Three for Thorn

Chapter 13 Sunny

We're out on the training field, watching each of our warriors practicing their battle moves, waiting patiently on Queen Miracles scheduled arrival.

The day is brightly sunny, one of the few here lately with the autumn days springing up upon us we are also preparing for our basic essentials for the upcoming winter months.

Trackers and hunters are blazing through the woods for their fresh hunts of meat substances, hopefully finding enough to carry us throughout the long cold winter nights and days.

The she wolves are happily tending to their overgrown gardens that supply most of our pack with our remaining food essentials.

And the little pups are running around playing vicariously with each other without a single worry in the world. Their little giggles and laughter can be heard escaping all around us.

This is pure heaven.

Slay, Sin, and I are watching our pack warriors, analyzing them all closely, as Thorn is sitting down on an upslope hill watching them also while playing with some cornflowers that surround her looking like a sweet angel while sitting amongst them.

"Hey girlie what's up?" I hear my sister Lila yell as she quickly approaches Thorn with her mate Marc straggling along not to far behind her.

She came to say goodbye to her back stabbing friend Nina.

"Lila! Come sit!" Thorn calls out waving her hand over for Lila.

Lila crashes down beside her on the ground while Marc gingerly makes his way over to us.

"What's up?" Marc ask with a broad smile when he reaches us.

"Gas prices!" I deadpan.

He just rolls his eyes at me. He has a habit of doing that a lot apparently.

Slay and Sin fill him up on what's been happening with all of us lately. I zone them out peering over at Lila and Thorn that are both laughing and what I can only assume is gossiping with each other.

Straining my ears, I try to zero in on their conversation, nosily wanting to know what has Thorn smiling broadly about with Lila.

"So I take you are not a virgin anymore?" Thorn ask Lila quietly. Lila blushes a pretty shade of red at her forward questioning.

Maybe I shouldn't listen any longer? Not really wanting to hear about my sisters ongoing love life, I return my attention back to the others intent on listening in on their conversation instead, that is until I hear Lila ask Thorn a very prominent question that has my ears perking up instantly.

"Aren't you a virgin?" Lila ask Thorn lowly. Thorn releases a light giggle at her.

"No. Actually, I've been with two people. A guy and a girl." Thorn tries to keep her voice low but with my super hearing I subsequently heard every word of her statement.

What the hell?

She can't be serious! Can she?

"Did she....?" Sin starts to ask but trails off staring over at Thorn and Lila curiously.

"I think she did." Slay says cutting off Sin and staring at the them with awe and curiosity.

I guess I'm not the only one listening in. But both Lila and Thorn are oblivious to us rudely listening in their private conversation or what they seem to think is a private conversation to them anyway.

"Both? Wow I honestly never pictured that about you." Lila states. Hell me neither sister.

"Why? I mean, it was like playful experimenting. It was just two girls who were wondering what it would be like." Thorn shrugs her shoulders. I wish I could see her face but unfortunately her back is facing me.

"Was she like your friend or something?" Lila questions her curiously. My ears perk up again as I lean in closer to them really wanting the know the entire story.

"Actually, she was older than me, but not by much. She use to my friend Tristan's girlfriend. But one night after they had a major fight and broke up she came crying to me in my room and well one thing led to another. We only did it once but I will tell you that being with a woman is a lot different then being with a man." Thorn replies chuckling softly. I think my damn dick just exploded. Man that's such a fucking turn on, my mind automatically goes to picturing Thorn with another woman. Fuck!

"How?" Man, my sister is curious! But at this moment I'm really damn glad that she actually is.

"Well a woman is soft, gentle, and knows exactly what another woman wants. A man....well, a man can sometimes miss certain things that a woman likes, if you know what I mean?" Thorn must of had a bad experience with the one guy that she was with but I will gladly show her what a real man can do. After that I know she will be singing a different tune.

"Marc knows what I like. He's gentle and loving and always gives me orgasm." Like says proudly. We all turn to Marc curiously, who is now looking slightly embarrassed at Lila's definition of him.

"What can I say I got the right moves." Marc whispers to us very quietly smiling ruefully at us.

Ewe, I really don't want to hear that shit.

"Man come on that's my sister. Damn!" I state dramatically.

Marc just laughs while rolling his damn eyes at me again.

"I can't tell you his name." Thorn insist to Lila with me missing half of the damn conversation apparently.

"Why not?" Lila ask.

"Because Lila, if your brothers knew his name they would probably kill him and he's way too sweet to be killed." Thorn laughs rambunctiously. I crease my brows glowering at her back.

"She's right I would probably kill him." Slay comments with a growl that's just barely above a whisper.

"She said the asshole was too sweet! Sweet my fucking ass!" Sin snarls. "I'll show her sweet!"

"I won't tell them. I promise." Lila presses Thorn further. A silence awaits us all.

Just say his fucking name! I growl in my head.

"Nope not gonna happen!" Thorn shakes her head vehemently. Fuck!

Come on Lila press her some more. I urge my sister on in my head. You can do it.

"Alpha the Queen and Kings are here." Flex interrupts my prodding announcing the Queen and Kings untimely arrival.

Fuck! Just when it was about to get to the good part. I guess I'll have to find out later.

"Alright thank you just send them around the back Flex." Slay gruffly informs him.

"Fuck! What bad timing!" Sin mumbles under his breath. I have to wholeheartedly agree with him.

"Thorn, Lila. The Queen and Kings are here." Slay informs them.

Lila and Thorn both jump up to their feet quickly while dusting off their clothes, looking a tad nervously at the back gate entranceway.

I stifle a laugh at them, even if they are royalty, I know the Queen very well. We dated for just a short two weeks before we broke up. Thankfully though the break up was amicable. She did break my heart slightly mainly from being pushed away from her then but that was a long time ago and now I'm actually happy for her.

Miracle and two of the Kings, if I can remember correctly, I think their names are Trigon and Baron entered the backyard with poise and grace.

As they come through the gates back entranceway everyone bows down in respect to all of them.

Miracle gradually makes her way over to us with a genuine loving smile on her face but before she reaches us she spots Thorn and Lila standing directly behind us. Her eyes widen suddenly when she's sees them, Miracles smile grows even more broader as she swiftly rushes over to them. Ignoring us completely.

"Thorn Rose! Oh my, it's been such a long time, how have you been?" Miracle ask her as she reaches her, giving her giant hug. Everyone looks on at them curiously.

How the hell does she even know the Queen?

"I'm great Miracle. How is the family?" Thorn ask Miracle grinning at her.

Okay now I'm really confused.

"How do you two know each other?" I ask stepping up closer to them while her two mates step up behind Miracle.

"Uhm, well she's a friend of ours Sun." Miracles simply answers me briskly. Leaving me more curious than ever before.

"Hello Thorn. It's been a while. How is your brother?" King Baron ask.

Alright this is getting to be ridiculous!

"He's good Baron thanks for asking." Thorn states politely.

"Alright, I give, how do you really know each other?" I question glancing at each one of them suspiciously.

"Sun like I said she's a family friend. So where are the two prisoners?" Miracle ask quickly changing the subject unexpectedly.

While Slay sorts out all the details with them I grab ahold of Thorns wrist dragging her along with me. She lets out a tiny gasp as I lead her away from the others hurriedly.

When we finally reach the end of the fence line, I stop, looking around making sure nobody else is around to be able to hear us.

"Okay. How do you know the Queen?" I rush to ask her.

"How do you know the Queen?" She retaliates by throwing my question right back at me, smirking up at me.

The little minx.

"I use to date her." I simply state making Thorn frown up at me.

"What? But...really?" She ask me astonishingly.

Why is that so damn hard to believe?

"Yes. It only lasted a few weeks but we did date her for awhile, me and Sin both did." I affirm determinedly.

"Did...did you...?" She inquired nervously.

"No we didn't have sex if that's what you were going to ask." I grumble. "We didn't date her that long."

"Now how do you know her?" I ask suggestively folding my arms across my chest.

Thorn nervously looks away from me, hesitating with her answer. Her cove blue orbs begin to search all around the backyard, deflecting, trying to look at anything around her, while her eyes keep avoiding me.

"Thorn." I say drawling out her name.

"I know her son." She reluctantly tells me still not able to look at me directly in my eyes.

"How? do you know her son Thorn and which one?" I inquire cocking my head to the side.

"Look Sun can we please just go back? It's very rude with us being out here while the Queen and Kings visit?" She says abruptly, with a bit of edge to her tone.

I quickly noticed how she is determinedly trying to divert the subject but apparently I'm not going to get any answers out of her right now anyway. So with a slight resignation, I just give in.

"Fine let's go." I reply sighing. She walks ahead of me a few steps as we go back to the house with my mind whirling around with a ton a questions cycling rapidly through it.

Who is this mystery guy that was her first? Who was the girl? How does she know Miracle? What the hell is going on? Why's is she acting so nervous?

Watching her as she walks ahead of me I can't help but to watch her ass jiggle in those tight ass blue jeans she's wearing that fit her to a damn T.

Then my thoughts go on a very different naughty path suddenly remembering her conversation she had with Lila about her being with another woman.

Just placing that damn sultry picture in my mind makes me instantly fucking hard.

"Are you coming?" Thorn ask with her head turned back regarding me.

"I wish!" My wolf Stinger speaks up, growling in my head.

"You and me both buddy!"

Queen Miracle and the Kings were nice enough to join us for dinner tonight before escorting Nina and Storm away to their Realm.

We're all enjoying our meal of juicy spicy venison that our she wolves worked extra hard to prepare for the occasion.

The conversation around me is lively with Slay and Sin each sitting beside me and the others across from us, I couldn't remember exactly the last time that I have laughed so much than I have tonight.

Although I still find it a little suspicious how easily Thorn is getting along with Miracle. They both act like their old friends. Laughing and yucking up, it only makes me more bound and determined to get to the bottom of that.

Deep into a heavy conversation with Sin about our trainers I overhear Thorn mention something along the lines involving her father.

Instantly quietening, I horn in on their conversation noting Thorns distress.

"He's gone completely and utterly mad. The things that he said to me was revolting. Now he knows exactly where I'm at and I'm terrified that he will now come for me." Thorn tells Miracle with a slight tremble in her tone. Miracle reaches out for her hand placing her hand on top of Thorns hand lovingly.

"I will do all that I can to help you Thorn. We all will." Miracle assures her with resound determination laced throughout her features and tone.

"Thorn I had the same particular problem happen with my own father the only exception being that my father was not after me but one of my brothers. I unfortunately ended his life brutally in a fight we had over it. Spent years in the dungeon for it. But I couldn't tell anyone why I did it or who my father was trying to violate. I did, after all, kill him so in my misguided assumptions I thought that I actually deserved the punishment for it. But Miracle showed me how wrong I was on that assumption. So I sort of know what you're experiencing and like Miracle said we will do anything to help you, in anyway we can." King Trigons confession rattles me to the very depths of my core.

To know what he must of went through then and still come out aspiring to be better is a rare accomplishment indeed. I have nothing but respect for him.

"Thank you. All of you. Somehow I will stop my father no matter what it takes and thank you Trigon. I know that must of been hard for you to share with all of us." Thorns gratitude is infectious.

"Yes thank you Trigon and I'm also sorry that you had to go through such a unfortunate event but if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm all ears." I smile over at him as I tell him and I devotedly mean every word I said.

"Thanks. I appreciate it. It was something that was definitely hard to overcome. That's why I think it's imperative for you Thorn to get far away from here as soon as possible. If your father knows where you are at then it won't be long before he comes to retrieve you. Maybe you might think about coming back with us? I know Cameron wouldn't mind seeing you again." Thorn looks directly at me and my brothers after Trigon mentioned Cameron.

Then it suddenly all fucking clicks. Cameron was the guy she was talking about earlier with Lila. Damn! This is so messed up.

My own damn mate had a love tryst with my former girlfriends son?

I know it may sound impossible but with supernaturals and are ability to withstand aging like others the improvable soon becomes the provable, in our world anyway.

"Thank you Trigon but we are probably going to escape to the Invivus Realm soon." Thorn informs him blushing slightly, looking a tad bit uncomfortable suddenly.

"The Invivus Realm?" Miracle ask.

It's Slay who fills them all in on the prophecy and all that it includes while I casually stare over at Thorn who still has a a shade of light pink caressing her cheeks from her apparent embarrassment.

Well I guess I don't have to prod her any further about her past lover then with the exception of the girl she was with of course but maybe I can ask Tristan about her or maybe not.

They way he has been acting today is fairly suspicious. Something must of happened between Thorn and him because he has been acting like an asshole today. He totally avoided coming to dinner with us tonight and has been treating Thorn like an enemy and not a friend all day.

He suppose to be the one protecting her but how can he if he constantly just walks away from her every time she even tries to talk to him?

"Maybe they had a lover's quarrel?" Stinger breaks through my thoughts.

"He is not her lover!" I disagree.

"But he wanted to be!" He can want all that he damn well wants, it's not going to happen!

"Well he's not. She's our mate not his!" I say very determinedly with a visceral growl toward Stinger.

"Mine!" Stinger growls.

"Yes ours!" I wholeheartedly agree with him.

"I love mate!" Stinger admits.

Peering over at Thorn who is observing Slay as he talks with Miracle and the others. I think about Stingers admission.

My heart begins to fluctuate rapidly. Do I love her? I love her smile, her tenderness, hell, I even love her spitfire attitude.

Whenever she talks to me she treats me like I'm the only person that matters at that very moment.

And every time she walks into a room I feel my heartbeat speed up a little bit faster.

Is that love? I don't know but I've never experienced this feeling before ever. Not even with my past lovers.

I long to be near here. I hate being away from her even for second.

Is that love?

I would do anything for her. Even lay down my very own life for her.

But is that love?

As I watch her beautiful blue eyes stare intently at every word Slay is speaking the overwhelming feeling hits me like a ton of bricks on top of my damn hard head.

"I think I may love her also!" I admit it to him and even more I finally admit to myself.

I love Thorn!

I love every damn thing about her. From the tip of her head down to her feet I love every damn inch of her.

It's a daunting prospect though. She has already left us twice. Although one was of our own damn doing, how can I make understand that she doesn't have to runaway from us any longer?

If I show or tell her how much I do in fact love her will she so easily just runaway from us again.? From me?

I can't risk that. So I decidedly will keep my love that I feel for her to myself for now. Just until I can make sure she will never leave us again.

I'm terrified if I tell her she may just do that though, runaway, and this time she may not ever come back.

"Wow. I never put two and two together. I should of known that you were the lost princess of the Invivus Realm. I knew your mother. Long before she ever had you that is. I met her a few times years ago and to say that you look just like her would be a vast understatement. I just knew, every time I looked at you there was always just something that was niggling at me at the back of my mind because you looked so damn familiar to me. I'm sorry Thorn I should have known." King Baron states with sincerity drawing me out of my love sick musings. "It was right in front of my face and I didn't even realize it" he adds

"You knew my mother?" Thorn ask King Baron wistfully.

But before King Baron could retaliate an answer the dining room door crashes open suddenly with a reverting bang against the dining room wall.

Standing in the doorway is a bloody and beat up Flex with his hand on his head where the blood is flowing freely down his face and breathing rather erratically.

"She's escaped!" He breathlessly announces.

Jumping to our feet quickly, me, Sin, and Slay run over to Flex immediately.

"Who escaped Flex?" Slay ask holding up Flex with his arm around his shoulders.

"Storm. She escaped. I...was guarding her like you asked and...out of nowhere....someone came and...bashed me on my...damn head...knocking me out, completely unconscious." Flex grumbles stumbling over slightly in Slays arms as Slay braces him tighter he lifts his body up to steady Flex better.

"Pan!" Sun snarls from behind me. Glancing back at him my brow creases in frustration.

"You think so?" I ask Sin. Pan has always been reliable and very loyal I can't picture him having to have anything to do with Storms escape.

"Yes. He's always had a thing for Storm I just didn't think he would ever take it this damn far." Sin barks combing his fingers through his hair clearly upset over this unfortunate event.

"Pan is loyal Sin. He even apologized profusely to you. I don't think it's him but if it is I will gladly let you deal with him. I'm going to take Flex to the pack doctor to make sure he's okay. Don't do anything stupid Sin before I get back. We will handle this but I need to know you won't go after him." Slay declares adjusting Flex to his side.

"What about Nina?" Thorn ask as she stands up from her chair walking slowly over to us.

"She still locked up. Only Storm...escaped." Flea confirms wincing.

"I'll be right back. Please excuse your majesties. I'm sorry for this disruption." Slay states nodding his head in Miracles and the Kings direction.

"Nonsense take care of your pack. We will escort Nina to our Realm right now and if you need any further assistance please don't hesitate to call." Miracles sweetly comments as her and the Kings make their exit.

But not before they tell Thorn and all the rest of us goodbye.

Left alone now with Sin and Thorn. I thread my fingers through my hair just as Sin did aggravated over all of this unexpected shit.

"We need to go look for Pan and have the others search the premises for Storm and him if he's involved." Sin instructs still looking overly upset.

"You need to calm down first Sin. You heard Slay. He doesn't think Pan had anything to with her escape." I don't either but I don't know Pan quite like Sin does know him.

"Slay might not think so but I damn well do. I knew Sun. I knew he was infatuated with Storm and I did nothing to dissuade of him from it. I got to find Storm." Sin stops his ranting glancing over at Thorn his face soon changes from being frantic to a steady eerily calm.

Then like a lightening bolt it's like something just clicked inside of him all of the sudden.

"I swear to you Sun I am done! I'm done with fucking women! They are always ruining my damn life. I just lost my best friend because of one!" Sin frantically starts pacing the room irritably again.

Something just doesn't seem right with him. He's acting very strangely.

"Not all women are like Storm Sin! I'm definitely not! And you don't know for sure if it even was Pan that helped her escape. You're just jumping to conclusions. Give him the benefit of the doubt and if your so done with women like you said then you might as well go ahead and reject me now! Because I will not wait around for you forever!" Thorn bellows loudly. I wince when I hear the hurt and disdain flowing out of her angry tone. "I'm tired of the way you're always treating me."

She stares at Sin for a moment but when Sin doesn't offer a rebuttal back to her and just looks at her scowling down at her instead, Thorn huffs out a deep breath before she stomps away from us dramatically. Slamming the dining room door behind her in her wake.

How can such a good day turn into a nightmare so damn quickly and why is Sin suddenly acting so damn fishy?

"I think she means it. You need to learn how to control your damn temper Sin or else we are all going to lose her and I promise you if we do I will blame you. Get your head out of your damn ass!" I snarl at him pointing my finger directly in his stubborn ass face. "What's gotten in to you? Why are you acting this way?"

"I'm going after Pan?" Is all he that he says before he dashes out of the door quickly, ignoring me, leaving me standing alone in the room looking at his back as he goes, sighing. What is going on with him?

Something seems different about him!

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