
Chapter 19: The Awards Ceremony

Remor had been in contact with Thumar since the last team had returned. Thumarian officials updated him on the rebuilding progress. He briefed the families about Derak’s part in saving Thumar, and the upcoming ceremony to decorate him, along with the science and support teams in Shenmar.

Derak’s mother said she expected nothing less from him.

Remor had a good laugh before inviting the families to attend the ceremony as guests of honor. They accepted, gladly.

Remor was the first to leave once Zolar established orbit. Derak’s father and two cousins left with him to attend to Shenmar’s needs. Shenar was either with Catherine or Jack, sometimes both.

Derak knew it wouldn’t be long before Jack received his tea cup from Shenar. Jack’s family was briefed on the life spans of Thumarians, and all of them decided to take the longevity treatments.

Jack’s father joined the Mt. Kumar team, and his mother spent endless hours working with humanitarian teams in the most remote areas on the Anean continent. Jack’s two brothers assisted Derak’s father in Shenmar. His sister, Sharon, enrolled in their top university to earn her graduate degrees in history. Her knowledge of Earth culture would enhance the diplomatic corps and their ability to deal with the Alliance and its colonies.

As for Derak’s mother, she and Temela were now joined at the hip, and they were far too busy with the wedding preparations to deal with other matters. Shesain left on a diplomatic schedule that took her to three different systems. Jack resumed his duties on The Morwen as the XO. Since The Morwen was Shesain’s chariot, Derak was sure Jack was regaling her with many funny stories about their past exploits.

Tony entered Thrashur training. He had finally found his home. Tony’s intense interest in Teren prompted fast lessons in Thumarian marriage protocols, and he had no problem with the timeline and restrictions. Teren was more than receptive to Tony’s advances.

Catherine’s audition wowed the dance company, and she began rehearsing for the new piece they were preparing for the awards ceremony.

Robert came back to Derak with some significant changes to the corporate structure of his three companies. Derak considered most of them. He still held onto some recommendations of his own. One, in particular, involved transferring a minority percentage of ownership to employees.

Robert and he were still at odds on that one. Robert said he would have to study the Thumarian model before he could sign on. All in all, his leadership was showing positive results, as the businesses expanded into some difficult markets.

Derak resumed his responsibilities as base commander at the Kalidar naval base. Gamar did a great job in his absence and was promoted to a full Thumarian colonel. Derak’s daily activities, assisting the recovery, filled all the hours of his day. It took a live vid feed from Shesain to extricate him from CNC.

Remor had his hands full dealing with the department heads who were directing the recovery. The mayor of Shenmar and his wife were working day and night getting Shenmar ready for the awards ceremony. They were pulling out all the stops, especially since Betrawn found out one of the new rescue ships carried her name.

Therese resumed her job shadowing Derak for the few months that remained of the engagement period. Karn had become a frequent visitor on her off-duty hours. They would disappear for hours and return laughing and joking with each other.

During an inspection of Shenmar and the temple, Derak ran into CPO Seamus McGrew. He was clean-shaven, and wore an engagement broach.

“CPO McGrew, I see you’re engaged. Congratulations!”

“Thank you, sir, I am. She’s a real beauty. She is nearly six feet tall and we met on Anea. She’s one of the Anean dance troupe’s top dancers. She was assisting us at one of the remote village sites on the Anean coast; I think it’s her home village. She was taken by the beard at first, but she changed her mind when she tried to kiss my cheek,” he chuckled. “I sure love this place.”

“You can use my first name, Seamus. We’re no longer in the military,” said Derak.

“Sorry, sir, old habits die hard, you know.”

“That’s okay,” said Derak. “What brings you here?”

“Department head meetings with the president, sorry, sir, but I need to get back, lots to do before the big day. You know how it is, sir.”

“I’d better get an invitation to your wedding, Seamus.”

“Yes, sir! You’ll get one of the first, you and Lady Shesain,” he replied, enthusiastically, before hurrying off.

Derak proceeded to the temple grounds and was surprised to find them rebuilt, complete with the giant crystal mounted on top of the center spire. He found the high priest and congratulated him on the progress and the beauty of the rebuilt temple.

Demar gave Derak a tour of the temple grounds, extolling the virtues of the new skin and beams that re-built the central sanctuary. “Tell me, Derak, are you any closer to finding your faith?” the priest asked, wearing a wry smile.

“Closer than I ever thought I would get, Demar, the last few months have been enlightening. I don’t believe in a particular entity, but I know someone or something’s out there, looking after me.”

Demar spoke with sincerity. “One step at a time, that’s as fast as we can move. I look forward to honoring you and your team at the awards ceremony. All of you have served Kumar well. May he shower you with his blessings. Thumar thrives again, thanks to the citizens and the off-worlders that are involved with the reconstruction efforts. I know the temple will be ready for your big day. The question is, will you?” He wore an enigmatic smile as he walked away.

His last remark left Derak perplexed. He remained deep in thought as he was escorted to his uniform fitting with Petar. Bull was now a permanent fixture in his four-man guard, and he seemed amused by Demar’s comment.

A celebration would follow the awards ceremony. Invitations were sent out to numerous planetary systems and to the Galactic Council. RSVPs streamed in from all over the known galaxy.

The Alliance president, his wife, and a good representation of Alliance senior officers would be present. The Katkurn and Murbesian governments would be represented. The Galactic Council affirmed their presence, which guaranteed that representatives from their respective systems would be in attendance. The best news that Derak received was that admiral Morton would attend with Tara and his son, Calvin.

The remaining three weeks in Shenmar were filled with preparations for the upcoming festival. Streets were cleaned and decorated as lavishly as they had been for the festival of lights. Joy and laughter filled the air as everyone helped Shenmar prepare for the ‘festival of salvation.’ it would be celebrated every year, a memorial to life and a testament to survival.

Vendors filled every available space. Streamers, lights, colorful paper bells, and decorations festooned every city block that led to the temple.

Throughout this, construction continued.

Derak was sequestered the last two weeks, every time he showed up in public, crowds, would cheer and surround the vehicle he was in. When he walked the streets, three Thrashur and Bull kept the press of the throngs cleared. He felt uncomfortable with his new status. The mountain of an asteroid he destroyed was named after him. He supposed they had the right to do so, but it was the dedicated group of scientist and support staff that was responsible for their survival. Remor kept him at his palace. He and Shesain spent time talking about the upcoming event.

Most of the inhabitants of Thumar and its satellites were expected to attend. This was a first in a lifetime event to experience. The bestowing of the medals was to take place in the completed Temple. The high priest, Priestess and Remor would conduct the ceremonies and large Plaz-Screens were placed throughout the city to give all citizens a good view of the celebration.

All those receiving medals would be seated in the front of the Temple, and their families would be seated behind them. The galactic senate, presidents, ambassadors, and other dignitaries would fill the third and fourth rows, descending ranks would fill the remaining seats. They would be sitting on the right and the Thumarian senior officers and the R & R heads would sit on the left side.

Derak grew more uneasy as the event grew closer. His mood swings were more pronounced and Shesain had her hands full keeping him on a level plane. He sequestered himself most of the last day. His thoughts went back to being raised in New York City and the time he spent with Master Li corralling his anger and focusing his energy in a positive direction. He would not be here at all if it weren’t for Master Li.

Derak wouldn’t have learned the self-control that kept him out of trouble so many times. Not only during his early school years, but at the Naval Academy as well. Those decades of conditioning his mind and body to be a self-controlled weapon reached its apex with his military black ops training. The missions that followed cemented his abilities and established him as a dangerous asset. This peaked during the Chambar Valley Offensive. What he did there and how he quickly healed woke him up to seek a better way. The years since then have been a long and eventful road.

Then, there was Shesain, she changed him too. Thumar’s beauty affected him greatly and its people had taken him in and made him one of their own, so whole heartily and warmly. That was before the arrival of the MSS, since then, he had become so popular that he needed four bodyguards to walk the streets. This didn’t bother him too much.

He now felt that he could put much of the past behind him and live in the moment. All, that has happened to him, has made him what he is today, and for that, Derak was grateful. He had a beautiful, loving fiancé, a wonderful family support system, not only Shesain’s, but his own and Jack’s. He now felt comfortable wearing his dress uniform with all its medals and braids. Yes, he felt that he was ready to move forward and live life to its fullest. Derak looked forward to a bright and satisfying future with Shesain, and was now more at peace with himself. His only wish is that Master Li could be present to share this moment with him.

He was raised from his reverie, when his wrist com buzzed. Dinner was ready, was it that late already? He had been gone since breakfast. When Derak entered the parlor, he was in shock. Master Li stood before him; He didn’t look a day older than when he last saw him. He stood at five feet four inches tall, and may have weighed one hundred and twenty pounds, wet. Everyone smiled as Derak bowed, “Sensei, it is a great honor to see you again.”

“The honor is mine, Derak. You have walked a long hard road. Your life has honored my teachings.”

They embraced and the room broke out in cheers and tears of joy at the long awaited meeting. Shesain shared his joy; she could feel it like no other.

Dinner was a joyful affair. Derak hadn’t heard Master Li talk so much in his life as he entertained the group with stories of his early days in New York City. When dinner and dessert was finished, they all moved into the parlor, for instructions on the upcoming ceremony.

Remor began. “Derak, you’re going to receive a new braid and medallion. Your efforts affected four different systems, and they all wanted to participate in this ceremony. So a new braid was designed with unanimous approval of the Galactic Senate, called the Kenmar Braid. It incorporates the highest honors from the Voeleron, Alliance, Thumarian, Murbesian, and the Katkurn. You will also get individual medals and Braids from each system. The other governments insisted on it. No pomp there, they will be presented in an enclosed case.”

“What about the others who contributed?” Derak inquired.

They’ll be honored with the Keltur Cross, Thumar’s second highest award. Commander Shakur and Dr. Keleg will receive the Shamur braid, Thumar’s highest honor. It’s equal to your Zertha braid.”

“What about Jack?”

“He will receive the Keltur Cross as well as an Alliance honor. You will be retired as a full admiral from the Alliance and Thumarian Navies. You will also be offered the post of Alliance ambassador to Thumar and the Pegasus Sector. Jack will receive the command of The Morwen. Admiral Kaitain will move to your position at the Kalidar base as he wants to spend more time with his family. Do you accept, Derak?”

“Yes, I do.”

Shesain got up, “This deserves a toast. Dad, your best!”

The next day dawned. This was it; Derak was leaving one life behind and starting a new one, in so many ways. He rose to face the day. After he had dressed in his new uniform, he walked to the palace doors with his entourage behind him. When the doors opened, he was greeted by the full morning sunlight and a red carpet stretching from the front door to the air cars. An honor guard, in full dress uniforms, lined the path all the way.


All five systems were represented, the Voeleron, Alliance, Katkurnian, Murbesian, and of course, Thumarian. They walked down the red carpet and entered the cars to fly to Shenmar with a full military escort.

Upon reaching the city limits, Derak noted that most of Thumar had indeed shown up. The procession was going slow but steady. The streets were packed with cheering crowds wildly waving colorful banners as they passed.

Plaz-screens were set up out here and the city shone like a jewel, even with ongoing construction. There were multi-hued banners and bells hung everywhere. When they finally reached the temple compound, the place was packed. The air car set down and they stepped out onto another red carpet as the honor guards snapped to attention. Unseen Thrashur were present to keep the exuberant crowds from crossing the ropes that separated them. The presidential party proceeded to walk up the carpeted steps to the temple’s main doors, re-cast in solid polished bronze. The gathering roared with approval as they passed into the interior of the newly completed temple, filled with the Galactic Senate, presidents, dignitaries, and senior military personnel involved with saving Thumar and the rebuilding efforts.

Everyone stood and faced the aisle as they passed to take their seats.

After reaching their seats, the entire congregation stood and waited for the high priest and priestess to start. They came out in their finest vestments. A choir followed them out with a sacred hymn and sat down. They were accompanied by attendant priests and priestesses who came out in a procession and lit candles and incense in a precise order.

Light flooded the temple through the restored stained glass windows. The panels depicting the asteroids destruction were prominently placed right from the center, next to the two surviving windows of Kumar and Shemar. One panel showed Derak, commander Shakur and Dr. Keleg from the inside looking out.

Looking around, Derak saw the packed sanctuary showered with every color and hue of the spectrum. It was a wondrous sight, one he will never forget. The most prominent addition to the altar was a piece of the asteroid that struck the southern frozen sea. Dedicated crews had dug through the re-frozen sea ice to retrieve it. It was six feet in diameter and was placed on a sculpted platform of gold that resembled the asteroids fiery tail as it entered the atmosphere, with red Lelaylan rubies adorning the creases of the tail to signify fire. It was hard to look away from the sculpture; it was so magnificent. A special skylight was placed high into the roof to light just the sculpture. It would remain lit during the sun’s rotation. The magic of its placement is that the sculpture remained in the center of the light while the light beam moved with the sun’s daily ecliptic cycle, signifying its entrance into Thumar’s atmosphere. The effect was that the whole of the sanctuary sparkled with the luminescence of a rainbow and the fiery magnificence of the universe in constant motion.

The priests sounded three gongs and the priestesses rang sweet sounding hand bells, the acoustics in the temple were perfect. Then the choir sang a beautiful chant signaling the beginning of the ceremony as the crowds outside quieted in reverential silence. The high priest stepped up to the front of the altar and began to speak.

“This is a blessed day. Today we celebrate our creator God Kumar’s blessings on Thumar and the Pegasus sector. He has brought abundance and mercy on us all, honoring our prayers and supplications to him. He blesses us with light and love, may his mercy ever shine upon us. We also rejoice in the rebuilding of his holy temple, his gift of life and redemption of our souls. May his blessings continue to rain down upon us for all eternity, and the generations that follow us.

“Let us pray.” All present in the temple and outside bowed their heads. “Most Holy Father, giver of light and life, we ask for your blessings on the works of your most humble servants. We ask that you continue to honor our prayers and supplications. Accept the gifts we bring before you and bless the harvest of our fields, our humble offerings, and bless those that govern us. Bless those who have contributed in doing your will to save Thumar and the Pegasus Sector and bless those who rebuild our home, your creation, Thumar. Bless all present for this celebration of our salvation, amen.” A unified amen rose over Shenmar. He stepped back and took his seat next to the high priestess.

The choir performed the most beautiful sacred music Derak ever heard, their voices rising up to the heavens. Tears of joy were shed by man and woman alike, including him. It was so moving. After the piece was finished, the choir sat down and Remor stepped forward. “Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, it’s my pleasure to represent Thumar on this illustrious occasion. Today, we celebrate the temple’s completion and Thumar’s salvation, and honor those who made it possible. As you all know, several short months ago, Thumar and the Pegasus Sector was threatened with a life-ending scenario. A cosmic storm, the likes of which we have not seen before and hope to never see again. If not for the heroic actions of a select group of military personnel, dedicated scientists, and support staff, we would not be here today. We honor them for their hard work and long hours researching, and implementing a solution that allows us to continue prospering as a people, planet, and sector. I now call the science team and support staff up to the front of the altar.” Jack rose; Derak and Jack smiled at each other and clasped hands before he followed the line. They all stood tall, looking sharp in their dress uniforms and finest clothes. Remor turned to face them.

“For your heroic actions in the face of insurmountable odds, I present to you the Keltur Cross, the second highest Thumarian honor that can be received by any citizen.” He presented the medal to each individual, stating their names, position, and contributions. He was joined by admiral Morton when he got to Jack.

“Captain Jack Morgan, for your piloting skills and overall support for all the teams involved, I now present to you the Keltur Cross.” Remor pinned it on his uniform.

Admiral Morton stepped forward. “Captain Morgan, for your exemplary actions in not only representing the Alliance, but also for your selfless sacrifices to save the Thumarian and Alliance citizenry. I present you with the Alliance’s second highest honor, the Dorn Cross with Oak Leaves, named after one of the greatest admirals ever to serve the Alliance.” He pinned the medal on Jack’s uniform and saluted him. Jack was barely able to keep a grin contained. Admiral Morton nodded to Remor.

Remor said. “Further, captain Morgan’s heroic actions earned him the command of the MS Morwen, to be assumed immediately.” Jack was grinning ear to ear now. He shook hands with Remor and the admiral.

“Let’s hear it for the support team and staff.” The response was deafening. After the cheers subsided, everyone returned to their seats and Remor called up commander Shakur and Dr. Keleg.

“In honor of your selfless attitudes and your willingness to fly a mission into the Oort cloud to destroy three asteroids on a collision course with Thumar, one which was as large as Mt. Kumar. I present to you the Shamur Braid and Medallion, our highest honor, named after our founder who gave his life so that a planet could live.”

Two admirals approached and removed commander Shakur and Dr. Keleg’s jackets and replaced them with new ones. Shakur now held the rank of captain, and Keleg had gold buttons. Captain Shakur saluted Remor, and Dr. Keleg shook his hand.

Remor turned around to the audience, “to the flight crew.” Thunderous applause filled the sanctuary and streets.

They were then seated and the president of the Galactic Senate stepped forward. Remor was handed an ornate box and stood to his right.

The galactic senate president spoke. “I now call the man who made this day possible. Not only for his impossible flight into the Oort cloud, but for the technology he contributed to the mission’s success and his organizational skills as a tested leader. Admiral, first tier, Derak Jamar III, please step forward.”

A standing ovation followed and continued as he stepped forward. Shesain was crying tears of joy. He smiled and winked at her. The Galactic Senate president silenced the crowd.

The Galactic Senate president continued, “Admiral, you gave the Galactic Senate a challenge. How do we present you with an honor greater than a Zertha Braid? Your actions saved billions of lives in three systems, along with the Alliance contingent on Thumar. So, we created a new braid that only the galactic senate can now authorize by a unanimous vote. It is named after the senate’s greatest senator and past president, Franklin Kenmar, a decorated naval admiral, and beloved political leader.

“I now present to you the Kenmar Braid and Medallion. This Braid combines the honors of the Thumarian, Voeleron, Katkurn, Murbesian, and Alliance Braids. You will, from this day forward, be retired as a Thumarian and Alliance full admiral. In so much that you have accepted the duties and responsibilities of the official Alliance ambassador to Thumar and the Pegasus Sector. Do you, in the presence of this assembly, confirm this commission, Admiral?”

“Yes, I do. Mr. President.”

Admiral Morton walked out with Derak’s new uniform jacket and hat. Derak could barely contain his response. Admiral Kaitain followed and stood behind him with Morton.

“Admirals,” the Galactic Senate president cued them.

Admiral Kaitain solemnly removed Derak’s uniform jacket and service hat, and stepped back. Admiral Morton stepped up and quietly cleared his throat as a cue. He slipped on Derak’s new jacket and handed him his new hat. He stepped back to join Zolar. Derak buttoned his coat up, glancing at the new sleeve insignia and hardware on his left breast. Then, he placed his new hat upon his head. The Galactic Senate president continued, facing the crowded temple.

“I now present to you, retired full admiral Derak Jamar III as the new ambassador to Thumar and the Pegasus sector.” The crowd rose, in unison, applauding and cheering wildly. All kinds of colorful flowers and decorations filled the air, the streets, and the outskirts of the city.

The high priest stepped forward, and the crowds silenced. “I declare today to be known as the Day of Salvation. It is to be celebrated yearly with a festival to follow. May Kumar bless this day and bless you all.”

With that, the ceremony was over. Shesain joined Derak and proudly linked her arm in his.

Shenar accompanied Jack, also wearing proud smiles, as all the award recipients walked down

the aisle, accepting the congratulations. They were followed by the presidents, presenters, the high priest and priestess. The crowd’s enthusiasm erupted as they filed out of the temple’s main doors. Air cannons emitted additional flowers and decorations. The recipients stopped at the top of the stairs, and an honor guard, representing all five systems, fired a twenty one gun salute. This was followed by a marvelous military flyover. The throngs cheered again, celebrating the recipients, the day, and knowing a grand party was about to begin. Every heart and mind was filled with celebration. After basking in the attention, the honorees were escorted to the grandstand.

Once they took their seats, the mayor of Shenmar stood to cue the concert master. The people listened to a new orchestral piece composed for the event. The Thumarian National Dance Company performed a new modern ballet depicting Thumar’s heroic efforts, the miraculous results, and the unified effort to reclaim Thumar’s beauty. It was an extraordinary and beautiful artistic work that received a standing ovation of appreciation. Derak’s sister, Catherine, danced in a key supporting role.

Remor and Paulos stood and announced the start of the Festival of Salvation. The band began a slow waltz, and all the recipients graced the dance floor. Derak led Shesain, who glowed with radiance. Captain Shakur followed with her escort. Then, Dr. Keleg followed with her partner, and, finally, Jack led the remaining contingent with Shenar at his side. Shesain and Derak started the dance and the others followed. After the waltz, Remor gave the sign and a lively jig from Anea started. The party was on and it was raucous. Food, fun, and libations flowed freely.

Derak lost track of the people he met. Names became blurred, but it didn’t matter. He was enjoying himself too much. Shesain and Derak encountered Seamus and his fiancé. She was the lead dancer, indeed, from the Anean dance troop. He had done well. She obviously adored him. The festival lasted until sundown the next day. Many new dances and musical performances were dedicated to the festival. Shesain and Derak tried to attend them all. The food was excellent, and Shesain ensured berry pies were prominent on the menu. The people were happy.

During the ceremony, Tara and Shesain shared tears of joy. The father of Calvin was a recognized galactic hero. Tara knew the real Derak. In his heart, he was a humble man, but one doesn’t spend a life, from childhood to adulthood, in survival mode, without having an edge to one’s personality. Calvin was proud to call Derak his father and hoped to follow in his footsteps.

All the dignitaries stayed for the entirety of the festival, thoroughly enjoying themselves. The cleanup was massive, but it only took one day. One-half of the festival attendees stayed behind to help with the cleanup. It was impossible to tell a major celebration had taken place just days before.

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