Three for Thorn

Chapter 15 Thorn

I watched the television screen with a strong sense of despair hitting me straight down deep into my knotted gut.

I keep watching as I see Slay and Sin start to argue, over what, I have no idea about. But something is definitely not right.

Slay had so much repulsive anger on his face toward Sin that it nearly took my breath away from just seeing it displayed on his tortured face.

When I seen Slay finally walk away from Sin I jumped up from the couch, ready to chase after Slay but Sun prevented me from doing so by grabbing ahold of my wrist and pulling me back down on the couch beside him.

"Let them handle it Thorn." Sun insists softly but I still yearned to go find Slay. Something just wasn't right and by the look on Slays face just now I knew it had it be heartbreakingly horrible and I know Sunny had to see the same thing that I did.

"But Sun you saw the look on his face there is something wrong and we need to find out what it is." I desperately plead with him.

"No Thorn. Sin has been acting strange all night. I don't know what's going on with him either but let's just give Slay few seconds to calm down before we go barreling off after him." I hate it but Sun does seem to have a very valid point.

They are brothers after all, he may not like it too much if I intrude on whatever is going on between them but that still doesn't lessen my worries any.

"Fine." I relent turning my gaze back to the tv screen.

On the screen I watch again as Sin stumbles over to the cell bars grabbing ahold of them with his hands. Storm wraps her hands around his on the bars so tenderly.

The emotion flowing off of Storms face is one that I recognize fully, it's one of pure unadulterated love.

The thought of her loving him so deeply kept my eyes glued to the screen, mesmerized, by what I'm actually seeing. I just couldn't pry my eyes away from the damn screen.

Sin then leans into the cell bars a little bit closer as their faces press up against each others in what generally looks like a very passionate kiss.

I gasp out loudly, feeling shell shocked, at watching my mate kiss another woman so damn brazenly.

To actually see Sin kissing Storm like he is so desperately in love with her gives me a new found feeling of discomfort that I just can't seem to explain or even understand.

It's honestly strange: this new feeling I'm having toward my mates now. Since I shifted I have felt drawn to all of them even more than I ever have before.

Sun springs up from the couch quickly, jostling me on the couch as he jumps up from it then rushes to the tv to turn it off completely.

The screen goes black immediately but I still can't seem to take my eyes away from the television. My eyes seem to be transfixed upon it.

"Thorn." Sun drawls out my name in a very sincere but worried tone. Basically feeling sorry for me but I don't want his damn pity. There's no love loss between me and Sin, thankfully and there probably never will be.

If that's the way that Sin wants it, then, by all means, so fucking be it.

"It's fine Sun. It's not like there's any love loss between us anyway. I knew he was with Storm I just didn't realize how close they actually were." I tell him inhaling deeply I finally tear my eyes away from the blackened screen sliding them up to look at him.

His face shows utter remorse and a touch of regret on it but I just numbly shake my head at him. It's really not that big of a deal to me.

"Don't feel sorry for me Sun. Sometimes it just doesn't work out between mates. It's probably happened more times than either of us even know about." I state with slight conviction, though I hate that I noticed that I had a tiny tremble coming out in my tone. Shit!

"I'm so sorry Thorn. He has changed so damn much that sometimes I don't even recognize him anymore. I'm not saying this as an excuse for his behavior but he did start to change after our parents died and somehow for some damn unknown reason it just seemed to escalate." Sun tries to reassure me, although he is absolutely right. Their parents dying is not an excuse for Sin to rip someone's heart completely out of their damn chest. Rip my heart out? What am I even thinking?

"It does hurt Sun but not as much as you might think. Sin and I have never really been close. He has pushed me away from the start. I'm just glad I learned about this now rather than sometime later." Now I'm the one trying to reassure Sun. I give him a faint smile rising up from the couch I gradually make my way over to him.

"Stop worrying Sun. I'm okay. I don't blame you or your brother for Sins actions. He has made his choice and I'm fine with it." I try to insert my new found convictions to him. I don't know if it's more for him or for myself but no matter what I will stand strong through all of this. I just have too. I always have too.

"Just promise me one thing Thorn." Sun asks me while forming tiny crease lines on his forehead. It looks so damn cute that I want to take my finger and run it along the crinkled lines to stop his worrying.

"Hmmm." I hum to him as I take a tentative step toward him, cocking my head to the side. He looks so damn adorable I would probably just about promise him anything at this very moment. I gasp at my own inner thoughts. Calm your hormones down Thorn this is a serious situation, I chide myself. Get with the fucking program!

"Don't runaway again. Stay. Slay and I want you here. We want you as our mate and we want to make a life with you. Please don't leave just because my damn brother thinks out of his ass and not with his damn head." He thinks I'll runaway again?

I really want to dispel him of his worries completely and promise him that I will never leave his side again. I just don't know if that's a promise that I can actually keep though. Sometimes I just do feel like running. It's been my only escape mechanism.

Sighing, I rip my gaze away from him debating on how to explain my own irrational fears.

"Oh he thinks with his head alright just with the wrong damn one." Slay replies grumpily as he suddenly enters into the living area.

I watch him as he stomps his way over to me and Sun. His gait his strong but he looks so damn weary with a deep tormenting scowl etched all over his handsome face.

I hate this for him.

"What happened down there?" Sun ask just as Slay finally reaches us.

"I really don't want to talk about it." Slay attest with a deep baritone worried grumble.

"Tough because I want to know. There's something going on Slay. I could tell by the look on your face. We saw what happened in the dungeon. You were so pissed off at Sin that I actually thought you were going to hit him." I demand of him. I'm damn tired of not knowing what is actually going on around here. They always leave me out of these types of discussions and I'm damn well sick of it.

"Thorn please it's just going to hurt you and I don't want to hurt you beautiful." Slay pleads with me. His dark chocolate eyes gaze down at me full of determination and with a tiny hint of sadness encased in them.

Nope. I'm not falling for those damn puppy dog eyes again.

"Just tell me Slay. I'm a big girl I think I can handle it." I insist, Standing my ground, I place my hands on my hips to try and show more courage than I really actually have at the moment.

False bravado some might say.

"Fine but please after I tell you promise me that you won't runaway from me and Sun again." Slay pleads. What is it with these men and these damn promises!?

I look directly at him with a hostile glare aim directed right at him.

Why do they always assume I'll runaway? The first time, yes, it was clearly my doing but the second time was definitely on them and not me. Don't they have any faith in me?

Fine if it's the only way I can get him to tell me anything I guess I'll just have to surrender to it.

"I promise." I mock promise them both as I sneakily cross my fingers that lay upon my hip.

Slay eyes me suspiciously for a second, fully showing me how much he actually doubts my own word.

Rolling my damn eyes I uncross my fingers and with a heavy say I make my vow to them both.

"I promise I won't runaway again." I honestly vow this time.

"That's good but just remember the punishment you received from the very first time that you did it?" Slay questions. I just nod my head swallowing down a deep gulp. I remember it fucking clearly.

"I won't hesitate to do it again." Slay threatens while giving me a sexy ass smirk. Damn him!

I think all of the blood that was rushing through my damn brain just swooped straight down directly to my treacherous overheated vagina.

Squeezing my thighs together, I try to suppress a moan. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and count to ten quickly.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." Fuck! Didn't work! Opening my eyes again my gaze snaps right back to a still smirking ass sexy Slay.

Beside me Sun tries to hold in a laugh but doesn't seem to succeed at doing it at all. His breathy laughter escapes him unexpectedly.

"What?" I ask defensively with my eyes bouncing back and forth between a smirking Slay and a laughing Sun.

"You counted out loud beautiful." Slay informs me while trying to contain his own laughter.

Well double fuck!

"Do you want me to kick both of you in the balls?" I ask while furrowing my damn brows at both of them. It's so not funny.

"Oh beautiful we can smell your arousal." Slay says chuckling at me lightly. I huff, I'm so glad these two morons find it so damn amusing. "Do you need for us to take care of it for you?" Slay ask me huskily. Fuck!

"Well if you both keep laughing at me then neither of you will ever get close enough to even touch it!" I tell with snarky ass tone.

They both stop laughing immediately.

Each now showing straight firm thinned lips and serious expressions on their faces with straight stiffened spines.

That's what I thought. I harumph.

"Now can we please get back to the main subject here? What's going on Slay?" I grow serious glancing up at him. Trying to ignore my wanting arousal.

Slay blows out a ragged breath, hesitating momentarily before he actually decides to spill the beans to me.

I stand there stoically as Slay describes every horrid damn detail to me and Sun. With every word spewing out of Slays mouth his actions grow even more fevered.

Side eyeing Sun beside me, I notice his resolve quickly dissipating to an onslaught of complete unbridled mortification.

Well I'm thankful that at least two of my mates care about me.

"And I told him on paper anyway and then just left." Slay finishes his description of Sins betrayal with a distorted mixture of absolute anger and sadness written all over this face.

They both stare at me patiently waiting for my reaction, I assume.

I don't know what to tell them? If they are expecting me to break down from Slays news then they will both will be waiting it for a damn long while.

Honestly, the news about Sin and Storm doesn't bother me quite as much as they both probably think that it does.

The only thing that truly bothers me about any of this is how it's damaging their relationship as brothers.

My father already knew that I was here, regardless if it was at Sins doing or another's doing it was bound to happen anyway. I'm mad about it but what's done is done. I can't simply change it.

"Say something Thorn." Sun pleads to me desperately.

I can only presume that he actually thinks that I am going to runaway from them again. Since they were both so adamant about me promising them both that I wouldn't. Men ugh! Why do they always assume that a woman is weak and needs to run? Even though that was my first unavoidable thought actually.

"Okay." I finally reply shrugging my shoulder dismissively as I drop my hands away from my hips beside me.

"Okay? That's all you have to say? Where's the screaming, the cussing, the fucking tantrum? You just can't say okay Thorn. Don't hold it in! Show us exactly what you are feeling. It's okay to let it all out!" Slay comments waving his hands in the air clearly not understanding my resigned emotions.

"Slay. I said it was okay what more can I say," I reply to him softly, "the only thing that bothers me is that this is going to put a a very hard strain between you two and Sins relationship as brothers. He is going to eventually end up blaming me for it like he has blamed me for everything else that's happened so far but I just may have a solution." One that I truly hope both of them will come to realize that it will be for the best in the long run. At least I hope it will anyway.

"What?" Sun presses looking curiously down at me. As I watch both of them I start to get a tiny bit apprehensive. I just know that they are not going to like what I am about to suggest to them.

Steeling my nerves I clear my throat before I explain it to them.

"Before I tell you, you both need to please promise me that you won't get mad." I bristle away from them when I see the sudden fierce looks that they both glower at me with.

"Hey you made me promise it's only fair that you return the favor." I argue. Bravely defending my stance.

"Fine what it is?" Sun solemnly agrees I nod my head at him then turn my attention to Slay waiting patiently for him to agree also.

"Fine." He drawls it out but eventually agrees though somewhat sparingly.

"Alright. I promised I wouldn't runaway but maybe we can runaway together?" I stiffen up when they both look down at me with disputing looks on their faces, "let me explain." I rush to tell them.

"Sin and Storm require some time alone right now so they can both work through whatever is going on between them and I desperately want to get away from them both. We also need sometime alone to work on our own relationships too. We were planning to go to the Invivus Realm anyway right? So why don't we just go now?" I sincerely hope they both can understand exactly why I'm asking them to do this. "It can be like a mini vacation." I add slightly giggling.

"There's only one problem with that solution Thorn. Storm is going to be taken away in the morning for committing treason against her Alphas. She will be punished accordingly for all that she has done just like Nina has." Oh. I didn't realize that. Well fuck! Now what?

We all grow silent standing around in the living area trying to formulate another plan of action. Well at least I am. There has to be a way that we can all resolve this situation without Sin hating me even more. Not that I really care how Sin actually feels about me but I hate that there is so much turmoil between him and his brothers.

"Oh wait! I think I may have it!" I tell them excitedly as I start pacing the floor.

They are really not going to like this one though. It's way worse than my other idea but it may be our only way to resolve our issues. In my view anyway.

"We still go to the Realm like we already planned to do but we have to put a hold on our own relationships." I assert.

"What are you talking about Thorn? I don't want to put a hold on our relationship! That's absolutely absurd!" Sun exclaims quite loudly. "Are you like breaking up with us?" Sun ask me as he lowers his voice then peers at me with a forlorn look.

He gazes at me with such heartsick look that it almost makes me crumble.

"Hold on Sun. I didn't mean that we would have to stop being together and no we are definitely not breaking up. I just meant that we won't take this relationship of ours any further. Like, well, we won't mark each other. We won't complete our bonding right now. I know it might be hard but I think that we can do it at least for a little while, right?" I ask them a bit unsure of my own idea.

Bonding and mating between wolves is a pull that most wolves can't go without for long but we are all strong supernatural beings so I'm pretty sure that we can accomplish it, if only until we can work something out between them and Sin that is. I just want all of them to stay a loving family unit.

"No." Slay absolutely denies my request instantly. "I will not put off bonding with you just because Sin has a damn stick up his ass! Our relationship now has nothing to with Sin at all. Just because he's throwing a damn tempter tantrum doesn't mean he gets to rule over what we do! I won't allow it Thorn!" He won't allow it? Just who the hell does he think he is?

"Then I will have no other choice than to leave Slay. Sin will make it his duty to get rid of me. He has already proven to you that he will do anything in his power to accomplish just that. He thinks I'm going to get you killed because of this stupid damn prophecy and he just may be on to something." I argue back terrified that Sin may be actually right, for once.

"I won't stand in your way. Not anymore. Go. All of you. If this is what you so desperately want to do then I can't stop either of you and I promise I won't hold it against Thorn either. I just want one thing. Let Storm go. I would do anything if you just release her back to me and if you do then all of you can mate or bond or whatever and I won't say a damn thing about any of it." Sin states suddenly as he starts to approach us.

I step behind Sun, shielding myself away from him. Looking at him now I hate that all I can see from him is someone who truly despises me and wants me out of the picture no matter what it may take.

"I'm not going to hurt you Thorn. You don't have to cower behind my brother." Sin exclaims with a touch of mild aggression toward me. I don't fucking trust his ass any longer.

But knowing that I will have to put up with him if I want to be with his brothers. We have to reach a resolution to our problems somehow, someway.

So I determinedly step gingerly out from behind Sun I stand face to face with Sin. Glowering up at him with hatred casting out of my steaming eyes.

"You have already hurt me Sin. I don't think you can hurt me any more than you already have." I discreetly state folding my arms across my chest while cocking my hip slightly to the side.

I have to show him that I'm not afraid of him. Even though deep down I know that am.

I'm doing this for Slay and Sunny.

"Yea well, sorry about that." Sin fake apologizes without any fucking real emotion at all behind it. The cocky slimy arrogant bastard!

"So do we have a deal?" Sin asks Slay.

"No. No fucking deal Sin. I will not bargain with you over this. Storm is not to be ever trusted again and I can't allow her to be released from her confines just because you think that she deserves it. You may say that you love her, which I'm beginning to think is just a damn made up fucking lie anyway, but that isn't a good enough reason for me to set her sorry lying ass free." I almost choke at Slays reply. "I just won't do it"

Sin glares over at Slay, they both continue to stare at each other like it's a damn western showdown meeting at high noon for the shoot out.

Giddy up everybody!

"What do mean that you think it's a damn lie? Haven't I proven it to you already? I love Storm, Slay!" Sin accentuates the last sentence trying desperately to get his point across to either Slay or himself. I don't know which one he is actually trying to convince though.

"Why? Well let's see. You didn't seem to have a fucking issue with Storm sleeping around on you with Pan, now did you? And I also remember how you kissed Thorn so damn passionately at that creepy Addams Family mansion. So I think you are completely full of shit whenever you say that you love Storm, Sin. I think there's more to this than actually meets the eye. You are fighting way too hard to get Thorn out of the picture and don't tell me it's all for mine and Sunny's protection. That's a load of bullshit. We can both protect ourselves. We always fucking have. I actually think that you're hiding something else from us. Oh but please tell me if I'm wrong?" Slay challenges Sin standing up to him very defiantly.

Is he actually hiding something else as Slay thinks he is? What more can he be hiding? Does he have a secret love child that we don't know about? Is there another lover? Is he in cohorts with my father?

The last question has me starting to breath more erratically.

No please don't let it be that!

Sun draws closer to me as he places his hand on my back the sparks alight up in me instantly. Calming me down somewhat. My breathing starts to regulate just from his simple loving touch. Thank you Sun.

I watch extremely closely as Sin has a bout of confusion scrambling up on his faltering features. Is he having doubts? I ask myself. All of these questions keep tossing around in my mind fluently.

"You're trying to fucking confuse me!" Sin is undoubtedly having conflicting emotions about all of this.

What's going on with him?

"Fuck!" Sin screams, suddenly stomping his foot down unexpectedly.

I flinch away from him instantly.

Sun wraps his arm around my midsection bracing himself against me.

We all watch now as Sin emotions start fluctuating between being indecisive to a very surprising realization of acceptance. It's actually tantalizing to watch. Sin seems to have a lot of conflicting emotions.

Then he suddenly turns on his heel and storms away from us, clipping Suns shoulder as he goes by, headed straight up the stairs, stomping down his feet hard on each one of the stairs beneath him as he angrily walks away.

We all hear his bedroom door slam when he finally reaches it. I flinch away again.

"Well that went well." Sun dryly states still staring up at the stairway landing.

"We're all leaving out in the morning after I call Miracle to pick up Storms ass, for the Invivus Realm, so pack a bag and be ready." Slay states a bit edgy.

"I'll inform our Betas about our departure but what about Sin?" Sun questions Slay.

Slay peers sadly up at the top of the staircase landing looking directly at Sins closed bedroom door a bit wistfully.

"I don't want to talk to him any further. If you want to tell him about what we have planned then by all means be my fucking guest. Right now I think it's best if I just keep my distance from him. Demon is on edge and I may not be able to control him." Slays comment rattles me. If Demon, his wolf, is on edge then that can only mean that Sin has definitely pissed them both off to a high extent.

And all because of me.

"I'm sorry." I tell them as the guilt starts to engulf me, "this is all my fault. Sin is only doing this because of me. I don't want to be the person that comes in between all of you. Maybe I should just go to the Invivus Realm alone. That way you can all work out some of these issues on your own without me being around to cause any further problems." It's a good idea in my opinion.

They need to work on their relationships and I'm just standing in all of their way.

"Not going to happen and this is definitely not your fault Thorn. This is all on Sin. He has to work on his own damn issues. Don't blame yourself beautiful. Sin had problems before you even came into the picture." Slay tries to placate me.

But the guilt still resides within me.

"He's right Thorn. Like I said before Sin started having these problems right after our parents died. You are not to blame." Sun smiles down at me placing his head on the crook of my neck as he nuzzles within it.

His intoxicating aroma, of musk and fresh rain water, wafts up to me suddenly calming my inner worries instantly.

Slay comes to stand behind me as Sun edges his way to stand right before me. Slay wraps his arms around my midsection, embracing me, while Sun plants both of his hands on my neck peering into my eyes lovingly.

I breathlessly moan out when Sun lowers his head to my neck leaving tiny little feathery like kisses on it as Slay does the same on the other side of my neck.

As they continue to ravish my neck an absurd thought flashes into my mind instantly.

I'm wrapped up in a beefcake sandwich.

And I love the damn bread!

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