Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 10.


Both Kadi and Ivac were caught by surprise by their father’s growls and turned around to face them, thinking they were pissed off by some kind of disturbance.

To their astonishment, they see both men rushing towards Kadi’s ship, but what caught their attention was Dargan’s major change. This change only happened when their father was furious or in danger, but somehow his growl didn’t sound mad, rather a…, triumphant roar.

Looking in the direction both men were heading, they saw a little riot between a woman and one of Kadi’s pack members. In the corner of their eyes, they saw their third father, racing in the same direction his brothers did, fangs elongated and claws out as well.

Kadi and Ivac looked at each other, what the hell? The it suddenly dawned on then, ... No way, this couldn’t be, could it? The goddess had given them a mate as well?!

Randi felt the man stiffen by the loud roaring, but was too preoccupied to get free from his grasp to realize what was going on. Not until the guy let go of her and stepped away, hands slightly raised and head bent down as in submission, she turned around towards the sound.

Her breath hitched, and she felt her heart skip several beats in fear. Two enormous creatures rushed in her direction as if they were ready to attack, their fangs were blinking in the sun, one of them even had an actual muzzle.

Never in her entire life, had she been more scared than at that same moment, and she stepped backwards only to lose her balance, inelegantly landing on her ass. Before she could get up, the two men were with her. On her bottom, she tried to slide away from them but to her shock and horror, she bumped into something hard and when she looked behind her, she saw a third giant with teeth and claws standing behind her.

The blood drained from her face and she felt nauseous with fear, oohhhh god, they were going to kill her…

She raised her hands in a dismissive gesture.

“Please, don’t hurt me…” She whispered, her voice trembled.

The creature with the muzzle, slumped to one knee, and stretched out its clawed hand, Randy closed her eyes and couldn’t suppress a sob, expecting an excruciating pain from the sharp nails, but to her surprise, the claw stroked her cheek gently.

“...Tah’dit aname...” It growled, and although Randy had no idea what it meant, she realised he had no intention of harming her.

Carefully she opened her eyes and looked into the creature’s eyes, they were the most beautiful steel grey eyes she had ever seen, her heart skipped a beat, and she felt a warm glow go throughout her whole body. What the hell…?

All of a sudden, the other one that was in front of her as well, dropped to one knee, snook one arm around her waist, the other under her legs, and pulled her against him with one fluid movement. Without any apparent effort, he got up with her in his arms, turned around and headed off, flanked by the two others. Not a single word was spoken between the three of them, and yet they acted like they knew each other’s actions before they had even taken place.

The jitters she had felt when she’d looked into the creature’s eyes, she felt now with this man, the very moment he pulled her towards his body. What was wrong with her?

Secretly, hoping he wouldn’t notice, she looked up at his face, but the moment her eyes looked up at his, his gaze locked on to hers and her breath hitched. They were the same beautiful steel-grey eyes as the creature who’d kneeled in frond of her, and she felt her cheeks turn red, quickly she averted her gaze.

From underneath her eyelashes, she saw the third man, who’d been standing behind her, watching her intently. She looked back at him, her stomach started to swirl, and her heart started to jump up again, …his eyes ...

Her gaze darted back to the face of the man who was holding her in his arms,

Randy turned her body in a way, she was able to look at the creature walking on the other side of her. He just looked at her with his grey eyes, ... no…, this couldn’t be true...

Although the face of the creature was downright animalistic, because of the snout, certain facial contours were identical to those of the man holding her and also to the third man, all three looked very much alike.

“I’ll take care of the paperwork and then come straight to the Pack house.”

Kyrenn’s stomach flipped every time the woman looked into his eyes. He’d seen terror in her eyes and smelled her fear, but not anymore, now her eyes were showing surprise mixed with curiosity and disbelief.

“... Tah’dit aname...” To be able to say this out loud was a tremendous release, and chills ran down his body.

How could the goddess have managed to do this? An earthly woman, their mate, their soul mate... Kyrenn’s heart swelled again at the thought, and he grinned. He saw the woman recoil at his grin, which made sense, given that his teeth were still elongated.

Although, everything inside him screamed, NO, Varlan knew he had to hand the woman over to Dargan. Someone had to give their sons a heads-up, and warn Kadi, he wasn’t out of the blue yet. But first they had to deal with their own mate.

Because Dargan was in no condition to speak, being in his partial Lycan form, he was the one to take their mate inside the Pack house.

His stomach turned when the woman stiffened as his brother handed her over to him, to his relief, she relaxed immediately as his body touched hers.

When she looked up at him, it took all of his willpower to control his instincts to mark her, it was perfectly clear why Kadi had marked his partner without thinking, the urge to mark her and make her his was so incredibly strong.

Dargan buried his face in her hair, in order to try to get calm and regain a little more control. Whether it was because of his shivering body or her instincts, the woman raised her hand and placed it against the side of his head and pressed her head closer to his. A low rumbling emerged from his chest, instead of gaining more control, his instincts slowly took over little by little.

Both Varlan and Kyrenn sensed their brother’s inner struggle and knew they had to hurry or else Dargan’s Lycan side might take over and mark her before all three could do this at once. Not that it would be a disaster, but it wasn’t their way and Dargan would never forgive himself.

And although Varlan was just a few steps away from his sons, he turned around and rushed over to his brother.


His brother’s eyes were even more animalistic than he’d ever seen before, and for a second he wasn’t sure if the man was still in control, or his Lycan side had taken over. But Dargan turned towards him, and to his surprise he handed their mate over to him.

It took him every ounce of willpower to hand his mate over to his brother, and when he finally had, he turned his back towards them in order to regain control, ... this was close...

Randy saw the man turn his back to her, his breathing was heavy and jagged, the muscles on his back, shoulders, and neck were tight, and his claws kept clenching. She felt the tension emanate from him, and though she had no idea why, Randy knew it was because of her.

They took her to a large mansion. The tall man who carried her the most set her down in what appeared to be a large study. He walked over to a black cabinet and took out what looked like a cross between an ear thermometer and a syringe, and walked over to her.

Randy,unconsciously, took a step back. The man pointer with his hand to his neck to indicate what he wanted to do and showed her the device. She looked at him questioningly, she wasn’t crazy, there may be a strange attraction between them, but that didn’t meant she just trusted him.

He said something to her, in their strange growling throaty language, and tilted his head to one side, he then touched his lips and gestured to her.

So, it had something to do with speech, that much was clear. Randy shrugged and stepped forwards, it wasn’t like there were a lot of options and if she wanted to understand what they wanted from her, best thing she could do was to go along. At least to a certain point…

As expected, it was a vicious, vicious jab right behind her ear, and she scolded softly. The man started talking to her again, still wasn’t able understand him, until suddenly…, a few words translated in her head and her eyes grew bigger. He started to grin, and his fangs clearly came out, the other one was still standing in front of a window, his back to them and arms folded, looking out.

All of a sudden the door opened, and the third man came in.

“Can she understand us?” She heard him say, and her eyes widened.

“Looks like it...” Said the man who’d given her the injection, and gave her a wide grin.

All three of them, turned to face her, and Randy never felt more ashamed than at that moment, three pairs of piercing gray eyes were set on her.

“Will you accept us as your mate...?” The third man looked at her, his head cocked side ways.

“I’m sorry, what...?” Had she understood this correctly? What the hell did he mean with “would she accept them as mates”? What did he mean, with “them”...

(Tah’dit aname; soul mate)

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