Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 6


The clatter of cups on a tray woke Gwen. She lifted her head above the covers and saw a tall young lad standing at the entrance looking at her with wide, puzzled eyes. Was there something on her face, or had she been snoring loudly, she had no idea why he was looking at her so startled. She stared at each other for a few seconds.

“Hey..., what’s your name?” Gwen asked the lad, trying to break the strange silence.

She saw him, shaking his head to get out of his apparent numb state. But instead of answering, he walked with bowed head to a small table and set the tray there. He mumbled something to her and turned to walk away again.

“No! Please don’t leave yet! Please give me some answers. Please!”

Dox heard the pleading tone in her voice, and though he had no idea what the woman was saying to him, he turned to her anyway. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that she was wearing a shirt, and he sighed with relief.

Lucky him, he didn’t have to worry about that.

When she saw that he had turned and was looking at her, she tried to talk to him again.

He could see the frustration in her eyes, when she noticed he wasn’t able to understand him. Dox knew he wasn’t allowed to command the computer, but hadn’t his Alpha told him to take care of the woman? Well, that only worked if he understood her, right?

Gwen saw the kid cocking his head when she spoke to him, he probably didn’t understand a word she said, and her heart sank, what now? All of a sudden she heard him say something, and looking at his face, his words were not aimed at her but at the computer.

“My name is Dox..., Alpha Kadi ordered me to look out for you.” He saw her face light up when she heard the computer translate his words.

Even though the conversation was short, it was had been nice to both of them.

Dox had given Gwen a few answers, at least as far as he thought was possible, and for the first time since his mother had died, he was able to talk to a woman. He’d seen women before, but was never allowed to talk to them.

Besides a few answers, there wasn’t much she wanted, just some clean clothes, a toothbrush and company. The first two things he was able to get her, the company though was a problem. Maybe he could ask Kadi if one of the other women could come over sometimes, he could try, right?

Meanwhile, back on Rova.

“Have you heard anything from Kadi?” Kyrenn looked up from the screen, he was in the middle of a meeting when Dargan walked in the room.

“No, just sit down, we’re almost done... Right, Mirass?” The man on the other side agreed, and after putting a few more things in order, Kyrenn closed.

“What’s going on, I can sense you’re worried about him. Why?” That was the advantage if you were twins, or in their case triplets, you could sense each other’s emotions perfectly.

Dargan was the eldest of them three, and the most secretive, but blessed with a sixth sense when it came to the boys.

“I don’t know...,” Dargan sat down in the large armchair by the window, he ran his hands over his bald head and face, last night was one of the worst ever.

His son’s emotions just kept coming through, and he wasn’t able to shut them out. One moment he felt his arousal, the next moment his anger, arousal again, fury, fear, disappointment...! Good goddess, his son felt like a female in heat!

“All I know is that something is going on. He’s on edge..., really on edge..., his emotions are flying in all directions..., they’re driving me fucking crazy!! And not only last night!! They still do!” Dargan growled out load, that damn boy was always in some kind of shit! Usually, the outbursts of all his son’s emotions faded pretty fast, or Dargan was at least able to put them aside, but not this time.

Kyrenn, didn’t know what to think, his brother wasn’t the kind of person to be easily concerned or agitated, let alone to concerned about Kadi. Kadi was a copy of Dargan in his younger days, a real hothead, incredibly strong, smart, with a big mouth but a small heart.

Kyrenn remembered Kadi being the one comforting Dox when he cried at night when the little guy had just moved in with them. His son thought nobody knew, but all 3 of them did.

“Want me to contact him?” His brother’s answer, though, surprised him, he thought his brother would turn that down.

“Yeah, ...right now... I’ll just sit here and listen and keep my mouth shut, Kyr..., but we need to find out what’s going on...”

There was indeed something wrong with their son, although he lacked his brother’s senses, Kyrenn was adept at reading between the lines or, in this case, hearing things that were not said.

“I think your instinct is right, there is something very wrong with that kid, but I have no idea what it could be. We’ll have to wait until they get back with the women.” Kyrenn, leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his greying hair, giving his brother a pensive look.

“Surely he wouldn’t have mistreated women, or worse..., no, right?” The mere thought gave him an unpleasant feeling in his stomach.

“No... I’m pretty sure that’s not the case.” Dargan was pretty sure that dumb ass hadn’t done something like that.

“What did I miss?” Both men turned their heads towards the door, seeing their brother walk in.

“It’s Kadi…, he is in some kind of trouble, but we’ve got no idea what it is...” Dargan informed his brother.

“Got that feeling again, huh...?” Varlan looked at the oldest of them three, he was glad not to be the one with that sixth sense.

His gift was of a technological nature, he was able to detect faults in equipment, modify or improve it and Kyrenn had the gift of manipulating others. Fortunately, his gift did not work with his brothers or sons. This was also the reason that the three of them were able to lead this pack so well, all three had their own task, they knew their own pluses and minuses and those of the other and also accepted each other’s comments. Of course, they had their disagreements, but not so often in recent years.

Varlan, and his brothers as well, had hoped their sons were the same, but that was definitely not the case. Kadi and Ivac, got along well, just like Ivac and Rann, but Kadi and Rann hated each other’s guts.

“... yeah...”

Just like Kadi, Rann and Ivac, Dargan, Kyrenn and Varlan were identical triplets, nevertheless, they were easy to tell apart, the only thing you could tell they were identical triplets was their gunmetal eye colour, their face shapes and long, broad-shouldered bodies, all three impressive in their own way.

Dargan always shaved both his head and his face, and generally wore basics and combat boots, Kyrenn, on the other hand, wore suits, had a full head of dark hair already turning grey, and Varlan had cropped hair and a week-long beard and like Dargan usually wore basics. All three dressed for their duties.

Dargan was the point of contact for the members of their pack, including the warriors and hunters, Kyrenn was the spokesman and ambassador, he maintained diplomatic relations with the other Alphas and Elders, he was also usually the one who divided the women and Varlan was the one who took care of everything technical, from the vehicles, the weapons, to the security and ships.

Varlan was never jealous of his oldest brother feelingthe emotions of their triplets, it would drive him crazy. Although Dargan was a very closed person, their bond assured them that if something was wrong with one of them, all three of them felt it, which also meant that if something was wrong with their sons, both he and Kyrenn, would also know it through their bond they shared.

This bond also made him aware that Dargan was extremely concerned about one of their sons, that’s why he was here right now.

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