
Chapter 16: Operation Jamar

Derak contacted his team with a code red request and received confirmations from all of them. Four were arriving with intel, and the others would follow. Remor set the diplomatic mission in motion as Derak cleared a visitation day to Austria with admiral Morton. He approved it and even wished him good luck. Instead of ordering three new ships, he ordered four, which arrived with the first group. That gave them four days to train before they departed for Thumar. The new armored suits and dimensional generators were readied, along with the energy tipped sleep darts.

The teams arrived a day ahead of schedule, joined by the Thrashur. They met at 0800 to brief the crews on their assignments. There was one absentee, Bull. Derak was standing at the door when he arrived exactly one minute late.

“Bull, leave two minutes earlier next time. One minute late for ops is the difference between life and death.”

“It’s just a briefing…”

Derak gave him a stern look.

“It won’t happen again, sir.”

“Now that we are all here, we can begin,” said Derak. “This mission is an extraction from multiple sites, simultaneously, three from earth, and one from the moon. The subjects of this extraction are my family; who have genetically enhanced DNA. It’s just a matter of time before the Alliance finds out and turns them into human pincushions. Your jobs are to remove them from their present locations without being seen. If you run into interference, it will likely be from Alliance Special Ops troops, ASOs, well-trained and armed. They have similar camouflage light suits, but they usually run in black mode. If you do run into them, you’ll have the edge. I’ll demonstrate after the teams are set.

“Alpha Team will consist of Paul Berkyl, a pilot and liaison to Robert Jamar, my brother. Paul works with Robert and knows him well. Tim Sharp is a weapons expert and code-breaker. Orenmar Beshur is one of the Thrashsur’s top martial experts. You three are assigned the moon extraction. Paul has the lead on this one.

“Delta Team consists of Feshur Venmar, a Thrashur pilot; Frank Kiplinger, prisons break expert; and Bull, six foot six and two hundred and ninety pounds, a real beast. The best all-around expert in anything you can think of. You will retrieve my brother, Tony. He is being held in a minimum security lock-up, in Brooklyn. Feshur will command this team.

“Team Gamma will be filled out by three Thrashur women. Therese Honura will be your pilot. Velar Caspur and Merine Yenor are extraction experts and will round out the ranks. You three will rescue my sister, Catherine Jamar. She will most probably be in dance rehearsal at the time of retrieval. This one should be easy. You should be prepared for the ASOs, they’re a tough lot. Merine, this is your group.

“Team Theta, consists of Jack Morgan, your pilot; Venmar Teshure, an explosives expert; and John Parker, who knows my dad. You will have the pleasure of retrieving my parents, James and Virginia. They both know John. Venmar will be assigned to my mother. She might take it better, being greeted by a female. I’ll warn you beforehand, she’s spirited, both mentally and physically. If you’re going to have any trouble, it will most likely be with her. Jack, this one is yours.”

“The reception committee on board The Morwen will give our guests a solid place to land. It will be made up of Tranoka Andehar, Temela Andehar, Shesain Andehar, and Shenar Andehar. Therese, Velar and Merine will join them after docking and drop-off. It will help that the last three will be involved in the extractions. They will already know you somewhat by the time they arrive on The Morwen.

“Dr. Centur and Nurse Teren will make up the medical team. Dr. Centur will brief my family on their DNA structure after the reception committee calms them down. Admiral Kaitain will run the show from the bridge of The Morwen.

“Meanwhile, the president and the ambassador will meet with the Alliance government. After I give my report to the Alliance military, I’ll be off to Austria for a crucial meeting. Our official visits should provide adequate cover for all four successful extractions.

“Dr. Tenar will demonstrate your new suits and a personal-sized dimensional generator. The D-gen places you between the third and fourth dimensions. Detection is impossible by any means now available. You can physically affect the dimension you originated from. I will show you a few of the capabilities you will have with these generators.”

The vid came up showing the apparent collision with the asteroid. Cries of dismay turned to exclamations of marvel as it showed The Shesain going through it like air.

Derak continued, “You can literally walk through walls with the D-gen. Once you have acquired your targets, they will receive D-gen bracelets disguised as a boarding pass. You are then to proceed to your extraction points and rendezvous with The Morwen. All ships will remain in D-gen mode from the time you launch from The Morwen to the time you return. Upon your return, you will deliver your packages to the reception committee.”

Temela responded, “packages, indeed, Admiral!”

Remor laughed.

“Honestly, Admiral,” began Temela, in a quarrelsome tone. “You make your family sound like livestock. These so-called ‘targets’ are going to be upset at their sudden change of scenery. Derak, if your mother is anything like you, she’s going to be more than a handful to deal with. No doubt, after you’re done with them, they’ll need years of therapy!”

Laughter filled the room.

“Thank you, Temela,” Derak replied, smiling. “You’ve made a good point.”

Temela looked abashed, but seemed satisfied at being acknowledged.

“Dr. Tenar, please demonstrate the light suit,” he continued. “This suit has multiple modes, D-gen, and regular invisibility. There is no known way to detect D-gen.”

Dr. Tenar stood up, switched on the suit’s camouflage and disappeared. “If you put your goggles on, you will be able to see the Doctor,” Derak continued. Everyone put their glasses on, and gasped in amazement. “This is your first line of defense. If you detect any Alliance Special Ops troops, use the D-gens. Doctor, turn on the D-gen.”

Dr. Tenar disappeared and suddenly reappeared behind Bull, as he turned his suit off. Bull jumped in his seat, and everyone laughed at his surprise.

“With that, let’s break for lunch and return at 1300 hours.” Derak left the room, accompanied by Shesain, Shenar, and Remor.

After lunch, they reconvened to receive the intelligence briefings. Everyone was in good spirits.

“Now that the teams are set, it’s time to go over the intelligence,” said Derak. “We can begin with Bull.”

“Thanks, boss,” said Bull, recovering from his earlier embarrassment.

Remor gave Derak a look.

“That’s Bull. I’ll work with him on protocol.”

“Bull, please limit the use of ‘boss’ to the field, not here,” said Derak, gently reprimanding. “What intel do you have on Tony?”

“Yes, sir, Tony is in the Brooklyn minimum security prison until they can charge him as a civil rights activist. He’s being held in a restricted cell block and is guarded twenty four-seven. There are three shift changes in his cell block, so the best time to extract him is between the second and third shift. Outside, there’s a visitor’s lobby that would serve as a good insertion point with the D-gens. We should be able to be in and out quickly. There is also an outside guard entrance to the facility near the visitor’s lobby, which serves as the best exit point. We’re also working on alternate exit strategies, in case we run into any ASOs. All of the other strategies would put us in possible contact with the guards. His cell is three minutes from the lobby, which would time the entire extraction at twelve to fifteen minutes, with no error.”

“Thanks, Bull. Tony will be the most cooperative member of my family. If you do run into any guards, put them to sleep. No blood is to be spilled. If immediate retrieval is required, you will be…beamed out.”

“Did you just say?” Bull asked in shock.

“Yes, I did, Bull,” said Derak. “The device works, and it will be part of everyone’s training. No questions. That’s an order.”

“Aye, sir,” Bull said glumly, imagining his molecules spread all over the solar system.

“Tim, how are we going to get Robert?”

“This one will be easier with Paul’s security clearance,” said Tim. “He’ll escort Robert to his shuttle as he leaves for his vacation. When he arrives at the launch pad, we’ll tell him his tickets have been upgraded. We also have a backup plan that might require sleeping some security personnel. Paul has informed me that there are enough janitor closets on the premises to hide them in.”

“Try and get out clean. Use the D-gens, if necessary,” said Derak. “This one has to look completely natural, everyday business. This is a top secret facility, and they report anomalies fast.”

“Velar, what’s your plan for Catherine?”

“Merine and I will go in as greeters. We’ve both trained for the National Dance Troupe, so we can pass as dancers, if we need to. When Catherine’s rehearsal is over, we’ll tell her that her ticket was upgraded, and then we’ll drive her to the spaceport. If that doesn’t work for some reason, she’ll be told that the upgrade occurred because she needs to get to a sub-space com, as soon as possible because you’ve had an accident.”

“Good cover story. Be ready for ASO teams. They might be scouting her already because she is so accessible. It’s just a feeling I have. Once you have her at a safe distance from the hall, give her a D-gen bracelet. Tell her it’s her boarding pass. They’ve been designed to look the same as a typical cruise pass.”

“John, what are your recommendations for my parents?”

“Our team will pose as a reception party at the spaceport. Then, we will escort them to the ship through a few side doors we’ve pinpointed. They will receive their D-gens as boarding passes. Once on board, we’ll rendezvous with The Morwen. We also have a backup plan to extract them from their residence. Venmar will handle your mother. I’ll take care of your father. All insertion and extraction points have been coordinated. If need be, we’ll sleep them both. They won’t be happy when they wake up, but that will be your problem.”

“You sleep them. You wake them.”

“You wouldn’t?” he responded in terror, knowing Virginia.

“Try me! It sounds like you all have matters well in hand,” said Derak. “However, it is always safe to formulate a backup to your backup plan. Sometimes, things can get out of hand quickly and unexpectedly. So, be prepared. We have only one shot at this. The key is to make the extractions look as natural as possible. The Borough authority already knows they’re leaving on vacation, so don’t arouse any suspicion. I want this to be an invisible assignment.

“Three days of training will commence at 0600 on Tumer, Thumar’s second moon. You’ll train with the new suits, the D-gen, and getting beamed aboard your assigned ships. You will also familiarize yourselves with the energy tipped sleep darts, which will penetrate any armor, except what you will be wearing. Your timing must be perfected, especially Tony’s team.

Remember, you cannot beam with your D-gens on. You arrive visible. When you beam in, a marker will attach to the floor and activate once the beam-in is complete. Only you can pick it up.

“There are new 3D holo displays in your helmets. It takes getting use to, but once you do, you’ll love it. Pilots will train on the new ships. And believe me; you’ve not seen their like before. Their natural color is flat black, to evade radar, and they can change color and shape. If you’re in the third dimension, you can change the color and shape to any surrounding ships. In essence, these are living ships controlled by thought. If you’re in D-gen mode, make sure the transmitter is turned on for the insertion teams. You also have a cloak mode which leaves you in the third dimension and invisible. But, only D-gen mode makes you completely untraceable. I’m warning you beforehand, D-gen will feel weird. So just be aware, this is normal.

“After training, you’ll transfer to The Morwen. Training will continue on the flight into Alliance space. Once there, we will stand down until our mission is commenced. Pilots, report to me in two hours. You’ll need to familiarize yourselves with your ships. You’ll fly them to Tumer with your teams. Read your manuals, and enjoy the training. Finish your operational parameters with your teams, and get some rest. The next three days will be long. We meet at 0500 in the morning. That is all, dismissed.”

After everyone left, Shesain looked at Derak. “We need some time alone. Can you take us to Remor’s gardens in my ship?”

Her look melted him. He smiled as they walked hand-in-hand to The Shesain. She insisted on receiving flight training on her ship. Derak complied as her soft brown gaze penetrated his soul with undying love. Shesain took the pilot’s seat and gave all of them a ride they would never forget.

Jack and Shenar retreated to a private place, with Shenar’s bodyguard, Numar, in tow. Their contact was defined by walking close enough to touch one another’s shoulders. Numar kept a close watch, only occasionally allowing them to lightly touch each other’s hands. Otherwise, they would hear a surreptitious throat-clearing, coming from Numar. However, their mental contact was their own to share, undetected.

“I can’t wait until you meet your shadow, Jack. That will mean only ten months will keep me from truly loving you.”

“You know that will have to wait until Derak’s family is safe,” he responded.

“I know, and it’s driving me crazy. But, you’re worth the wait. I think.” She taunted him with this last thought.

Jack just rolled his eyes and thought to himself, I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Remor joined Tranoka. Rhemar flew in from his ruined vineyards to keep Temela company. Both couples sequestered themselves in private suites and were not seen nor heard from, until the following morning.

All too soon, idle endeavors ended, and they had to get back to reality. The troops gathered, and there was a flurry of activity with the labs and support staff giving the six ships a final check. The group was impressed with The Shesain and The Shenar, and very taken by the new stealth ships.

Four flat black ships stood in the hangar with sharp edges to reflect radar in the third dimension. They had mono-hulls: narrow in the back, progressing to three sharp points at the bow. The center point was bigger, allowing for the pilot and copilot’s seats. The outer two points housed weapons for offensive capabilities.

Bull walked up to one of the ships and pressed his large finger into it. The material gave way as he pressed it in half an inch.

“It’s flexible,” he said, surprised.

“It’s also alive,” Derak added. “The hulls are made up of Thumdust, plas-steel and organic, self-replicating nanobots. She is self-healing; it’s made of the same material as your suits. The hull is the key to the interstellar dark matter drives or IDMDs. Let me illustrate: The Shesain and The Shenar have special scoops that form to pull in the dark matter to fuel the IDMD drives. The new ships, like this one,” he said, pointing to one of the new arrivals, “have this new skin to replace them. Instead of two intakes, this new ships hull now absorbs dark matter, similar to using solar panels as an energy source. The hull can also change its shape. I’ll demonstrate.”

He looked at the ship in front of him, and the ship’s sharp edges rounded to form a hull similar to The Shesain. Then it turned the color of The Shesain. “The ship can also imitate backgrounds, such as a jungle.” He changed the ship’s skin to a jungle theme. Gasps of astonishment filled the air. He produced a light dagger and punched a one-inch hole completely through the hull. In less than one second, the ship filled in the hole, leaving a smooth, seamless surface.

He handed out the mesh bracelets. “Put these on, they allow you access to your individual ships and their flight controls. The pilots have already been taught the basics. From here on out, think of them as members of your team, treat them well,” Derak urged.

“Alpha Team, you’re assigned to The Temela.”

“Delta Team, The Tranoka is your girl.

“Gamma Team, The Betrawn awaits your arrival.

“And finally, Theta Team, The Therese is expecting you. Mount up and rendezvous on Tumer in thirty minutes. Your pilots have the coordinates.”

Shesain, Remor, and the reception committee flew with Derak in The Shesain. Commander Shakur and Shenar piloted The Shenar. Derak gave the mark to launch after they were cleared. Six ships emerged from the hangar doors and disappeared into cloaked transparency. They arrived on Tumer about the same time, de-cloaked, and backed into the stall. The hangar doors shut behind them. Training commenced immediately.

The reception committee went to check on a mock-up of the rooms designed to house Derak’s family. The other teams walked to a large training room with a center wall that cut halfway through the room. The doors shut, and the main lights turned on. The right side of the room had an operating beam generator. The left side had dummies for target practice, and on the wall behind them, hung twelve suits with names on them.

“Put your suits on,” said Derak. “The technicians will confirm the fit and all the connections. When you’re ready and checked out, assemble in front of the center wall.”

When they assembled, he walked to the right side of the wall. “I will now demonstrate the D-gen.” He disappeared and walked through the wall. Then turned his suit off and stood on the opposite side of the wall. Everyone gasped. He did not wait for them to think about it.

“It’s your turn, Bull.”

Bull followed his lead, hesitantly, and let out a whoop when he re-appeared next to him. “You’re right, it does feel weird,” he said.

The rest of the class spent the next hour walking through the wall. Then, a six-foot thick wall of plas-steel was rolled in. Derak went into that wall, paused, and walked out of the front. The class spent the next hour doing the same.

The next task was to show the recruits the sleep darts. He lined everyone up in front of the target dummies and aimed the dart guns mounted on his wrist. He aimed, and the dart penetrated the dummy’s armor at the base of the neck.

He held up a dart. “These are energy tipped, and they are programmed to find the weakest part of any armored suit. Your forearm muscles operate the triggers. After penetration, sleep comes in seconds and lasts for five hours.” The teams spent the next two hours working the darts. All were excellent marksmen.

“Now, to the beam generator,” Derak said.

Groans followed. When they arrived, the tech started up the machine. Derak stepped onto the platform and cued him to engage the transporter beam. Light shot up through him as he disappeared, and, in an instant, re-appeared on the opposite side of the room. All the team members rushed over to make sure that he was all there.

“Look. I’m all right,” he reassured. “You’ll live, too. Now, it’s your turn.”

Each team member was beamed. Bull closed his eyes tight and opened them up on the opposite side of the room. He patted himself down, making sure all of his body parts were intact.

“You’ll spend the next hour beaming until you acclimate to the process. The following two

hours, you will learn how to beam others. First, you’ll start with blocks of plas-steel and work your way up. The techs will make sure that no mistakes are made.”

After a morning spent training, they ate lunch and moved on to individual team assignments.

“These rooms are mock-ups of your destinations,” explained Derak. “They are programmed for streets, doors, walls, and etcetera. Intel provided the information for these simulations. The rest of your training will be in these rooms. You’re to use your suits’ camouflage capabilities, the D-gens, and beaming technology to get in and out, as efficiently as possible. Go over all your plans and backup plans, until you dream about them. You have thirty-six hours to complete this portion of your training. Take the time for meals and breaks, and find time for sleep. Team leaders, they’re all yours now.”

The teams trained long and hard. They became familiar with the beam generator, their suits, the D-gens, and the sleep darts. The last twelve hours of training had them operating from their ships, perfecting their insertions and extractions.

At 1700 hours on the third day, training ended. The teams cleaned up and were served a feast as a reward them for their dedication and hard work. The women put forth their best efforts, and the teams applauded them. After dinner, the reception committee took the teams aside and gave them sensitivity training. Temela took charge and made sure that they approached every family member with a soft touch. Then, they cleaned up, packed their gear, and boarded their ships to transfer to The Morwen.

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