Thrown Away

Chapter 38

The minute Nikora left Finn, he got to work on getting the house ready for Finn. He and 10 guys headed over and painted, cleaned and fixed whatever needed fixing. He made sure there was a fridge, a dishwasher and microwave in the house. He also put wardrobes in the bedrooms and would have a new aircon unit installed. He had a little dining room set out in the dining room and would tell Finn that the previous tenants left it behind. He saw Finn crunching numbers while he cooked them dinner to see what she could afford to buy. He was determined to take some of the burden off her shoulders. The only thing she would need is beds for her and Jai and a couch.

Nikora wanted nothing more then to tell Finn to live with him but they had been on one offical date so he didn't want to freak her out. Finn deserved to be courted properly, shown how special she was and Nikora planned to do that. He had wanted to kill Myles for nearly destroying that for him. Finn deserved to be treated like the queen she was. It was about time that Myles saw she was Finlay and not Finn his little sister. Form what he had heard, Myles had lived his life but Finn never got to live her life to the fullest. Nikora would be changing that.

Myles, Zane and Sunny had headed back to Zane's club. Myles was upset and Sunny was furious. Zane was annoyed that Finn had kicked him out of his house. "I can't believe she kicked me out of my house" Zane fumed when they were in his office. He did see Finn as part of the family but she had disrespected him in his own home. "She kicked you out of her place" Sunny corrected. "That is my house and she is staying there" Zane replied. "She is paying rent into an account which I set up for Jai. She refused to stay if she didn't pay her way. You just confirmed that what she said was in fact true. You don't see Finn, you both see someone to control" Sunny yelled. Sunny rarely yelled so both Myles and Zane took notice.

"I" Zane started. "No, you listen here Zane, everything Finn said is true. No one is really there for Finn and hasn't been since her mother died. She was moved around and made invisible so she didn't get in peoples way. Who was there for her? Where are her friends?" Sunny asked. When neither Zane or Myles answered Sunny, she nodded. "That's right, her friends turned on her because of Jarrod. But she never really had any because she was never allowed to. She was told when to do something and she did it without question. I see Finn but do either of you?" Sunny asked. "That girl has relied on herself for so long and none of you see what you have done because it's just Finn. She will be fine in a few days when you say sorry. But this time I don't think it will be ok" Sunny added before storming out of the office and going to a guest room. She didn't want to be around Zane at the moment.

Myles had tried to call Finn before he headed back to his club but it went straight to message bank. He would have to make it up to her but she was right, he kept her completely seperate from his life. She had no idea who his partner was and if it wasn't for Sally, she wouldn't know he was seeing a guy. Reality hit and he didn't like it one bit. He would have to change that and first thing first was to tell Paulo that he had a sister and a nephew. He hadn't even done that, just said he had a younger sibling to care for because no one else was. Paulo had accepted that and didn't ask questions

The next morning Finn was up early. She was making a plan of where to go today and what she needed to buy. She would get a new bed because her and Jai would be sharing for a while, she would need a couch which she could get second hand. She would need to see that place Nikora had spoken about to see what else would be needed. She would get the little things like a toaster and kettle from Kmart with her sheets and towels. Finn was excited to be in her own place she just hoped that it would be within her price range.

At 7am Nikora lightly knocked on the door with breakfast and coffee. Finn was in her sleeping shorts and a big shirt with her hair in a messy bun on her head. Jai was still sleeping but she was sure he would be up soon enough.

"Morning sweetheart" Nikora said when Finn opened the door kissing her on the head. "Umm morning, sorry I'm not ready yet" Finn rushed out feeling embarrassed about how she looked. "Good, I brought breakfast and coffee" Nikora replied smiling at Finn just as Jai whimpered through the baby monitor. "Can I get him?" Nikora asked. Finn just nodded while eyeing the bacon and egg rolls and coffee. Usually she had cereal or toast but the rolls looked so good. "Help yourself. And I got Jai some toast and berries and pancakes cause I didn't know what he would have. There is a decaf latte there as well" Nikora stated before running up the stairs to get Jai.

Finn grabbed a coffee and roll sitting at the table and took a bite just as Nikora walked into the dining room with Jai who was slapping him on the chest and smacking his lips. "Morning little man" Finn said smiling up at her son. Jai got excited to see his mum and squealed flapping his arms. This caused Finn and Nikora to laugh. "Mmmmm" Jai babbled. "That's right that's your mumma and she is the best mumma in the world" Nikora said before handing Jai to Finn.

Finn kissed Jai's little face while he was getting frustrated with the shirt in the way of his breakfast. "Ok ok, patients little man" Finn laughed. "Mmmm" Jai said louder and was hitting Finn's chest. Finn quickly got Jai settled on the breast and continued to eat her roll enjoying every part of it. Nikora grabbed water for Finn kissing her head again and then sat opposite Finn and had his breakfast.

"So can I see the place this morning and find out what the rent is? If it's out of my budget I will have to ramp up my search" Finn finally said when she finished her roll. "Well we can head over as soon as you both are ready. The previous tenant left a fridge, microwave and dining table which I can get rid of" Nikora began. "No they can stay but what's the rent a week?" Finn asked. "Well usually it's about 450 a week but I haven't fixed it up since the previous tenants left, so I could reduce the rent to 400 a week. Nikora offered. Usually he could get more but the place was mainly used by members when they had been claimed until they found their own place to move in to. Cut and his wife had been living there while he renovated his home.

"Ok" Finn said crunching numbers to see if that could work. "That includes a guy coming round to mow and maintain the garden weekly" Nikora stated. "And if I do that instead of you paying someone" Finn asked. Nikora wasn't going to not have her move in and he would do the lawns and gardening himself. "$350 a week but I have to warn you that the house is opposite my Tupuna's place" Nikora stated. He would allow her to live rent free but he knew Finn was to proud to allow that. "Deal" Finn rushed out. $350 was her limit so she could afford everything else. "Don't you want to see it first?" Nikora asked. Finn just shrugged her shoulders, she didn't care what it looked like as long as it was safe for Jai.

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