half a dozen times. I told you other day how I had to flee from my home. Well…I was hounded a few more times after that. Lost a lot of sleep over it.”

Serasfall pulls me into her, holding me close. I smile softly as she strokes my hair. Strange at how quickly I’m accepting of her affection. Yet it’s no different than when I met Asha, Silvi, Velhemina, or even Mom for the first time.

“I am so proud that you have made it this far,” she says, “And not lost yourself.”

I smile, sighing into her. “Thank you.”

I then hear the sound of claws clacking on the marble tiling. I pan up to see Rhea walking into the library. She is incredibly beautiful, with dark silver streaks running down the top of her head. Her form is majestic, full of experience and grace. A smile adorns her face as she steps over to us. Serasfall steps back as her bonded gently meets me eye to eye. The wolf gently nuzzles my face with her muzzle.

I blush as I tenderly stroke her face, “Hey Rhea.”

Hello, little Aria,” she replies softly. “I overheard your conversation and offer to take your bonded under my wing and teach him what he does not know.” She then peers to him, “Do you desire to learn?”

I peer back at him, seeing my wolf already sitting upright. He bows his head to her, “I am your student.”

Serasfall smiles, then looks to me, “As I said before, there is much to teach you my dear.”

I grin, “Then let’s get started.”

A couple days later.

E’shench…foulsom...vine lanshsh.”

Yep…annunciating Alcoran. It’s really no different than any other time Mom or anyone taught me a new language. Simple recitation, learn, write and read. Although, it’s a bit harder than I thought. Serasfall really is a strict teacher, giving me at minimum of four writing assignments a night. Heh, I love the challenge.

During the day, she and I sit in the library with books open and with paper and quill. Not going to lie, but I really hate ink and quill. I still have my pencils, and tons of lead. I think I have at least a dozen little cases of lead, with twenty per case. So I have plenty.

However, Serasfall insisted that I learn with ink and quill. For now at least. I think she wants me to have a closer tactile feeling as I write out each word.

No sense in arguing. When not studying with her, I’m in my room, transcribing notes into my notebooks. I smile as I fall back into old habits. Also during this time, I’m constantly scribbling in my journal, slowly filling its pages with whatever I see. Granted, most of my time is either spent with Serasfall, learning from her, eating with her and her daughter, or in my room.

Yep…sheltered. It’s not really something I like. I want to run in the forest, spread my legs and really explore. I want to roam the entirety of the estate, finding every little nook and cranny that I slip into. There are also places I cannot go into, and so I steer clear of them.

There’s still another problem however, namely Orga and Kateryna. I really don’t want to run into them. While they are my family, in this era they’re not. So if I was to encounter them, that would really screw things up. It’s one of the reasons I’ve chosen to keep to a simple schedule.

In battle I have no fear, but in the past…that’s a completely different matter.

Getting back on topic, if I were to head out into forest, I know Fenris would be right beside me, running along the forest floor. I grin to myself, thinking I’d even transform, feeling more at home in a forest as a kitsune. Always have, always will.

The only thing I have to do now is ask Serasfall.

I soon finish rewriting the pages I had been given to transcribe. I peer up and hand them to my teacher. I giggle to myself, thinking of how I did this with Mom. She smiles and takes them. I watch as she reads them over.

“Your handwriting has improved, yet still can be perfected,” she says.

I smile, “Yes ma’am.”

She picks up the rest of the papers in front of me. “Now, I want you read these books tonight and have a report on them within the next couple of days.”

I nod to her, “Yes ma’am.”

Behind me I hear a wolfish chortle. “She will have them done for you by this evening,” says Fenris.

She looks to him, “What do you mean?”

He grins, “When at home, her mother would assign her papers as well. However, Aria would complete them within a few hours in order to pursue her hobbies.”

She looks to me. I giggle, “Yep, get them done, yet exactly as ordered.” I then slink back in my seat, sighing softly. I miss home, I miss my mother.

Serasfall slowly leans over and strokes my head. I look up and smile to her. “You truly look your best with a smile.” I giggle, nodding.

She chuckles, “Why don’t we end our session for today?” I nod, gathering up my papers and books, stashing them into a satchel.

I look up at her. “Hey, I’m curious about the Xur’canah. To be honest, ever since it came to me it’s been on my mind.”

I pan around, seeing no one in the library expect us. I turn back to her, “I know it's a relic of royalty, able to open door, even flash images, but that’s really about it. I also know that Nethune knows of it.”

She sighs, nodding as she steps in front of the table. “The Xur’canah has always remained with Shyair from the moment it was created. We have always been its keeper, seeing how it was our ancestors who forged it.” She folds her arms, “Nethune knows of this as well, yet still desire it.”

I nod as I listen, stilling stroking Rhea.

“We know its secrets,” she continues. “Yet Nethune possesses some knowledge of them, yet not all.”

I nod again. “How?”

She smiles to me, “Ages ago, some secrets were given to them in order to secure a peace between our families. That peace came in the form of a marriage, yet long ago we were descended from the same ancestor.”

I cringe, “That…that’s a little much.”

She nods, “Agreed, my dear.”

Now that I think about it, it makes me wonder how much Regulus and Selene really know about the lantern. Then again, I know even less.

She smiles, “For now, my child, push your questions aside.” I nod and follow her out of the door.

As we stroll through the halls, I peer back at Fenris. He smiles, forever giving me his fatherly gaze. I grin softly at him. I then look to Rhea as she steps closer, yet ever so slightly. I spin around and look to my bonded. He steps in close, nuzzling me. I grin and stroke him.

“So…while I’ve been studying hard, have you been a good student for Rhea?”

I quickly feel his tail swatting my butt. I giggle as I look up to him.

Snarky little fox.”

I giggle even more, “Have fun.”

He huffs and walks down the hall, followed by Rhea. The elder wolf grins and trots off.

Serasfall chuckles, “What exactly is your relationship with him?”

I grin, “He’s very much my father. Been that way since we bonded.” I lower my head, sighing, “He’s been even more so since we had to flee home.” No matter what, I will never forget that day. A day I nearly lost everything.

I soon find myself being pulled into a hug. I feel Serasfall’s hand gently gliding over my hair. “Life in exile is truly difficult. It is often a fate worse than death itself.” I nod, wanting to just rest my head onto her chest, but I hold back.

“It’s good you have Fenris at your side,” she says softly. “There have been many times when the wolves take on parental roles.” She pulls back and smiles to me. “I am grateful you have found a father within him.”

I grin, “He’s been the best for me.”

She smiles, leaning over and kissing the top of my head. I blush, giggling. We then turn a resume our trek down the hallway.

We finally arrive at my room. I smile, now seeing name placed on a nameplate over the door. Serasfall then turns to me. “Would you like to be formally introduced to my knights?”

My eyes quickly flare open, nodding. “I’d love that.” I then cringe. “But, what about Orga and Kateryna? Won’t the others tell them about me?”

She smiles, “Let me worry about that.”

I nod slowly.

She gently cups my face, stroking it. “Now, I want you to get some rest,” she then chuckles, “while also completing those transcriptions.”

I giggle, blushing and nodding to her. “Yes ma’am.”

She leans over once more and kisses my forehead. I blush even more as I watch her stand up and leave. I stand there for a moment, not sure what to think. I’ve only known her for less than a week, and yet I somehow get the feeling she’s treating me like a daughter. I sigh, turning and head into my room.

The next day I sit on my couch, reading a book. Most of the books Serasfall assigned to me appear to have been written with children in mind. I don’t care at the moment. These really are helping me with Alcoran. Although, I think I might start doing some good ole double-reading and burn through the more advanced books

My head then turns as I hear a knocking on my door.

“Lady Aria, Her Grace and Highness are expecting you on the terrace.”

I take a deep breath and nod, bookmarking my place and rise from the couch and head over to the door, opening it. The servant bows to me.

I nod, “Thank you.” I then turn and head down the hallway.

My steps are quiet and steady, yet anxious. I constantly fumble my hands, not sure what to think. I feel Fenris brushing against me, I smiling, nervously clinging to his fur.

He looks over to me. “Remain calm, daughter,” he says gently. “This is no different than the Winter Solstice festival.”

I smirk, “There I was meeting the entire coven. Though I did meet some of them earlier.” I look to him, “This is way different.” Here I’m being introduced to the knights of Shyair. So very much different.

He smiles, nuzzling my face. “All the same regardless.” I nod to him.

We exit out onto the terrace overlooking the training grounds. I smile, finding Celestine and Serasfall waiting for me. Celestine holds out her hand to me, to which I quickly take. She smiles, walking me to the railing.

I peer down to see the knights below, counting well over two dozen or so. Men and women, ranging in differing ages, all looking up to me. Celestine smiles, pulling me close and draping her arms around me from behind. I look up to see Serasfall placing her hand onto my shoulder.

The matriarch smiles and turns towards the knights. “I thank you all for coming today. No doubt you remember seeing this child a few days ago. Well this day I shall introduce you to her. This is Arianna Lucindel Edge. As of this week, she is my ward. Therefore I want her to be treated as a full member of this house.”

The knights bow, “Greetings, Lady Aria.”

I blush, feeling my heart racing as I wave to them. I peer down to see Piotr eyeing me. I tilt my head, then look away.

Serasfall then looks to my bonded. “And this is Fenris, her bonded wolf.”

The knights stare in awe at him. While here at the estate, or even far from the city, Fenris doesn’t have to be in disguise. That being said, this still doesn’t stop them from whispering. I smile, thinking to just let it go.

Serasfall then looks to me. “If you ever wish to train with them, you have but to ask.”

I smirk, “Fenris must’ve told you about me.”

She smiles, stroking my hair. I shake my head, flicking him behind the ear, causing him to smirk. I look up to her, “Think I can talk to them?”

She smiles, “You may, my dear.” I nod and head down the stairs.

I quickly descend the steps and is greeted by the knights, who all personally introduce themselves to me. Norick, who I think is in his early-forties, towers over me. He has hazel-brown hair with teal eyes. I smile as seems to give off a teacher’s aura. Wondering if he helps train the knights or possibly lead them.

“Greetings my lady,” he says. “It is an honor to meet you.”

I smile, “The honor is mine good sir knight.” He smiles.

Beside him is a younger tall, fair-skinned woman with almond-like eyes and platinum hair which has been tied into a high ponytail. “Hello my lady, I am Kayle. Master spearman of this house.”

I smile to her, “Hello.” She smiles brightly seeing her scarf swaying in the breeze.

The knight beside her bows, to me. “I am Anarius, at your service, my lady.” He’s at least in his early to mid-thirties, still taller than me with dark hair and hazel eyes.

I grin, feeling nervous and yet at home with them. I have been traveling with two of their number for several months, both of whom are my family. The knights and I begin talking, slowly feeling more confident around them. Each knight speaks with me, yet all gather around me. Fenris stays at my side, making sure I don’t get too overwhelmed.

After a few minutes I look up to them. “If I ever start training with you, I want you to be honest with me, criticize my movements, critiquing me.” I take a deep breath, these aren’t my knights. I have to earn their respect.

The knights bow. “As you wish, my lady,” speaking in unison.

I quickly look at my outfit. I sigh, slumping slightly. I really can’t train in a dress. I really wish I had my suitcase with me, along with me my training clothes. I pan back over, seeing gauntlets similar those belonging to my knights. Within them I see the hilts or outlines of various weapons, swords, spears, a bow. I smile, yep; I’m in the right place.

I look up to see Serasfall standing over me. “I think I’m gonna need some training clothes.”

She smiles, “I shall have some prepared for you my dear.”

I smile in return.

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