Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 13.


Ohh fuck, ohh fuck! What the hell am I doin'?

Gwen found herself in a spacious and nicely furnished room, with an extremely large bed on her right. On her left was a closed door, presumably leading to the adjoining bathroom, and across the room was a large window with black wooden slats. She wasn't able to take a look at the view though, as Kadi already closed the slats a short while ago, when he had left Ivac and her alone to get a little acquainted.

Kadi felt his mate's emotions shift from nervousness to fear the moment she and Ivac entered the room, and he turned around to face her. Comforting people wasn't something he was used to, especially women, whom he had always despised, but his mate's fear evoked an instinctive sense of protection inside him, he didn't think he possessed.

Even though Kadi had actually forced her to mate and mark, the moment his hands held her face and she looked up at him, a sense of security embraced her. The fear in his mate's eyes immediately made all his sexual feelings disappear, and all he could think about at that moment was to hold and comfort her until she felt safe and relaxed again. Over his mate's head, his eyes met those of his brother, who nodded reassuringly. Kadi pulled her closer, wrapped his arms tightly around her body, and he felt her hands grip his shirt to squeeze even more against his body.

"Calm down, Gwen. We're not going to force you into anything, you're not comfortable with. Look..., for what it's worth... I'm sorry for being such a complete and utter asshole back on the ship."

‎And he pushed her back a little, so he could look at her. This was way out of his comfort zone, but somehow the words just seemed to pop into his head and roll over his lips without a doubt.

‎"With Ivac's help, I'll try to be the best mate I can be, and you deserve. I'm not a nice guy, never been, but for you..."

Kadi swallowed, this was so far from his usual behaviour.

"... but for you I'll change..."

He saw his brother almost choking at his words.

"I said, I'll change for her, dipshit!! Not for you!"

This made Gwen turn her head to see what was happening behind her, just in time to see Ivac burst out laughing.

Ivac looked at Gwen's bewildered face.

"I'm sorry my dear mate, but when I hear my brother talk like that... Well, let me put it this way..., I don't know what you did to him... to become a real man, instead of the incredible ass of a caveman that he was." He snickered.

"Fuck you, Ivac..."

The bickering between the two brothers, Kadi's arms around her, lifted the tension and fear a little and she couldn't suppress a grin.

"I'm glad you see the fun in it..."

Kadi's said when he saw his little mate's smiling face and his heart skipped a beat, he placed a hand on her cheek to turn her face back to him.

"Are you ready?"

Though she was still afraid of it, Gwen nodded.

When Kadi marked her it was during sex, and she wasn't sure if this was the intention this time as well. Although she was clearly attracted to Ivac as well, he was still a stranger, a very handsome, friendly stranger with whom she felt safe, but her stomach churned nevertheless.

Meanwhile, Ivac had closed the door behind them and waited for Kadi to have released a little tension from their mate. Seeing their mate relax in his brother's embrace, a nasty sting crossed his chest, he would have done anything to make her relax with his touch, but he knew he had to be patient, first he had to mark her. Only then she would feel the mate bond with him as well.

As soon as Kadi felt, Gwen's tension had faded a little, he released his grip on her body and turned her around, so she was facing his brother.

"Close your eyes, Gwen, and trust us. We won't do anything you're not comfortable with."

Her eyes looked up at Ivac and to her surprise she saw a glimpse of uncertainty flash through his eyes and gave him an uncertain smile. So she wasn't the only one who was so nervous..., this gave her the courage she needed, and she closed her eyes.

His heart pounded in his chest. What if she suddenly decided to reject him? Her fear had not gone unnoticed, and he didn't know what to do until Kadi turned to face him. An uncertain smile appeared on her face and she did as Kadi told her...she closed her eyes.

Kadi's reassuring nod was just the nudge he needed, and Ivac gently grabbed her face with both of his large hands, covering almost her entire face. At seven feet tall, he towered over her, and had to bend down to kiss her.

A shiver ran down her spine as she felt his hands around her face and caught her breath, but when he kissed her, all the fear she'd had before vanished.

Gwen felt Ivac's tongue slip into her mouth and a warm feeling appeared in her chest, this felt so good...

Slowly, Ivac's hands slit down her neck to her breasts, where he grabbed them both. His hands were replaced by one of Kadi's, which grabbed her chin and neck from behind. Bowing her head so exposing her neck and his mark, his tongue stroking her neck and mark.

The feeling of Ivac's tongue in her mouth and Kadi's lips on her neck created an incredible heat in her abdomen, which spread to her core, a moan welling up in her throat. This was for Ivac, the signal to grab her hips and lift her up.

Without hesitation, Gwen wrapped her legs around his waist, causing her lower body to slide over his swollen crotch. Being pressed against the hard bodies of both men from front and back, she could clearly feel their sexual arousal, further fuelling her own arousal.

Meanwhile, Kadi had taken a firm hold on her breast, carefully kneading them.

While Ivac's hands were holding their mate up, his hand slit down her shirt and raised the hem a little up, making sure, his fingers teasingly stroke the skin of her belly and side, causing goosebumps to appear all over her body.

Gwen pulled her head back a little, to catch some air, when Kadi pulled up her shirt a little and his hands teased her skin. Her breath hitched, and she wasn't able to hold back the moan that formed in her throat.

"Want me to go further?"

His voice sounded husky, causing her to pant. With her eyes still closed and unable to speak, Gwen just nodded.

"Lift your arms..."

Still wearing one of his shirts, made it easy for Kadi to take it off, and before she knew it, her upper body was bare. The feeling of her naked back against their clothed torsos made her shiver. This felt so damn hot!

"Hold her up, will you..."

Seeing her naked skin, there was nothing more Ivac wanted, than to feel her bare skin pressed against his naked one.

Feeling Kadi's hands slipping underneath her spread out thighs, caused the heat between her legs to intensify and her pussy was throbbing.

"You realise we can smell you?" Kadi whispered in her ear, his voice hoarse with desire.

A blush appeared on her cheeks and spread to her neck. No she hadn't thought about that, besides it wasn't something she had any control over, and with wide open eyes Gwen looked at the half naked man in front of her.

His eyes were hooded with desire, and Gwen felt both aroused as well as intimidated by the look of his gorgeous body.

Ivac had the same broad, muscular shape like his brother, the only difference was where Kadi had tattoos all over, Ivac had none, and just like Kadi, Ivac had hairs on his forearms and she saw a V shaped hairline, disappear in this waistband, and she swallowed hard.

Ivac took over again, and pressed her thighs firmly against him, so both of them were able to feel each other's arousement.

"Nothing will happen today..., I will mark you, but we're not going to mate..."

Gwen, cocked her head a little to the side. Did she hear this right?

"Trust me, if I say, there's nothing more I'd rather do, than mark and mate you..., trust me... But I'm not going to rush it. Right now, the only thing we're going to do is getting you aroused, so the marking will be as painless as possible."

His voice sounded gravely and hoarse, Gwen new he was just as hot as she was, but hearing him ensuring her nothing was going to happen made her relax and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Behind her, Kadi had also taken off his shirt and cupped her breasts from behind, pressing his now bare chest to her back, although he really wanted to bury himself deep inside of her, he allowed Ivac to set the pace. He would take a cold shower after they were done..., it's what he had done for the last couple of weeks. At least he was able to hold her again, smell and taste her again, one or two days delay he could handle, he had to...

Both men played her as if she were some kind of violin and teased her with their hands and lips, their hands were all over her.

The feeling of their naked bodies against her own bare, sensitive skin, caused goosebumps run up and down her body nearly making her moan out load, and waves of pleasure took away the rest of the restraints she had, surrendering completely to both of them.

Ivac fingers teased the insides of her thighs as he held her up, turning her panties from damp to soaking wet, Kadi's hands were kneading her breasts and nibbling at her neck.

They slowly worked up to the point for Gwen to orgasm, and when Ivac sensed she was about to come, he buried his face in her neck. The moment she came he marked her, almost cumming himself.

He needed an ice cold shower, he grinned to himself, and looking at his brothers' face, he probably wasn't alone.

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