Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 16.


“...and... found something usefull?"

Kyrenn looked up, when his brother and son walked in.

"No... It's like we're dealing with ghosts!" Dargan's voice sounded curt.

In of the corner of his eye he saw Kadi walking towards the window and by the look on his face, Kyrenn wondered if his son had an idea who was behind the attacks.

"Kadi... Why do I get the feeling that you know more than you're telling us?"

He'd learned a long time ago, it was best to confront Kadi directly with questions and not try to be tactical, this way he had no chance to avoid answering or make something up. In a direct confrontation you received a clear, concrete and honest answer.

Seeing Kadi's shoulders tense up, Kyrenn knew he his gut feeling was right.

"I don't know who's behind it, but as I already told dad Dargan, something's bothering me about the attacks, somethings just don't add up, but I don't want to come to any hasty conclusions..." Kadi turned away from the window to face his father.

"With your permission, I would like to check something first and get back about it later tonight..."

Kyrenn looked at Dargan and nodded.

"Fine, we will see you around diner time then, take your brother and mate as well, I think it will be a good idea to get acquainted to your mate. Let's not forget she's our daughter in law and the new Luna of both your packs. So..., to say I'm curious is an understatement..." A grin appeared on his face.

"I know you're already acquainted with Randi, but Ivac isn't, besides, I think it's a good idea to hear how both Luna's want to approach the acceptance ceremony. Let's face it, it's a Luna's job and I suspect that from now on the ceremony will be different from what we're used to." In the corner of his eye he saw his brother stiffen.

"Ohhh, come on..., did you really think they're going to accept the "hunt"? Really Dargan...? If you expected that, you've been sleeping yesterday..." and he gave his brother a devilish grin.

"Our mate is a fury, brother..., you'd better prepare yourself..., we're going to get our hands full with this lady." And with a mischievous grin he looked at his son.

"If I can give you a suggestion, son... You'd better be prepared as well, I don't know Gwen, but from what I saw this morning...well, let's just say, I think your mate is a feisty lady too, and if she's not, I fear Randi will teach her..."

"All good and well..." Dargan cut in.

"But Randi still needs to be introduced properly to the pack as our mate and the new Luna. With all that's been going on it almost slipped my mind...

I want to get it done, as soon as possible, this way our pack will regain it's strength and dignity towards other packs, most importantly, it will provide our pack members with the feeling of solidarity ones again."

Kyrenn nodded in agreement.

"Seems like a good idea. Let's discuss this over diner, okay?"

Meanwhile back in town

After the three women said goodbye to Nisa and Gry'nor, and Mez'ra had assured the couple they had nothing to fear of any repercussions, they left.

Walking down Main Street, Randi turned to Mez'ra.

"You said, one of my mates was in that building over there?" Randi nodded towards the large complex that was furthest away.

"I assume you were referring to Varlan?"

Mez'ra nodded. "

"Yeah..., you want to go there to see him?"

"Hmmm... I think I'm going to pay him a visit... Taking all three at once will be a lot more trouble than one at a time..."

"Woah, girl, you've got a dirty mind!" Mez'ra started to laugh uncontrollably.

Randi looked at her in confusion, all of a sudden it hit her, and her cheeks started to burn.


Randi looked down at both women, who were crouching down, laughing their asses off by the horrified look on her face.

Thank God they can't read minds, Randi thought to herself. Little did they know she was still a little sore from last night... Mez'ra wasn't all wrong, last night she was intimate with all three of her mates. The memory alone deepened the red on her face, but that wasn't what was on her mind...

"When your both done laughing, can you show me where the entrance is, so I can visit my new mate...? Alone...!"

Mez'ra's laughter stopped abruptly.

"No! Not goin' to happen! I'm supposed to look out for the two of you, and that's exactly what I will do. So your not going in there all by yourself... Alpha Dargan will have my head if I would let you go anywhere by yourself."

She crossed her arms to strengthen her words.

"What?...Fine... But once we're there, you two leave. I want to find out the best way how to handle my mates separately and I can't use wiggling brows or any sassy comments from you..." Nodding in Mez'ra's direction, making the tall woman start grinning all over again.


It took them just five minutes to get inside the building, but after thirty minutes walking around in the large building they still had no idea where Varlan could be. None of the employees they encountered was able to tell them anything and Randi was starting to get a little agitated.

"For fucks sake! Where the hell is he? He can't disappear in thin air, can he?"

Patience wasn't one of her virtues. Even though she felt annoyed being unable to find him in this enormous building, fear started to grow inside of her. Hadn't the men been talking about these rogues, that been killing and abducting people, this morning?

At the thought something might have happened to him, she got a sick feeling. VARLAN, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?

"You didn't have to yell, you know... a whisper would have been enough..."

A yelp escaped her, when she heard the familiar voice, and she swirled around to see Varlan standing behind her with a smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about? I didn't yell..."

Varlan pointed at his temple

"Yeah, you did... And because of that, I've got a pounding headache... Needless to say that Dargan and Kyrenn probably suffered the same faith..."

He walked up to her, and cupped her face to plant a kiss on the top of her nose.

"If you don't close your mouth, you catch flies..., and so do you Mez'ra..." He said teasingly.

"...Alpha..., it's impossible..., no one is able to mindlink... at least not anymore. How...?"

"Yeah... That's exactly what I was thinking the moment I heard my sweet voiced mate yelling inside my head..." A sarcastic voice came from the elevator

The four of them turned around to see Dargan walking up to them.

"Damn woman, if this is what you sound like during a mindlink, I don't even want to find out how your actual voice will sound..." and he rubbed his temple.

"But tell me, I'm curious what the three of you are doing here? I thought I told you to take them shopping, Mez'ra? Both of the new Luna's need clothes and bedrooms in the Packhouse need to be refurnished, and I thought we gave the two of you a carte blanche to do so...? Walking around the research facility is no place for your Luna."

A muffled sound escaped Varlan as he stepped away from his mate, ooohhh brother, you're so screwed... he thought, seeing fire appear in their mates eyes.

"No place for a Luna, Dargan...?" Randi cocked her head a little and placed her hands on her hips.

Needless to say, this wasn't the smartest thing Dargan could have said, and for the next ten minutes, the entire floor witnessed the wrath of their new Luna.

Liked it or not, Dargan got to be the first to experience the volume of her actual voice, and to call it screaming was an understatement, roaring was a better comparison.

Those who witnessed the verbal war between the two mates were impressed the way the new Luna, physically half her mate, pitted against their tough Alpha.

Usually it was Dargan who was the strongest verbally, this time he was up against his peer and couldn't stand the verbal slaughter of his mate.

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