
Chapter 18: Family Reunion

“Corana to Morwen, is my family with the reception committee?

“Morwen to Corana, the packages have arrived. Your mother is asking some pointed questions. Your presence would help out, greatly.” Zolar said.

Derak collapsed back into his chair and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

“Copy, Morwen. When I’m finished in Austria, I’ll return ASAP. Corana out.”

Copy. Morwen out.”

Derak relaxed into the captain’s chair and breathed another sigh of relief. Now, he could set his mind upon the reunion with Tara, and his first meeting with his son. He pulled the Corana out of slow cruise and set the yacht to the maximum allowable speed, wondering, Will Calvin accept me? Will Tara have a warm reception for me? He nervously drummed his fingers on the armrest of his chair.

Thirty miles outside of Vienna lay the Morton estate, vast and beautifully kept. The main house was a huge centuries-old German castle. He landed the ship, and Tara walked out to greet him. He stepped off the ramp. She hugged him and kissed his cheek, warmly. She was as beautiful as he remembered her.

“Derak! Let me look at you. You haven’t aged a day.” Her smile was bright as she appraised his uniform. “You have moved up in the world.

You’re an admiral. Impressive, it’s about time they recognized your record.

I’ve been following your career, you know. I figured Calvin would want to know about you, some day.”

“Tara, you’re as gorgeous as the day we parted and as young as the moment we met. How has your dad treated you and Calvin?”

She chatted as they walked off the flight pad. “He treats us well, now, but not so much in the beginning. He couldn’t stand having his grandson carrying on the Morton name with Jamar blood mixed with his. His prejudice runs far deeper than New York City, Derak. Both families have quarreled for centuries over land rights. But, now, he loves Calvin and spoils him when he’s home. I’ve taken over the family business interests, in his absence. They have thrived, and that has greatly improved our relationship. He loves us, and that’s all that matters.”

“You’ve done well, yourself, Tara,” said Derak.

“So have you, Derak, amazingly so. Calvin has a lot to be proud of.”

The long walk to the main house gave them time to catch up as Derak continued, “It boils down to a lot of hard work and being in the right place at the right time. I had the skills to employ, and the incredible luck to get out of some pretty tight places.”

“You never give yourself the proper credit, Derak. You do have skills, but it’s your ability to lead others that has gotten you to this point.”

“You sound like Shesain, now.”

“Shesain?” she asked.

Shesain is my fiancé, and the Thumarian ambassador.”

Tara stopped. “Congratulations! I wondered when someone was going to get your attention. She must be smart as well as beautiful.”

“That and a lot more,” he proudly said. “I was worried about your reaction.” He showed her a vid of Shesain.

“Derak, she is stunning!”

“Yes, she is. She has a knack for interpreting my emotions and reactions, almost as if she knows them before I do. It took some getting used to, at first, but, now, I couldn’t live without her. We’re at the point where we exchange a look or think something, and it’s instantly communicated. It’s very nice. We compliment each other well.”

“I look forward to meeting her, the beauty that conquered the galactic playboy,” she teased.

“You’re the one who brought that to an end. Give yourself credit, Tara.”

“I do.” She giggled. “All it took, was one look, and I had you hooked. I wish you both the best. This is it. Calvin’s been studying up on you. He has seen all the vids he could find, old and new. You’re his hero. Calvin wants to be just like you. As you can imagine, Dad just grimaces when he hears that.

“The Thumarian crisis is all the news now. Your face is recognized all over the planet. Thank you so much for coming.” She hugged him, again, and continued, “We’ve both been looking forward to this day.”

They walked through the large front doors and up the stairs to Calvin’s playroom. It was massive and held a galactic fighter collection on the back wall.

“Calvin, your father is here.”

He stood up and turned to face them.

Calvin was tall for his age with a sturdy frame. Derak could immediately see himself in his son. Calvin had Derak’s own face and his mother’s blue eyes and blonde hair. Calvin grinned widely and walked over to Derak. He shook his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” he said, formally. Then, he saluted.

Derak returned the salute. “As you were, soldier,” he said, kindly. “You don’t have to call me sir, you know. You can call me Derak or dad. You’re so tall, and I bet you’re smart, too.”

“I am sir, Derak. I’m enrolled in all of the advanced science and math classes at my school.”

“Do you play any sports?”

“Yes. I love rugby.” Calvin’s grin widened. “Our team won the Junior European Championship last year.”

“I notice that you have a large galactic fighter collection. Do you want to be a space fighter pilot?” Derak asked.

“I don’t know, yet. I still have to calculate the probable rates of survival.” Calvin said this with a serious look.

Derak looked at Tara and smiled. “Just enjoy being a kid. It only comes around once.”

“I do. I love to play with my friends in grandpa’s forests. Hide and seek mostly. I let them win once in a while.”

Tara and Derak laughed.

“Now that I’m eight-years-old, I asked grandpa to let me go to military academy next year.”

Derak looked at Tara.

“That’s what he wants, and his grades are good enough,” she answered.

“Admirable. I brought you a birthday present.” Derak reached into his bag and handed it to him.

Calvin looked at his mom, and she nodded. He unwrapped his present and shouted in delight. “It’s a Thumarian Ting fighter!” he cried. “They’re premier short-range fighters based off of carriers. Thank you, Dad!” He hugged Derak, then, caught himself, and went back to admiring his toy.

Derak was in heaven. “It’s radio-controlled,” he explained, as he took the fighter and set it on the floor. He demonstrated its features for about ten minutes.

“Wow! Can I try it now?” Calvin asked, excited.

Derak handed him the remote, and he took to it like a pro.

He’s going to make a hell of pilot one day, Derak thought.

“I can’t wait to fly it outside. I’ll win every aerial battle. Well, almost all of them,” said Calvin, correcting himself. “Dad, can I touch your uniform? Are all of these medals real?”


He spent twenty minutes grilling Derak on every medal on his uniform. Finally, his eyes rested on Derak’s Zertha Braid. “What’s this one for?”

Derak looked a Tara.

She mouthed, “Tell him the truth.”

“This one I received after serving in the Voeleron War. My actions saved a lot of military and civilian lives.”

“It’s a Zertha Braid, Mom. Only the bravest receive them.” Calvin stood as tall as possible and proclaimed, “My dad is a war hero!”

“War is not something to be proud of Calvin. Too many good people never make it home to their families, on either side. It takes a better man, a wiser man, to know when not to pull the trigger. Those who fight to keep lasting peace are the real heroes. I did what I had to do to help my side win, that is all. I really have to go now, son. I have duties to attend to.”

Calvin got up and hugged his father, hard.

Derak’s eyes grew moist as he held his son in his arms. “Calvin, I have waited eight years to hold you, and I can’t wait to spend more time with you.”

“Come back soon, please!” Calvin pleaded.

“I will, son, and you and your mother can visit me on Thumar anytime you want to.”

Calvin looked up at his mom, expectantly.

“We’ll visit real soon, I promise,” said Tara. “Now, Derak has to leave. Say goodbye to your father.”

“Goodbye, Dad,” said Calvin. He turned, quickly, and started flying his Ting fighter all over the room, hiding the tears welling up in his eyes. Derak and Tara walked out of the room with the fighter zooming over their heads. Tears were also forming in Derak’s eyes.

“Whew, that went better than I expected,” he said, brushing away a stray tear. “He’s a good kid. You’ve done an excellent job, Tara. By the way, I have a present for you, too.”

As they stood in the castle’s foyer, he handed a wrapped present to his former lover and the mother of his child.

“Derak, you didn’t need to...”

“Open it,” he insisted.

She unwrapped the gift and gasped as she pulled out a necklace. “I can’t accept this. It must be worth …”

“The circle represents unified love, and the stones are Anean sapphires mounted in gold. The diamond in the middle represents Calvin. Our experiences have made us one, Tara. Calvin is the culmination of our love. Shesain will always be my lover and wife, but you will forever stand in the company of those I love the most. I had it made to honor the mother of our son.” He took it from her and clasped the chain around her neck.

She embraced him and said through her tears. “I have nothing for you.”

“Yes, you do,” he answered, tenderly, gently wiping the last tear from her cheek. “He’s up there shooting the enemy down.”

She laughed and sniffled, “Come on. I need to get you back to the flight pad before I totally lose it.” She took his arm and walked him back to the Captain’s Yacht.

At the base of the ramp, he turned to her. “You, Calvin, and your dad are going to receive invitations to my wedding. I do expect at least two of you to attend. Oh, damn, pictures. I completely forgot to get pictures. Shesain is going to kill me.”

Tara gave him a goodbye hug and kissed Derak on the cheek. “I’ll upload pictures and vids on your way up. Honestly, men!” She fingered the necklace. “All three of us will attend, even if I have to drag Dad along, in chains.”

They both laughed.

Derak walked up the ramp and closed it. Tara waved goodbye as he gently lifted off and sped towards his waiting family, full of pride, relief, and bittersweet memories.

“This is The Corana. I’m on my way back and estimate docking time in thirty minutes. Out.”

“Copy, Corana. We’ll be waiting. Remor and Shesain are on board. We’ll break orbit when you return.”

“Copy, Morwen. Corana, out.”

Half the way to the Morwen, Derak received the vids with a note for Shesain from Tara, marked for her eyes only. He laughed. When he docked, Shesain was waiting for him. She, immediately, started grilling him about the visit with Tara and Calvin. He told her the details. Her laugh was full of fondness and understanding as he recanted how Calvin turned back to his Ting fighter after saying goodbye.

“That’s a child, for you,” said Shesain.

“He is amazing, Shesain! He has my face and build, with Tara’s gentle eyes and blonde hair.”

Shesain smiled. “Calvin sounds adorable. Did you get the pictures and vids? I hope you didn’t forget.”

“I almost did forget,” said Derak. “I remembered at the bottom of the ramp as I was leaving. Tara uploaded eight year’s worth on my way up.”

“Well, let me see them,” she said, impatient.

Derak handed her the e-pad. “I need to get to the bridge.”

“No, you don’t,” she said, chiding. “Admiral Kaitain and Jack have the trip home, well in hand. You have your family to deal with. I have to look at these vids really quick.” She examined the envelope. “A note from Tara, how sweet, she’s such a darling, I can’t wait meet her. Look, here’s a vid of her with the necklace you gave her. She’s beautiful, Derak! How did you get so lucky?” she teased.

“It must be my incredible good looks and undeniable charm,” he quipped.

She punched his arm and continued, “There’s Calvin. He’s such a handsome boy. I do see your face and her eyes. He’s tall, isn’t he? I’ll keep these to look at later. You have a lively family, especially your mother, Virginia. It didn’t take her long to figure out she wasn’t on a space liner, and she has some very pointed questions. Let’s get to their room before she starts a mutiny.”

They met Remor on their way. He was cheerful.

“I think your ops went smoother than what’s coming up,” he warned, grinning.

“You’re enjoying this way too much, Remor.”

Putting a hand on Derak’s shoulder, he said, “I’ve found that running a government is sometimes far easier than family reunions.”

They reached the door. Derak took a deep breath before it opened. His family was milling around the center of the room. His mother was directing myriad questions to anyone who would listen.

When he entered, the room went quiet. After they had got over the shock, he was assaulted by multiple questions, simultaneously. He looked at Remor, who was chuckling to himself.

His mother, not surprisingly, started first. “What’s going on here, son? Where are we? I know this is no space liner. What type of ship is this, and why are we here?”

“Mom, calm down,” said Derak. “I’ll answer all your questions, one at a time. The room erupted, again. Derak put his fingers to his lips and whistled, loudly, silence. “Now that I have your attention, I would like no interruptions until I’m finished.”

“We’re not in the military,” said his mother.

“Mom, please let me continue.”

She pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

“I want to start with some introductions.” He took Shesain’s hand, and she drew close beside him. “This is Shesain Andehar, the Thumarian Ambassador, my fiancé.”

His mother’s expression changed to a shocked smile. She rushed up and hugged Shesain, then stood back and looked her over. “You did very well, son. She’s a real beauty.”

Shesain laughed and returned the hug.

Everyone laughed as the tension in the room lessened, considerably.

Derak continued, “I would also like to introduce you to Remor Andehar, President of Thumar and a senior Galactic Council member. Without him, all of you would be in a much different place, now, and it would not be a space liner. You were pulled from your locations because all of your lives were in danger.”

Voices broke out in alarm and confusion.

“We’ll have an informational meeting, after a good meal, where we will answer all of your questions. Right now, I’m hungry, and I’m sure we’ll all be in better spirits and ready for the briefing afterward.”

As promised, dinner helped elevate the mood of the abductees. Conversation was spirited, thanks to the pouring of Rhemar’s wine. As the meeting commenced, Derak’s mother grew suspicious again. His father was quietly observant.

Derak explained the technology behind the center 3D holo-projector. “What you’re about to see will change your perception of the Jamar family, forever. Everything you will see is based on science and fact. Robert, you’ll see the foundation behind the facts, as well. This is what the Alliance collected on all of you, and they were ready to use you as blood donors. To begin, I would like to introduce Dr. Centur, the leading geneticist on Thumar. Dr. Centur has had months to go over my DNA, and he’ll provide you with the crucial details.”

“Your DNA? I don’t understand, son?”

“Mother, please. Dr. Centur will explain.”

Derak heard Remor, seated behind him, snicker.

Dr. Centur began, explaining the facts in much the same way as he had after Derak’s physical examination. He showed the different DNA strands from Thumarians and humans. Then, he displayed the Jamar DNA strand. He outlined the differences between the three DNA strands. When he reached the subject of the Jamar family’s life expectancy, he had everyone’s attention. Derak’s mother was mesmerized.

Robert’s mind moved like lightning, trying to process what he had just heard. “Are you sure of your findings, doctor? This news sounds a lot like science fiction.”

“It’s not science fiction, Robert,” said the physician, patiently. “My team has checked and rechecked the results. The more we dig, the more fictional the data seems to get. Yet, it is scientifically valid.”

“I would like to study your findings,” said Robert.

“I’ll have the information made available to you.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

“Just think, James. We have another one hundred and fifty years or more to spend together.” Virginia beamed at her husband.

James gave her a kiss.

“Wow,” said Tony. “That means I have over a century to play the field!”

“Not on Thumarian soil, son,” said Remor, reacting with complete seriousness to Tony’s off-hand remark.

Tony was taken aback by the forceful tone of the president’s admonishment.

“On Thumar, we live our lives by fair and highly moralistic protocols,” explained Remor. “Sex isn’t allowed before marriage. So Tony, there will be no ‘playing the field’ on Thumar. Your brother, Derak, is now inextricably linked to the ruling family of Thumar. Our reign includes our home world and all of our satellites. You would do well to follow his example.”

“I’m sorry, sir. I meant no disrespect.”

“None was taken, Tony,” said Remor, kindly. “Most Thumarians would have reacted the same way. Our rules may seem old-fashioned to those not born and raised with our values. We have gained many societal advantages from our practices. You and your family are now under the Andehar family umbrella, and your actions will reflect on our family honor.”

“I think I understand now, sir,” said Tony, humbled.

“Good,” said Remor. He put a friendly hand on Tony’s shoulder.

“Now, you’ll see the danger you were in,” said Derak, briskly, bringing the mood back to the business that brought the group together. He replayed the ops vids showing the ASOs movements during the mission. “Tony’s retrieval was more complex, seeing that he was in a minimum security prison, and the ASOs were already activated. No one was hurt, nor was there any bloodshed. However, there’s going to be more than a few ASOs waking up in strange places. We ran out of sleep darts and had to stun a few them. The mission was staged to look like a ‘terrorist kidnapping for ransom event.’ Outside of this room, only a few select individuals know the truth, that Thumar was not involved.

“Your genetically modified, long life spans would have eventually attracted unwanted attention. The ASOs would have caught up with you. They would have turned you into lab rats. The Alliance is unknown to them; they are puppets behind a greater enemy, the Orion Syndicate. They are hunting down first generation descendants of a centuries-old genetic program.

“Without our intervention, none of you would have been safe, anywhere in the galaxy. Ultimately, no, matter where you settled, your long lives would have attracted unwanted attention and questions, especially on Earth, or on any other Terran colony. Because of this, it has been arranged for all of you to live on Thumar or any of its colonies. Here, where long life spans are the norm, you will not attract attention.”

Remor spoke. “On behalf of my family, and its people, you are welcome to make your new home on Thumar. Thumarian average life spans run around two hundred and thirty years. Some of us make it to two hundred and fifty. We understand what it is to have long lives, and our society is based on longevity. Most of us have two, sometimes three different professions in a lifetime. There is a place for all of you. If you require or want some of your Earth belongings, we can arrange to retrieve them. We will need a list of your needs.

“I understand that Catherine is a dancer. Shenar is the artistic director of the Thumarian national dance company. I’m sure she could find a place for you. It is the premiere dance troupe on Thumar.”

Catherine smiled, and Shenar grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Tony, you have a similar background to Derak’s, though not as developed, yet. We can always use a good man in the Thrashur, Thumar’s elite military intelligence and security corps. The Thrashur are the ones who broke you out of jail.”

“Do I get to go invisible again?” Tony asked, excited.

“That, and a lot more,” Derak replied.

“James and Virginia, I know exactly where we could place you. Virginia would make an excellent senator, especially when I’m trying to push my bills through the legislature.”

She puffed up at the thought and grinned at her husband.

“James, your sewage and underground engineering expertise would come in very handy, especially since we’re in the early process of rebuilding Thumar’s cities and towns. There is much work to be done, and your skills will prove valuable to our cities, towns, and people.”

James and Virginia looked at Remor with gratitude, overwhelmed by such generosity.

“I’ve got Robert covered, Remor,” said Derak.

Remor sat down, allowing Derak to take over.

“I would like Robert to run my three companies.”

“What three companies?” Remor asked in surprise.

“Air Car Corporation; its subsidiary, Sky Cycle; and Gel Tech Computers,” Derak answered.

“Those are three of the largest corporations in the known galaxy. How did you manage that?” Remor asked.

“I would like to know, myself,” said Robert.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later, the bottom line is I don’t have the time to properly run them. They’re all located in the Altair system, far from Alliance space. Robert has the business savvy and the science background to effectively run all three. I already have top management, accountant and legal teams in place, but I need a full-time CEO whom I can trust. I want all of you to think about your options here, considering the situation. If you think of something else you might want, or that you feel might suit your interests better, let us know. We are here for you.”

With that, they all dispersed for the day to recover from their recent experiences and to contemplate their future possibilities on Thumar.

When Jack was off duty, he and Shenar were always on the observation deck, accompanied by Numar, Shenar’s bodyguard and temporary shadow. They were allowed to hold hands in private, but that was as far as it went. Otherwise, Thumarian customs were strictly adhered too. They sat as close as they were allowed.

“Jack, I can’t wait for you to meet your shadow,” said Shenar, sighing deeply.

“You can’t wait. I’m going crazy,” Jack replied, tenderly, holding her soft hand. This was as far as Numar would allow them to flaunt tradition in private. “I’m just now getting used to Thumarian women’s remarkable bodies. I’ve even resigned myself to be in the presence of a Thumarian woman twenty eight, eight, for ten months.”

“One of the reasons for that, my chimera,” said Shenar, “is to allow you to adjust to our everyday physiology and cultural practices. It also tests your love and devotion to your chimera, me.”

“That shouldn’t be questioned by now. I love you very much, Shenar, and would do nothing to hurt you, or dishonor your family name.”

“I love you, too, more than you know, Jack,” said Shenar. “The first time I saw you, I knew you were my chosen, my chimera. Neither me nor my family questions your honor. It is a matter of upholding our accepted marriage traditions. We Andehar's, as the royal family, have the extra burden placed upon us to set an example for the Thumarian people.”

“I’ll wait for you forever if I have to,” he said, meaning every word.

Shesain and Derak took in some quiet time in the zero gravity observation bay. It was attached to the side of The Morwen, with a one hundred and eighty degree view of open space. They floated freely in the protective bubble with Karn and Therese present. The view was magnificent, with stars, planets, and galaxies shining brighter than ever. Without a planet’s protective atmosphere, their light fills the vastness of space with a brilliant luminescence. When they were alone like this, they did not talk, they telepathically communicated, and the intimacy amazed Derak.

“Your mother has jumped right into the wedding preparations. Her personality fits right in with my mom. It is almost impossible to separate them now.” Shesain remarked.

“That’s just like her. She won’t let go until everything is perfect. She’s been hounding me for decades about my playboy ways.”

“I find that hard to believe, you, Derak Jamar, a playboy.” She thought in feigned surprise.

“I was in my younger years. In fact, I was quite infamous in some sectors. I had an endless credit account and an over-inflated ego to match. However, Tara and the Chambar Valley Offensive put an end to that, thankfully so. The offensive and Tara started me on this path I’ve been walking for nine years. You, my love, have helped me complete the journey. I dream about our wedding night. What I have planned for you… such delights.”

“So, you have a few tricks up your sleeve.” She wore a big grin on her face.

“More than a few, my love. But I must remember, you are a virgin, and the first time is the most memorable. It must be sublime to the extreme.” He teased her.

She seductively took off her jacket, showing the fullness of her upper body. “I’m so hot now, I can’t breathe. I must inform you that Thumarian women are well-trained in the many ways to please their husbands. Be forewarned.” She shot back at him, playfully “I consider myself forewarned.” He thought, lowering his head and looking into her eyes. “I am looking forward to our wedding night.”

“Three days, my chimera, is a typical Thumarian wedding night.”

“How will I survive?” He teased her again.

“Stop! Let’s talk about something else, like, how your family is going to integrate into our society.” Shesain skillfully switched the conversation.

Remor, too, was with Tranoka catching up on time lost due to the MSS and the rescue of Derak’s family. Remor soundproofed the room and popped the cork on a ’00 vintage from Rhemar’s private stock. Remor and Tranoka were equally as zealous in their lovemaking. After a number of explosive satisfying climaxes, Remor promised Tranoka a long-deserved vacation.

“How about we draft Derak to take us on a nebula tour?” Tranoka asked Remor, as she caressed his body. We can take The Morwen. It has more than enough room for the family, and we’ll have our own private stateroom. However, you will not conduct any state business during our vacation, understand?”

“Aye, sir,” replied Remor, playfully.

“I mean it. I want you all to myself. This is not a request, it’s an order. After all, you are the president of Thumar,” said Tranoka in her sultry voice.

Remor smiled. “Your wish is my command.” He slyly stroked Tranoka’s hot spots, firing her up again.

The next day, Derak’s mom and dad approached Remor and Derak. His mother spoke first. “We’ve made our decisions, all of us. Tony and Catherine have accepted your offers. In fact, you can’t separate Catherine and Shenar, they have become fast friends. All they seem talk about, is dance and what the men are like on Thumar. Tony is smitten with the idea of joining your Thrashur. Your Nurse Teren has made quite an impression on him. He’s made it a priority to be near her as much as possible, and she seems to enjoy his company, as well. Derak, Robert is seriously considering your offer, with conditions, and James and I will accept on one condition. James’ brother is married to my sister and was supposed to meet us on Endar this afternoon. They both come from the same bloodline. We’ll accept only if they and their children’s families are given the same opportunities for life on Thumar.”

“We can do that. I’ll send a team to retrieve them,” said Remor.

Virginia continued, “Only this time, they are to be told the same information we received, right from the start. They are be given time to decide what they want to do, before they’re whisked off, willy nilly.”

“We’ll send our best teams and have them here before we reach Thumar, if they decide to come,” Derak said. “Is that all, mother?”

“No, son, it isn’t.” His father spoke this time. “Remor, we have made up lists of our necessities and need your guarantee they will be filled.” He handed them to Remor.

Remor and Derak looked them over. Remor replied, “This should be no problem, although some of these requests will take some planning. Is there anything else we can help you with to make you comfortable on your new home world?”

Derak’s mother thought for a moment as Remor and Derak waited anxiously. “Yes, we would like a tour of this ship. We don’t travel in space much and this looks like a grand vessel.”

Derak smiled, “Mom, Dad, you’ll have your tour, at your convenience. Now I need to talk with Robert and find out what his conditions are. If you need me, buzz me.”

He left Remor and his dad in a deep conversation about improving Shenmar’s waste management systems. Temela and his mother were walking down the hall enjoying a good laugh.

He went to his quarters to pick up the e-pads before going to see his brother. He buzzed Robert’s door and entered. “Rob, I just came from a meeting with Mom and Dad and I hear you have ‘conditions’ for me. What are they?”

“They’re not conditions, but more in the nature of requirements. I need your last five years of profit and loss statements for all three companies. Then, I’ll need the information on all your products, every research and development project you are engaged in or have planned for the near future.

Hold nothing back, even the top-secret stuff. Thirdly, I need the personnel files of your top executives, legal and accounting teams, and all of your legal actions, to date.”

That’s Robert, Derak thought as he handed him three e-pads.

“Here they are, I anticipated your requests and gave you a little more than what you asked for,” said Derak. Robert was so like his brother, in that he was a very fast speed reader with a photographic memory and never procrastinated on anything, the perfect man for the job. He took the pads and began to scan his new acquisition and management team.

“You did all this while completing missions?” asked Robert. “Impressive. It looks like you assembled an excellent support staff, too. Mmmm… that’s a slick way to get around Alliance laws. You must have a fantastic lead counsel.”

“The only way I’ve managed, so far, was to assemble the best.”

Robert whistled loudly. “You developed these? If the Alliance knew about this, you’d be in hot water now. How much of this is operational?”

“Seventy-five percent,” replied Derak. “Most of what you’re looking at was used on the rescue mission, including the D-gen, dimensional generators. They performed well and do a lot more than what you’re reading about now. We’re very hesitant to start poking into the timing aspect of the D-gens and the IDMD. That’s dangerous ground to tread on. The space-dimensional aspects are scary enough. We’re not sure we want to add time travel to the equation, not just yet. The D-gen puts you in between the third and fourth dimensions, and you can directly affect the third without detection.”

“So that’s where the other guy came from so suddenly. Slick bro, very slick,” said Robert with admiration. “These other projects, what stages are they in?”

“Anywhere from conception to completion.”

“I love your new ‘living ship’ concept. You could never tell by looking at them that they are alive. Thought interface is a very efficient way to control them, although, I assume you have manual redundancies built in, as well.

Just in case,” he added, cryptically.

“Of course, down to the tertiary level,” Derak assured.

“Well, Derak, after much consideration, and after seeing the tip of the iceberg, I’ll do it. Some changes will have to be made, but I’ll consult you on any new proposals, before implementation. I’ll need some time alone to go over these details. I’ll see you at lunch. Then, you can show me one of your new ships, and we can go over the operational parameters.”

“Sounds great, and thanks, Rob. I feel better knowing it’s all in your capable hands.”

Robert waved Derak off while he hooked the e-books up to the wall plaz-screen. Derak felt like a ton of weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, as he made his way down to the

extraction team’s recreation room. He entered, and was greeted with cheers and hoots.

“Hold your horses. I’ve got one more mission for you.”

“I need two teams to retrieve my aunt and uncle and their children’s families from Endar, the vacation planet. Take the Shesain and the Shenar. This mission will be different from the last one, in that, they’ll see all the briefing material before you retrieve them. Dr. Centur will join you and handle that part of the mission. Time is of the essence, so you will use the IDMD drive. Be prepared for an unforgettable ride.

“I know you’ll be able to manage time displacement on a minor scale, and I will program the ships before you leave. We anticipate no complications, but take your suits, portable D-gens, and a good supply of sleep darts. I don’t think the ASOs will make a scene on an intergalactic vacation destination. They’re more than likely going to wait until the targets return to Earth. Catherine and Tony will represent the family. They’re on their way, now. The targets know Jack. This should help with any issues that arise. Be prepared to launch in twenty minutes. And remember to use the ship’s cloak or D-gen only if necessary, otherwise, excellent job, all of you. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for getting my family here safely. Those leaving, may Kumar bless your safe return. Those of you staying behind, enjoy the celebration and well-deserved rest and relaxation.”

Cheers erupted and glasses clinked, “to Keystone, the best boss ever.” Bull roared as he nearly broke Derak in half in an embrace. He shared a toast before programming the Shesain.

When Derak caught up with admiral Kaitain, he was giving his parents and Robert the grand tour. Then, lunch was served, and Zolar joined them. He and Robert talked about the Morwen. Derak’s mother, Tranoka, and Temela were immersed in wedding plans. Conversation was lively and the food went fast. Afterward, everyone split off into groups. Derak showed his brother the Temela. As Derak explained its features, Robert was silent. Then, he spent the next three hours questioning Derak on the finer points of the technology.

An hour before dinner, Jack returned with Derak’s aunt, uncle and their family. The mission was accomplished with no problems, and everyone was in good spirits.

Dinner turned into a grand party. Congratulations were lavished on Derak and Shesain for their engagement and upcoming wedding. Everyone was catching up on family news and talking about their retrieval experiences. Shesain was graceful, gracious, and beautiful, wearing an eye-catching maroon dress. In the middle of the meal, Jack was surprised when his entire family was ushered in to join them. With the retrieval teams joining the fray, the party went into overdrive into the early morning.

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