Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 15.


“Well ladies, first things first! Both of you are in real need of new clothes. I've collected a few shirts and pants, so you can wear something else other than this if you want to. After that, we go shopping..."

Mez'ra, looked them over with a pitiful look.

Gwen was wearing one of Kadi's oversized t-shirts and Randi wore the scrubs they had to wear back on the ship, and although it wasn't dirty, having it on her body more than three days in a row did make Randy feel a little grubby, especially after last night...

"Sounds good!" Gwen replied.

Randi wasn't in the mood to change her clothes, her whole body was aching, so Mez'ra only gave Gwen a pair of clean pants, and they headed out.

Both woman hadn't taken a very good look when they'd first arrived at the Packhouse, but now they were standing outside waiting for Mez'ra to get their transportation, they had the time to take a good look around.

"...holy shit..." Randi cursed softly.

The land surrounding the house was huge, it was build on the edge of a large forest, with trees so tall and massive, that, even though she was about 20 yards away, she still had to tilt her head back to see the peaks.

In front of the woods, on the left side of the house was a small natural pond with strange orange and red colored grasses. From the house to the pond was a path made of black flackstones with coloured spheres here and there on either side. Probably lights bulbs, Randi thought to herself.

She heard a soft hum coming their way, both women looked in the direction of the sound and saw Mez'ra, in some sort of oversized snowmobile paired with an old Cadillac, heading their way.

The scooter had no roof, so they could see Mez'ra sitting in the center of the vehicle.

"Looking at your faces, I don't think you have any of these vehicles on Earth, or am I wrong...?" Mez'ra had a big grin on her face.

"We do have vehicles that look a bit like this, but this is a very..., shall we say, interesting... thing..."

"That's an understatement!" Gwen joined her, laughing out loud.

They both sat down next to Mez'ra and when they drove off, Randi looked back at the house and saw just how huge the building was.

After they parked the "glider", the three women headed into the centre of the village.

The village was situated around a large pond. In the middle of the pond stood a beautiful statue of two men, carrying a female and two small children, obviously deceased. Mez'ra caught Randi looking at it.

"It a memorial statue for all of the people who died by the virus." Mez'ra said, as she looked at the statue with soft eyes.

Randi swallowed, both she and Gwen had become engrossed in the world they were being taken to while on the ship, and were aware of the enormous losses suffered by the Qas'qiari people. She wanted to ask the tall woman about her losses, but decided to ask her at a later point, now was not the time nor the place.

The buildings were a little different from what they were used to back on earth, the architecture was more organic and blended nicely into the landscape.

None of the buildings had a second storey, at least not as far as they could see, and they were all round or oval in shape, with the exception of the two largest buildings in town. The first building was halfway up the main street and had three floors. The other building, much further back, was surrounded by six or so smaller buildings and what looked like runways. This five-storey building was constructed entirely of steel and opaque glass, and both of them had a hexagon shape.

"What are those buildings for?" Randi asked, when they walked past the first one.

Because of the greenish white, polished walls, and it's hexagon shape it had an un-earthy vibe.

"This is our town hall, it's where you can find two of your beloved mates..." Mez'ra teased.

Randi felt her cheeks burn and huffed.

"...and you can find another one inside of the research building. You can visit them when we're done shopping, if you like? I know for sure they loved to show you around their shrine."

Although she was still teasing Randi a little, she meant what she said. Mez'ra knew her Alpha's would really like to see their mate and show her around at their working spot.

"Let's go shopping first, shall we? I don't feel confident enough to step inside one of those two gorgeous buildings looking the way I do right now..." Randi's insecurity had taken over. Looking at the beautiful buildings her mates were working, she realised they were the leaders of this community.

Mez'ra saw the subtle change in her new Luna, and felt sorry for the woman. Being taken away from her home world, finding out you have not one but three mates and last but not least being a Luna, wife of the three most powerful men on this side of the globe. Mez'ra was glad she wasn't standing in her shoes. She threw her arm around the woman's shoulder.

"You'll do fine, don't worry. I'll help the both of you and so will your mates."

She saw the younger woman flooding at her in surprise, and she cocked her head a little.

"You know that both Kadi and Ivac are Alpha's as well, right?" And she saw the woman's face turn a little paler.

"...I forgot about that..." The young woman whispered.

"C'mon ladies, you act like an agleo (bird like creature that looks like a seagull), took a dump on your heads..." And she burst out into a roaring laughter.

"Let's get that smile back on your faces! Shopping time!" She hooked her arms into the two women's arms and marched off, dragging both women along.

Three and a half hours later...

"Good goddess..., even though I'm a woman myself..., I can't bare to see another pair of shoes anymore..."

Mez'ra slumped down in a chair.

To give her tired feet some rest, she'd taken them to a small, but cosy lunchroom, owned by Gry'nor and his human mate Nisa, a Lebanese woman.

Although Nisa was a cheerful and bubbly woman, she was definitely in charge. What Nisa said, happened, and even though Gry'nor was a tall, nasty looking man, they saw a loving look in his eyes, every time he looked at her, a look that was returned just as lovingly.

As they sat down in a cozy, sunlit corner, two women entered the lunchroom, one was a red head with wavy hair and the other had almost ebony coloured curly hair, and both were stunning looking. Their hair was cut beautifully, the clothes seemed tailor-made and their slender stature had not an ounce of fat, it looked as if they had just stepped down the catwalk.

Randi noticed, as she saw Nisa walking to the table of the two peacocks, the woman's whole demeanor had changed from cheerful and friendly, to an insecure and timid one.

"Get us two large lattes, the menu and hurry up. We don't have all day!" One of the women waved her hand at Nisa, as if the woman was a servant.

Watching Nisa, hurry back to the kitchen, the two women gave loudly comments on Nisa's clothes and the poor woman's overal appearance.

As Nisa came back with the ordered drinks and the menu's, she placed the lattes on their table and as she was about to hand them the menu's, the dark-haired woman knocked over her cup.

"Watch it, you stupid pig! You're not only ugly but stupid as well!" She yelled to a bewildered Nisa.

Randi had seen enough, got up and walked to the table.

"Who do you think you are, treating her like a piece of shit!?" Her voice trembled with suppressed anger.

The red-haired woman got up from her chair and slowly turned around.

"Who do you think you are, bantam chicken, and what gave you the idea you're allowed to meddle with this?" She bent her face close to Randi and jabbed an index finger into her chest.

Randi opened her mouth to speak, but before she could react, a chair clatter to the floor behind her and a second later she was pushed aside. A furious Mez'ra had grabbed the redhead by the throat and she was dangling a few inches above the ground with her feet.

"How dare you insult our Luna like that!?" Mez'ra's teeth were elongated and her face was full of anger.

It was very clear why Dargan wanted Mez'ra to be their guide and bodyguard, she was a force of nature you didn't want to mess with.

Both women paled by the announcement, this being their Luna. Even though both woman were human, they'd already lived here long enough to know the power and influence the Alpha's and Luna's had in a pack, they were basically the king and queen.

The arrogance and self-confidence the women came in with, vanished instantly.

They apologised over and over again, and it seemed as they were genuine, but there was this itching at the back of Randi's neck telling her to beware of those two.

"Thank you, Luna..." A dark voice sounded from the kitchen. Gry'nor had shown up, and was walking towards them.

"...but you shouldn't have done that." He sighed, his shoulders hanging low and his head bowed.

"She's just an omega, we are just omegas, we're used to this."

"What!?" Randi turned to Mez'ra.

"Don't tell me this is how you're treated, around here?" Mez'ra looked at her Luna, and instantly lowered her head.

"Yes, Luna, a lot of people treat omegas as inferior."

Randi felt an anger rising.

"What about you? How do you treat an omega...?"

"Mez'ra, always treats us as equals, Luna!" Gry'nor, answered before the tall woman had the chance.

"Good... What about my mates...? Hmmm? Do they know about this?" Her voice sounded sharp.

If this were the case, Randi thought to herself, they were in a load of trouble.

The fact that none of them answered that question, could only mean that her mates were aware.

"Don't worry, although I'm not officially your Luna yet, I will promise you one thing, things are going to change a lot around here, trust me..." She smiled at Gry'nor and Nisa, and gave Mez'ra a devilish smirk.

"Those three beloved mates of mine will soon find out that I'm not the nicest person to be around when I'm angry. If there's one thing I hate, it's dishonesty in any way."

Mez'ra looked at her Luna, and burst out into a roaring laughter.

"Ohhhh, good goddess ! I feel sorry for the Alpha's, they don't know what's going to hit them!"

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