Three Brothers, Tales from another world (being re-edited)

Chapter 11.


“I'm sorry, I don't understand? What do you mean, "Will you accept us as your mate?"

Kenzi's voice sounded stunned and sharp at the same time.

What the hell did these men want of her?

She'd seen the bite mark on Gwens neck, and "questioned" Dox about it, when she was allowed out of the room at certain moments. At first he hadn't answered any of her questions, but Randy wouldn't be Randy, and finally he gave in, explaining a few things about the mating and marking part of their kind.

So she knew what he meant by being a mate, but he asked her if she would accept THEM.... So..., this meant she had a choice..., right? But did he really mean ALL THREE of them?

Kyrenn was aware she was referring to the "them" part of his question.

"You know what a mate is, woman?" Varlan, cut into their conversation with a harsh voice, by the goddess, she smelled so good...

"YES, I KNOW WHAT A MATE IS, THANK U!" Her voice laced with venom.

"And I have a name, other than woman...! Maybe that should have been your first question...!" She spat at both men.

Randy straightened her back and crossed her arms. If they were pissed with her attitude than, bad..., ...for them...

A dark growl interrupted any answers from the two men.

Although Dargan was amused by her feistiness, he needed an answer from her now. His instincts were on the verge, and he wanted to do nothing more than to stroll up to her and mark her, with or without her consent for that matter. He wasn't in the mood for verbal games. But he hadn't anticipated the feistiness of his mate, thought...

His growling, only fuelled Randy's irritation, and she strolled up to him.

With her head thrown back, she looked up at the 7.6ft creature, and although he looked incredibly big and terrifying, she definitely wasn't afraid of him any more.

If they wanted her as a mate, they had to come up with more than this monkey behaviour. Growling, at her..., not so...!

Seeing their mate strolling up, their brother, Varlan and Kyrenn, had to laugh inwardly at the little spunky thing. If she accepted them as her mates, they would be in for a lot of fireworks, this was one hell of a spitfire!

"If you think growling will work against me, you're wrong, buddy! All you'll achieve with this monkey behaviour is that it mostly pisses me off!"

Dargan bent his head to hers, bared his teeth and growled deeply.

No one spoke to him like this, not even his mate!

To his utter surprise, his mate was not at all impressed by his growling, quite the contrary. Instead of stepping back and bowing her head in submission, as anyone sane would have done, she stepped forward getting even closer to him, stretching her neck towards him, so her nose almost touched his snout.


Varlan held his breath. Their mate was really pushing the boundaries with his brother. Didn't she realize she was provoking him like that?

What am I doing?

Randy was startled by her own behaviour. But his growl had somehow irritated and intrigued her at the same time, and she wasn't about to bow to anyone. That's why she'd been beaten by the guy who wanted to hide her in his room. He tried to "break" her, until she would be an obedient little girl.

Although she subconsciously knew that this was different, she wanted to make it clear to him, she wasn't the obedient type.

The only annoying thing was..., now that she was standing so close to him, her abdomen filled with fluttering butterflies and a heat spread all over her lower body... Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen!

Although he got mad at the little woman in front of him, he couldn't deny that her daring attitude, at the same time, excited him tremendously, and just as he tried to put her on trial, his nostrils were filled with her arousal.

With all the willpower he had left, he straightened his back and stepped back, his breath gasping and racing, and his clawed hands trembling. By the goddess!! Just let her say if she would accept them as mates...

Watching him suddenly tense up and stepping away from her, it hit her that he could probably smell her arousal, and her cheeks reddened, therefore she stepped back as well and turned to the other two men, not knowing what to do or say next.

The silence was lingering in the air, Both Varlan and Kyrenn were dumbfounded by their brother's behaviour until a whiff of her scent came their way...

Neither one of them was able to withhold their grin.

"You're right, woman... I should have asked for your name first, but for now, we need to know whether you'll accept us or not. I'm afraid my brother won't be able to control himself much longer." Nodding towards a very agitated Dargan.

Although her smell had him aroused as well, Kyrenn didn't have that primal instinct of marking her like Dargan did, and he could wait, but he was fully aware of his brother's struggle.

Sure, they could mark her without her consent, it wasn't like the female would know, it wasn't the proper way. But the three of them wanted her to be their mate out of her own free will, and not because she was forced to into it. Not that they spoke about it, they just knew, they felt the same way about it...

"So I have a choice...?" Randy cocked her head a little.


"But if I reject you, then what? What will happen? Will you force me..., hurt me?" Dargan, growled, how could she think they would hurt her!

"No! We wouldn't hurt you, we could never hurt you! You are our mate! GOOD GODDESS, WHAT DO YOU TAKE US FOR!"

Varlan's words came out sharper than he wanted too, but her words angered both him and Dargan. Didn't she understand they would never hurt her, no matter what decision, she would make?

Randy swallowed, the harsh tone of his voice scared her a little.

"This may sound like a surprise to the three of you..." She turned to look at Varlan.

"... but we "humans"..., don't have mates... So, I'm sorry if I'm not reacting the way you expect me to." She held up her hand, to cut him off, when she saw he wanted to react.

"Before you say anything else..., Yeah..., I do feel something, I'm not going to lie about it..., but..., this is all pretty overwhelming and scary at the same time. Out of the blue, you ask me if I want to accept the three of you as my mates... Do you have any idea what this means? I mean, I don't know if it's a common thing around here, a person having three mates, but we're I'm from it sure as hell isn't!"

She swallowed hard.

"I know being a mate a bit more than a Platonic relationship..., and trust me..., being mated to three men is frightening! Hell! The three of you are intimidating, believe me...!"

A lump formed in her throat and her sight started to become a little blurry, and she pushed her nails into the palm of her hand. Everything that happened over the past few weeks, her so-called death, the beatings, the sexual assault, finally took their toll, now this. Being so close to these men somehow made it difficult for her to push away all the painful emotions. No, no, no! She wasn't going to cry!

All of a sudden, she felt a hand gently grabbing the back of her neck, and when she turned her head a little, she saw a man standing behind her.

Though his sharp-toothed snout was gone, she recognized him, it was the creature who had knelt before her. Her heart skipped a beat, he was handsome in a very rough and animalistic way, when she looked into his eyes she somehow calmed down a little.

Turning her head back, she was surprised to see the other two men were now standing close to her as well.

How they could get to her so quickly, without a sound, was a mystery to her, but now that they were so close to her, she could look them in the eye too, and her heart skipped a beat.

"I'm really scared... Why the hell do you want me as a mate? I mean, there are so many beautiful, and younger women, I'm a nobody..." Her voice was soft and small.

"Don't lower yourself like that. The goddess has chosen you for us, not some young girl, there's nothing wrong with you..., you are our missing piece." His voice sounded dark and raw, like gravel, very different from his brothers.

"We're not really young men either, I don't know if you noticed, but you will complete all three of us separately, but also together, in a way no beautiful, young puppy could ever do." Varlan gently stroked her cheek.

"And as you complete us, we complete each other, with you as the binding factor. I don't know if you notice, but neither of us has uttered a word out loud..." Kyrenn was the first to notice.

They had never been able to hear each other's thoughts, let alone be able to talk with their minds.

Feeling each other's emotions, yes, but be able to communicate wordless..., no.

In the old days, when the lycan blood still flowed strongly through the veins of the Qas'qiari, brothers and especially twins were known to do so, but nowadays..., not any more.

It was probably due to the combination of Dargan and their partner that allowed them to do exactly this again, meaning she was really their partner, the real Luna of their pack.

Randy sight, she didn't even know these men, but somehow she felt the connection, the so-called click

"Even though I'm scared as hell, and I have no idea what you'll expect of me, I'll accept you..., as my mates..."

Her voice sounded small, but it didn't matter, all three of them heard her, like she yelled the words!

Dargan wasn't able to hold back his relief, he threw his head back and let out a bone chilling and deafening howl, Kyrenn and Varlan followed him a second later.

Their whole pack should know, they had a new Luna!

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