Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 14.


Together with this chapter, I also released a new story called "9.5ft full of scars", it's a spin-off from Caught, and has "bonds" with Three Brothers. I will try to update as regularly as possible.}



Being mated to not only one man, but two was, well... a surreal idea, Gwen thought to herself, the next morning.

After Ivac marked her, and her blurry mind became aware of what they'd just done, Gwen wanted to disappear in thin air. She'd been given the best orgasm by two males, who played her like a violin and she'd just let it happen!

This was so far from her usual behaviour..., that afterwards all she felt was shame and tears started to run down her face. There was nothing familiar to all the feelings she had.

On the one hand she felt butterflies in her belly and a pulling towards both Kadi and Ivac, on the other hand she was afraid of the intense feelings she had for both strangers, because that's what they still were..., strangers...

Kadi might have marked and mated with her back on the ship, this didn't mean she knew him, honestly, she never met a man more mysterious than him, and she wondered if she would ever fully understand him.

And Ivac, well she just met him a few hours ago..., jet she was already marked by him..., similar to be married to him...

All of these feelings and emotions had been so overwhelming causing her to cry uncontrollably.

But both men had been so, well... sweet, seeing her struggle with her emotions. They held her tight until she calmed down, which didn't take long to be honest, their scent had a calming effect on her nerves.

They dressed her again and put her in the middle of the bed, and both snuggled up against her, each on one side, so she was sandwiched between her mates.

The memory of how they played her body made her cheeks redden and a warm feeling spread between her legs.

Holy shit! This would freak everyone out!

Gwen sight deeply, it was no use over-analysing this mate bond, it was there, no doubt about it, the best thing she could do was go with the flow and see what the future would bring her... and her two mates...

She let herself fall back on the bed with an enormous grin. HELL! Two men...!

Clair, her best friend back on earth would be sooooooo, jealous if she would have known about it!


With a wild swipe of her arms she threw the sheets away and jumped up.

Today, Gwen decided, she would start a whole new life, accept and embrace it, starting with getting to know her "mates".

After she took a hot shower, Gwen made her way back down to the kitchen, although she wasn't quite sure where it was.

When she came in to the hallway, she heard a few voices and headed in that direction.

She entered the kitchen and saw five people sitting at the big oval dinner table which was seated across a large window from where you could see the edge of a forest.

Sadly there was no sign of her mates.

She did recognized two older men who'd stood with her and Kadi when they had just arrived on Kadi's home planet and remembered these were his fathers. The other man who was also sitting at the table had to be father number three and although he had slightly longer and wavy hair, his face was identical to that of the other two men.

Then there was a very tall woman with chocolate brown, curly hair that Gwen hadn't seen before, and last but not least a familiar face caught her attention.

"Gwen!" The familiar face called out her name.

Randi got up and walked up to her with a bright genuine grin on her face and hugged her tightly. Gwen noticed two big bite marks in the crook on both sides of her friends neck and couldn't help but wonder where mark number three was placed.

"Did you get a little rest?"

The man with the wavy hair asked her with a cheeky grin, as Randi guided her to the table.

"Yes, thank you..." Her cheeks started to redden again. She could only hope they hadn't hear them last night.

"So, you are our sons mate? Seems like true mates run in the family then..." He said with a wide grin, and Gwens felt her face reddened even more, her ears felt searing hot and she didn't know where to look.

The two other men howled with laughter when they saw her blushing face.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, you're not the only one, marked last night." The dark haired woman said and wiggled her eyebrow at Randy.

"I'm Mez'ra, it's nice to meet you." The next couple of days I will show both you and Randi around, and..." Mez'ra hesitated and looked at the big bald man as if she was asking permission to continue, who nodded in approval.

"...and I will be sort of your bodyguard..."

"Bodyguard?" Gwen looked at Randi, then turned her eyes at the bald man. The way he dominated this moment, gave her the impression he was the one that had arranged it an didn't tolerate any contradiction in the matter.


"Well..., let's just say that there are certain people that might try to grab or hurt one, or the both of you, for that matter..." The man said.

Gwen frowned her brows a little, why would anyone want to hurt them?

"Mez'ra will inform you about everything, but do us and your mates a favour...., and listen to what she tells you, that goes for you to..." He said with a compelling look at his mate, who rolled her eyes at him.

A buzzing sound suddenly emerged from the middle of the table, at the same time a glass-like screen appeared from the table top.

Gwen recognised Bors, Kadi's right hand, or Bèta, as Kadi had introduced him back on the ship, as his face appeared on the screen.

The news he brought wasn't very encouraging, that night three of the border guards were ambushed and one of them had been killed in a viscous attack. They still had no idea who was behind the attacks, but it had to be an inside job.

Varlan and his team had recently developed a new shield with a rotating frequency to prevent liquid bullets from reaching their victims, the rotating frequency shattered the bullet casings, preventing the liquid wolfbane from reaching its target and vaporizing at a reasonable distance. No one knew the guards were already using these shields.

Yet one of the guards was killed by the wolfsbane bullets...

The man with the buzz cut hair, Varlan, as he'd introduced himself, cursed out loud and jumped up, making his chair flying backwards, and swiping everything of the table with one aggressive movement of his large bulky arms. Gwens jumped up a little by his violent action and she felt her heart beat erratically.

This was the first time she'd seen such monstrous rage in a person's face, and it scared the hell out of her.


"Both of you know what this means!"

He leaned with both of his hands on the table, trying to control his rage. Gwen saw the other two men nod, their eyes were blazing pools of fire as well.

"Dargan, you take Kadi and take care of the borders... Varlan, I know you trust your team..., but take Ivac with you, and interrogate all of them... this... was... an... inside job!! I'm going to find out if some of the other alpha's have some intell on this..."

This time it was Kyrenn, the man with the wavy hair, talking. He turned his attention to the three women.

"Mez'ra, make sure you keep these two save..." Nodding in the direction of Randi and Gwen.

"... and don't go near the borders, best stay in town until we know more... If they get their hand on both of them, we're screwed!"

In the corner of her eye, Gwen saw Dargan get up and making his way over to Randi. He cupped her face and kissed her gently.

"Listen to Mez'ra, okay?" His voice sounded gravely but gentle, she saw a deep blush appear on Randi's face, her eyes started to sparkle and she nodded.

Varlan had also made his way over and was standing behind her friend, and as Dargan stepped away from her, Gwen saw Varlan bending over so he could also kiss his mate, and she felt a little voyeuristic, witnessing this intimate moment, between her friend and two of her mates.

Gwen saw Dargan turning to her.

"When we're done, I'll make sure your mates will be back here as soon as possible, there are a few things the three of you have to discuss."

Dargan turned around to walk away, but she saw he remembered something and turned back to her.

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot, but welcome to our family, Gwen. I hope those mates of yours will make you happy..." He cupped her face and kissed her on the forehead and gave her a genuine smile.

Gwen felt a warmth in her heart and tears stung her eyes, the sincere gesture of the big rough-looking man had touched her and she felt genuinely welcome.

"Thank you..." Gwen whispered, and she looked at Randi, who looked at her with a big smile.

After they said goodbye to two of the men, Kyrenn was the last one to leave. He gave Randi the "all clear" to rearrange their new bedroom which would be in the attic and told the three of them to to tidy up the spare room, or two rooms, if Gwen would rather have a room to herself, then left after he kissed his mate.

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