Three for Thorn

Chapter 14 Sin

I took off out of the dining room in search for my friend Pan or what I use to consider my friend anyway.

I'm fuming mad.

If Pan does have anything to do with Storms escape I will tear his ass to shreds with my own fucking claws and not even think twice about it. He doesn't even actually know what he has done. All of my strategic plans are just going to fucking waste.

Slamming the back door open I step out into the back yard sniffing the air for Pans own signature smell. A mix of pine cones and white ash that I can always detect no matter how far away he seems to be.

Walking through the backyard sniffing the air I think back to mine and Pans friendship.

While my parents were still alive I met Pan when I was around sixteen. He was a bit older than me by a few years but somehow we both managed to click. Especially after he saved me from some love sick girls who were chasing after me at the time.

Coming out of the high school doors after the last bell rang for the day, these damn girls would not leave me alone no matter what I did or said they were always constantly bugging me. Batting their damn false eyelashes up at me.

I was getting frustrated with all of them, trying my damnest to hurry up and escape them and when I wasn't paying attention to where I was going I accidentally bumped into what I now know was Pan, nearly knocking both of us flat on our asses.

He noticed the girls coming up from behind me fast and as I sighed out in frustration he laughed at me.

"Need some help?" He ask eyeing the girls as they drew closer to us.

"Yes. They are driving me nuts man. I just can't seem to shake them!" I huffed out frustratingly.

"Come here!" He insisted. I took a small step closer to him eyeing him suspiciously. When I finally got in front of him, he watched as the damn girls drew closer. As soon as they were close enough he hurriedly reached out for me grabbing me by my arms he pulled me closer to him.

As the girls got right up to us. He fucking surprised the shit out of me.

He lowered his head and kissed me full on, on my mouth grabbing the back of my head he pushed me closer to him. It was a mad lovers kiss.

I struggled to get away from him at first but then I started relax and enjoyed his kiss as his tongue slipped provocatively into my mouth. Making my dick harden instantly.

I got swept up in his kiss not really caring any longer about the random girls chasing me.

When he finally broke the kiss from me he stared at me with wanting desire caught up in his eyes and then just chuckled slightly.

I was completely taken aback. I have never kissed a dude before. It was something I never imagined myself ever doing.

"They left." He huskily tells me. I angle my head to look back and watched as all of the girls that were chasing after me were gingerly walking away from us both disappointed.

"T-thanks." I stammer as he lets me go.

"No problem stud. What's your name?" He ask folding his arms across his chest.

And from then on out we were the closest of friends.

It never progressed any further than that kiss between him and I. But sometimes late night I often wondered.

Now our relationship has turned into something that I can't even define any longer.

Hell I really didn't care that he was even with Storm but I did care about him. Mine and Storms relationship is something of a mystery. But he doesn't know that. Nobody does.

It will definitely hurt more than it should if he did help Storm escape. I honestly don't know if I could ever forgive him for such backstabbing behavior. I had a fucking plan and he just may have ruined it all.

I trusted him.

Maybe Thorn and Slay are right. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions?

I hope that's the case anyway because if it's not it's really going to tear me apart.

Walking against the fence line still sniffing at the air I catch a tiny whiff of Pans scent off in the distance.

Running fast in that direction, I follow his scent all the way to the backside of our property line.

Slowing my steps as I draw nearer, I keep following his scent until the scent becomes overwhelming stronger.

I stop when I see him at the edge of the forest standing alone but he seems to be talking with someone that I can't actually see. His lips are steadily moving as he animatedly talks to whomever is hidden.

Edging a little closer I creep to the other side of the yard to get a better view of whoever the hell he is talking to.

Pausing, I strain to listen.

"We can't tell them. I don't think they are ready to hear this Onyx. They have enough going on with their new mate Thorn." Pan speaks lowly to this guy named Onyx who is trying his best to hide amongst the tree line of the forest.

"I'm tired of waiting Pan. You need to tell them and soon or else I will." Onyx says sounding slightly irritated.

What the hell are they talking about?

Stepping closer I accidentally step on a fucking twig announcing my approach loudly. Damn!

They both snap their heads in my direction quickly. Fuck! Busted.

Coming out of the shadows I walk over to both of them. Pan looks at me like he's frightened of me which only manages to peek my curiosity even more.

"What's going on?" I ask as I approach them.

"Sin, what are doing out here?" Pan ask desperately. Looking very anxious.

"You first Pan. What's going on?" Waving my hand at this Onyx guy who is still hiding amongst the damn trees.

Pan sighs, "I found my mate Sin. This is Onyx. Onyx this my Alpha Sin." Pan introduces us reluctantly. Onyx steps out from between the trees slowly. Eyeing me with blatant curiosity as I eye him the same.

"Nice to meet you." Onyx says embarrassingly so.

"Same," I tell him then turn my attention back to Pan beside me, "so this is what you've been hiding? When did you two meet? What about Storm? Did you help her escape?" The questions start to flood out of me rapidly.

"Woah. Woah. Storm escaped?" Pan ask with confusion marring all over his face.

"Yes and I actually thought that you might have helped her." I admit to him though a tad to aggressively.

"I didn't help that bitch. I told you Sin that I was sorry and Onyx and I met just two days ago. He is Alpha Curtis's Beta, that's why we didn't tell you. You got to believe me. Storm was just a damn fling she didn't mean anything to me. I would never help her escape I value our friendship way too much to do that to you Sin." Now I feel like an utter ass. I should of had more faith in him but I hate hearing him call Storm such awful names. I just sigh.

"I believe you but why are you keeping your mate a secret? It's not like he's working with Curtis or is he?" I ask peering over at a very anxious Onyx that is now standing closely beside Pan.

"Never. I would never do something like that. I had no idea what Alpha Curtis was even planning!" Onyx says. I glare at him trying to find any deception clouding his face but thankfully I find none.

"I believe you. I'm sorry Pan. For thinking that you helped Storm. When I heard that she escaped I just saw red and I wasn't exactly thinking straight." I apologize to him determinedly. I don't want to lose his friendship not after all of these years. He means too much me.

"You're fine but we need to find her. She is probably meeting up with that guy that she's been passing information to about our Luna." Our Luna. The Luna I actually offended not even thirty minutes ago. What a laugh.

"Is Luna alright? Is somebody with her?" Pan asks me anxiously when he sees the stoic look on my face.

She's perfectly fine I left with her Sun. Who really cares anyway? I think to myself.

Then catching the confused look on Pans face I now grow anxious.

Fuck! I almost fucked up!

"I got to get back to the house." I rush to say as I turn toward the house in a quick and panicked run, headed back to make sure Thorn is safe: supposedly.

I found her in the living room with Sun, both of them were sitting on the couch watching the damn television.

I stared at them both curiously as I entered the room wondering how either of them could be so damn calm with them both thinking that Storm is now free and out there somewhere probably more than likely planning something evil in their eyes anyway.

But they both seemed relaxed and way too calm just watching the fucking tv like they don't have damn care in the world.

"Did I miss something?" I ask as I stroll into the room sitting down in my usual chair just eyeing them both precariously.

"Nope. Just watching the tv." Sun shrugs his shoulder dismissively. Looking, quite honestly, like he's actually very happy.

Do they suspect something?

Leaning back in my chair I still keep watching them both as they stare at the tv screen, placing my hand under my chin with my elbow on the arm of the chair. I scowl at them, trying to my best to decipher their nonchalant attitudes.

Something just doesn't seem right!

"Okay what gives? Why are you two acting so damn calm? You do realize that there's a loose maniac out there right?" I ask but they both just give my dismissive shrugs returning their attention back the damn tv.

Creasing my eyebrows at them I lean forward in the chair just to see what has both of them so damn captivated at the screen.

The picture is a bit fuzzy but I can make out some of the features of the person appearing on the screen.

Leaning in closer to get a better view of the screen, I nearly fall off of my fucking chair when I realize suddenly who is actually on the damn screen.

"Is that?" I start to ask but trail off as I fall to my knees on the floor to squat down in front of the tv to get an up close view. I didn't know we had fucking cameras in the dungeon.

I'm fucked!

"Why is Slay on the fucking tv?" I ask peering over my shoulder at Thorn and Sun sitting on the couch.

Both of whom are smiling at me widely. Sun just points to the tv not ushering a single syllable.

My gaze hesitantly goes back to viewing the tv.

I watch as Slay stands in front of very familiar cell bars that's located in our own dungeon. Fuck!

His lips are moving frantically but unfortunately there's no sound coming from the tv.

"Why can't we hear him?" I ask absentmindedly still staring at the screen.

"There's no sound. Just watch." Sun informs me.

The screen begins to flicker somewhat, glitching in and out suddenly, then moves to a different angle.

The picture on the screen now is inside of the dungeon cell room.

It starts off a bit blurry then comes into focus suddenly showcasing a very pissed off Storm apparently yelling at Slay with her body half bent over and her hands swinging around in the air.

"He fucking caught her?" I question Sun turning my gaze back to him. Fuck!

"Yep! I don't know how he did it but when he came in here he turned on the tv and asked for both of us to watch. Said he had a surprise for us both. Then just left, smiling." Sun states never taking his eyes off of the screen.

"I'm going down there." I stand up from the floor quickly. "She's mine to deal with." I add before I pivot around headed straight for fucking dungeon. I got to stop this.

Just as I entered the dungeon I can hear Storms loud screams echoing up to me.

Stomping down the primitive staircase I hear bits and pieces of her tantrum. When I hit the bottom stair I halted, just to listen in to her frantic ramblings.

"Storm. You did this to yourself. Stop blaming other people for your own actions. What I don't understand is why Storm? Why did you risk everything over something so damn trivial? You knew you would never be our Luna and yet you kept on with this farce trying your damnest in every way possible to become our Luna." Slay questions her with a sound of regret whispering out through his tone. "Why?"

"I don't have to tell you a damn thing. You're not my Alpha anymore remember?" Storms snarky attitude will definitely end up getting her killed.

Stop it Storm.

"No I'm not but that's not my fault now is it? No. It's absolutely all yours. So why? You have a family Storm. What will your mother and father or even your sisters think about what you have become?" Slay states.

"I don't give a damn what they think. I was doing it for them anyway but they all thought I was just absolutely crazy." Storm says, she sounds so damn defeated. Just shut your fucking mouth Storm, I keep protesting loudly in my mind.

"Why then? I don't understand." Slay questions.

"You wouldn't. You couldn't possibly understand Slay. You and your brothers have always had it so damn easy. A loving caring family that has everyone's damn respect. Now you all even have a damn fucking mate to make all of your lives complete but what do I have Slay?" Storm pauses. I hear her footfalls making their way closer to the cell bars. I can't stand to hear this.

"I have nothing! No damn mate! No one to love me like I damn well deserve! I don't even have anyones damn respect!" Storm screams heatedly I can hear her breathing picking up erratically suddenly.

Please Storm I'm begging you just shut up now!

"What about your family Storm? They love you, I know they do, I've seen it. Your parents has always treated you kindly. They never neglected you nor your sisters. Are you trying to tell me that they did something to you or are you just lying again just to save face?" I notice that Slay is starting to get pretty defensive. As each world he tends to utter just starts to climb a decibel louder.

"No they never did anything like your thinking Slay. They are good people. They love me and my sisters. Please don't think badly of them. This is all on me. They had nothing to do with this." She starts rushing her words sounding more desperate as she goes.

Fuck! I hear her pain through her words.

"Did you ever love Sin, Storm? Or was he just another fucking conquest for you?" At Slays questions, I take a small step closer to the cell. Desperately wanting to hear her answer.

Come on Storm don't fuck this up!

"Yes. In a way I do. I always have." She whispers it but I can hear it all very vividly.

She confesses her love for me to Slay. I want to scream at her. But I just fucking can't. Damn!

"So you really love him? That's what I don't understand Storm. If you really loved him then why would you want to hurt his mate? The Moon Goddess chose her to be his mate and not you for a reason. Surely you have to understand that? If you hurt Thorn then you potentially would be hurting Sin also." Slay states it so matter of factly that it does make some sort of sense. But unfortunately Slay doesn't know that I was the one that inevitably pushed Storm into this. It was all me.

This is all my damn fault. She's getting blamed for everything.

I bite the side of my cheek to keep from blabbering something out loud that I know shouldn't.

I did this. Not her. I keep repeating the phrase in my head.

Stop blaming her Slay and I just wish that Storm would shut the hell up already.

She's going to ruin everything.

"He doesn't want her Slay. He said so himself plenty of times. He even told you. Don't you remember? That night on my porch? I was suppose to be his Luna not that fucking bitch Thorn. He told me so!" Storm yells out uncontrollably. Reflecting back on my own damn thoughts. I'm the one to blame. I have to get her out of this.

"Don't call her a bitch Storm your already walking on thin ice as it. I will not have you slandering my mate! She has done nothing to you!" Slay yells back at Storm tempestuously.

"Nothing? Slay she has stolen my damn happiness away for me. How can you stand there and say that she has done nothing to me when she most definitely fucking has? Don't you see? She has stolen away the love of my life and took my damn position away from me! She's not as innocent as you may think she is. She took everything away from me!" Storm loudly refutes Slay with a tremendous amount of anger.

Why can't she just stop?

"It's not your damn position Storm it's hers! She didn't steal away anything from you! You did this. Not her! Do you actually know why her damn father is after her? I can tell by the look on your face that you don't so let me enlighten you shall I? He wants to fucking make her his Luna! He wants to sleep with his own damn daughter. His own fucking flesh and blood and you just gave him the opportunity to find her so he can accomplish it! I hope you're fucking proud of yourself Storm! No. She didn't do this. You fucking did!" Slay screams. His screams echo all throughout the dungeon loudly.

I flinch hearing him so damn upset.

Now guilt runs through my damn veins because its not only Storm at fault I am also. I fucking did this!

This has to absolutely stop now!

"I didn't know Slay. Honestly I didn't. I just thought he wanted her back. I knew he hated her but I didn't think he wanted....that." Storm says breathlessly.

That's my girl.

"Exactly right Storm. YOU DIDN'T FUCKING THINK!" Slay screams at her maddeningly loud. I rear my head back from the very onslaught of his anger. I can't take this anymore.

"Stop!" I scream back finally making my appearance known to them.

Slay looks at me while furrowing his brows down in confusion. I just keep my eyes on him not even taking a chance to look over in Storms direction as I make my way to him.

"Just stop Slay. It's not all her damn fault. It's mine also. I did this. Blame me." I desperately plead with him still not looking over at Storm. I just can't.

"What are you talking about Sin?" He asks. He just doesn't get it.

Inhaling deeply I open my mouth to tell him then stop myself before ushering a single word.

How do I tell him? How do I tell him that this is all my fault because I was basically stupid?

"I did this Slay. If it wasn't for me Storm wouldn't be in this position. I used her for my own selfish gains. I did pushed Thorn away and I did tell Storm that I would make her my Luna." Swallowing my pride as I tell him I go onward.

"Don't you see Slay? If I wasn't such a damn hardheaded jackass Storm would have never done any of this. I didn't want Thorn. Hell I don't even know what I want anymore. I just know that I can't let you punish Storm for something that I did. I have been lying Slay. I've been fooling everyone." Here comes the hard part I'm afraid that Slay may never be able to forgive me once I confess this all to him but I fucking have to. I can't let it end this way for Storm, not when I know that I'm the guilty party.

"I'm sorry Slay. What I'm about to tell you may destroy your trust in me. Hell you probably will even hate me for it." I take a deep breath before I carry on. Building up my courage.

"Sin don't." Storm pleas urgently to me coming closer to the cell bars.

"I have to Storm. He has to know the truth." I reply staunchly to her.

"Just say it Sin. What did you do?" Fuck! Here goes everything.

"I was the one who called Alpha March, Slay. It was me. Not Storm. I only did it because I wanted Thorn out of the picture. She was going to end up getting both you and Sun killed over this stupid fucking ass prophecy and I couldn't allow her to do it. I did it for you and Sun, Slay. Storm is pretty much innocent in all of it. All that she did was pass a few messages to Alpha Bakers Beta. Please understand Slay I did it to save your lives." I plead with him desperately. Hoping that he can at least understand why I did exactly what I did. "Because I love you." I add.

He just stands there silently staring at me.

"Say something Slay." I whine.

Slay lowers his head blowing out a huge strangled breath. When he finally does raise his head back up again all I can see on his face is clear disappointment.

"Sin. Why? I had it covered baby." Storm says but I chose to ignore her focusing everything instead on my brother Slay before me.

This foreboding silence that's hanging in air between us is daunting.

"Please say something." I beg reaching out my hand toward his arm but unfortunately he jerks his arm away from my hand immediately.

"Do you realize what you have done Sin! Her father will come after her and he will basically rape her into fucking submission." His voice begins to croak when he finally speaks to me.

"I know Slay but it was the only way that I could see to get her out of our lives quickly. I don't want her father to rape her Slay. I'm not that fucking uncaring. I just wanted her out of here and away from you both but this was the only way that I could of to do it." I try eagerly to make him understand exactly just why actually I did it. "We already lost our parents. I wasn't going to take the chance and lose you and Sunny also." I add.

"You we're both in on this?" He questions sadly.

"Yes. I'm sorry Slay. I asked Storm for her help. Please don't blame her." I rush to say still pleading with him.

"So this entire time you have been acting? Pretending to finally accept Thorn as your mate, for what? To leave? I don't understand." He inquires as he starts pacing the dungeon floor frantically.

"I pretended with her so I could get her back here so that her father could come and get her to take her away from here. From us. I did this for you Slay!" At my last sentence he stops his pacing turning to face me he sends me a visceral glare. "For both of you!"

"Do you love her?" Slay ask nudging his head in Storms direction.

I glance over to Storm who is now crying with little tears running down her beautiful face. Do I?

I stare at her for what seems like minutes before I hesitantly turn my head back to look at Slay.

"Yes. I really do love her." I finally claim holding my breath.

"I can't believe this! You love her? Her? No, you know what Sin. You did this for you and for her!" He points his finger at Storm, "Don't you even think for one second that you did me or Sunny a favor. We care about her! We want her here Sin!" He throws his hand up in the air while threading his fingers through his hair with the other hand. "You both disgust me!" He snarls.

"You both just signed her fucking death certificate and you don't even fucking care, do you? I should throw your dumb ass in that cell with her! Because you two fucking deserve each other!" He bellows at me, I take a step back from his viscous attack of words towards me.

"You're not understanding Slay!" I scream out very urgently. "She would of gotten you both killed!"

"No Sin, you just did," I scowl at him, "you don't fucking realize it do you? By you getting in touch with her father you are bringing him directly to our doorsteps and what do you exactly think that he is going to do with me and Sunny once he comes to get Thorn?" He ask me condescendingly.

"He will fucking kill us both and it will be all thanks to you!" He scolds me while jabbing his finger in my chest at each word he dispels toward me. "Not her! I told you that you could be with Storm. Why Sin? Why did you have to take it this far?" He spits out angrily.

His words hit my like a fucking wrecking ball.

Fuck! I didn't even realize. What the hell have I done? I just put my own brothers in danger without even thinking twice about it.

I'm worse than Thorn is.

Suddenly I can't seem to catch my breath. My heart starts racing inside of my chest rapidly and all the while I start getting very dizzy from it all.

"Yea, you get it now don't you and I just hope you can live with yourself knowing that you are the one who put me and Sunny in danger not Thorn. YOU!" He bellows the last word bending over to get right in my face as he does it.

"Sin. I love you. I truly do but after this I don't even know if I can call you my brother any longer? You are not the brother I use to know. You have changed so much that I don't even recognize you. I'm done with you Sin. Completely fucking done and as for you Storm. Miracle will be here in the morning to take you to her Realm to delve out your punishment and I truly hope it's something terrible. Sin. You are fucking lucky that I won't have Miracle taking you along with her. The only reason I'm not is because you are in fact my brother," he takes a step away from me eyeing me with so much disdain.

"On paper anyway." Slay determinedly quotes before he turns in his boots and leaves us both in the dreadful dungeon.

"Sin baby are you okay?" Storm ask but her voice seems like it's miles away from me. I can't even focus on it.

Absolutely repulsed by my own actions I start to feel nauseous running to the corner of the dungeon I throw up all over the dungeon floor.

What have I fucking done?

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