Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 5.


After he left, Gwen got up and went into the bathroom to take another shower, everything felt sticky between her legs. Standing in front of the mirror, she checked the strange bite mark on her neck, it covered a tremendous part of the crook of her neck and shoulder. The mark looked like the bite of a dog, or a wolf for that matter, it was so deep, it definitely would be visible the rest of her life, and thanks to the hot shower, it started bleeding again, ...shit...

She covered the wound with the bandage he gave her, got back into the bedroom and looked for a shirt to wear. On the ground there were a few lying around, most of them didn’t smell to appealing to wear, finally she found one that didn’t smell like it had been on the bottom of the dirty laundry pile for a week, and got back in bed.

On the one hand she was very tired of everything that had happened in the past few hours, on the other hand, this was exactly the reason she wasn’t able to relax, her head kept on pondering.

What did he mean, she was, “marked”, and why did she have the feeling she knew him? Not literally knew him..., but there was something that made her feel..., well..., familiar.

This was impossible, though, he was an “alien”...


This even sounded weird in her head, but it was the truth, he was an alien.

An alien that looked like a human man, a man with fangs. An extremely tall and muscular man, with longer hair on his lower arms and legs than any human man had, and last but not least, there were his glowing eyes..., Ohhh, yeah, his eyes lit up in the dark!

Still..., he was a prick...! Although she, ... eventually..., liked the sex, it was still forced upon her!

Gwen’s thoughts, kept on going, until, finally she closed her eyes, in order to relax, and fell asleep short after.

Meanwhile, Kadi, had woken up Bors, telling him about the mess he had created for himself.

At first, the only thing Bors did, was looking at his friend in astonishment.

True, he noticed the tension between the two, at the women’s dormitory.

The fact they were mates, though, surprised him. Soul mates were already very rare among the Qas’qiari themselves, so, to hear his friend and alpha, finding a soulmate among humans, was nothing more than a miracle.

But for him to, unintentionally, mark her..., well...

Bors couldn’t hold back any longer, and started laughing and mocking his friend. He knew Kadi was an asshole when it came to women, both human and Qas’qiari women, when there were still around, he practically loathed them. So him, telling Bors, he met his soul mate, and also marking her, which was against the rules, was the best joke he heard in months!

Ducking away from the blows, Kadi threw at him, he tried to stop his laughter, which, after a minute or 10, he finally managed to do.

“What in the Goddess’ name, I’m going to do, Bors? I mean, it’s not like the old man is goin’ to grand me any privileges, after the stupid things I’ve done.”

Kadi, sat down on a chair, and buried his head in his hands.

“Who would have thought... Me, the biggest prick, finding a soul mate...”

“The Goddess, must have a pretty cynical sense of humour. I mean..., I don’t even know the woman, and yet the thought of her being taken away, because of some stupid rule, makes me sick to my stomach.”

The humour Bors initially felt vanished, hearing and seeing his friend’s misery.

He poured them both a good glass of ryere (a type of mixture between whisky and beer) and tried to come up with a solution.

“So..., you want to keep her, correct?” He needed to be sure, that this was what Kadi meant.

“Yeah, I mean, think I do... Fuck! I don’t know, I never liked to have a woman around, they were only good enough for sex, nothing more. But just the thought of her, going back to the dormitory, were other men would be able to look or touch her, makes me crazy!”

He looked at Bors.


“There’s one thing you can do, in order for you to keep her, but it won’t release you from any punishment, though.”

Kadi, cocked his head and looked at his friend.


“You have to let her mark you as well. That way, you secure the mate bond. No one will try to break that bond.” Bors said, and raised his glass to him.

“Good luck, trying to convince her, after you almost raped her.”

After he and Bors finished 2 glasses ryere, he decided to go to the bridge, although, everything inside him screamed to get back to his room, to his mate. When he was half way, a young omega, Dox, was walking his way.

“Dox..., follow me...” With his hand, Kadi pointed to the meeting room.

He needed someone, beside Bors, to take care of his mate. Someone he could trust with his secret. Not that a secret remained secret for a long time on this ship, but he wanted to prevent any of the other Alphas hearing about his mate, before his mate, had marked him.

Banon, Dox father, had been his father’s Gamma, until he and his wife died, due to the virus. Dargan had taken the then, 6-year-old Dox into his home, and raised him as one of his own. The little boy, always followed Kadi like a puppy, and when Kadi and his brothers were allowed to form 3 new packs, Dox wanted to join his pack, much to the displeasure of Kadi’s old man.

Kadi closed the door behind them.

“I’ve got a task for you, but you’re not allowed to discuss this with anybody but me or Bors, got that?”

Dox, frowned his brows and cocked his head to the side, but nodded anyway. Kadi was his hero, and he wanted to do everything the Alpha instructed him to do.

When Dox’s parents died, and he was admitted to Alpha Dargan’s family, Dox cried himself to sleep almost every night. Kadi felt sorry for the kid, and when he came home from one of his raids and heard him cry, he always brought something tasty for him and stayed with him until he’d fallen asleep, it often happened that he himself fell asleep next to Dox.

Dox had to promise him, though, never to tell anyone about this, Kadi wanted to keep up the appearance of asshole.

“There’s a woman in my room, and she’s not allowed to get out. I need you to bring her food, clothes, and what ever she might need.”

“BUT YOU DON’T TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT IT! GOT IT?” Dox shook his head, furiously, at this outburst.

“Then go, and get her something to eat and drink, and when you’re done, I want you to come looking for me.”

As he walked to the canteen, to get the woman something to eat and drink, the words of his alpha kept repeating themselves in his head. Had he really heard it right? Did Kadi really say there was a woman in his room that he, Dox, had to take care of? He knew his Alpha wasn’t very friendly to women, to be honest, that was actually an understatement, Kadi was downright an asshole when it came to women. It had something to do with Kadi’s past, a woman, his stepmother and his brother Rann, but frankly that was all Dox knew, no one ever talked about it.

Standing in front of his Alpha’s room, he noticed a subtle change in the usual smell that hung there, probably that of the woman. Yet..., there was something strange going on with it, Dox couldn’t put his finger on it. He shrugged and opened the door.

The moment he smelled the woman, Dox’s eyes became two big orbs, and the tray almost slipped out of his hands. This couldn’t be true! Kadi marked the woman!

OOOHHHH, GOOD GODDESS!!! His alpha was in some serious shit!

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