
Chapter 17: Operations Commence

The Morwen broke orbit and set course for Earth space. Jack assumed his XO position on the bridge. Derak joined him.

“Officer’s on the deck.”

“At ease,” Derak said. “Admiral Kaitain, permission to enter the bridge.”

“Permission granted,” said Zolar. “Welcome aboard, Admiral. I trust the training went well.”

“Yes, captain Morgan is a great asset. How did your training go?”

“Very well, communications have been established and confirmed. We should be in constant contact with all of the teams, you, and Remor. Our agents are in place, and if anything changes, you’ll be the first to know. We are on schedule to enter Alliance space at 0600 tomorrow morning. Alpha Team coordinates will be reached at 0800 hours. Earth orbit will be established at 0900 hours.”

“Thank you, Admiral. I think we‘ll pull this mission off.”

“I think we will, Derak,” Zolar replied.

As Derak left the bridge, he smiled to himself as he made his way to meet Shesain in the hydroponics bay. Any time they could take for themselves, they took. Once in the bay, He went straight to Shesain, and they held each other, within eyesight of Therese and Karn. They allowed a little latitude in the rules, but not much. Shesain cuddled Derak as close as she could get, without sitting in his lap, stroking his calves with her bare feet. They spent hours like this, lost in each other’s thoughts, not uttering a word.

Derak slept well that night and woke the next morning, well-rested. Spending time with Shesain, even in this limited way, with chaperones, rejuvenated him. He felt ready for the day. Suddenly, he received an urgent request to report to the bridge. When he arrived, admiral Kaitain took him aside.

“An Alliance doctor stopped by your parent’s house and took blood samples from both of them. He was followed back to the DNA lab. If they find out what we did, we may be too late.”

“Not on my watch, Zolar,” said Derak. “If I have to arm the teams with phase pistols to free them, I will. But, hopefully, there’s another way. Move the timeline up. We’ll strike sooner. I’ll issue one phase pistol per team with orders to use it as the last resort. Set course and speed for Team Alpha’s drop off point at midnight. Establish standard Earth orbit at 0600 hours.”

“Right away, Derak; may Kumar bless your mission.”

He notified the teams of the change. Team Alpha left to prep the ship after he issued a phase pistol to Tim, with instructions. The other three teams received the same orders. They started their suit, D-gen, and weapons checks. He wished them all good luck.

Derak got the reception committee ready to receive their guests. They entered Alliance space and neared Earth’s moon at 2330 hours. Team Alpha was waiting for the launch mark, and at 2350, they started the RMT drive. At 2400, they launched in cloak.

“Godspeed and good hunting Team Alpha,” Derak communicated.

“Copy, Morwen. We’ll bring him back alive and kicking.”

“I’ll take him alive, and in one piece, Paul.”

“Copy, Morwen, over and out.”

He caught up with the three remaining teams in the flight hangar. The techs were performing final checks on the ships as the teams went over their mission parameters. “Alpha’s launched, and we’re bringing them back, alive and kicking, according to Paul.”

Just then, Temela, Tranoka, Shesain, and Shenar entered the hangar.

“Remember, tact and kindness is imperative.” Temela started. “When you approach your assignments, don’t forget to retract your helmets. You could scare an army regular with them. If I receive hysterical guests, the responsible party will hear from me. It will be hard enough to calm them down. Good luck, and may Kumar bless you all.”

Shesain kissed Derak goodbye, and Jack and Shenar shared a private moment. Temela gathered her crew and set off to make preparations.

“Bull, are you prepped and ready?”

“Aye, sir,” he said. “The ships are receiving their final pre-flight checks. Those techs are a sharp bunch.”

“That is why they are here, Bull.”

He addressed the crews. “Remember, if you encounter any ASOs, they’re just as prepared as you are. Some are your equals, depending on who they send in.”

“How do you know that?” Velar asked.

“I trained them. Chances are some of them go back to the Voeleron war with me. They’re real bad boys. Just ask Bull.”

Bull nodded in agreement.

“Remember,” continued Derak. “The phase pistols are the last resort. Only use the stun setting. If that doesn’t work, minimize the casualties. Wound first. Kill only if the need arises. If you’re detected, they’ll think it’s a terrorist hit. It is a common occurrence in New York City.” Derak paused, considering. “Hopefully, it won’t come to that. Good luck, and have a smooth mission. Are the welcome packages on board?”

“Aye, sir,” Bull answered.

“Good. I’ll see you on your safe return.”

“Thank you, sir.”

He made his way back to his quarters to get ready for the Earth briefing. Petar had a new uniform ready for him before they left Thumar. Derak was slowly getting used to the ribbons, medallions, and braid that adorned it. He earned them all, even if the price that was paid was still too painful to remember.

Dr. Rothere was slowly working Derak through his VBR. Some recall evoked stronger reactions than others. The doctor was aware of Derak’s unique DNA capabilities and dangers inherent. He took it slow and steady, careful not to cause a saturation of his nucleotides. A Thrashur was always present, just in case it did happen.

He now displayed his medals in memory of all of his fallen comrades, honoring their bravery in battle, understanding that lives were saved because of their ultimate sacrifice. Only this knowledge helped assuage his discomfort.

His gifts for Tara and Calvin were wrapped. Shesain helped him choose the presents, and they were perfect. After looking in the mirror, thankful that another major PTSD episode was avoided, he reported to the bridge for the remaining three launches.

“Admiral on the deck.”

“As you were.”

“Impressive, Derak,” Zolar said. “I’ve known full admirals with forty years of service with half of the colors you’re flying.”

“I’d give half of them back if those men were still alive and enjoying their families.”

“We pay a price, don’t we?” Zolar replied.

“Yes, we do, are we ready to launch, Commander?”

“Aye, sir. The crews are prepped and boarded. RMTs are hot, T-minus five minutes.”

Tranoka, this is The Morwen. Are all the teams ready for launch?” asked Derak.

“Aye, sir, we cloak in three minutes, launch in four.”

“Roger, Tranoka. You all come back in one piece. We’ll have quite a party waiting for you,” said Derak, upbeat.

“Roger that, Morwen, we won’t miss a good celebration, over and out.”

Several minutes passed until commander Mernian announced the countdown. At one, admiral Kaitain gave the order. “Tranoka, Betrawn, and Therese, you are cleared to launch. May Kumar bless you.”

“Rodger, Morwen. We are launched.”

“Admiral, you are our eyes and ears now,” Derak said.

“We have your backs, Derak. Good luck.”

He left the bridge and tracked down Shesain and Remor in the flight ops waiting room. Shesain looked stunning, dressed in a conservative and elegant sky blue gown. Remor looked equally striking in his tuxedo.

“I didn’t know you were in the navy, Remor,” Derak remarked. “An admiral, I see. You Andehar’s are full of surprises. Shesain, you are a vision of loveliness.”

“You look dashing, my chimera,” she said, appraisingly. “Are they off?”

“Yes, and while I may look dashing, I’ve never felt this nervous before a mission.”

“Your family has never been involved in your ops,” said Remor.

“They are in good hands,”

“It’s the aftermath that bothers me, Derak,” the president said, seriously. “If this is not handled correctly, they are going to be very upset. We’ll need your help to calm things down.”

“I understand, that is not all that I’m nervous about. This will be the first time I’ve seen my son. I have to make a lasting impression. I’ll be back to deal with my family.”

“It’s time, my chimera. May Kumar bless you.” Shesain kissed him, as they approached their separate ships.

Remor and Shesain boarded the presidential yacht; Derak took admiral Kaitain’s captain’s yacht. They were cleared to launch, and Alliance fighters escorted them to their destinations.

I love you, my chimera, Derak thought to Shesain.

I will always love you.

He sensed her sweet smile.

Then, “Good luck, Derak.”

“Terga? How are you transmitting halfway across the galaxy?” He responded in utter surprise.

“Through subspace transmitters; your implants are now fully integrated into your DNA. You’re body’s energy field has become a powerful transmitter/receiver.”

“Hmmm… We’ll have to explore the possibilities when I return.” He signed off. It was game time, and he had a mission to complete.

He set down at Central Command Headquarters, exited the yacht, and was met by Commander Parker.

Parker saluted. “They’re expecting you, sir,” he said.

“Thank you, Commander, lead the way.”

The military police saluted as they entered the building. They were greeted by admiral Peterson’s assistant, lieutenant commander Marshall.

“We’re pleased you could join us here today, Admiral Jamar,” she said, smiling. “Your exploits are well known.”

“I had a lot of help from brilliant scientists, technicians, and support crews, Commander,” said Derak. “Everything you have heard about was truly a team effort.”

The elevator stopped, and they were led down a hall richly decorated with white ash paneling. The MPs snapped to attention, as they approached, and opened the doors.

“This is as far as we go, Admiral,” Commander Marshall said. “It’s been an honor to escort you, sir.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant Commander Marshall. Commander Parker,” said Derak. He entered the room and was met by two admirals and three four-star generals.

“Admiral Jamar, welcome to Headquarters. We’ve been joined by defense minister Patterson, and the president,” said general Peterson.

“The president?” asked Derak, surprised.

“Yes, Admiral. President Effron Masterson.”

Derak came to attention and saluted the president of the Alliance, as he approached.

“I’m very pleased to meet such a galactic luminary.” President Masterson gave Derak a firm handshake.

“Mr. President, there’s a whole team, back on Thumar, who helped make everything we accomplished possible. They, too, deserve recognition.”

“A humble man, I like that. However, they didn’t fly into the middle of an Oort cloud and destroy three asteroids, one the size of a mountain, Admiral.”

“I had a Thumarian pilot, and a scientist who took care of the nukes,” replied Derak. “And in spite of our best efforts, a five hundred-foot asteroid managed to escape and destroy the southern island archipelagos. It created an incredible amount of devastation.”

“Believe me, we expected far worse,” said president Masterson. “You saved the planet and

the two adjoining systems, no small feat.” He walked him over to the bar. “Would you join me in a drink, Admiral?”

“Cold apple juice would be fine, sir,” said Derak. “Rhemar Andehar asked me to give you this.” Derak handed him a box and watched him open it.

“God bless that man! It’s his 05 vintage,” he said, excited. “Do you know how much this brandy goes for here on Earth? A king’s ransom.” He held the bottle approvingly, as he spoke. “It has been a pleasure to meet you, Admiral. I have to meet the Thumarian president and his ambassador. I will miss this meeting, but the defense minister will sit in for me, gentlemen.” With that, he turned to take his leave.

“You should know, Mr. President,” Derak began. The president turned, facing him again. Derak continued, “I’m engaged to the ambassador, and I worked closely with the Thumarian president during the crisis. They’re good people.”

“Congratulations, Admiral. Thank you for your service.”

His secret service agents marked their positions as they moved the president of the Alliance out of the building.

With the president’s exit, the briefing, led by the defense minister, commenced. Derak delivered his report, starting from the first day he set foot on Thumar. This is going to be a long meeting.

After the briefing, he returned to the captain’s yacht and contacted Zolar. “Corana to Morwen,” said Derak. “Is there an update?”

Morwen to Corana, your teams are in place, on schedule. Alpha team has already made contact, Robert’s extraction is completed. Teams Delta and Theta are waiting for their go time. Team Gamma is en route to Catherine’s rehearsal studio.”

“Copy, Morwen. My briefing went well, and I am en route to Vienna, Austria. Remor and Shesain are meeting with the Alliance president.”

“Copy, Corana. Mission proceeding as planned. Enjoy your visit.”

“Copy, Morwen. Corana out.” I hope this goes as planned. Derak set course for the Morton Estate and hoped the next meeting would go as well as the first. How would Calvin react to him?

Alpha Team; Moon Base

Paul landed The Temela outside the top secret moon base in D-gen mode.

Orenmar stayed with the ship as Paul and Tim performed a final check on Tim’s suit and equipment. Paul wore his plain clothes under his oxygen and heat shield. Tim turned on his D-gen, and they walked up to the guarded entrance. The guard saw only Paul as he handed him his pass and took an optical scan.

“Thank you, sir.” The guard saluted and let him pass.

Tim’s 3D heads up display showed no danger.

“We’ll go through the main doors and travel ten floors down to the labs, Robert should be at his station now. The guards are ex-special ops and carry live phase pistols, they shoot to kill. There is no margin for error.” Paul thought to Tim.

“Roger, this should be a clean op,” Tim commented.

They reached Robert’s lab as he was closing down and ready to leave for vacation. “See you all in two weeks. Keep the place in order until I return,” said Robert, leaving the lab.

“Have a good time for the rest of us,” someone replied.

Paul intercepted Robert as he closed his lab door. “Robert, the office asked me to catch you

before you left. Your travel accommodations have been upgraded, and you have an early shuttle waiting for you now.”

“I never got a memo,” Robert said. “When exactly did this happen?”

“The changes just came through. It seems that your brother, Derak, found out about your getaway, and since he couldn’t join you, he upgraded your space liner reservations and transportation arrangements.”

“That’s just like him. I’ll have to thank him later. Thanks, Paul, I need to go to my office and grab my luggage.”

“No problem. I’ll help you with it.”

Paul and the invisible Tim walked with Robert to pick up his luggage. They were just about into the lobby, when a co-worker stopped them.

“Bob, are you leaving early?”

“Yes, I am, Sid.”

“In that case, can I get a lift? I don’t feel like waiting two hours for my shuttle back to Earth.”

Robert looked at Paul, then back at his co-worker.

Paul answered, “I’m sorry, but this is a privately scheduled pick-up, sir. We are not allowed to take anyone else.”

“I’m not talking to you, bud! Come on Bob, help me out here.” Sid obnoxiously pressed his point.

Robert looked at Paul again. “Sorry, Sid, I have to go with my ride.”

“I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ll pay you back later. Give me just a minute.” He turned around and ran down the hall to his office.

“Tim, Put him to sleep for an hour and meet us at The Temela.”

Paul ordered as Tim followed Sid to his office.

Sid entered his office and grabbed his suitcase when Tim pricked his neck with a one-hour sleep agent. Sid hit the ground, and Tim left to join the team. Just for fun, he took the short route, through five walls. This is fun, he thought as he approached The Temela.

Robert had been given his D-gen bracelet, so he could see the ship. “This is just like Derak, sending new technology. I’d sure like to ask him about this one.”

The iris closed, and Tim deactivated his D-gen in private. Then, he walked up front to buckle himself into his seat.

“Where did you come from?” Robert asked.

“Flight crew, I was performing pre-flight checks.”

“Alpha Team to Morwen, target acquired. Leaving the dark side of the moon; will rendezvous in one hour.”

“Copy Temela, have a safe flight.” Zolar smiled. One down, three to go.

Gamma Team; New York City

Velar and Merine waited for Catherine as she stepped out onto the street.

“Catherine Jamar?” Merine politely asked.

“Yes, and who are you?”

“Derak sent us. Your travel arrangements and accommodations have been upgraded. We’re here to get you to your earlier flight.” Merine smiled.

“God bless, Derak. It would be so nice to see him again. But, wait, my luggage. It’s at my

apartment. I can’t leave it behind. I have a brand new dress I bought just for this trip.”

“We retrieved your bags before we picked you up. Your car is waiting. Catherine followed them to the black limo, with Therese behind the wheel.

“ASOs, two blocks east and west, approaching fast.” An invisible agent reported on their coded channel.

“Copy,” Therese sent the message to Velar and Merine.

Merine rushed Catherine into the car as Velar quickly followed them. All three of them were just seated with the doors shut, when the limo rocketed up and forward.

“We’re going terribly fast, aren’t we?” Catherine asked, slightly rattled by the boost in acceleration.

“We just got a message. Your flight is leaving earlier than anticipated,” said Merine.

Velar looked out the back window and saw two black air cars with darkened windows catching up with them. “Therese, two bogies behind us, approaching fast. Lose them!”

The wild ride took them through alleys and hidden streets, at breakneck speeds, which alarmed Catherine as she was steadied between Velar and Merine. At the spaceport, Therese pulled up next to a small side door, about one hundred yards from the main entrance. She left the limo and joined Velar and Merine as they pushed Catherine towards the side door.

“The main entrance is that way,” Catherine commented, pointing to the front doors.

“We’re going to a private hangar, here’s your boarding pass.” Merine answered as she put the D-gen on Catherine’s wrist and turned it on. The ASOs were closing fast.

“Take them out Merine. I can’t go any faster without raising any more suspicion in Catherine,” Velar ordered.

“Copy,” Velar snatched Catherine’s bags, and the four of them closed the door behind them.

When the ASOs entered the same door, they saw nothing but a long empty hallway.

“Suits on, sensors on, watch your heads up displays and set your pistols on stun.” The ASO captain ordered.

“Yes, sir.” Four ASOs scanned the hall, with no definitive readings. “All clear, sir.”

“Damn, they can’t possibly move that fast. Be careful, they must have suits too.” The captain warned.

The ASOs followed the hallway right, towards the flight line. In the meantime, Merine located an empty room that wasn’t used much, and waited just outside. As the ASOs rounded the corner, she shut off her D-gen and slipped into the room, turned the lights out, and waited with her D-gen re-activated.

“Bogie, sir, five doors down to the right, we’ve got them.”

“Good work, sergeant Anderson.”

The ASOs found the room and carefully opened the door. “It’s dark, sir, switching to night vision.” They cautiously entered one at a time. When all four were in the room, the darts penetrated their neck armor.

Amateurs, Merine thought to herself, as she rushed to rejoin Velar, Therese, and Catherine on The Betrawn.

“Betrawn to Morwen, Gamma’s target acquired, lifting off, will rendezvous in one half hour.”

“Morwen to Betrawn, copy, your reception team is ready and waiting.”

“Copy, Morwen.”

Derak had been keeping track of the progress with growing concern. “Theta Team, this is Keystone. Get three on the ground, ASAP, ASO’s are alerted and closing fast.”

“Copy, Keystone.”

Theta Team: New York City Spaceport

James and Virginia Jamar entered through the spaceport’s main doors and were heading to the ticket counter, when John and Venmar intercepted them.

“John, what are you doing here? And who’s your beautiful companion?” James asked.

“May I introduce, Venmar. We just met a month ago.” John and Venmar hugged each other. He kissed her on the cheek.

“Love at first sight,” she purred as she snuggled closer to him.

“Well, what are you doing here? Are you on a trip?” James asked.

“Not exactly, Derak found out about your trip and upgraded your flight. You now have a private flight to the space liner, first-class passage for the whole family. Robert and Catherine have already arrived, and they’re waiting for you.”

Jack was at the main entrance in D-gen. “ASOs! Move faster!”

“Copy, Jack.”

John continued. “We haven’t much time; the private hangar is through those doors.” He and Venmar picked up their luggage and started to move.

“What’s the hurry?” asked Virginia, suddenly suspicious.

“Derak has a special reception planned for you. We’re on a tight schedule.”

“Move. Now!” Jack ordered.

“Shall we?” John said, indicating the door.

James and Virginia looked at each other and shrugged. “We mustn’t disappoint Derak.”

Venmar led them through the door. Just as the door shut behind them, six armed ASOs burst through the spaceport’s main entrance.

“Sensor’s on! The captain ordered. You have their IDs downloaded into your heads-up displays.”

They scanned the entire lobby. “All clear, sir, no sign of them.”

“Check every door and exit. We’re to bring them in alive.”

“Copy that, sir.”

“Why are we moving so fast? I’ve never been down this hallway. Where are you taking us, John?” Virginia asked.

John stopped and turned to face them. “The spaceport is demanding we lift off as soon as possible. Honestly, the money he paid for a special flight, and we get treated like this. Here, these are your boarding passes.” John clipped the forged documents on their wrists and turned the D-gens on.

He looked at his wrist pad. “We have an extra ten minutes. We can take our time now. Venmar can get you to the ship if you like. I need to confirm your checkout with the front desk.”

Venmar took Derak’s parents to the Therese, while John caught up with Jack.

“There are three ASO teams on the ground headed this way,” Jack reported.

“That’s too many for the two of us to deal with at once. You take the right flank, and I’ll take the left. That should leave enough time for Venmar to get Derak’s parents safely to the shuttle,” replied John.

The plan worked. A fourth ASO team hit the ground. While two teams were chasing John’s ghost, the other two chased Jack’s. After they had eluded them, John and Jack showed up at the Therese and entered the ship.

“Jack, it’s so good to see you again,” Virginia exclaimed, as she got up and hugged him.

“It’s great to see you, too. However, we need to buckle in and take off. You know Derak, military time and all.” Everyone was strapped in, and Jack bolted the Therese from the spaceport in D-gen mode.

“Theta to Morwen. Target’s acquired. One-half hour to rendezvous.”

“Copy, Theta team. Good work.”

Throughout, Derak was sitting on the edge of his seat in the Captain’s Yacht. He tapped into the ops progress full time now, and was as nervous as a squirrel on uppers. His ship was set on a slow cruising speed to Austria.

“Team Alpha, what is your location?” Derak requested.

“The Morwen, Robert is with the reception committee.”

“Go back to the Temela, and beam in on Delta Team’s time and coordinates. I want six on the ground. ASOs are converging fast, in full armor. Bull, do you copy?”

“Copy, Keystone.”

Delta and Alpha Teams: Brooklyn Minimum Security Prison.

Both teams beamed in at the same time. Feshur and Bull headed to Tony’s cell while the perimeter was set. Bull walked through the bars and woke Tony.

“What in the hell? Who are you? Look, I’ve already had an inspection,” cried Tony.

“Derak sent us. There’s no time to explain. Put this on and follow us. Don’t deviate,” Bull ordered. He put the D-gen on Tony and turned it on as he pushed him through the bars.

“Whoa! What just happened?” Tony asked in surprise.

“Questions later, we’re breaking you out. Stay behind me,” Bull replied.

They ran to the lobby. On the way, they passed an ASO heading toward Tony’s cell, oblivious to them.

“What the —”

Bull silenced Tony by immediately clapping a large hand over his mouth. “Questions later,” he ordered.

Bull, Feshur, and Tony arrived at the lobby, only to find it filled with ASOs. Since they were in D-gen, they couldn’t be detected, and all of the insertion teams were in visual contact.

Just then, the ASO who had passed them, rushed back into the lobby. “Captain, the prisoner is missing!”

“Fan out and cover every exit, especially the guard door closest to the lobby,” ordered the ASO captain.

Tony was elated. “What’s going on? How come they can’t detect us?”

“Look, if you want to get out of here, follow directions,” said Bull. “Move out in two columns. Be sharp.”

The main hall leading to the extraction point was blocked by a squad. Bull nodded, and six ASOs dropped to the floor, asleep. The extraction teams and Tony moved to the next corner. Twelve bogies blocked their way.

“Tim, take the left flank! I’ll take the right through the walls. When I signal, drop them,” Bull ordered.

Bull disappeared through the right wall, and Tim walked through the left one. A minute later, the signal was given, and twelve ASOs dropped like rocks. Tim and Bull walked out of opposite walls back into the open hall.

This is awesome! Tony thought to himself. These guys are amazing!

The teams with Tony arrived at the beam out coordinates. “More bogies coming in fast, we don’t have enough darts for all of them,” Orenmar reported.

“When we’re out of darts, set your pistols to maximum stun. We have to go naked to beam. All electronics off now!” Bull ordered.

Just as they became visible, two dozen ASOs rounded the corner in full body armor. Their pistols were raised, when eight of them dropped, asleep before they hit the ground. The rest were stunned. Six more turned the corner, raised their weapons, and fired. The beam activated seconds before stun bolts hit thin air.

Long moments passed. Then, “Team Delta to Morwen. Target acquired.”

“We have lift off and will rendezvous in one-half hour. Damn. They must have had half of the city’s ASOs here. They’re crawling all over the place. Some are kind of sleepy, now. I love it when an op goes well, Bull out.”

“Morwen to Temela. Great job, boys! See you when you get home.”

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